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Schuyler Floyd CALTERT BUILDLXCr BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET New York City TELEPHONE BRYANT G333 THE RESULT OF YESTERDAYS "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" is unknown at the time of placing advertise-J ment, as the investment was in a late race i at Tijuana. The executives of this ofiice have every assurance, however, that it will prove to be just another repetition of Schuyler success. UNCERTAIN AS THE WEATHER HOW HOES YOTJlt BANK BOOK BEAD I "CLEAR"? or "CLOUDY"? How will it read tomorrow! Is it not the wisest policy to subscribe for genuine and consistently yielding profitable turf information? "GRASP IT," SAYS WISDOM THE NEXT "SCHUYLER. INTESTMENT" TUESDAY AT BOWIE And. Eire your bank book a chance to expand. TERMS: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE BY TELEGRAPH To expedite transmitting information, telegraph your telephone number if any with subscription. The "Schuyler Investments" are like "STERLING" ON SILYER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION JHP $ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ at JfaiP PREDETERMINED - TURF PROFITS . The. MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally A known as "easy for player hard for layer." Has stood the. ACID TEST for . tn many years. We roultl not spend many y thousand f dollars per annum adver-lisinc water as couch syrup and . con-tinue in business. Sold on installment . payments paid from your profits. Abso-1 lutfty FREE. 100 pace racing manual, t review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invest!- cae today and make your Bookie obcy. Public Krlations Manager 0 g ft. K. ARTHUR vxs $ 149391493914939 shstr j.lPARLAY BY MAIL 10-1 Goes April 7. Prico . Must win and pay 10-1 or more, or you get 4 weeks subscription to Gallops Weekly and Gallops mail specials for April 21. FREE. Dont miss this parlay. GALLOPS. 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. FACTS ! ! "TIIE BOSS RULE" for the week ending MARCH 28 Saturdays results not known, as this was written Saturday morning, had TWELVE 12 PLAYS 8 Won 4 Lost Total plays since Thanksgiving Bay, opening day of the winter season, 189, out of which 152 Avon. I am personally following "THE ROSS RULE" with positive success, and to reliable persons, whose word is good, a copy will be forwarded on receipt of 5, balance, 5, payable within thirty days out of earnings. Above are FACTS proved through the back charts of HAILY RACING EORM. Address remittances to C. A. ROSS ROOM Glo 1674 BROABWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. WIN WITH WYNNE Have contracted for three winning horses at Bowie. First goes Tuesday April 1st. TERMS: 0.00 in advance for first horse. 0.00 in advance for second horse. 0.00 in advance for third horse. First horse must win at good odds or you will receive the second and third horses without additional charge. An unusual opportunity ; success is practically assured. Wire your remittance, 0.00, at once with your correct address. WYNNE WILSON Second Floor, Riddlcmnser Building 21 WEST FAYETTE ST., BALTIMORE, MB. SHASTA EXPRESS WON FOR GRADE A TURF INFORMATION WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. R. J. M. 110 Nassau St., Room G13, New York City ADVERTISE W RACING FORM 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. ILL, 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO, ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROABAVAY AT 41ST STREET New York City TE LEPHON E II RYAN T C333 TIIE LAST FIYE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" BARN DOLLAR. 2.20- Won Tuesday, March 11, at Tijuana, as his rider pleased by five lengths. IMPORTANT DATES April 12 AT BOWIE Getaway Day j April 26 at HAVRE DE GRACE The importance of these events cannot be overestimated, as the extensive preparatory preparations are now in progress and will offer extraordinarily profitable returns in each instance. TERMS: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE FOR EACH EVENT The "Schuyler Investments" arc like "STERLING" ON SILVER THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION Thousands of Dollars are already available and in the hands of real smart people, who will make their investment in several towns hundreds of miles away from the Bowie race track to protect the price and make sm-e of prices worth while on two horses that from recent workouts and preparation should win by several lengths eased up. First one goes opening day at Bowie and the other one goes the second day. This is a real opportunity for those interested to get some real money. The writer of this ad is an old-time horseman who has been let in on this proposition for old times sake and wants to assure readers of this paper that he is on the square in every way and has the O. K. on both of these horses and the assurance that both should win easily and pay big prices. This is real information that some of the smartest horsemen in the business are investing thousands of dollars in. Another thing so confident is the writer of the result of these two races that every dollar that comes in from this ad will be invested on these two horses also. Names of these horses and the names of jockeys who ride are now on file with DAILY FACING FORM and will be wired the night before each race to all subscribers. Terms for both horses, 5 in advance. Absolutely no propositions. Kemit fee with address by telegraph to JAMES J. FRANCIS 227 Fourth Ave. Louisville, Ky. San Francisco Turf Reporter 442 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JUST AN IDEA OF WHAT "THE SAN FRANCISCO TURF REPORTER" MEANS TO THE TURF FOLLOWER. FIFTEEN CENTS EVERYWHERE Results from tho issno 3-22-24: LAHSTEDT $ 8.40- WON GUNSIGHT $ 3.60- WON SPEAR SHOT 4.00 - WON COEUR DE LION $ 4.60-S2 WON DAN HOGAN ?15.40- WON HARRIGANS HEIR 15-1 WON CURLAND $ 5.40- WON FREEBOOTER $ 5.60-52 WON MART BUNCH $ 3.80-52 2nd ABADANE ? 4.30- 2ad Results from tha issue 3-29-24: ODD SETH 510.20-52 WON ODD SETH 5 6:00- WON NOTE Won twice. OCEAN CURRENT $ 3.40-52 WON FINIS GLORIOSUS 0.20-52 WON FUXL MOON $ 5.80-52 WON DORIUS 511.60-52 WON BLANC SEING 5H.40-52 WON AND MANY OTHER GOOD THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. START" TODAY. SEND FOR A FREE SAMPLE COPY AND BE CONVINCED. " I SEND ME YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS and I will send you real live information. It is not the breed alone that counts ; its info, and knowing when a horse is meant. Remit to cover prepaid telegrams. HARRY MOSS 200 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK CITY Yesterdays "Special 50.00 Matter" was postponed owing to unexpected developments. All who subscribed will be notified in duo time. Tuesday This will be the first "HARVEY TRANSACTION" at Bowie and has the following provision owing to the fact that arrangements have been made for two successive transactions coming through the same connections: Those subscribing for Tuesday must receive a winner or the following "HARVEY TRANSACTION" will be furnished without charge. Telegraph 00 early, as all "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" arc limited to territory. The efforts of this office to locate a winner at a good price for the opening day at Bowie, regardless of expense, we believe has been rewarded. Telephones: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Won Again Saturday All three Specials this week at Tijuana won. All filed in advance by telegraph. Another specially prepared proposition scheduled to start Tuesday. All angles have been taken care of. Barring accidents, etc., my connections feel confident this horse should be returned an easy winner. You cannot afford to miss this and other opportunities this spring. My connections feel confident of a successful spring campaign. Responsible people looking for winners, dont hesitate. Rush your name and address at once, enclosing one dollar, and I will prepay first telegram to you. Positively no telegrams sent collect to new clients. Positively no second telegrams to clients failing to remit for winners. TERMS: WINNINGS OF 0 J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN 1303 Lexington Ave. New York City PHONE: LENOX 6110 Carl Carpenter 59 Trinity, Buffalo, N. Y. Commissioner and Turf Adviser. DAILY, 55.C0; WEEKLY, ?20.00 I am always tending strictly to business. In consequence, I am ahle to obtain the hind of information that is in demand. My two-horse Bowie service will ho unequalled at ANY PRICE, as was Nsw Orleans and Havana, where hundreds made extraordinary profits. WIRE TODAY WESTERN UKION or POSTAL. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flat play. Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for seven years. Small paymsnt, balance as you win. Facts regarding systems that will open yonr eyes, FREE. WATSON CORNELL ROOM 201, 341 WEST 45th ST., NEW YORK CITY Details concerning a discovery that will open the eyes of system players will ho sent without charge or obligation. Those interested in system will find it to their advantage to address L. K. MARTIN 52 East 34th St., New York City. I CALIFORNIA TO SARATOGA I am on tho way. First homo celebration at Bowie Monday. Wire name early, as information for 1924 will b restricted. JOE MCARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. IIII1IBIDIEIHBI1IEIIIIIEIIIII J Annual Racing Form VOLUME II. Now on Sale at this Office No Advance in Price 0 iBnaamnmiiaimmmn mi