Lexington Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-03


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I Lexington Form Chart LEXINGTON. KY.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. 1923. One mile. Fourth day. Kentucky Association. Spring Meeting of 10 days. Weather clear. Stewards. S. C Nuckol.s, Jr.. A. Q. L onard ami C. W. Hay. Placing Judges. W. H. Shelley. N. H. Met Iclland and .1. S. Wallace. Starters. V. Sny.ier and W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary. W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. rn. Chicago time 3:15 i . ml. W indicates whip. S spars. R blinkers. Fig-MCa 1 in i :ir« in h»-- •-; following the distance of cadi race indicate date, track reccrd, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance. ftQkftzl TIBST RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 8. 1917— 1:11%— 6— 115. Purse ,000. 3-year-oids vJl/tlOT: and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 50; third. 5. | Index Ilorseg AWtlPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners E i iiv. Odds Strt . Uilt LADY GORHAJf wb I 106 3 3 l1 I* I»| B* II Cray Gorham Bros 193-100 4 8322 HONOR MAN wsb 7 112 7 9 S ". V 4 2 . N Ion! W Perkins 591-100 48655 V.OI. KS CRY w 4 111 4 4 2 P -"1 I" I Heupel ■ G Drumheller 57O-100 IMM illI.I.T PROOFwb 6 116 9 8 C 4i 3- P F Sharpo C P Shafer 47".-:Od BMl?*BOBBIB SHEA w 4 105 6 7 M*| M. ■:,. .-,- W Fronk liM-ma Rros i 1535 -100 1 69429 ELEMENTAL w 4 116 1 I P 6 fi. .. J Wallace S J Kelly t INN CAP BOCK w 4 lo8 11 10 PUN S1 7= A Wilson .1 R Sweeney 9130-1O0 ] 4 0380 DORY BUCKKSH w 4 107 I I I* B P| P W Kelsay C W Moore Jr IMS-Mil 1 | fiSIOO.NKUOAM wb 6 110 1 1 7 51 M* P J Corcoran S N Holrnan 1945-100 I 4.6348 = RUSTKM w3 99. 5 5 S B* 9 PR R Harvey .1 S Ward 1BN IN I j •14MN*LL i:VHI. L YN wb 4 114 10 11 11 11 11 11 T Brothers J t and C II Kecne 51X3-W0 iMutuel tield. Time, 22%, 47%. 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Lady Gorham. fo.W straight. . IM place. .10 show: Honor Man .00 place. .MI show; Wolfs Cry. .90 show. Equivalent booking odds— Lady Oorham. 19.7 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show. Honor Man. 130 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Wolfs Cry. 9.7 to KM show. Winner Ch. f, hy Frizzle — Mexilow, hv Mexican trained kj R. C Frakes; bred by Messrs. Gorham Pros. I Went to pos* at 2:1.7. At post 3 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third tile same. LADY COKHAM. showing high speed, raced into a good lead at once and set a fast pace, but was tiring in the stretch and had to be shaken up in tin? last sixteenth. HONOR MAN b-gan slowly, but closed an immense -gap ami was going fastest at the end. WORKS CRY ran a good race, but tired near the end. BULLET PROOF raced gamely, but tired in the last eighth. BOBBIN SHEA ran well. Scratched— 0S234lSun Brae, 112. Overweights- Dorothy Buckner. 1 pound; Rustem. 2%. IJQerOer SECOND RACE— 1-2 Kile. April 25. 1921— 47%— 2— 114,. Purse ,000. 2-year-VtfllOu olds. Colts and Geldings. Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 75: second. 50: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSti % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ! ROOTS AND SHOES w 112 9 .7 2 I] 1« E Pool W Perkins 237 100 i FLAX w 112 10 4 B P 2i E Pater J S Ward K4S-M MUlQRKAT NORTHERN W 11] I I P :: ISD ConnT.v .1 W Parrish 010-100 ] .9496Wll, THI-; WIZAKDw 11J .7 S 61 4 4 M Carier D Rreckinridge £15-100 ! BALLOT BRUSH w 112 7 9 and 6= 5= H Cray RC Frakea 200J-100 i KEECAN w 112 I 4i 3; 6- R Kenndy B K Nichols NN MW 69496 SHINDY w 1151 1 1 2" 7- 71 H Kin;? F Peyton 45300-100 HATS FP v 112 2 7 7i S 8° T Murray W E Applegate BB By NOT O BOY w 112 4 .; 10 10 :i C Ponce ldl ! Hour Stock Fm Stb 1GS5-10H | MARTINI v 114 S 10 9 9 1 1 C Yeargin J E Smallwood t iMutuel field. Time. 24%. 43%. Track fast. niutuels paid. Roots and Shoes. 1923.sh.70 straight. .00 place. .40 show: Flax. 9.30 place. 0.00 show; Rreat Northern, .-70 show. I 1 Equivalent hooking odds — Roots and Sloes. 237 to 100 straight. 12-7 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Flax. 130.7 to loo place. 700 to 100 show: Rreat Northern. 125 to 100 show. , Winner - Ch. c. by Roots and Saddle Wishing Ring, by Dick Welles trained by W. Perkins: bred by . Mr. T. M. Murphy l. Went to post at 2:1.7. At i»ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BOOTH AND SHOES began from an outer | osit;ou. but was lucky in escaping interference and, | ra«-:ng into the lead, drew away in the stretch to win as his rider pleased. FLAX also had to begin from an .uter position, but set a fast pace to the la t turn and ran a good race. QRNAT NORTHERN j I vas lo e uj for the entire race. WII.MER THN WIZARD had a rough race in the early running. BALLOT RRCS1I ran well. KKEl.AN will improve. Scratched- March On. 112: MB* Klnir. 112. Overweights — Shindy. 3-j pounds; Martini. 2. £*CKQ£* THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 30. 1911— 1:42%— 3— 98. Purse 00. DuOoO 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: seoend. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSti %• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt1 419530* PKQlOT w 100 I 1 " "• 2i V l-,k J Corcoran Williams Bros lllw-lW I ttMN*JAKXN HAY wit 110 t ■. V- I* l1 1 1" I- McUott E C Walker 2:0-1 - . «;8575-*SRANUERER w 106 1 i i 4" V 31 G- W Fronk H F Bern 210-100 | C.H7K1 *Sl PERRCM w 107 2 ". 7 5 r. 4- 4 R Hraey C H Knebelkamp Plj-100 •MMPHBNOL w« 101 4 4 2» n» •". .7 T -Brothers I E Clark 4070-100 1 Time. 24%. 47%. 1:14%. 1:40%, 1:45. Track fast. mutcels paid, requot. 9.30 straight. .U0 place. $.7.70 show; Jakie Hay. .30 place. .00 show; Slanderer. .10 show. | Equivalent booking odds— Pequot. 130.7 to 100 straight. 29.7 to 100 place. 1S.7 to 100 show: Jakie Hay. 115 to 100 place. SO to 100 show: Slandenr. .7.7 to 100 show. Winner Ch. c. by Hilarious — Halesia, by Martinet trained by R. I. Williams; bred by Messrs. Williams Rrosl. Went to post at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: s-cond and third the vame. MBQUOT, well ridden, moved up rapidly after going three quarters and outstayed JAK1K HAY after a hard slretch drive. JAKIK HAY showed the most early speed and appeared badly beaten i in Hie stretch, but ame again near the end. BLAKDNNNN ran well and saved much ground on the turns SIIKRRLM ran poorly and was ridden wide all the way. PHENOL was done after going well for three purlers. : £JQCTQfT FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. May 8. 1917— 1:11%— 6 — 115. Harrodsburg Purse. Purse I 135yOO ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt % .• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 5Sfil4 JEANNE RWDRE w 4 105 S 1 1 1 1 V J Corcoran .1 O X- G H Keenu lS.t-100 ; ,01.70 CHAtOUST wb .7 105 C 8 «"« 2 21 2 J H Burke H P Headley 7:!5-10O . 66GI4 BR GOOD ws 4 103 1 2 2 V :, "■ T Brothers T W Mountjoy 1610-100 I •SSSS*PRRCK U8 LUIV w 4 105 :! I I* 7 41 4J H Kenndy A Baker 1925-100 I 66811 LILT M wb :: H| I 6 7: 6 r.u :, W Fronk J W Parrish LMOMOO I i .7X443 MY DEAR w « 10.7 4 9 9 9 $ I" J Heupel F Musante .717 100; j 68330 OHM w 5 105 2 7 ft 8 7 7" 1, McDott W M Cain 4kS,-i0 45763 F1NDAY w I 104 7 t 4 5 9 N C Stud, r W E Caskey 5820-100 419495 AUNTIE MAY w 5 HI 9 4 3H1 S !i W KhIsiv C T Worlhington RN-HV] Time, 23%. 47%. 1:12%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Jeanne Rowdre. $.7.00 straight. .00 place. .h0 show: Chacolet, 1923.sh.10 place, . SO show: Ho Ueod. 1923.sh.20 show. Ejuivalent l ooking odds — Jeanne Bowdre. ISO to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Chacolet. 203 to 100 pahe, 140 to 100 show: Re Rood. 210 to KM show. Winner- Ch. f. by Ruke Mcl.uke Black Brocade, by Neil Row trained by G. H. Keene; bred by Messrs. J O. and Q. H. Keene. Went to post at 3:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good ami slow. AVon easily: second and third driving. | IRANXN ROWDRK began fast and. showing high speed, set a swift pace and disK sed of her early contenders, but had to be shaken up in the last eighth to hold CHACOLET safe. The latter moved up w.th a ru-h after going three-eighths, but tired in the stretch. RE GOOD was a prominent contender from the start. PREC10FS l.l I. A came fast near the end. LILY M. ran well. AFNTIE MAY ! tired badly after going a half mile. ! Overweights— I. ily Mv 1% pounds. £QrQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. May 11, 1911— 1:37%— 5— 108. Mount Sterling Purse. Purse OjjOo© ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 5. Index Horses AWtllSti % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt : 66517 CHITTACONC. wb 107 3 11 H« 8 B l«| l3 W Kel.say J O and G H Keene 7SO-10C 63243 EVERHART w 104 10 3 B* 21 3J 2 V W Fronk J T Rooney tMOO-lOi 69495 WIDA w 110 9 1 3 4» 51 4- :.J A Yerrat T E Mueller 3170-10O 62833 ATlAR7" wb 104 12 4 1 l5 1 31 4- J Corcoran R H Andeison J30-100 66705 BR. TOMORROW wb 107 2 10 6s V 4 3nt ,v A Wilson Idle Hour Stock Fm Sib 230-100 68595 MISS MXI8B w 108 I 7 B B 91 61 6- E Pool W Perkins 713-100 | 66811 Il-ORD C.RANITE w 110 1 2 12 12 10 91 7: R McDott JH LttM hheim 271-100 61976 I.ARCHMONT wb NN| 4 9 4 7 6 81 8 T Murray I C Bradley C323-100 66449 POST HASTE w 110 3 6 r.u :U 7 7 91 J Heup-1 Callaher Bros 3683-100 6681 I TAYLOR HAY WHO 7 5 7 9 8 10 101 J Owens C W Hay t 63515 "PRAYlS WB BS| I 8 10 li- If 11 11- E F.it.ir V Wieland |BB-MI •1S7N*TRCN AMERICAN w 1061H 12 B 11 12 12 12 J Howard T - McDowell t tMutuel tii Id. ;»led " III Hit t J. T. Rxmcy and C. W. Hay entry. Time. 24. 47%. 1:14. 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Chittagcng. 7. Oil s.rjught. 0.*JO place. JS.MJ show; -I. T. Ixoney and C. W. Hay entry. 2.00 plaie. 3.00 show; Wida. S.90 show. Kquivalent booking ixlds Chittagong. 7sl to 100 siraight. 44.7 to 100 place. 340 to 100 show; J. T. Looney and C. W. Ray entry. 1030 lo 100 plain. BM to 100 show: Wida. MS to 100 show. Winner H. c. by I.uke McRukc Agnes Yirginia, Isy Sir Ri.vju trainei. by t;. H. Keene; bred by Messrs. J. O. and G. H. Keene I. W.-nt to post at 4:24. At post 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving CHITTA430NG, showing a tine performance, raced past the others from a slow start and. :ift,.r n liag interfcienco, cam- fast through the streich and won giing away. NTNNHART was lose up for the entire race and made a fast finish. WIDA raced frwardly and finished game!;,. ACTUARY tind after showing line sjieed in pa. cmaking to the stretch. NNM2HT TOMORROW suffered greatly from in crfer.n .-. LORD QRANITN was almost thrown at the lirst turn and had little chalice. POST HASTE quit. S.ialched MMSBJgfcl en Time. 110; M714 Captain Adams. 104. Overweights Miss Mrise. 3 iKiunls; Rirciimont. I-..; Prtiviis. 1 ■-_. ; True American, 2-... £24* "~ Qft SIXTH RACE— 1-2 Mile. lApul 25. 1921— 47%— 2— 114,. 00 Added. 2-yeax-olds. 0*7«lJO«J FUUes. Net value to winner 50; second, 19.50; third, 3. Index Horses AWtlPSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69535 MNlllHT FOI.I.IKS will 1 1 1 U I* W K. Is ly C T Worth. nbton 130-100 PINCH t BNDFF w l.l 1 3 :• : B N Pool R olston 183-10. •QCOTA wlnl l". 4 B 2i :: J Cor. inn Willi un.s Bros 1130-100 M1SSOE w 111 2 2 4 4 4 - R M-D ott M Johnston 370-100 LAOT YIRGINIA w 111 3 6 :. L- 3 J H.-uj • 1 R Combs HB Ml VIRGINIA COOK w 11315 ft •; « •; H King F P-yton 3Uand-1M Time, £4%, 48%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Midnight Kollis. ;.3.00 straight, .80 pi !•■••. 30 show; Pincli « Snuff, .90 place .30 show; Quota. . .70 show. Pqiii% ileiit booking idds Midnight Kolli-s. 1.70 o 100 straight. 40 t.. 100 place, 15 to 100 show, Pinch .. Snuir. 4.3 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Quota. 25 lo 100 show. Winmr Br. f. by Horrou ies lnvaliiies. oy Toddiugtoii i trained by C. T. Wurthington; bred by Mr. D W S.-ott. Went to poet at 4:54. At post 1 minute. Start good and .-low. Won easily; neeond and third I 1 | . 1 ] 1 I | I j driving. MIDNIGHT FORMES- ran H if best and won all the way. hard held. PINCH O SNUKK raced prominently and finished fast. QIOTA raced in clotsest pursuit to the last eighth aud tired. MISSOR ran well. The others were always outrun. Scratched — Cherokee Lee. 111. Overweights — Yirginia Cook. 4% pounds. £ QerQf~| SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. April 25. 1921— 1:42%— 3— 103. Purse 00. 3-year-S3*J*j9yJ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owneis Equiv. Odds Strt 65i98*OI*CRENT w 4 104 S 4 3 3 3 H | | J Corcoran Williams Pros 223-100 667»»3 LOTTIE EORAINE w 1106 1 I 2- 2J 1J 2= 2« W Kelsay C T Worlhington 220-100 6»51i3*.IACK FAIRMN wl 4 104 3 3 V 11 2: 3» 3» B Harvey S N Holman 85.7 100 69501 A RAM EDA GIRR w i 105 M 6 5= 51 5 B 4J B Kenndy A J Merle Uii.10 :»923 KREMLIN w 4 109 7 1111 11 8- 41 5» E Fator C R Rii hards 2X73-100 69501DICKNERL. w 5 105 2 I 6 61 4 B 6 T Brothers J F Wallace BBB-Mt 68943* NORTH TOWER w 4 105 5 10 8b 10* 7i 7= 7* F Sharpe C B Shafer 125:53-1» 69501 HXJRN w 5 110 f. 7 71 7 9: 8 S! J Wallice T L Putnam SBB-1M 69532 IWIN1WIN w 7 110 9 9 91 8 10 9 9- I- McDott J R Knight fttH-MI 6950l*ROllE ROC w 7 105 11 8 10 9 11 10s 10° W Fronk M Evorton t 65861 TOMAHOI WSB4 109 4 14-4 6. 11 II E Pool J T Mahoney 413-100 fMutuel tield. Time. 23. 46%. 1:12%. 1:39%. 1:46%. Track fast. nnitcels paid. Opulent. $.8.50 straight. .00 pla e. .00 show; Rotti- Riraine. .00 place. M show: Jack Fairman. .40 show. Kqnivali lit booking odds—Opulent. 325 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Lottie I»r.iimv 100 to 100 pine. 40 to 100 show; Jack Fail man. 120 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. c, by Hilai iouv— Rosetinge. by Ossary trained by H. D. Williams; bred by William-Bros.. Went to post at 5:25. At post .7 minutes. Start good anil slow. Won easily: second and third driving. OilLF.NT moved up steadilv through the stretch and. responding when called on. Irak the Mead and held LOTTO LORAINK safe at the end. LOTTIE LOltAINK ran well an I raced into tie-1 lead, hut tired in the last eighth. JACK FAIRMAN set a good pace, but was done after going three-quarters. ALAMKRA QINL ran well. KP.KMLIN closed a big gap. TOMAHOI quit. Scratched C.S9S5- Brown Rill, 110. Overweights--Littie Loraiue, 2 i ounds; North Tower. 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923050301/drf1923050301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923050301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800