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LATEST DEPARTURES | FROM NEW ORLEANS I I NKW ORLEANS, I.a.. April 8— The stable j of John Mcpherson, which has been quartered 1 at the Fair Grounds since the dose of the e local racing season, was shipped to Lexington, - Ky.. tonight. Included In the McPher-soii - striae are Certain, Sizzle, bust of Honor, . Teles c ;ie, bfaryin .May. Merchant, Kilburn i and tour or five others. ; The horses bf waning to the idle Hour r BtOCk Farm Stable, in the eaiv of trainer r William Hurley, will be Shipped Wednes- -1 . day night. Big and Barley, a potential I Derby candidate, which was thought to have e broken down badly, is coming around slowly, , according to trainer Hurley, but will haruly j race during the summer. "Tony" Cook, agent for the William Daniel 1 stable, has arranged to transfer the horsed left here la his care by tramer Bhtaefg to Jamaica Wednesday night. The homes be- • i longing to M. Ilyams will also be shipped it t the same time.