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Daily Racing Forms Monthly I FORM BOOK ! Of December Racing NOW ON SALE Price, .00 By Mail, .10 j ADDRESS j 215 EAST 11CTH ST. XKW YORK CITY UNIVERSAL TURF NEWS Code horse published in RACING FORM every day. No telegrams to wait for ; all you need is our "Code" and a Daily Racing Form. ?5.00 pays for "Code," cood for G days. YESTERDAYS CODE IIORSE: KINGSCLERE 7-5 WON TODAYS CODE HORSE: 17-15-1-3. TUESDAYS CODE IIORSE: SECOND THOUGHTS. .2-1 WON MONDAYS CODE IIORSE: DELANTE ....10-1 WON Terms for our wire service .00 DAILY. 0.00 "WEEKLY C days. YESTERDAYS "WIRE IIORSE: PAYMAN 12-1 WON TUESDAYS "WIRE IIORSE: ROSEATE II .4-1 WON MONDAYS AVI RE IIORSE: DAYDUE 7-1 WON Todays wire horse comes from the same smart people that wired us MARGARET WARE ..15-1 WON SPECIAL RATE Six days wire service and our "code," good for six days, all for 0.00. ACT AT ONCE. I !nJ HIGH liij j 11 CLASS KI GLEASONS SCIENTIFIC il METHOD j-j Can Be Played Anywhere YOU CAN MAKE your own selections from entries in the daily form sheet or any other good paper, quickly. One or Two Great Horses Every Day PRICE is made so anyone can afford to have Glea-sons great Horse Method. FIVE DOLLARS Upon the receipt of five dollars, a copy of Gleasons Scientific Horse Method will be sent you by registered mail. Send money by express check or money crder only, and write your name and address plainly. Address : PROF. OSCAR R. GLEASON SUITE 1000 CI E. VAN RUREN STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JACK FAIRMAN 8-1 WON WAS TUESDAYS ONE HORSE DAILY. EAST INDIAN 12-5 WON WAS KONDAYS ONE HORSE DAILY. YESTERDAYS LOST. This makes 9 WINNERS out of last 17. Wo novor misrepresent. Why not deal with a reliable firm which has been doing business under the same name for over 1G years! This ought to speak for itself. Terms for tho above servile: .00 FOR SIX DAYS Send in your subscrntion at once, as we sure are makin? good. TODAYS CODE SPECIAL: April-Oran3e-42-61-31-28. 403, 22 W. QTTINCY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 11C Nassau Street. Room 401 New York City UNITED TURF NEWS PRICE .00 SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00. Published every Wednesday and Saturday. Todays Big- Code Special 3-21-10-35. , j "Chief Clocker" THE WIZARD OF EM ALL SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS . 3TAGA1N AVE AVOIfa Yesterdays ?2 OCCASIONAL: BRILLIANT CAST ....8-5 WON Yesterdays TREE ?5 "SPECIAL": KINGSCLERE .......7-5 WON And the "CHIEFS." advice was to "PLUNGE. WIN ONLY," on BOTH of these "WINNERS" yesterday. AGAIN "CHIEF CLOCKERS" army of followers "CLEANED. UP" BIG yesterday. 3START THE KEW YEAR "RIGIIT"- by STOP LOSING your good money when YOU can be "BIG WINNERS" by following "CHIEF CLOCKER" ?2 OCCASIONAL every day just as HUNDREDS of followers are DOING and they aro all "EIG WINNERS." Ask a "CHIEF CLOCKER" follower HOW MUCH HE IS "WINNER," then YOU will know how "GOOD" this "INFO" is every day. DSfTODAY ANOTHER "WIXXEU"8 that "CHIEF" expects to pay "SMASHING" big price and is considered the "GOODS" by the "STABLE." 3STEREE! FREE! TOUAYS SPECIAL We are giving again todays ?5 "SPECIAL" "FREE" with our OCCASIONAL. BECAUSE wo want to show YOU the VALUE of these "SPECIALS" and as todays will pay a BIG PRICE so we want to make YOU "WIN BIG WAGER." thats why we are giving todays ?5 "SPECIAL" "FREE." RUSH to your NEWSDEALER and get "CHIEF CLOCKER" OCCASIONAL copy "SPECIAL" is attacho-1 to Occasional copy. DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING BIG WAGER TODAY. YOU dont havo such chances every day as YOU have to "CLEAN UP" on above two "GOOD THINGS" today. "CHIEF CLOCKER" sold everywhere RACING FORM sold. SHEET can also bo mailed to you or wired to you. "AGENTS" WANTED TO HANDLE THIS PUBLICATION. Write today to ROOM 6, 4013 WAVELAND AVE., CHICAGO," ILL. I j J. T. BURNS .C0 DAILY. 0.03 WEEKLY. ROOM 603, 23 DUANE ST. NEW YORK CIT: YESTERDAYS HORSE: PAYMAX 12-1 AVOl BEAT A 15 TO 1 SHOT TODAY Get my daily horse, only , or if you want to t better and enter subscription for a week, I will givo a FREE 0.00 SPECIAL. A 50 TO 1 PAR LAY should be the odds on my two good ones today. WINNERS I GAVE: Frank Monroe ..7-2 Won Sling 8-1 Won Care Free G-l Won Payman 9-2 Won LAST WEEK I GAVE: Ssths Flower... 6-1 Won A. H. Akin... 10-1 Won Freezy Sneezy..4-1 Won Regular daily fee . Sir days, one week, 0.00. Wire fee Western Unien or Postal. NOTICE! If you need money to even up your holiday expenses get aboard ATTA BOY II, My free tip at New Orleans today. For old friends and clients, my next big special goes Saturday. Wire name and address at once. Terms: The Winnings of 0.00. PAT DRISC0LL C90 CENTRAL PARK "WEST JfEAV YORK CITY. $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS S $ The MIKACI.K SYSTKM Is nationally known $ $ as "easy for phiycr linn for layir." Sold on $ $ installment; payments pahl from your profits. $ $ Absolutely KUEK 73-pngc luminal and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. $ ? Public relations manasor 5 $ S. E. AKTIHIU 5 $ 40. i:. V. Tovrson, Mil. $ 149390;?149391493914939$ GARS CII1KK OltSEUTEK 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE: FAIR GROUNDS Michigan-Red-Light-River. I 10 WINNERS . Q out of last 35 on our DAILY ONE BEST BET. H OVER 50 PER CENT WINNERS, and all it costs is .03 FOR SIX DAYS. Mailed tha night before, spccal delivery, in i I plan sealed envelope. fl.CO daily at all news- Q stands. Cant be beat at any price. D NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111.