Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-09

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HUNTINGTON HTTNTINGTON. W. Va.. Tuesday. April 8. 1924. — tOne mile. Third day. We«t Virginia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear. Stewards. C. W. Hay and John T. Ireland. Judges. II. H. Monroe, Homer J. Kline aud F. P. Dunne. Starter. J. T. Hoi; nun. Racing Secretary, Homer J. Kline.. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. 789 iv-.ij 4 fi FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924 49Mj— 2— 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00, second. 0: third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78199 K.-nita 106 ll R Costello 160 100 78199 Dora Lutz 105 21 « Atwell It* 100 Vennielll 3 A Roach HMM 77910 Racy OS 41 W Smith 1160-140 78199 Bitty HdM 112 5» T Bonliam 1S40-100 78199 Pun. .-.1 Seth 109 6 C QmbI K10-100 78199J.I.iy K. PJ 7» It Zuchini 2.5100 76t 03 Litllo Rose 109 81 J Donunick 700-100 Miss Virginia lo9 9= R Harrtoa I3M-M 78199 la 105 1 W Tayl r BJ8-IM Time, 49 1 new track record. Track fast. uiiitueU paid Henita, $.". 20 straight, 01 place. 40 show; Dora Lutz. 2 00 place. .10 show; 0st.1l Vennie, .50 show. Equivalent Nfking elds Henita. 160 to 100 straight. 100 to 10:1 place. 70 to 100 show: Don Litx. KSO to 100 place. 305 to 100 show; Crystal Vennie, 75 to 100 show. Winner C. lloutires ch. f. by Aeronaut Sissie Ida, by Aviugtcm drained by C. Houbre; bred by Mr. t;c«org * D. Widcner. Wc-nt t.« post at I 32. At post 1 minute. Start g» d and slow. Wou handily, second aud third driving. Overweight Renita, I pound. 78247 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1923—112—6—104. Purse 00 4ryoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third. 0. Ml. Odd* Ind. Hor*e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. .straight 78202 -Old Sinner 111 l1 C ;ross Ol PJ 78201 Arch. AlexcW 108 ?** J Katna 1140 100 77084 Bob Hiker 1U8 2 H Hay 2750-100 78201 Mailowmot 113 41 J Pevic 870 100 78201 •She DevU l« 5« H Paden 2010-100 77061 UanUic 113 6- J Conway 62ft 109 76732 -Effie Randall 103 V S Cowan 4230-100 77738 Mulciber 118 8 G Yeargin 630-100 77320Magic Ian 114 9 T Wayt 1320 -100 Time. 1:15. Track fast. mtituels paid -Old Sinner. 20 straight. . SO place. 70 show: Archie Alaxander, .20 place. 00 show. Hob Haker. .20 show. •Equivalent booking odds Old Sinner. 60 to 10 straight. 40 to 100 place, 35 to 10 show; Archie Alexander 210 to 100 place, 200 to 100 show; Hob Haker. 160 to 100 show. Winner Jones Stock Farm Stables b. g. 7. by Von Tromp La Sinaloa, by Eni| eror of Norfolk; trained by R. A. Jones; bred by Mr. Edward Ccbrian. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scrnt-hed — ssg Anticipate. 113; 78234»Charlie Siiuiii.v. 113; 7734S Edith K . 103: 77611 Reel loot 10S: C9975 Redland. IIS; 77763 St. Paul, 113; !Ua£*Barbara Palmer, ltx. Overweight Magician. 1 pound. 78248 THIHD RACE— 5 12 Furlongs. April 26. 1923— 1:05 S— 5— 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 74512 Hcrdman M 1J R Harrington 4! 100 77840 Kunice Bailey 97 21 O Atwell 160-IOQ 77840 Bob 14» 3k v Taylor 400-10 78»o« Vehetaeat 96 4» A Viimor- sMO-M 778IO,Hla.k Ruler ■ .".» L ParCgton 46100 78200 Kington Ml 6» R f— Isfls !":».«-1 • 77494 It., h.inl Murylll 7s A Kroger rjM 100 74203 ltey do Ada 111 8 J Grunelsen tfJ8 MI Time. 1:09.,. Track fast. mutuels paid Hard Man. 0.20 straight. 40 l.lj.e. *:t :,c show; Eunice Bailey, .20 place. .10 show : Rob. 20 show. Equivalent Ixioking odd-- Hard Man. 410 to 100 straight, 120 to 101 place. 75 to 100 show; Eunice Bailey. 60 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Bob. 60 to 100 show. Winner W. Perkins br. g. 3, by Manager Waite lar.t Liume, by Hen Stroine trained by J. Acey; bred by Mr W. C. Oo-xlloel Went to post at 3.30. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same Sera t ched 7S200 Dissolute. 113. Overweights Hardman. 3 pounds; Eunice Bailey. 789 luir" 49 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26. 1923— 1 05 S— 5—109 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78200-Miss Ktta 108 lJ R Zucchini 130-100 75474 The Plainsmanlll 21 T Cameron 950-100 78200*Wise Crac ker 106 3"" C OMahney :::» 1» 70819 Mi.s Am ri-a 106 41 R Costello 1150-10 77933 Mike Morsey 100 51 O Atwell 2050-100 78200 Friendly Frit/.ior, 61 L Montmery 750 100 76391 Bub 100 7 J Eaton 850-100 71809 I.a Beau 106 81 J Frederick 0040-100 78200*VoltaBe 111 9 E T Moore 4250-100 Time. 1:09*4. Track fast. mutuels paid Miss Etta. .60 straight, . 20 place. .60 show; The Plainsman. .40 place. .70 show: Wise Cracker. .50 show. Equivalent liooking odds Miss Etta. 130 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 plac 30 to 100 show: The Plainsman. 220 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Wise Cracker. 75 to 100 show. Winner Miss M. Kellys ch. f. 3. by Seth — Hester Zorra. bv Cesarion trained by M. J. McDonald; bred by Mr. J. A. Hall. Went to liost at 3:58. At iiost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second aud third driving. Scratched — MMCofpJf Head. 105. Overweights — Wise Cracker, 1 pound; Miss America. 1. 789 io*-iUU fl FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 245, 1933—1:05—5—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, y50. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78202 Theo 106 If, L Montnrry 11100 76565 -P. T. Bamum 106 2J X Burger 370-103 77846 Sam Reh 95 3» H Hay MPJ -100 77638 Zorro 112 41 W Smith 35M00 75330Kinsman 113 f.» T Bonham 2550-100 77993 M.eorge, Starr 99 6k A Vilmore 145100 77144»H. of t. Nrth 9J 7l I Cowan 3250-100 77588*Feignod Zeal 107 8 A Kroger 4260-100 Time. 1:0714- Track fast. mutuels paid Theo. .20 straight. . SO place. .30 show; P. T. Bantam. .20 place. .30 show; Sam Reh, .40 show. Equivalent booking odd* -Theo. 110 to 100 straight. 40 to UN place, 15 to 100 show; P. T. Ha run m. ta to 100 place, io to 100 show; Sam Reh. 70 to 100 show. Winner -W. A. Haumgartners b. m. 5. by Theo Cook -Eddie Hiddis. by Herniis trained by J. Mc-Kron; bred by Mr. W. Oartb. Went to post at 4:25. At ]»st 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 78204»Creat Lady. 103; 75206 Loch Leven. 99. Overweights — P. T. Rarnum, 1 pound; Kinsman, 1. 789 51 SIXTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April i j£mu± x 1983— 1:05S— 5— 109. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 75300-Colmbia Tenn 112 V W Dunk son 5 -100 78015 The Llster 108 2* J Pevic 8.8P-100 76607 Proceeds 100 P O Atwell 6250-100 75295 Pearl Boota 100 V H Paden 940-100 77029 Col. Pat 99 5l J Eaton 540-100 77412Klaxy Mae M « A Rodriguez 2X60-100 75297* Lucky Run 108 7* I. Aron 1290-100 77937*May Cirl 90 8 J Dolin 5850-100 Time. 1:07. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid 4olvmbia Tenu, .00 straight. .40 place. .00 show: The lister. .00 straight. .80 show; Proceeds. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds — Columbia Tenn. 50 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place. 5l to 100 show; The llster. 150 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Proceeds. 190 to 100 show. Winner Ha 111 mat and Davis b. g, R. by Hanbridge — Please Welles, by Dick Welles drained by It. Ferris; bred by Mr. It. P. Dodson. Went to post at 4:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched -7202 Charles Henry. 108; 75208-Ca-cantbo. 112. Overweight Flaxy Mae. 1 pound. 78959 I04U4 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. April 21. 1823— 1:54%— 3— 118. Hotel Frederick Cup. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5: third, 0. Eq. Oddf Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78205 Jou Jou 113 ll C Cross 18.-1O0 78205* Halu 112 21 J Pevic .60-100 78201 Tingling 117 3* W Dunkson M PJ 78201 Kirklevington 112 4» O Yeargin 630-100 78039 *Fayelle 107 5« R Zucchini 1050-100 78202 MM 112 6 A Roach 2419-100 Time. 1:56. Track fast. mutuels paid Jou Jou. .70 straight. 00 place. .40 show: Halu. .00 place, .30 show; Tingling. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Jon Jou. IS." to 100 straight. 50 to 100 p.ace, 20 to 100 show; Halu. 50 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Tingling. 15 to 100 show. Winner— Jones Stock Farm Stables b. m, 5. by j Von Tromp — Jourdain. by Watercress trained by II. A. Jones; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Went to post at 5:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-j .

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