Daily Racing Form Charts: Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-09

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TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO. TUESDAY, APRIL 8. 1924.- 1 Mile. One hundred and fifteenth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear. Stewards, Francis Nelson. J. W. Coffroth and L. J. Rose. Placing Judges, M. N. Macfarlan and J. S. Rothert. Starter. Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 1 :50 p. m. Chicago time. 350 p. ra.. W indicates whip. S spurs, P. blinkers, figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. ■7Q4T»prr FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May 12. 1916— 47%— 2— 123. Purse 00. 2-year-clds. 4 04il*and Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77596 COALITION w 115 3 3 fa 1ft 1* J Smith R Spreckels MM 100 78107 INTAKE W 115 2 S 31 21 2 A Collina C B Heath 451-108 77069 NORMA TALMADGEw 115 7 4 21 3» 3» E Fator J C McKay 420-109 77771 DLTCH GIRL w 115 4 6 51 5 41 J Maiben International Stable MS-MS 781 3.V LITTLE- BAT w 112 1 1 l* 4 5»i F J Baker W E Applogate 9JO-100 78167 SCPER LADY w 115 5 1 6* 6* 6» J Gla33 Allen and Wilkerson 560 100 77858 PACIFIST w 109 6 7 7 7 7 L Creery R Spreckels t tl-oupled as R. Spreckels entry. Time. 25. 51. Track muddy. mutuels paid R. Spreckels entry. 2. SO straight, . SO place, 1.60 show; Intake, 20 place, SO show; Noimu Talmadge. . SO show. Equivalent looking odds R. Spreckels entry, 540 to 100 straight, 290 to 100 place. 4S0 to 100 show; Intake. 100 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show. Norma Talmadge. 190 to 10O show Winner — B. f, by War Cry — Kiateruity. by Mortlake trained by H. T. Griffin; bred by Mr. Rud Ipti Spreckels. Went to post at 1:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. COALITION lan well in the going and. setting a good pace, won going away. INTAKE Baa4* a game finish and held NORMA TtiliMSPOl safe. The latter raced green, but finished well and will improve. DUTCH HRL finished fast. LITTLE BAT tired. Scratched 77923 Yoofaco. 115; 7S200 Solimente. 100; 7S107 Alada Cliica. 115. WDOKi SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 004 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Index Horsea AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78137,DAN TNCr GIRL w 8 113 7 5 1* If l1 1" E Fator J Eckert f.5 -100 78»14 HORINGA w I 108 4 1 5 J: 21 2» M Fr°y J Z Sharp 440-100 78101 PUEBLO wb 7 110 2 4 61 51 41 3»* O Clark Mrs V Man ale 4*100 78I84*PRESER ATOR w 4 100 I S 10 9ll 51 4* A Franco R Spreckels fftnt-M4J 78214*DAN ARVI wb I 110 10 3 3l 2=131 5!|C Corbett J D Blair . t TttllTOO BET wb 7 108 5 » S* 4 6!i 6» K Hgland H A Lott t 78184 C.ALWAY w.sb 1 115 9 10 7* 8| 7» 7» F J Baker W Harvey t 78095 SHIFTY w 6 113 6 3 2» 71 9 S« P Martinz C B Irwin * , 1070-100 77553 DAISY N w 7 113 IS 4» 9 8 9i J Smith C Sawyer 1970-lW 78185*BR1DGETTE w 5 108 8 7 9» ■ 10 19 D Jones O Thurman f iMutuel field. Time. 24%, 50%. 1:03%. Track muddy. mutuels paid Dancing Cirl, 3.00 straight, .40 place, . SO show; Horinga, 1924.sh.20 place, 40 show; Pueblo, .00 show. Equivalent Poking odds Dancing Girl. 550 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Horinga. 210 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Pueblo, 130 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m, by Olambala- Dancing Wave, by Top Gallant trained by J. Eckert; bred by Mr. J. D. Neet. Went to post at 2:10. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slew. Won driving: second and third the same. DANCING CIRL raced to the front with a rush after passing the half .".nd. holding sway to the end. tired suddenly when a sixteenth cut and baiely lasted to win. HORINCA. after being in close quarters early, finished fast and barely failed to get up. PI ERLO was in trciihle soon after tlie start, but made up ground and finished resolutely. PRESERYATOR clo ed a b:g gap in a fast finish. DAN ARVI tired. SHIFTY and DAISY N. quit early. Scratched 7S04S Qnmrataff. 110: 7S155 Bramton, 102; 7S215 Miss Dunbar. 10S; 7S0S4 Obstinate. MM* 7SI.T7 Santhia .. MM; 7S1S4 J. lly Sailor. 114; 7S092 Capon. 115; 7S109 Pompadour. 112. r-fQQJT JT THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. March 11, 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. Purse 00. 4-year-4 and£l*y l3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second, 20: third, 0. Index Horsea AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owner* Equiv. Odds Strt 78136 JOHN ARUUR wr 6 106 I 5 5* 6» 6« 41 1* L Creery Elander Bros t5O"-100 78119 ROOKM ws I HI 7 7 61 4i 11 Mn 2-1 J Maiben A Brent t 78169 *TOM OWENS w S MS 1 6 3J 3k 4* 31 S*ft D Jones PC Marmet MS 100 78217 WATER WILLOW w S M I I S 21 3" 2| 4* E Fator .1 Eckert 500-109 78119*JAY MAC wb 5 106 4 4 4 5 5* 5» 5»l i Ellis J Cr Givena 210 100 78-210 HUGO K. ASHER ws S 111 I 2 l1 lj 21 6» 6* P Martinz H Cooper 4»-l » 78153s*TOH AND THT w 6 102 6 17 7 7 7 7 J Roberts W S Sapp t -llutuci field. Time. 25. 50%, 1:17%. 1:45. 1:52. Track muddy. mutuels paid J. lin Artxir. field. 2.00 straight. .S0 place, .-0 show; Rouen, field, .S0 place, . SO show; lorn Owens. 40 show. Equivalent booking odds John Arbor, field. 500 to 100 straight. 340 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Rouen, field. 340 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Tom Owens. 120 to 100 show. Winner h. g, by Bowman — Ponte R- oa, by Bridge of Canny trained by D. Y. Erlanger; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnardt. Went to | ost at 2:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. JOHN ARROR. after l eing outpaced to the stretch, came fast on the outside and out-gamed RoUEN in the final drive. ROUEN raced into the lead after leaving the backs t retch and held sway until right at the end. where he tired and gave way. TOM OWENS was hard ridden :md did his best WAIEdt WILljOW ran well and was a forward contender to the last eighth. JAY MAO t:red and quit. HUCO K. ASHER. after showing the most early speed, quit badly. Scratched 7S136 Colonel Lit. 101: 7821 5 Bobby Allen. 100; 78210 Flame. KM; 7S136 Vie, 104; 7SDW Martha L. DM: 7H103 Brian Kent. W! . 7SUJ0 A] Wick, 101; 78108 Bacchus. 107; 7S137 Sallie tarter, 104; 7S1S0 Au Revoir, 100; 781S4 Mrs. Pat, 104. Overweight Tough and light, 1 pound. - . ! 1 rWOORT-J FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlcngs. Jan. 19. 1924— 1 04%— 4—106. Purse 00. 3-4 UmOO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to Winner 20; second. 20; third, 0. [ndex Horsea AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Fquiv. Odds Strt 78110 TUBBY A. wb 6 113 13 V 11 ll D P Martinz C B Irwin S9-MS 78191 HARRY MAXIM WB I 116 I 4 4« 4" 2121 J Smith A F Dayton SS9-MS 78055 THE ALMONER w 5 113 5 1 2f 2J 2 S* JM.iiben C Sawy. r MS-MS 78139 I.ADY T1ITOE w 6 111 2 2 3*1 3» 4" 4» E Neal Strife and Valentine 1740-100 78186 lEERLFISS ONE wb J 113 4 5 5 5 5 5 J Roberta 1 Campbell 111 MM Time. 24%, 49%, 1:03%. 1:0*%. Track muddy. mutuels paid Tubby A.. .20 straight. .40 place; Harry Maim. 20 place; no show mutuel-i sold. Uquivalent booking odds— Tubby A.. 00 to 100 straight. 20 to Ml place; Harry Mav.im. 110 to MM place. Winner — B. g, by Transvaal — Peggy L., by Von Tr.unp trained Ly C. B. Irwin; bred by Mr. J. U. Adams. Went to post at 2:59. At post 1 minute. Start g od and stow. Won driving; second and third I iie same. TURRY A. sprinted to the front at om-e and easily showed the way to the list sixteentli Alieie he tired and bandy lasted to win. HARRY MAXIM, hard ridden throughout, was cut off by THE ALMONER while making his rush through the stretch, then found a clear path and finished fast and gaining. THE ALMONER raced well, but tired and swerved badly iu the stretch. LADY TtTTM quit after showing speed until turning for home. s.rit. bed 7H1S7 Yalta. 110; 77970 Nortield, 112. "~ .~ — ~ 4 rQa-iCrry FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 10. 1923— 1 42%— 6— 118. Purse 00. 4 Omlij 4 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second 20; third, 1924.sh0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str lin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78190,*.M1SS CLAIRE w4 99 I 1 6 5" 4s 21 1iO Ellis J Gilmorn SS-MS 78142*H. WARREN wb 4 : 7 5 2 2 1» ll 2» Q Cooper W Q Jenkins CO I Oil I 78200IHII:CUTTER wb 9 10S ; ; l» 3 i 31 3» 2*1 D Jones H C M.Connell MS MS 78108- DAINTY LADY ws S 99 2 2 S 7» 61 5= 4] M Frey Mrs C B liwiu IMS-MS 78l8»*MELCHOIR w I 95 5 3 1* 11 2* 4* 5« W McK ht A M tlray 1640-KM 78173RUSTICATOR WsB 4 103 14 5- «• 71 61 6» W Molters W Walker tll.O.d VSttt*TOM i RAVEN WSMS 4 6 71 S 8 7* 7« Q Abel Nancol.is Bros 1220-100 78185,A11.LIR wu 6 lW S I 31 41 SJ 3 8 G Corbett L E Old f 1-Mutuel field. Time. 24%. 50. 1:16%. 1:43%, 1:48%. Track muddy. mutuels paid— Miss Claire. .80 stiaight, .00 place. 0O show; II. Warren, .40 place, 00 show; Kreecutter, . SO show Equivalent booking odils Miss t la ire. 90 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; II Warren. j 120 to 100 place. 00 to 100 shew; Kreecuttcr, 40 to 100 show. t Continued on tenth page. TIJUANA Continued from third pace. Winner Ch. f, by Von Tromp — Cricket, by Chesterfield trained by J. Gilmore; bred by Mr. Kdward Obrianl. Went to post at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MISS CI.AIItK moved up gradually nfter leaving the half and. challenging H. WAKKKN after turning for home, pasxed him and won going aw.iy fast. II. WAKREN, after t eing saved in second place. r:ic-i-.| into a gocd lead while cut. ring the stretch, but tired when challenged and readily gave way to the winner. FRBKCITTEK was a forward contender to the last eighth where he quit. DAINTY 1.AIIY made up ground. MELCHOIK showed the most early speed. TUM CKAVEN ran a bad nice on a track in his favor. Scratched MM l.old Itryan. 99; IMS Krceze. 109: t~8U19Dan Hogan, 103; 7S213 The Limb, 106; TSlMJ Clad News. 100; 78117 The Desert. 103. Overweights Rusticator, 2 pounds: Ailliro, 2. rTQOfiTQ SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan, 19. 19M— 1:05%— 4— 106. Purse 00. 3-year-4 OiiitJo olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second. 20; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSttf % *4 Str Fin Jock-jys Owners r.quiv. Odds Hrt 7»»NORF*D HONEY vi 4 106 10 1 2J 1» 1* 1« W Molters Neal and Bartholomew t 140-100 7KI8.VF ; CORI.EY wn 8 112 1 S 5* 5» V 2i J Maiben J T Johns.. n 250 1* 7H!1« COOMBS w 6 112 7 10 71 6i 31 H T Rae L H.inkin.i t 78185 STONK REI.Ij w 3 108 2 7 3J 2i 2! 41 A Collins C M I rry 420 100 7KI74Mc I NTA1XKKR v.s 6 110 9 2 G" 7l 5:i 5] C Corbett B Broadfoot 910-100 78I03«MISS PAKM w 4 107 4 G r- 8J 6- G| M Prey J ■ Rees 1S60-100 782071 IIAItMANT wb I 110 5 3 8* 9s 7» 7= A Ftanco J Ferpuson t 78111 BMIUNQ w I 102 S3 10 10 9* 81 I. Creery O M Van Gordon 1120-100 78050 CAltKKN wsn 9 112 3 5 41 4» 81 9s I» Martinez Hall and DeBolt t 78138 STANLEY H. w 14 112 G 4 1" 2» 10 10 F J Baker O P Hum t Mut-i 1 field. Time, 24K, 49%, 1:03*4, 1:10. Track muddy. mtituels n.iid Norford Honey, field. SO straight, .40 place, .40 show; F. G. Corley, .S0 place, « 0 *li»w; Coombs, field, .40 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Norford Honey, field, 140 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; F. C. 0 rley, 40 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Coombs, field. 20 to 100 show. Winner Hr. g. by Honey wood -Norford Rose, by Norford trained by A. Neal; bred by Messrs. Neal and Bartholomew. Went to post at 3:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NORPORB HONEY waited on the pacemaker until after leaving the liackstreteh from where he raced into a 1" ng lead to win in a canter. F. J. CORI..EY saved ground on all the turns and was easily second liest. COOMKS ran a good race from a slow beginning. STONE I.KI.I. showed speed to the last eighth where he tiled. MOUNTAINEER finished fast. STANLEY H. quit badly after setting the early pace. Scratched 78139 Settle. 115; 7S21S Harry TV. IIS; 78215 Noonhour. 114; 77381 Marion North, 95; TS093 lM iy liourbm. 105; 7S184,Mid!iight Hell. KM; MM Kelicitor. 112; 7S174 Faywood. 110. Overweights Stone Hell, 3 pounds; Smiling, 2; Careen, 2. — ; ~ — Complete charts of Tilnnna races Ttere not available at the hour of going to press, but -.vill be published in tomorrows issue. The following Is a summary of the remaining races: SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Kile, norse. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Flace. Show. rWHTIMti COOK V. Francesco 102 .60 .20 .00 RATTLE SHOT O. Ellis 97 3.40 2.60 AL HOTFOOT O. Clark 96 2.40 Time. 1:15. Track muddy. ALSO RAN -Knighthood. Isabelle George and Billy Watts. EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Place. Show. WILD HEATHER J. Maiben . . . . 105 2.60 .80 .80 MAMm STONE O. Kllis 108 3.80 2.40 MAK.SI»ALi; O. Jones 104 2.60 Time, 1:58%. Track muddy. ALSO RAN -The Falconer. Sagauiook. Haleakala. NINTH RACE— 1 Kile and 70 Tarda. Horse. Jo key. Wt. Straight. Place. Show. POLPH J. Ellis 105 .80 .00 .80 WBDOINi; PKINCK W. J. Haker 107 4.80 3.00 LIITUS HOPE A. Abel 103 2.80 Time. 1:47H Track muddy. ALSO RAN -Wylie, Krekzunas, Maunikin II., Queen Catherine.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040901/drf1924040901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1924040901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800