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Crescent City Service 0.00 A WINNER, 0.00 WEEKLY OR SEVEN WINNERS New York Office: Room 412, 1452 Broadway, New York City Strictly a One Horse Proposition Yesterdays Proposition LOST Second. Mondays Big One Horse : Coral Reef, 8-1, Won If You Dont Get Our Service We Both Lose Money DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT? HOW MUCH DID YOU DEPOSIT IN YOUR BANK FROM LAST WEEKS INVESTMENT WITH US? IF YOU DID NOT participate that certainly is too bad. However, dont let that worry you. Get in on todays investment and go make your deposit tomorrow. We expect at least 7 to 1. Saturdays Big One Horse: Mondays Big One Horse: THIMBLE 8-1 WON FLYING FUR 13-5 WON Fridays Big One Horse: Wednesdays Big One Horse: S. OF PLEASURE.... 5-1 WON LADY CH0C0 15-1 WON Tuesdays Big One Horse: Saturdays Big One Horse: VENIZELOS 10-1 WON MID. FOLLIES .20-1, 8-1 2nd Thursdays Big One Horse: Fridays Big One Horse: TELESCOPE 8-1 WON TELESCOPE 8-1 WON Weekly subscribers will receive two private propositions FREE: No. 1, Wednesday; No. 2, Saturday. IN REMITTING USE WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH Crescent City Service Room 412, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Near Forty-Second Street THE-SPORTINGIEADER cAmericaS jrcateit SportVaper 25CENT5-F0R SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Again Al Gem slipped si over his "0NE BEST." vSH r10 way that fellow i3Xand7 -sc5A delivers tha GOODS has WegtfW made him the TALK OF fltandgf THE COUNTRY. "YES- bfandMfStJ TERDAY his ONE WTMlgT-l BEST; DAY BEFORE vESwfO IT W0N. and LAST 14939T WEEK r.ot a loser. Say, and0fl youve got to pay at- PIRjgy tcntion to this kind of info. Now, today, I i have at New Orleans a ZVIAIDEX FREE COPE: Buffalo-LevclOIight-Faney-Lcvel. And you guessed it, this is SOME SMART TRICK. Again "Al Gems" Won YESTERDAYS "AL GERXS REST" Cherry Tree, 6-5, Won MONDAYS "AL GERXS REST" Miss Domino, 5-2, Won Right off the bat he is hammering them over again. Remember Not One Lost Last Week Of "Al Gems" Specials How long are you going to stand by gazing at him putting them over with such regularity? TODAY "Al Gems" 0 Special Again Given Free !! WE EXPECT 10-1 Here is your chance; rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Daily Master Clocker .00 AT ALL XEWSSTAXDS MAILED, 1 WEEK", ; 2 "WEEKS, S35 S. DEARRORX ST. CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE CNLY AT Triangle Newsstand Griswold and Lafayette Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Enuaro I I I $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ ? The M1HACLK SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ as "easy for player hard for layer." Sold on $ S installment ; payments paid from your profits. $ $ Absolutely FHKK TS-page manual and review. $ $ Investigate today and make your bookie obey. 5 $ lublic relations manager $ $ S. E. AKTIIUIt $ . $ Bor 40. It. F. Towson, Md. 5 Mutual Information Bureau 5 Columbus Circle New York City A combination of the smartest information in America. Our horses on file with Daily Racing Form. TUESDAYS INFORMATION: HIDDEN JEWEL 7-2 WON MONDAYS INFORMATION: CORAL REEF 8-1 WON FIVE BIG WINNERS LAST WEEK FOUR BIG WINNERS WEEK BEFORE ANOTHER BIG DAY TODAY 8 to 1 Expected on Our Daily Horse Next 00 Super Special Goes THURSDAY" "Will be given free to weekly subscribers. Our reputation is known from coast to coast and all our subscribers are well ahead of the game. Even ten dollars straight play on our information for last three weeks is over ,500 WINNER Get busy, rush your subscription. RATES .00 DAILY, 0.00 FOR C DAYS Out-of-town subscribers wire remittance by Western Union. City subscribers call. JIM DRAKE S ROOM 516 25 WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY WINNERS TALK!!! I No long: stories to tell you. Simply -wire H for one day or ?20 for G days. Suhscrip- y I tions limited in order to protect my connec- H tions at the race track. So wire early. Yesterdays Horss: H 3TAK JOXG 5-1 WOX Mondays Horse: m CORAL REEF 10-1 1VOX Saturdays Horse: THIMBLE S-l VOX Fridays Horse: SAXDS OF lLEASURE 5-1 "WOX Thursdays Horse: FLIXT STOXE 7-5 "WOX Wednesdays Horso: GOXDOLIER S-2 "WOX Tuesdays Horse: MERCURY" SECOXD Mondays Horse: m BROOKDALE 2-1 WOX I Saturdays Hone: M DUSTPHOOF 5-2 "WOX H Fridays Horse: I LADY HOSE 5-2 "WOX M Thursdays Horse: I SUX MART S-l AVOX B Guy C. Winton 65 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. 5.00 DAILY 20.00 WEEKLY Men I know you appreciate RELIABLE INFORMATION and desire to follow one who has proved DEPENDABLE. Yestordays transaction should set all at ease as to my ability. I called attention in these columns yosterday that should there be any doubt or chance connected with the running: of MY SPECIAL that same wiuld be withdrawn. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL SCRATCHED And ag-ain my connections deemed it wise to wait until a better opportunity prevailed. Be patient; haste makes waste; but TODAYS BIG LONG SHOT ! will make you a GRAND BIG WINNER and my connections say this one will make up for lost time after the last two days of inactivity. ONLY ONE HORSE EACH DAY WINNERS SENT TO MY CLIENTS: Saturdays only horse: THIMBLE S-l Y01 Fridays only horse: SAXDS OF PLEASURE 5-1 WOX Thursdays only horse: FLIXT STOXE 13-10 "WOX Wednesdays only horse: JACKSOX 5-2, 1-1 2nd Tuesdays only horse: YEXIZELOS 10-1 "WOX Mondays only horse: EYERGLADE 4-1 "WOX Saturdays only horse: SIMPLICITY 15-1 WOX Fridays only horse: POPPYE 12-1 WOX Thursdays only horse: . YEXXIE 12-1 "WOX I positively give "ONE HORSE" a day, no more, and use precaution as proved by the wonderful record covering- the last 11 days of racing-- TERMS A DAY 0 FOR SIX DAYS UseW. TJ. or Postal money order when sending a subscription. I start you off immediately upon receipt of your money order. ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY BEATS THEM ALL The Starr Turf News , 500 5th Ave. Room -102 Xcw York City A BIG DOUBLE HEADER AGAIX YESTERDAY 1 YES, BOTH HORSES WOX and we Advised a Plnnpe Play I STRAIGHT OX EACH HORSE I Yesterdays Code Horse: R FUTURO 10-1 "WOX I Yesterdays AVire Horse: B AXXE 2-1 WOX I On a 0 flat play last week our fol- lowers won I Over ,350 Todays Wire Horse is labeled plunge the limit, straight only. Coining: as It does from the same, smart people I that advised us to plunge straight on the following horses: CORAL REEF S-l WOX GOLDFIELD 15-1 WOX CARPEXTER 10-1 WOX YEXIZELOS 10-1 WOX HIGH GEAR 5-1 WOX I BUCADO S-l WOX I TODAYS CODE HOUSE Keb-Pat-Kate-Win Terms for our code, for 6 days. All horses filed in advance with Daily Racing Form. SPECIAL XOTICE Wire 520.00 for six days wire serviec, and we will mail you our code, good for six racing days. HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING Broadway at 52 d Street. Rodm 407-8 XEW YORK CITY The result of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" . is not known, as the horse started in a late event at Tijuana and in consequence the result will not be known until midnight. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TODAY Subscription 00 must be telegraphed early to assure prop- j er listing and service today, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory and subscriptions are returned when the quota for each territory has been reached". Over the long distance this office was informed yesterday that a "Harvey Transaction" starts tomorrow, Thursday. It is always advisable to remit for several in advance to guard against sudden developments, as only paid up subscribers are recognized. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORWli VMfivr rwev n THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN IICWniMiUI SOLD, ALL NEWSSTANDS, .00 DAILY "AND ONCE AGAIN" WE $ CLEANED UP $ YESTERDAYS SPECIAL WAS COLONEL WINN, 8-5, WON I And Mr. FIELDS advice -was "PLUNGE ONLY." I as ho KNEW all about the "COL." Thats THE KIND THAT GET YOU BIG "BANK ROLLS." Yesterdays Daily Special "SCRATCHED." COULD YOU HAVE USED ,200? Well, this is what a flat play WON first two weeks this month. Week after -week, MONTH AFTER MONTH A "FLAT PLAY" EVERY DAY WAS A "BIG WINNER" Follow JACK FIELD for a few weeks and CONVINCE yourself that JACK FIELD "CAN MAKE YOU WIN." W TODAY "LONG SHOT" SPECIAL This comes from a SOURCE that when they BET thoy usually "CASH." and TODAY they expert a BIG PRICE, so DONT MISS THIS ONE. TODAYS SPECIAL lO-l OR BETTER This comes from the same SOURCE that gave yesterdays Special. "COLONEL WINN." so spend TODAY and YOU will "CLEAN UP." Ask your newsdealer to give YOU JACK FIELD SPECIAL TODAY. NOTICE JACK FIELD sold "Everywhere" RACING- FORM sold at. MAILED to YOU 55 week; 5 INCLUDES BOTH Special and Special a WEEK. NEWSDEALERS wanted WRITE now. FIELD PUB. CO. 39 W. ADAHS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. I SCHUYLER FLOYD ROOM GIL CALVERT RUII.PIXG H52 imoAmvAY xew york city TELEPHONE RRYAXT 773a Yesterday the fifth Western "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Mah Jong, 5-1, Won I IT PAYS "THE HABIT OF SUBSCRIBING FOR THE j SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS Dont loss it. It means peace of minil later." jWhen confronted with the problem of BUY-1 1NG AN INCOME put the "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" to a test. The Sixth "Western "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT TAKES PLACE TODAY, WEDNESDAY" TERMS: One Hundred Dollars in advance, by telegraph or in person. THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "Sterling" on Silver THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION j i Dietz Weekly News CALVERT HlILDIXG Broadway and list Street New York City 1 Week .008" Weeks, .00 A weekly rating sheet published and mailed every Saturday evening, containing expert handicap ratings on horses that are fit and ready to win during the coming week at a good price. Once a week we send by mail, without extra charge, information on what appears to be a certain winner. This is mailed two or three days in advance. WE JJXPECT S TO 1 on our next Free Mail Special. 11G NASSAU ST., ROOK 401, NEW YORK CITY United Turf News SEMI -WEEKLY PRICE .03 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. On tale, all newsstands, everywhere. Special rate, mailed monthly, 9 issues, .00. New issue out today. Todays Code Special 4-18-21-31-PARLAY. DAILY OCCASIONAL 0.00 WEEKLY 0.00 WEEKLY. Yesterdays 00.00 Special WON New Manual NOW ON SALE