5th Race [5th Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-19

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5th RACE1 anil iiMvnr IIS l Claiming Ilainllcap CRACK 0 DAWN ch h 5 114 114Trainer By Tho Manager Shuck H by J an Bereand BereandBreeder Trainer T E Crist Owner T E Crist Breeder W C Goodloe 68288 Jefferson 1 11C 1 MG fast 6 106 1 2 1 2 H Thurber 4 Rest Pal Fantovhc RlarStone 68249 Jefferson 1 1S 1 54jfast 95 117 4 1 I2 I1 H Thurber 5 Ramkin Normal Billy Barton 68155 FGrnds 1 l40mud 1C 101 3 1 32 3 R Doyle T STKoan T Vitchet TheArcher 68191 FGrnds 1 l42 = ihvy 1 107 1 1 1679GG 2l 32 H Thomas C Calcutta Vennie Iady Inez 679GG FGrnds Im70y l44ifast 6 110 1 2 2 E l E Pool S Louis A Rama Servitor 67880 FGrnds 1 116 l46fast 41 115 4 2 RS fn 13 Scobie 7 Louis A Wynnewood Episode 67711 FGrnds 1 116 l46ifast 4 115 4 G J EpisodeJ Scobie 7 Wynnewood Servitor R Rools 67585 FGrnds 1 1S l53 ifaat 31 116 3 2 11 1 ° E Scobie 5 Fanniellean IrishKiss Wapiti 67321 FGrnds 1 116 l4S7iuood 41 118 1 1 1G7385 31 I1 E Scobie 11 Ramkin Ainoiknnltoy Servitor G7385 Jefferson 1 116 l4C ifast 3 105 4 1 1RAMKIN 1 1 G Mein 9 Servitor RelgnQun Bridesman RAMKIN ch g 5 104 104Trainer By Olambala Carinya by William the Third Trainer A S Woodliffe Owner L Leibl LeiblG8249 Leibling Breeder R T Wilson G8249 Jeffoison 1 1S l54fast 95 HO G 5 2 B Harvey Ii CoDawn Normal I 08030 FGrnds Im70y l44fast 7 KiO 4 6 42 3 A Wilson 7 Servitor Sea Cove Fannie Bean Bean2s 67882 FGrnds 1 116 l47ifast 165 113 6 3 2s 1 A Wilson G Tody Consort Doughnut 67734 FGrnds 1 116 IMC fast 7 112 S S 7nv Doughnut7nv 71 c Lang S IrishKiss PastoralSwain Taior 07648 FGrnds 1 1S 53 fast 7 107 1 2 3 3 i C Lang 5 IrishKiss Wapiti Fannie Bean 67521 FGrnds 1 116 4Sigood 8 109 5 C Ci70y 4 2 C 1ang 11 CoDawn AmiTItoy Servitor i70y 45 45sfast = sfast 7 112 4 3 31 1J C Lans 11 Maylloborls Deep Sinker Gem 67309 Jefferson 1 1S 56 fast 6 112 6 6 C 5s J Merimee G Matinee Idol Dr Jim Dimples 67240 Jefferson Im70y 47 good S 103 7 8 8GG989 S 7 ° J Merimee 8 Goaler Dimples Matinee Idol GG989 Jefferson 1 116 4S fast 6 113 5 4 2 n J Merimee 7 Trooper Carnarvon On High 66891 Jefferson 1116 47fast 5 103 1 5 7 7i J Merimee 7 Fantoche GrassTree Cliatugaj 66212 Empire 1 1S 55 = ifast 3 107 4 3 2i 1i E Taplin C Iluoncc Thornhedge LdUerbert LdUerbertBy RUNQUOI ch h 5 IOC IOCM By Runnymede Pourquoi by Star Shoot Trainer G M Johnson Owner L Kay KayIm70y Breeder A B Spreckels 68207 FGrnds Im70y 145 good 21 9S 3 2 21 22 J Wallace 7 Servitor Episode Harry B 6809 J FGrnds 1 31G 200good C 109 G 2 li 2n J Wallace G Fantocho Episode AmericanRoy 68029 FGrnds 1 116 lJ7 = fast 20 303 3 3ImOy S 2 21 J Wallace G Valor Gem Cap Rock 679GG FGrnds ImOy l44Hfast 15 10 3 4 C5 7 i C Lang 8 Louis A Rama Servitor 67775 FGrnds 1 116 l47fcfast 8 103 4 5 41 4 C Lang 5 AmcrinRv Servitor Olyntlms 6672G DadePrk 1 1S 152 fast 4 103 2 1 3 32 E Petzoldt 0 Radio United Verde LadyAstor 66681 DadePrl 1 l39Vifast 3 101 1 1 1 3h T Burns 7 LvAstor Isosceles UnitedVetde 66615 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast 6 98 1 1 I1 1i J CorcoranlO Sway Cap Rovk Plus Ultra 66553 Latonia 1 1S l52 = fast 7 109 4 1 I5 2 F Smith S ParMaid RlarStone Georgette C6482 Latonia 1 1S l52Hfast Cl 102 C 1 1 6J J Heupel 10 Iidy Astor Raigneur Radio RadioBy HARRY B ch g 6 103 103Trainer By Jim Gaffney Flying Frances by Planudes Trainer J B Partridge Owner W M Cain Breeder D W Scott ScottZ 68207 FGrnds Im70y 143 good 185 106 4 Z 3i 4s B Harvey 7 Servitor Ruminoi Episode 68151 FGrnds 34 114 mud mudOH 10 IOC 4 3 i 2 j Crcoran 4 HidJtwel Vnlimoter olande OH 11 2 FGrnds 34 l12 fast G 113 7 31 2 H Thurber 9 WolfsCry HidnJewel Hadriar 68070 FGrnds 34 ft hvy 5 109 1 3 3 31 L McDott 7 TipWiUlur SeaCove CIIenrj 07985 FGrndH 34 l12 fast 20 111 9 S 71 6 i R Doylo 10 Honor Man St Allan LEffare 67900 FGrnds 34 l32 fa l 30 IOC 2 4 6 G R Doylo 6 Translate LEffarc Centimeter 66782 DndePrk 1 1S l5Shvy 6 100 2 2 2l 22 E Petzoldt 4 EnsUside Iilly Star Merrimac 66740 DadePrk 1 l3S7 fast fastGG259 10 10S 1 G 4 4 E Petzoldt 8 EleanorS Merrimac SirTKcau GG259 Toledo 1 116 146 fast 35 110 2 1 I U E Petzoldt G Eulah F Kukliix St Paul CG179 UUiorne Im7ly l51 = islow C3 103 1 1 I2i 1i E Petzoldt G BlackRctty Eulah F Jacobina GEM b m u 105 By Berrilldon Emerald Gem by McGee McGeeTrainer Trainer J B Partridge Owner W M Cain Breeder W L tiartb tiartbG8268 G8268 Jefferson 34 114 fast 20 109 2 G 6s El L McDott 8 WolfsCry StAIlan SunnyGirl 68029 FGrnds 1 116 l47 = irast C 101 4 3 S 3 L McDott 6 Valor Runquoi Cap Rock 68007 FGrnds Im70y l4ifast 115 ICC 2 2 1 = 1 L McDott G Episode The Archer Canyon 67902 FGrnds 1 1S 353fast 95 93 2 2 21 2 J Chlmers 4 JkllareJr Fantoche RRarton 67753 FGrnds 1 l39fast 12 104 5 3 21 21 R Doyle 6 Auntie May Contour FanRean FanRean67G91 67G91 FGrnds 1 316 200fast 4 110 4 1 35 3 R Dnyle 7 Walnut Hall Rama Ballotcar Ballotcar6758G 6758G FGrnds 1 1lfi liSifast 5 106 4 3 21 1 R Doyle 9 SlippcrvEIm The Wit Jordan 67500 FGrnds 1 116 149 good 4 108 S C S Si E Smwod S Little Aromie Encrinite Kirah KirahG73G6 G73G6 Jefferson ImTOy l43 fast 115 104 9 4 42 4 J Owens 11 Ramkin MayRoberts DSInker DSInkerCG752 CG752 DadePrk 7S l31Hmud 28 303 3 5 7 7 A Roach S Golden Floss Repeater Bojul BojulVITAMIN VITAMIN b g 4 100 By Transvaal Incognita by Disguise DisguiseTrainer Trainer F T Miller Owner F T Miller Breeder Morris Walden 66492 Laurel 1 116 IMS jfast 26 107 G 7 El 5s J Wallace 8 DouCros3 KingJohn Cromwell 66320 Laurel 1 1S l53fast 22 100 4 4GG253 4 4 4f 4 i J Wallace r Clansman Trevelynn Luuettn LuuettnGG253 GG253 Laurel Im70y l45fast 61 103 5 8 SI C Lang 9 Colando Slippery Elm Servitor 66137 Laurel 1 l43good 195 110 2 3 1 C Lang 7 Klern WkGrass WofCtman 63301 Devshire Im70y 143 fast 41 110 4 61 G51 J Penlver 7 Jewell V D Topmast Griselua 62230 Thclilfe 3m70y l44 fast 10 97 97IG2174 711 R Flynn S Sword Merrimac Eleanor S IG2174 Thncliffe 1 116 143 fast 13 93 6i C Rails 7 MkOrange Planet RygoneDaya 61G83 Pimlico 34 113 fast IS 105 6 4 U I1 J Chalmers 8 DbleCross SunBrae TPrurin

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021901/drf1923021901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923021901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800