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I I BOWIE TURF NOTES I Joseph MeHennan distributed the Havre de Grace books this afternoon. James Arthur bought Foyle from J. S. Cos-den and the colt will race in the interests of Mrs. J. w. Mayberry. I Barm Baby was ordered scratched on I owner B. Campbells complaint that he , pulled up lame follow ing a gallop this morn-Ing. I I J. S. Mudd of T.A Hlata. Charles county. I and sucees-sor to the late R. C Timanus on 1 the Maryland Raring Comm.sison, was a • visitor of the day. I Entries for the Prince Oeorge Handicap I : for three-year-olds and over, at a mile and a I sixteenth, clone tomorrow. This is the linal i i stake of the Bowie meeting. James MciIelland and Hoy Waldron were . over from Havre de Grace for a day of [ I raria|* They both reported that the horses ; of the Xalapa Farm Stable were progressing nicely in their preparation. J. T. Kermath notified track superintend-, . ent Brennan at Pimlfcso that he would ar- rive with the II. H Strassburger horses on t April IS. The stable is made up principally of fon igners and all but two will arrive . from the farm, which is near Philadelphia.