untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-17


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GUY C. WINTON 6C5 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, N. T. 55.00 DAILY 520.00 WEEKLY BEST BY ACCLAIM Yesterday, again, I won. THIMBLE 8-1 Won and the fact that I give only ONE HORSE each day certainly proves, conclusively, that I am the man to follow. HUNDREDS CONVINCED FREE Many players took advantages of my offer on Saturday and, merely to convince those that were tkeptical, I sent the ahove horse to them ABSOLUTELY without charge. I also wish to thank many that quickly responded with WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION after getting the result of Saturdays Special. One a Day and Play Forever Saturdays only horse: THIMBLE 8-1 Won Fridays only horse: SANDS OF riEASUKE 5-1 WOX Thursdays only horse: FLIXT STONE 13-10 WOX Wednesdays only horse: JACKSOX 5-2, 1-1, 2nd Tuesdays only horse: YEXIZELOS 10-1 AVOX Mondays only horss: EVERGLADE 4-1 WOX Saturdays only horse: SIMPLICITY 15-1 IV OX Fridays only horse: POPPYE 12-1 WOX Thursdays only horse: YEXXIE 12-1 WOX Every one of the ahove horses -was filed in advance with this publication and all you need do is ask your player friends that have tried my information. They can tell you moro than I can. ALL PREPARED FOR MONDAY Not a stone will be left unturned; not an angle will be overlooked by the trained eye of my connections. It will merely bo a matter of how far this one will win and how long the odds will be. Better than 10 to 1 are expected. ENTER A WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION, 0.00, and I -will telegraph you one horso each day for six days. Use Western Union or Postal. Kindly include your address. ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY SCHUYLER FLOYD 110031 G14 CALVE KT HUILDIXG 1432 BKOADWAT XEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE BRYANT 7739 Dont Put It Off Many times you have been "Cordially Invited to Consult" the advice of the "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" "Why not accept the next invitation? MONDAY Terms: One Hundred Dollars in advance, by telegraph or in person. THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "STERLING" ON SILVER the stamp of distinction FACTS "The Ross Rule" for the week ending Friday, February 15 Saturdays result not known, as this was written Saturday morn-Ins:, had five plays, all of which Avon. Total plays since Thanksgiving Day, the opening of the winter season, 117 plays, of which 9G WON. I am personally following The Ross Rule" with positive success. To reliable parties, whose word is good, a copy will be forwarded, containing the Key of Speculation on receipt of 5, balance, 5, payable within thirty days. After February 21, the terms will be 00, payable in advance. Above are FACTS, proved through the back charts of the RACING FORM. ADDRESS remittances to C. A. ROSS Room 615, 1674 Broadway, New York City "WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative mothod, -wherein success is Assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with lare or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flat play. Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS FOR SEVEN YEARS. Small payment down, balance as you win. Facts regarding systems that will open your eyes, free. Writo WATSON CORNELL 341 West 45th St., Room 201, New York City Cash, 9-2, won, and Setting Sun, 10-1, 3-1, second were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. Doiit miss next Saturdays Two Live Ones. Mondays Code Special: October-Orange-19-56-35-C6. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, HL ..Subscribe for Daily Racing Form A. S. Osgood 1674 Broadway NEW YORK CITY Upon my return the following co-operating racing service has been established for the purpose of furnishing substantial men of honor who are interested in racing, genuine and valuable information. From present indications we will shortly have one hundred subscribers for this service. This means that in dealing with honest men, whose word can be depended on, we will have over ,000 to operate with any day a play is indicated. This strong financial backing will enable us to obtain the very best information. The benefit and advantage derived from co-operation is herewith given: One alone would NOT be able to obtain very good information with 0, but with one hundred subscribers back of the enterprise and a capital of ,000 to work with in each case it is entirely different. Several operations will take place this week and terms are as follows: At the beginning I expect clients to make 00 investments and divide the profits with me; same to be forwarded following day to obtain further service. I have not lost faith in human nature and believe most men are honest and will live up to their agreements. It is necessary that name, address , and telephone number be sent to me without delay. 1 M CITy! 11C XASSAU ST. XEW YORK ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY j price .00 riucE .00 Published Every Wednesday and Saturday. On sale all newsstands everywhere. SPECIAL KATE 3IAILEI 3IOXTIILY X1XE ISSUES .00 MOXDAYS CODE: S-9-10-30-PLUXGE Daily Occasional, .0.00 Weekly j FRIDAYS OCCASIONAL: 3IIDXIGIIT FOLLIES 5-2 WOX j THURSDAYS OCCASIONAL: I LILY" 31 2-1 WON ! 00.00 Occasional Monday Free to 0.00 Weekly Clients Our Last 5500 Private Occasional Postponed for Another Day Mondays Occasional Will Not be Favorite. Look for 10-1, U. T. N. followers. Out-of-town clients wire 0 Western Union or Postal. January Monthly Form Book NOW ON SALE Crescent City Service 0.00 A WINNER 0.00 WEEKLY New York Office: Room 412, 1452 Broadway, New York City Strictly One Horse Proposition Yesterday Big One Horse: THIMBLE, 8-1, WON Mondays Big One Horse. YOU CANT FOOL INTELLIGENCE An intelligent man, when he contemplates making an investment, first consults his banker, who is a specialist covering financial matters. We are recognized among the leaders in our profession. What more indorsement would you want? A satisfied user is our greatest asset and you can readily realize that we cannot afford to neglect to do anything to jeopardize the confidence of our large clientele. MONDAYS PROPOSITION IS READY, COMMISSIONS PLACED SHOULD PAY 10 TO 1 OR BETTER Fridays Big One Horse SANDS OF PLEASURE. .5 to 1 WON Thursdays Big One Horse TELESCOPE 8 to 1 WON Wednesdays Big One Horse LADY CH0C0 15 to 1 WON Tuesdays Big One Horse YENIZEL0S 10 to 1 WON Mondays Big One Horse FLYING FUR 13 to 5 WON Saturdays Big One Horse MIDNIGHT FOLLIES . .20 to 18 to 1 2nd Fridays Big One Horse TELESCOPE. .8 to 1 WON IN REMITTING USE WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH CRESCENT CITY SERVICE Room 412 1452 Broadway near 42nd St. New York City j I j ! BEATS THEM ALL J The Starr Turf News Boom 402, 500 5th Avenue, New York City Mondays horse should pay the limit. Subscribe now. Terms for our wire serice: 0.00 for six wires, or .00 a day. Saturdays Wire Horse: G0LDFIELD ....15-1 Won Saturdays Starr Code Hone: TRANSLATE AV2A WON ImXYI?R"TMMMWn :i 0.00 straight play. I New code mailed Saturday, to start Monday. Wire .03 for code, then see code horse in Daily Racing- Form every day. Mondays Code Horse: BILL-JOHN-MACK-NEW Another winning week for Starr followers. Wire Horses: CARPENTER, 10-1 WOX LORD GRANITE 7-2 WON" RUBY 4-1 WON HIGH GEAR 5-1 WON BUCADO 8-1 WON Code Horses: LITTLE GIPSY 11-5 WON ARROWHEAD 2-1 WON BILL WINFREY 5-2 WON YEXIZELOS 10-1 WON BROOKDALE 2-1 WON The above hones wefe releaied to our army of followers, throughout the U. S. and Canada, and filed in advance with the Daily Racing1 Form, Western Union TelegTaph Co., etc. Wire 0. CO for our new code and six days- wire service combined. Our FIRST I 51W.00 SPECIAL GOES THURSDAY AT NEW ORLEANS. FREE TO WEEKLY SUB- ; SCRIBEBS. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE. v " TO THE RACE PLAYERS I have something real good coming off this week u my connections are doing wonderful this winter, and have made very few mistakes, and I have de-livwed the goods all winter. They are starting three of their stables this coming week. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to get in on something worth while, and I want all of my clients, and also YOU, HE. READER, to wire me your name at once and get in on real information. All I ask is that you be fair with me. Bet ten dollars for me and wire me my pait after horses win. Horses will be sent right from the track. Rush your name and full address at once. J. DAVIS Room J57, Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans, La. ATTENTION ! ! Two parties who can make substantial use of direct information from a high-class stable j at New Orleans will find it to their ad-! vantage to write to the address below. Satis- factory references given and required. : I. O. Box 5, Station- B. Cincinnati, Ohio I i ..... ADVERTISE in racing form HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-S NEW YORK CITY Now in Preparation Several "Harvey Transactions are now in preparation, simply awaiting favorable starting conditions. All unnecessary publicity in announcements will be avoided in order to retain the influence and good will of those who have made the record possible. It is strongly advised that subscriptions for several "Harvey Transactions" be in this office at all times" at the rate of ?100 for each transaction in order to guard against sudden developments. "Harvey Transactions" require no comment. They stand on their own merit, as the past record proves. A ?250 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" since January the 6th, after deducting losses, shows a profit of over I 0,000 I Those who refused to heed my repeated warnings to deal directly with this office deserve what they received from impostors THURSDAY, Friday and Saturday. $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MIKACLi: SYSTKM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." .Sold on $ installment; payments paid from jour profits. $ $ Absolutely Fit HE 73-page manual anil review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. S $ Public relations manager $ $ . S. K. AKTlIUi: $ $ Cox -10, n. F. T.iwson, ltd. $ ???$ 14939?149391493914939 The System Player Monthly THE REST HOUSE IX RIGHT Xone know any more than this. This number shows how. Also the great income test. RY MAIL S3S2 FULTOX ST. RROOKLYX, X. Y. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924021701/drf1924021701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924021701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800