untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-28


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•bhutI 1ft 1 PARLAY Oft 1 OF JULY 24 1U-1 rs0|.LkLvr £U-1 WAS A GOES MAY 7 WINNER We dont have these very often, but we generally have very good luck with them. Now. on May 7 we will have a TWO -HORSE WIN PARLAY which will be sent BY MAIL to all who subscribe for it. Our price for NEXT ONE tlis information is , and we believe that the parlay i£E SHOULD WIN AND PAY AT LEAST 10-1 DONT MISS *° ac* E0 sure are we tnat we ■" have two winners at fair odds, if the parlay we mail you does not prove a winner and PAY 10-1 AT LEAST OUR NEXT we will MAIL YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE The TelegTaph Handicap Weekly CDTPTAT for six weeks »n i also our REGULAR 5Cc. HANDICAP SHEET AND arXAjln±i PARLAY FOR SIX MONDAYS. Better enclose 10c. stamps or coin ■MATT PAPT AV with your %2 for special delivery. DONT PUT OFF sending for this par- ttlnilt ■* UU I lay. Be sure and write your name and address plainly. Send today ■»/r A-y 17 and just say, "For your special parlay by mail." sekbToday The Telegraph Handicap I TEMPLE COURT BUILDING - - - CHICAGO, ILL. Another Sleeper Wakes Up VIGIL 8.50-, WON The above is a sample of the kind of winners you can play when you become a Home Stretch customer. The Home Stretch is a weekly racing paper that sells for 15 cents on all first-class newsstands where Racing Form is sold. If your newsdealer is one of the few that has not started selling the Home Stretch we will send you the paper for three months in plain sealed envelope first clsas mail. Address all communciations to HOME STRETCH PUB. CO. tfii PHELAN BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JOE McCARTY Saratoga Springs New York Expert racing information right from the track. FLAT PLAY WON AT BOWIE Also at Havre de Grace. Wire name to Baltimore address for several ■ 1 unusual Pimiico specials. 816 CATHEDRAL ST., BALTIMORE, MD. . WILL HELP YOU PICK THE WINNERS He is 6 inches high, in old gold ; smiling at you through his golden horseshoe, standing on his §IMP-0-LUCK four-leaf clover pedestal. .00 brings him, his Magic Wishing Rules and one selection. ALL FOR TWO DOLLARS. Address IIVO/ I I TtfK* P. O. Box 267 Cleveland, Ohio ■ , | HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway and 52nd Street I ROOM 407-8 New York City, N. Y. TELEPHONE: CIRCLE S790 TODAY! P. S. — The general public Is warned again, in their own interests, not to fall prey to Impostors, who giTe wrong horses as "Harvey transactions,4 but to deal direct with this office. PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS. Do you invest in the racing game? Have your investments in the past proven profitable 1 If not. you had better consult me. because the racing game is my business and I honestly believe that I can help you to become A PROFIT SHARING INVESTOR. Here are some of tha investments my clients were advised to make recently: Fridays investment: CALIGULA .90- AVON Thursdays investment lost. Wednesdavs investment: BOLSTER *8.60- WON Tuesdays investment: STAR REALM 6.60- WON Mondays investment: POOR SPORT .50- WON All my horses on file in advance with Daily Racing Form. Right here I wish to state that I advise but ONE HORSE A DAY. Excepting rome days when I get late word from my track representative on something extra special. I include same in mv wire without any extra cost to my clients. NEVER MORE THAN TWO HORSES ANY DAY. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS and the results above speak for themselves. Its up to you. Why not become a profit sharing investor? Dont delay — start today. My fee — 0.00 for one days service: 0 00 for six days, payable in advance; no propositions. 8. W. HAMILTON. No. 5 Columbus Circle, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. SPECIAL DIRECT INFORMATION from Lexington. There will be plenty of good things going over at this meeting at good prices. I am in a position to send you reliable information. I have been informed of a horse starting on Wednesday, May 2 This horse has been smartly prepared by one of the shrewdest trainers on the ground. Connections expect to win the largest bet of their live* on this horse. TERMS — Winnings of a ten dollar bet to be l wired to me after horse wins. JACK KRIM PHOENIX HOTEL LEXINGTON, KY. Throughout the Kentucky meetings w* will be prepared to send you REAL LIVE WIRES Our daily wire is obtainable for twenty-five dollars per week plus wire charges. Get in touch immediately with MANNS AND KELLY G14 WALNUT ST. CINCINNATI. OHIO LEXINGTON RACES Col. J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER. 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU. 0 FOR ANY TEN DAYS Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. Phoenix Hotel, -:- LEXINGTON, KY. SLINGERLANDS MASTER WINNING SYSTEM Copyrighted Gives one best bet a day. Capital required to start. 5 or 0. Eliminates loosing conditions. Flayed to win 0 a day it made over ,000 at Tijuana from Jan. 1 to April 1. Over 00 at Mobile. Over 00 at Bowie and to date more than 75 at Huntington and over 0 at Havre de Grace. Let me tell you more by mail about by guaranteed to win and easy payment plan. G. S. SLINGERLAND, 1718 Lock-port Street. Niagara Falls. N. Y. ■ 1 . TWO LIVE ONES TODAY ALL IT COSTS IS 60 cents— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50 cents Mailed direct one week, .00: two weeks, .00. -NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. I GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS, ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: H AVRE — Maine - Dark - House - Black. LEXINGTON — Maine - House - Ra in - Rain. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: Brookholt .70- Won WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: Episode 0.60- Won ALL READY FOR KENTUCKY TODAY GRAND OPENING LEXINGTON 0 FREE SPECIAL Here you are : you KNOW the Chiefs record on these 0 FREE SPECIALS: and. take it from me, that this is one of the SWIFTEST FILLIES that has carried racirg plates hereabouts. DONT MISS IT. Go right now to your newsdealer and ASK for GARS DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 CENTS, MAILED TWO WEEKS GAR PUBLISHING COMPANY 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. SOME PRINCIPAL DEALERS: Lexington, Ky. — Reinstein, Main and Lime Sts. Cincinnati. O. — Bey Pierce. 5th and Vine Sts. : W. Storey. 4th and CeDtral Ave. ; Bishow. 5th and Walnut Sts. St. Louis, Mo. — Wm. Laser. 705 Market St. Lobby. St. Louis, Mo. — Foster Book. 410 Washington St. Kansas City, Ricksecker. 9th and Walnut Sts. Louisville. Ky. — Eller and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. Indianapolis. Ind. — Moeslein. 112 Illinois St. Dayton, O. — Euphrat, 129 S. Jefferson St. Covington. Ky. — Gordon. 4th and Scott Sts. Toledo, O. — St. Clair newsstand. Sprinjfield, O. — Karg. 12 S. Center St. Milwaukee, Wis.— Kirby Hotel. 432 E. Water St. L00kT~B0YS, LOOK! THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM This system only had two losing bets at the last meeting at Bowie. The first seven days at Havre de Grace sxme system only had two losers out of eighteen bets. Last spring at Louisville and Lexington combined only had eight losers, including the best bets. SPECIAL NOTTCi: — For the next two weeks these systems will be only .00. Gentlemen, the best bets are worth 0.00. SYSTEM NO. 2. This No. 2 system is entirely different from th» old one. and picks more long shots than any on the market. Here are a few: Oaklawn Belle 2.80 Brown Check 8. GO Raffles 4 30 Pastoral Swain 2. 70 Star Realm . 6 60-52 Pennon 1.40- Arapahoe 3.60- Rama 4.10- High Gear 1.60- Midian 8.20- Episode 4.40- Shingle Shack 9.20- and a large number of others. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. Then, after you get them, and if they have not done just as I advertise I will gladly return your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CROSM AN BOX 26 PALMYRA. IND. NO PROFIT--NO PAY My system must yield an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of betting, or it does not cost you a cent. Sent on approval for on* weeks trial. Apply by mail only to J. K. WILLIS 948 Windsor Street :: :: Cincinnati, Ohio. l TURF SUCCESS Is ustmd by Wonderful New M.thod of Turf Speculation. Revolutionizes old ideas. As simple as adding two and two, bot a poiaitve. proven success. I FREE OF CHARGE Send No Money. Simply your nam* and address. and you will receive by return mail. Free of charge the Wonderful "Golden Key." to successful turf speculation and a Free sample copy of Kentucky Turf Success. The Great Kentucky Turf Magazine. success pub, co. touisvUla. Ky. THE TURF REPORTER OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTENCE. Heres the BEST. Costs no more than tha REST. Saturdays Special: No. 416: Book 960. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. If you want WINNERS at all LEADING TRACKS get NEW BOOK, on sale today. 35 cents at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies. . Todays Form Special: June-Plum-18-44-41-33. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago. TIL THE ONLY GENUINE CHIEF OBSERVER 101 West 42d Street. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. TODAYS FREE CODES: Havre: Maine-5-14-24. Lexington: Maine-3-22-2. The American Racing Manual for 1923 now on sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 FLXMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ELL* 157 -Jl*- EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. M. Y,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923042801/drf1923042801_12_3
Local Identifier: drf1923042801_12_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800