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Latest Training Gallops 252 LEXINGTON. Ky.. April 27. Todays training gallops here included the following: LKXINGTON. Weather clear : track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 249-Annie Lyle ...36 Generosity 36 Rnoom Dance 3«Vfe Hence 39 Bolivar 37% 249-Indian Trail .37% 250-D. Tomorrow 37% I ong Green ...37 97-Ranter 39 Martini 36% 84-Donges 37% Minium Vennie36% Flax 37% 250 Nassau 35 Florence W. ..39 Sophia Marie .36% Half Mile. Breakfast Call .52% 2.V -Gordon Shaw . .49% Babba Mary . . .52 251 -Hopeless 48% Bob Tail 52% 250 Honor Man ...47% Batler lp 52% 80 H. Graham ...50% 250-Be Good St King ONeil II. 50 Boy 0 Boy 49% 249 Kinburn 53% 249 - Beginners Luck49 fc 250 Lugs 49% 250-P.rush Boy 49, Leatherwood ...50% 250-IUossom Time 47% Malvern 49% 249-Betty Beall ...51 Malvin.i 49% 250-Bit of Green ..51% 74-Miss Maize 47% 250-Rlnck Servant 47% Peter Maloney 50 Black Satin ...50 Shure 51% Clarence jHi Sarah Klizabetli49% Cherokee Lee ..52% Sauce Susie ...50% 250-Copper Head ...49% 250 Sweetheart ...48 249 Courtview 49% 250 Tran late 49% 251-Despard 50% 37-Tomahoi 52% 211-F.scarpoIette ...51% 249 William A 50% 250-Fritz Ernest ..49% Five -Eighths Mile. 80-Huen 1 :0f S6-Jean. Bowdrel :01 % 57-Hullo 1:02% 177-Permarco ...1:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 249-Cap Rock ..1:14% 249-Lily M 1:17 250-Dearie 1:16% 250-OKelly 1:16% 204-Golden FlossLlS 95-P. G. Rrown.l:I4% Hermanee ...1:15% Palladium ...1:17% 92and-.Iack Gray ..1:21 54-S. of Pleasurel:19% 250 John Finn ..1:15 249-V. of Dreamsl:16% 97-K. Williams. 1:14% 51-Whitleather .1:17 One Mile. 251-Actnnry 1:42% Praise 1:45% 251-B. Believe Mel :41% 251-Minto II. ...1:39% 251 -Bet Mosie .1:41% 930-Napoo 1:42% 251-By Gosh 1:39% 65-Pequot 1:45% 249 Calcutta 1:51% 251-Iark Hill ..1:42% 69 Cukamo 1:49% 250 Playful Missl:44% 249-EveIyn Whitel:42% 087-Romania 1:43 249 John Hoshor.l:42% 249-Walnut Hall. 1:46 247-Kklevington 1:50% 250-W. Knows Mel 45 Mile and an Eighth. 47-Nurture 1:55% 250 Chaeolet 1:55% Nassau showed good speed. Blossom Time showed a fast gallop. Paul G. Brown and Kitty Williams worked nicely together. Boys Believe Me and Bet Mosie did a splqp-did work together. By Goshs work was exceptional. Actuary and Park Hill worked on even terms in good style. Black Servant showed rare speed. Minto II. did extra good work. NEW YORK. N. Y.. April 27.— Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following : BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. Aladdin 37 76 Pvil 41 70 Black Friday .41 Filomar 41 70-Billy Watts ..41 Hour More 37% Convent 40 249 John Garland .36% 249 Coue 40% 76 Kccnan 41 84 Cape Clear 40% 249 Mac OBoy ...39 69-Dream Maker .40% 250-Priscilla Riley 39 63-Diamond Dick .41 Spic and Span 40 Eaglet 37% Sheridan 37% Half Mile. 999 Pelcadia 50% 69-Muskallonge ..53% Dare Say 52 Rip 52 79 Little Chief ..51 Rano 52 Five -Eighths Mile. Blissful I:M 249 Fly by 1:06 84 Doitghoregan 1:11 90-Whirlwind .1:18% Three -Quarters Mile. 250 Cimbria 1:20% 250 Goshawk 1:14% 250-Cimra 1:20% 250 Whirlwind ..1:18% One Mile. 250 June Grass .1:45% Goshawk did a fine gallop well. June Grass is fit and ready. The Rancocas horses were out for light exercise and look fit and ready. JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. Damage 38 162 Mai. rice Mulhy38 250 Beverwyck 35% Pond Lilly 48 10~ -Good Time ...40 248 Red Mills 37% 249 Mike Morrisey 38 Stone Arabia .38 249-Mawrcoron ....37% Someiby 38 Half Mile. 250 Anr.e 50% 250 Ralco 49 250-Apology 50 248-Sapphire Sea 51% 250-Chief Flynn ..50% 250 Ticklish 50V. 250 Dicks Dai.ght.T49 5 .50-Wynnewood ...55% 249 Tr. of Umbria 53 Five -Eighths Mile. 249-Carmencita .1:0;.- 249-Reply 1:03% 250 Hullabaloo ..1:03% 249 Silent King .1:05% 249-Jocose 1 :03% Three -Quarters Mile. 250 -Brainstorm .1:16 251 Horologe ....1:21 251 -Hephaistos ..1:19 Ralco was not extended. Dicks Daughter is training well. Reply ran from the barrier. Brainstorm is nearing racing condition. Horologe looks good. HAVRE DE GRACE. Md.. April 27.— Todays training gallops here included the following : HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 245 Affectation ...35% 63 Grey Rard 39 241 - Canmore 35% 242-Julia M 38 Dazsler 36 249-Kadin 37 250-Fair Phantom .39 250-Ramshackle ...36 250-Fifteen Cents. .39 Sam Smith 39 Fleeting Ments4t! 244-Sunayr 37 24S-Courmand 39 Half Mile. 251-Bygone Days ..51 248 Dellahm 52 49-Barbary Bush .49% 251-Lunetta 51 249-Raby Grand ...51 250-My Play 53 245-Champlain ....52 250-Sailing B 51 81-Chickvale 49% 247-Troplcal Waters54 231-C. J. Craigmile49 251 Wraith 53 Five -Eighths Mile. Diadi 1:05 249 Missionary .1:06 244-Frank Monroel:04% 24S Scare Crow .1:07 250-Lucky Hour .1:09 249-Thorny Way. 1:03% Three -Quarters Mile. 251-Beach Beautyl:17% 251 Set lis Lemonl:18 243-Cote dOr ...1:17 249 Speedy Girl .1:18 250-Fly by Day.. 1:15 249-Superlative ..1:18 243-Persistence ..1:16 248-Thes aly 1:19 245-Pittston 1:18 217 Wrangle 1:15 248-Reprisal 1:19% One Mile. 94-Dunlin 1:42% 249-Thimble 1:47% ?43-Riff Bang ...1:57 244 Vacuum 142% Canmore worked easily. Champlain did not show his usual speed. Chickvale and Barbary Bush appear to be trained to the minute. Prank Monroe showed early speed. Thornyway was doing her best. Lucky Hour is training slowly. Seths Lemon was sent as fast as he could do. Wrangle Is showing fine improvement. Fly by Day showed speed all the way. Persistent seems to be a good maiden with plenty of speed.