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MASTER CLOCKER AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS YOUNGSTER: QUEEN BESS 6.60-, WON Had shown absolutely nothing, yet I knew it was the day for her. I know whats what! TODAY A Real Long Shot And let me tell yon this is a "real pippin." I know he has worked sensationally. The right people are down. For this one ask your newsdealer for tho MASTER CLOCKER ; mailed 1 week, ; 2 weeks, . 33* Plymouth Court, CHICAGO, ILL. LOUISVILLE— FOR SALE: EILER and GOODMAN, 227 4th At*. in jo . CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 Cents — at all newsstands. "Advised Plays" Won 67 ho far nt Kentucky meetings on a 0 progressive pay. Surely this ought to interest. TODAYS ADVISED LONG SHOT comes extremely strong. The last thing they ■r said last night was to "GO THE LIMIT" on this one today. Ask or CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 30 cents; mailed 2 weeks, . CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 333 South Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL, LOUISVILLE— FOR SALE: EILER and GOODMAN, 227 Fourth Ave. S * ■ 5 Anniversary Special WON AT GOOD PRICE Wire Name at Once for Special Proposition Thursday joe Mccarty Saratoga Springs New York 15 n 10 0o 00 — =s THE ONLY GENUINE CHIEF 0RSERVER No. 101 West 42nd Street New York City, N. Y. TODAYS FREE CODES: Woodbine: Michigan -16 -12 -12. Louisville: Virginia -9-19-28. KB 21 "0 715 13 13 13 10 BRAEDALBANE. .70-52. won. and a loier were lSt Saturdays .00 XX Specials. Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. All they cost is .00. Todays Form Special: October-Apple-60-61-26. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Qulncy St. Chicago, 111.