Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-15

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Entries and Past Performances ! HUNTINGTON TUESDAY, APRIL 15 WEATHER I.EAIli TKACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." .a the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a last or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 7CIC0 TS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 7S1JS IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL. Ra. ing starts at 2:30 p. m. LiChic.igo time, 1:30. ® Superior mud runner. x Hood mud runner. ■ . Fair mud i miner. M Maidens. • Apprentice i i Iowa me. b Blinkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Aurora Au Belmont Park BP Blue Bonnets BB Bowie Bo Churchill Downs CD Columbus Co Connaught Park CP Conneaut Lake CL Dade Park DP Devonshire Do Dorval Do Dufferin Du Empire Em Fair Grour.ds FG Fort Erie FE Hamilton Hm Havre de Grace HG Hawthorne Hw Havana Ht Huntington Hu Jamaica, Ja Jefferson Park JP Kempton Park KP Kenil worth Ke King Edward Ki Latonia La Laurel Lu Lexington Lz Maple Heights MH Marlboro Mb Mobile Mo Mount Royal MR 0 Tain Om Pimlico Pm Reno Re Saratoga Sa Tanforan Ta Thorncliffe Th Tijuana Ti Toledo To Windsor Wi Woodbine Wo First Rare— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year ol. Is anil upward. Claiming. tlrack record: Auril 20. 1923 1:05S I 100. I Todays Ind. IIor=e. Wt. Bee. A.Wtllrin 78317 •Macliiavelli . MH 115 1 :07«£ 6 111x725 78343 Avalanche Ja 113 1 :0TV, 4 116- 720 77602 blist Cirl llr lot 1:08— B 111. 715 78318 Corto MH 9X107 4 111 ■ 715 78270 Sl.-igh B. lis .Hit 9M l:Mt% I 100.. 710 76P68" bDruinmoml Jl» 108 1:09*6 ■ 116 .710 78318 Big Sou MH 114 1 07i 6 116 710 78339 High T. a IP 5*9 1 OSv, 4 |Ux7M 78339 fwlllll L| Mft l:il%s 4 113. .705 78339 San. ho Iaiv ... 4 116.. 700 78315 I-a Bar ....".. UU 110 1 OS j 7116 700 78274 Jack Hanover .. 12 116 TOO 783711 Baft Hu 103 1:084. | MB. 700 78"15 •Frien.liy Fritz Hu 105 l:Mt% • Itll TtMj 78233 lK.ris Hu Mft 1:091; 5 111. .700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S40O 3-year olds and uowanl Claiming. Track record: April 26. 1923 1:05 % 5 Mft. 78295 Ml Leggo Ho 105 1 07 3 UK I2S 78339 Red Ilv 1111:07 ft UftXTSftl 78270 •Auntie Em KK 112 1:09 .S 4 106 ■ 715 78317 bJo-|.l ine C. ..HU 111 1:09 4 111 T15 78311 "Old Blue Hu 111 1 OS*i 4 111 715 J 78232 Blue H.ile MB 103 l:0Sh 4 116. .715 78317 bArthur Middietoii Hv 112 lWi 11116.710, 78269 BL.ry ..f lit- Seas II llr 99 1:08j 4 111.705 78315 Bub Ilv KM*. 1:07 3 100. .765 i 78293 Kelneth V 111 1M| 4 116 TIM 78316 oltaee Hu 101 1 10 7 116 7tH» 78372 Propaganda . MR 111 1 :09 8 116 TOO 78270 Pdith K Hu loi 1 Us 7 111 ■ 70O ! 76814 Mollie Barnes Ti 114 l:IS%l 6 111 TOO 78270 bWelga Ilu 111 1:11 HloOr-tTmi, Third Race — 5 1,2 Furlongs. Putse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track mart: April aft, 192:1 1:05 -5 109. 7827H Oiaal I~i-ly ..Hw 104 1:06 4 107x725 78294 * Bell Ti 103 1:06*8 S IwXTfti 75287 Forty Two 3 93X715 75297 Merry Mars 4 112X715 78293 bThe lister ...Hu 108 1:07 4 IOO. T15 75207* Jeyce Hoffman .Th 101 1:099 B 103 ■ 715 78250 Kinsman Mil IOS I Ml- 4 112-715 75208- Ua.amho Th 108 l*t% 8 112x715 78297- Bordon Sliavv.Hu 109 1:08 *s 4 112/710 78294- Cat Bat Bw 105 LOTS 4 99x710 78297J Jolly KK IOS 1 in; . 4 IDS . TU5 78251 Pi arl Baata ..lln 100 1 osu | Mft. .MS 78315 Rig Bapa Hu 112 1:08 4 112 70O 78271 Milton M KB 106 1 : 9 I 105. 700 78297 Stone Age La 105 LOS 4 103x700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse !0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 Track record: April 21. 1923 1:12% — 5 101.1 78372 I.Anti -ipate ...BB 107 1:11 7 112X72-5 78339 bBeorge Starr .KG 98 ll1S% 9 1 1 5 :i: 720 78344- Rhin.-gol.l Hw 99 1:12% 4 115x715 78273 Kye Bright ..Ilv 115 1:12% 5 117x715 77245 Chile Ilv KIT 1:14% 4 115x710 78340 Camouflage II. Hu 115 116 7 110x710 78238 •l.Kosler Lmbry Ilv 104 1:12% 8 112x710 78374 April Ilv M 1:14% I 96x710 78317- l.Wliip| oorvill .Bo 107 1:14% 9 112 705 78271 •Little Klorenc.Ti 112 1:14 »r. 5 107x705 78340 Puturette La 110 l:lT%a 4 MftxVM 78295 lawnbrok.T ..Bfl 107 l:la% 3 99. .700 Fifth Race— 1 1-1G Miles. Ironton Purse. Iurse 00. I ..Ids :iv.| upward. Claiming. Track rccatw: Oct, 13. MCI l:4t% — 5— 107. 78375 TINBLINB ..Hw 104 LIT 6 11SX725 78321 *1I red Kinney. .MH 104 1:47.-. 5 IIS. .719 783H Black Ha.klc Mil 111 1:41% 7 114x710 78344 Sway Hw 105 1:43% ft UlXMfl 78275= »T fe e raaaaklf lain PO 100 1:51 5 105 ■ 7o5 78342 Veliement |M .. 3 97..7CO Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-ycar-aMi and upwHrd Claiming. Tract record April 21. 1923 -1:12% 5 101. 1 78317! Kv.uing StoriesJP 108 1:14% 5 IOO. 725 78317 Ballyacw Ilv 109 112V. 6 115. .720 i?.318 Baghic la 110 1:14% 4 115x715 T8C97 l.ltap.d Stride ..Ilv 105 1:13 7 115 71". T8320: Archie Alexander ni 1111 12% S 110 ■ 715 78274 Bristaw KB 116 1:14.-, I 115-TIO 18296 ldlaran Hv 112 1:12% 7 110. .710 78340 I. Briar, liff CP 101 |:19f| I 105 . 705 75329 l.Old Pop Hv 112 1 15-. 11 lli-TdO 78294 Ti I lata Point . .Ti 112 1:14% 11 105 TOO 78343 Lena Hu V4jl:lft%ft 4 100. .700 Seventh Rice — 1 Mile. Iur-e iW. 1 year alaa and aaaraffi naHUac Track rccatw: o-1 1:. 1923 1 3s 1 Nft. 78343 Kirkl.viiigton .IIP 113 1 39 6 109 725 78317 Hewitt MH 10 ; 1 M • 7 109. .720 78298 Blsiaaij Ilv 101 1:49% 9 109x715 7 8343 B..I. Baker ..Hm 110 1:42% 8 1090715 73317 •l.Harp of t ll e North Hm 106 1 ..Vf- ll 109 715 78311 I.Ardito 7 MB 710 78061 V.-.itah MR 107 1 4r-. T MftXTM 18341 Kewaarl Hv 102 1:13 4 103. T10 78339 Lieutenant Perkins M It 109 115 7 114x705 73321 •I.M..rm..n Lid. r. Ilu 109 1:42% 8 MWXlMJ 78275 bPlant ar.-.le fta UK! 1:41% 8 109x705 73294 b Little Kd ...lliv MB 1:41% 8 1H:.:700 78343 Laaarack "m 109 1:48% 7 109 v 70.1 78316 IBsaalai-i mi .He nw 1 41 5 D MB. .MB 78343 Straight Shot BB 101 1:43 % 5 99 TOO 77763 St. Paul 7 109NTO let RAPC r *"- Korlons*. .1-year-uld* and upward. Claiming. April lol iiHOl y j, iya:t — 1 :os 4-5 — 5 — io». Index Course Dist Time Tck Oiiils Wt St ?i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MACHIAVELLI, ch. g, 6 111 By Disguise— Ghetto Girl, bx Ben Brush. Trainer. A K, Miller. Owner. A. K. Miller. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78317 Hunfton 6J f 1 Ofc Vast 3| lot Wheeled. I, Montrv 0 Hall* new. Whiprwill. Ev. Stories 78270 Hunt ton 51 f 1 :09Va*t 6-6 116 3 W Smitli 11 Mr. Beck, Lubeck. Auntie Em 782S4 Hunton i 1-2 f 1 :0»fast 3-2 Hi 4* W Martin !» Bristow. Adventure. C. Summy 75330 Hun ton 3-4 1:14 fast 16 108 e7 C Bruder 10 Kinsman. Lucky Pearl. Vulcanite 73172 Hun ton 6|fl:09Hslow 22 in P|L Mill* IS Daddy Wolf. Ielion. Hughie 75111 Huntglon ■ f I.HVivy 14-5 107 || W Martin S Jota. Satana. Bristow 75049 Hun gton 3-4 1:20 hvy 9 104 3"* W Lant-ei 12 St -Tusl. George Choos. Weinland 74987 Huntington 3-4 1:14Vast 4 109 7 W Martin 10 Km ky Pearl. Akerknker. Neenah MM Huntington 51 f 1 :0SVast 8 108 6* J Conway • SanihoPansy. Loyalty, Arietta AVALANCHE, br. g. 4 116 By McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. S. Whatley. Owner. J. J Lyons. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 78372 Sen todays chart. 78343 Hunfton I 1-41%*aa| 26 104 V W Tavlor 9 Bob Baker. Dantzic Manokin 78270 Hunt ton 5 f 1 sOftfcfaaf. 17-Bf 119 6 S Wol olmll Mr.Beck. I.ubeck, MachiaTelli 78234 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1 OSVast 37 110 l| E T Moore !» Bristow. Adventure. C. Rummy 77105 lCrnds 11 16 1:49 fast 40 103 8 8 10» 10" I. Lang 13 Tom Cissidy. Iete Foy. Yorick 7f 8C3 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :49Vast 30 109 4 6 7 74 J Grneisen 7 Alard. Hena. Superlative 76607 FGrnds 3-4 1:13Vast 30 112 5 8 9l 9" J Grunsenl2 Good Time, Hysteria. Kbinegold 76229 Jefferson 5ifl.l2hvy 12 103 11 8 6» 6:1 F Lee 11 Anticipate. Dtaria, Fbcrtygibt LAST GIRL. ch. m. 5 111 By Cock o the Walk— Lida Thrush, by Koyal Flush Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. W. Barnes. III. Breeder. F. Johnson. 77602 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 Vast 4Jf 104 6 4 6°* 7 i W Ritlour2 WarWinncr. liars Heir. Neg 77488 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast 27-10f 99 8 11 91 9" K HglandlJ Cedric. Romulus. Little Smile 77290 Tijuana 61 f . :0S Vast 19 116 4 6 9* 9: B Barnts M MissPaige. Reg. Girl. M.EmmaG. 77071 Tijuana 5 f l:09good 23 113 3 3 lll 12 J Gf-rrity 13 Rla.-klat. Insurance. RosaAtkin 76627 Tijuana 6-8 1 01 Vast 31f 106 7»2 F Wain us14 SweepI pll . It. Indian. Charmant 76598 Tijuana 6-8 1:02 fast 22 106 B*| G Meln It L jT toe. M nNorth. Nfdlloney 76417 Tijuana 5-8 1.03 hvy 3 109 |R Flynn 8 MarchLad. VeraRita, EllaWaldo 76280 Tijuana 6-8 1:02 fast 41f 107 3a R Flynn 13 L. Gentry. Cannonball, Neg CORTO. b. f. 4 111 .jy Theo. Cook— Largo, by Sempromas. Trainer. F. A. Sharkey. Owner. Derby Stable . Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 78318 Hunt ion 5 f 1 OS fast 1.1 106 6Ti R Costello B Charlie Snmniy, Lubeck. . Hughie 78270 Hunfton 5 f ! :09 fast 53 106 V R Z echini 11 Mr Reck. l.ubt.k. Machiavelll 78233 Hunton 3 1-2 f 1: 9 fast 7 113 9- G Kennily !» Attoo. Ardito. Evening Stories 77192 FGfmls t I 1 HTaTSSfl 15 100 1 8 91 9 4 B Brening12 Arrowhead. Doughnut, Venizolos 76810 !• I.rmls 3-4 1 166mud 10 110 3 7 7« 6"2 F TkdvkcM Slip.KIm, Sea Wolf. Cap Costiu 76558 F.Grn.l.s lm70y 1 :46Vast 30 98 2 8 9 9:l F Thtlyke !» Walnut Hall. Tex, Neddam 76485 ICrnds MlKWul 30 96 3 3 3 *~l V Thdvke 7 Kingsclore, Orlova. Dr. Joe 76304 Jefferson 3-4 1 17V»vy 12 104 C 8 7» 5« M Garrett 10 Piedmont. Pentaria. War Idol 76133 Jefferson 3 4 lHhvy 7 104 5 5 6" 6: F Lee 11 D.Bolling. Rork. C.J.Craigmile SLEIGH BELLS. Mk. f. 3 100 By Hells Bells— Winnie, by Winstanley. Trainer. J. J. Russell. Owner. J. J. Rnssell. Breeder. W. R. Coe. 78270 Hunfton 5J f I :"9fa t 41 98 77 H Paden 11 Mr.Beck, Lubeck, Machiavelll 77577 F.llrnds :!- 1 :Hgood 50 97 11 11 11 ll1* W Milner 12 Doughnut. RoyalDick. JnJoseph 77343 FGrnds .". 4 1 Ijgoml 26 110 12 14 14 14« J H Burkel4 Ludy Choco. Jackson. Kilbowie 75136 Wh ling Al l-t 1.04 hvy 13-lJ 110 1 J Majestic I Fortv Two, Ronnie Jack. Climb 74960 Stamford Ab i-8 LOOUfast 5j 110 « R McAley ■ Misslggo. Belle Isle. Sir Glen 74880 Btamt d Ab l-S l:0o fast 1S-10 111 Is R McAley 5 SirClen. leading Light. Pacific DRUMMOND. b. g. 8 116 By Ogden— Quebec, by St. Jude. Trainer. W. J. Foley. Owner, L. Gallo. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76968 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :5 Smu.l M 110*6 1 3« 3= R Harton 7 Carnarvon, Soviet. Bastille 76»42 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 r.istslow 4 11016 3 2" 3" E Pool 11 Repeater. I r. Joe. Torsida 76782 FGrnds 11-16 1:51 mu-i 3 112 1 3 3« 34 ■ Pool 5 TanSon. ScareCrow, LittleAmie 76607 FGrnds 3-4 1:13Vast 6 100 10 5 4» 4«1 I Parke 12 Good Time. Hysteria, Rhineeold 76349 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 51hvy 30 113 3 6 6 4» K Martin 10 Reliability. Hon. Boy, D Boiling 76232 Jefferson 3-4 l:18%hvy 60 112 10 10 8s 8» ■ Martin 10 Beg Pardon. Dr. Joe. Carnarvon 76096 Jefferson 51 f 1 08 fast 100 108 9 7 71 10° K Martin 10 Midden Jewel. Tuscola. Admirer 64331 Saratoga 1 1 :3S»Vast 20 103 9 10 10 10" Hamndll The Peruvian. Brink. Caie Fn;. 64235 Saratoga 1 1 : 39 Vast 16 104 6 5 4* 3" C HamndlO Orcus. Hereafter, Lackawanna 64044 Saratoga 3 4 l:16Vivy 20 112 4 9 61 6«J C Hamndl2 Im Mint. The Peruvian. Spugs BIG SON. b. r, 6 116 By McGee— Precocious, by Pirate of Penzance. Trainer. E. Rice. Owner. B. J. Theall. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 78318 Hunt ion 51 f 1 :0S fast 41 111 8,c O Atwell B Charlie Summy. Lubeck. nuglue 78270 Hunfton i| f 1 :09 Vast 50 116 9° O Atwell 11 Mr. Beck. I.ubeck, MachiaTelli 78232 Hunton I 1-2 t 1 :6?Vast 20 US 5s O Atwell 9 Dd. Guise. KenVw.G. of t.SeasII 72981 La C Fr 5-s 1 :O0Vast 10 116 6*1 H Gray 9 Adventure. Kl Mahdi. Carter 728K3 l CFr 51 f 1 :07Vast 11 11" 3« H Clemnts S Hugliie. Skv Man. Duke of Savoy 72857 LeocCVr 51 f 1 06*tfast 13 112 5" T Thrailkl 6 Virgo. Hazel W.. Inieve 71384 *! ksl.g Ab 5-S l:00«sslow 3i 113 6*1 A Frieshon ICHxltt, It.Wehle. FaitAccompli 71376 CI ksbg Ab 5 S 59 fast 7-10 112 1*1 K Rice • Cur. Baker. Winkie. II. Moments HIGH TEA. br. f. 4 111 By Tea Caddy— La Mode, by Peep oDay. Trainer, TJ. S. Wishard. Owner, C. J. Brockmiller. Breeder. Miss E. Daingerfield. 78372 S»o todays hart. 78339 Hunt ton 51 f lOTVast 55 109 12 3 A Roach 12 MdcUvey. Geo. Starr, Gwithim 77281 FGrnds 13-16 2.02 fast 60 91 6 9 9 9" G Cooper 10 Dust proof. Cash. Juno 77218 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :4»Va£t 30 100 2 10 ll»»ll-» J ChalmrslL B. fr.Home. Secrefv. JakeBcrger 76913 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 good 50 89 8 12 12* 121T G Cooper 13 Avispa. Tempting. Stamp 76680 FCrnds 2 4 l:15V,mud 30 93 8 7 61 andl G Cooper 11 D.tilcnn. Felicitous. RpgHome 76486 FCrnds 1 1-16 1 :4SVast 40 90 7 6 7»» 7 ■» G Cooper SBoik. Valenlia, Attorney CRUDENAS. br. c. 4 113 By Cruzados— Ardenes. by Amigo. Trainer. W. Jones. Owner. T. F. Maloney. Breeder. Anita M. Baldwin. 78339 Hum ton 51 f 1 07 Vast 40f 10. 91 R Cliffords MdiHvev. Geo. Starr. ;withini 75330 Hun ton 3-4 1:14 fast 26 107 9s J Conway 10 Kinsman. I.uckyPearl. Vulcanite 75270 Hunt gton 3 4 CHVast 11 103 4« H Gliek 8 DaddvWolf. FirstPlct. EndMau 75205 Hunt gton 3-4 IIS mud 41 101- 2s H Glick 9 Califa. Swim. Monsoon 75172 Hun ton 01 f 1 :09*,s!ow 20 104 631 J Eaton 12 Daddy Wolf. Pelion. Huguie 75146 Hun.gton 2 4 1 :16«t«low 7 102 1010 J Eaton 10 Merry Mars. The Ulster, Pelion BAKCHO PANSY, b. g. 4 116 By Sweep— Nancy Pansv, by Mentone. Trainer, R. Ferris. Owner, Owner. H. G. Hammatt. Breeder S. D. Riddle. 78339 Hunt ton 51 f 1 40f 111 el W Dunsnl2 M d II vev. Geo. Starr. Gwithim 75331 Hun ton 3-4 1:15 fast 5J 104 4» N Burger 9 Hiiglnc. Miss Beulah, Gonwithin. 75172 Hun ton ■! f 1 ■J%|I|« 27 109 10»i N Burger Wolf. Pelion. Hughie 74954 Huntirgton 51 f 1 OSHfast 19-10 111 1 W Smith !Mx ytalty. Arietta. BriMshlale 74872 Huntington M f 1 :07V-st 28 IB 41 W Smith 10 Mat kGarner. Geo.Choos. FdHope 7:;795 Vgstwn 6J f l:24Vast U 106 6« F Moore 7 I -noraP.. May Girl, Eau Galliie 73606 Vtslun 3 4 1:17 fait 20 103 6 F Moore 7 Horeb. Carrie Moore. Pelion LA BAR. b. r. 7 M 116 By Bartender— Katie, by Broomstick. Trainer. C. W. Ross. Owner, J. Barker. Breeder. W. D. Althouse. 78315 Hunfton f.l f 1 r0« fast 33 106 9JC Gross 10 BigSapp. BkRuler. MissAir.crica 75328 Hunton 51 f 1 09 fast 8 107 8« C Bruder 12 Duke of Savor. Mike, Sarafav 75266 Hunt gton 51 f 1 ;0S Vast 8 100 5«J C Bruder 8 Vulcanite. British Isles. MdKose 75143 Hunt gton 51flllVlow 17 114 6J T Wayt 12 Bristow. StarTime. Kd tlarrison 7S943 H.tleGce lm7oy 1 :51 mud 77 111 6 8 8 8" W I.illey 8 Jew.V.D.. H. Baker, Cote dOr 73383 Timonm 2-4 1:16Vast 18 117 4 J Hutton 7 AirTaii, Ver.Valley. Bouiidsman JACK HANOVER, cb. g. 12 116 By Goldcrest— Result, by Compute. Trainer. J. McGovern. Owner, S. Harshberrer. Breeder. J. H. Norris. 78274 Hunfti.n 3 4 1 15 Vast 86 116 9 s J Domkk 9 Dr. Joe. Manokin, Ringleader 75253 Pimliio | :.59Vast 17f 133 2 Lost rider.J tarter 12 Dandy. Flying Frog. The Trout 67921 Va Fair SC 4:27 slow — 140 1 Sallee 3 The iloney Buckler, Trapper 61022 Virginia 1 — 114 A Aub hon 7 MitsSweep. WhiteCrown. Florsn 61010 Virginia 1144H — — 111 4 J Dawson 4 Stir Cp. Clip. Miss Sweep BOB. b. g. 3 M 105 By Dick Finnell— Mayonnaise, by Bourbon Bean. Trainer. C. Knight. Owner, M. McFadyen. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 7837 1 See. todays hart. 78316 Hunt ton 61 t 1:08 Vast 31 103 3» W Taylor 9 W. Cracker. Kennesaw. Vehement 78248 Hunt ton 51 f 1 :Q9Vast 4 100 3| W Taylor 8 Hardman. Eun. Bailev, Vehemt 77840 .B-ff. rson 61 f 1 OSVrood 30 109 15 15 ■ 12" J McCoy 15 SisterJosella. Stamp DanBoIling 77213 3-4 114 fast 60 106 13 13 Il« 12" G Corey 13 Bai levcorn. Apology. Tight 77099 3-4 1:14 fast 30 108 12 13 13 13s* G Corey 13 Brook.lale. Benigna. Antiquity 76060 Jefferson 51 f l:0SVast 40 115 11 8 10« 10 • J Grun senl2 Gee. Waukulla. Little Alfred FRIENDLY FRITZ, ch. c. 3 Ml 100 By Meridian— Royal Heart, by Royal Realm. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner. A. M. Bower. Bred by Mrs. L. F. Carman. 78315 Hunt u.n 01 f 1 :0S fast 16 95 10« L Mont" rylO BigSapp. BkKuier. MissAmerica 78249 Hunfti.n 5J f 1 fast 7| 106 65J I. Monfery 9 Miss Ktta, T.Plnsn, W.Cracr 78200 RottN 3 4 1:16Vast 10 101 4= O Atwell 12 Melbourne. Miss Etta. Mr. Beck DORIS, b. m. 5 M 111 By Boots and Saddle— Evelyn Doris, by Ben Brush. Trainer. E. White. Owner. L. Leverdi. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 7823:; Hun t..n 5 1-2 f 19 fast 42 109 7* R Harrton • Attoo. Ardito. Evening Stories 78200 Hum ton 2 4 1:16 Vast 3-5f 113 P» B Hartoi.12 Melbourne. Mi- Etta. Mr Beck 77933 Jefferaoa HMdill 60 113 15 15 M*M*J Owens 15 I vov. Benigna. Jim Kenney 77618 FtJrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 100 10113 13 13 13" S Griffin 13 Patrician. Ilaidee. Mcintosh 71659 Kempton 3-4 1 :24Vivy 9 110 611 L Gray 8 Ella C. Ixuis Adair. Virgie K. 71410 Del mier Ab 5-8 1:04 fast 4 111 5»1 L Gray 8 L.Adair. Yallabilagel. Gupton 70260 Mt.Boal 5-S 1 :07Vast 9 108 4»1 L Gregory 7 Palmetto. Flint. Spinning Flax i 70224 Mt.Royal 5 8 1 10 *.mud 19-5 102 31 L Gregory C Momentum. Kedgwick, K. Queen Onrl RAPIT •» 1_- I*urlonKK. .:-jear-oI|« and opuanl. la lining. April CilU nHuL j, i«u:; — 1 :»»r, 4-5 — 5 — 14 !».» MTSS LEGGO. ch. f. 3 100 By Scmprolos— Aless:, By Dr. Leggo. Trainer. A. J. Plack. Owner, W. E. Jones. Breeder. L. L. Alien. 78295 Hunt f.n I I 1 Vast 83 110 ! *J G Dyson 10 AtieMillin. Bigwig. EuniceBlev 75776 Bawta 61 f 1 2!Vmud 2tf 104 4 7 12 12«* J Corcoran12 Felirah. OurStar. Flor.B. Walker I 75708 B«wta 61 f 1:21 Vfc fast 74f 106 13 12 13 12» J Corcoran 13 RovalMiss. Deputv. BomanGirl 75610 Bowie 2 4 1:1.". fat 56 96 C » » 90 W Milner 12 Nt.rman.i. The Poet No lady 16287 Whling Ab 5 S 1 03 hvy 4 107 6*1 J Berg 8 Fortv Two. Sir Glen. BminicJack 76104 Wbeelg Ab .", S 1 :03 slow 8-5 113 Il J Majestic 7 Belle late Sir t.ieri Oneid 1 74960 .w.,f ,r,l Ab :.-S lOOVast 21 114 1»* J Maiben « He!!. Isle. SiriJlen Sleigh Bells I 74»22 SUmford Ab 5 8 1:00 fast 28 104 3» J Maib.n C Athaiina. Kel. sQueen. Pikesvle 14755 Samfrd 6 4 1:02 good 6 113 1»U Maiben C Belle Isle. I ■# I llM. S.Btlls JUED- ch. g. 8 116 By Peep o Daj— Mary Michaels, by LIssak. Trs-.ner. T. Cheek. O" cer. T. Cheek. Breerter. J. H. Brown. 7B339 Hunt ton 5i f 1 OTVast 18-5 110 61 J Pevic 12Md.II ev. ;«• .. Starr. G 75271 HunCg-on 1 1 42Vast 3* 10J 4 J Eaton I«„.Shack. SheDevil Neenal. 75146 Hun! gton 3 4 1 16Hslow 7 108 »! ; Walls 10 Merry Mars. The lister Pelion 75019 Htington 1 1-16 1 .4»Vlow 7 106 4» W Martin .r Horeb. os.onon. Handfill 74874 Huntingtoii 3 4 t :13Sfast 10 109 3J G Walls 6 Ma. meeldel. I . llx-vcn, Roy 74710 Hunt on 34 l:14Vtfast 21 B7 V O Atwell » P.. II. sjk, B. Watch II.. Hazel W. ATJNTIE EM, ch. f. 4 103 Wt Tea Caddy— Alfadir. bv Solitaire II. Trainer. J. Robertson. Owner. Robertson ft Giln. N Breeder. A. L. Kirby. 78270 Hunt to, 1 6J f 1 .09 Vast H-f HI 4 1. Pait*t«*ll Mr Heck. Lube. k. MachiaTelli 78202 Hunt !..n 1-4 l:14Vast 43 1 Of 107 11»1 .1 Ix.lm 12 Tie... oldSinner BarbraPalmer 75292 Whling Ab 3 4 1 24 hvy 9-5 105 i:| .1 Majestic ft Bar. Palmer. I .Woman BILMaM 76261 Whling Ab 5 8 1 04 hvy 7 103 |i| J Maj.sti, 10 Advan.-e. Skv Man Man G 76137 Willing Ab 6-8 1:02 hvy 14 101 3« J Ma j. s: lc I p.:,be Ruth. Curren. v II II. .1 and 74787 Akron 61 f 1 lOVa-t 12 112 32 H CTMOsta ■ Ethel II.. CarrieBaker. Uraaiaai I 74«47 Akron 5 8 6i 108 l* H Cbmiits 8 tTTj Three. MissCaltha Jetsam I 74126 Akron 6-t lsMftfaat 11 105 6« J Berg ft Pomerene. LiltlePomter. Jota 7S761 VLst wn Ab I -8 1:00 fast 21-10 112 Sl T Wayt G! n. B.Dale. Memphis JOSEPHINE C. ch. f. 4 111 By lim Gaffney— Wavering, by Marta Santa. Trainer. L. Haymaker. Owner. R. V. Haymaker. Breeder. K. Gonn. 78317 Hunt ton 51 f 1 0M,ru t 35 109 6«J T Bonham 9 Ballvnew. Wliiprwil! Er Stories 782S3 Hun ton 5 1 -I f 1 09 fast 20 110 «• T Bonham !• Attw. Ardito Kv.iung Stories! 75329 Hun ton 51 f 1 08 fast 3 110 U" T Bonham 12 L t Cl.ur. hill sMUriasfl .en,l 75287 Hunt g-on 61 f 1 OSiAfast 9 5 103 4« J Katon 8 I.t. Perkin- Cold Bank Pelion 74704 Akron 51 f 1 09 fast 61 104 I* C Frost 6 Carrie Moore. Harm Mary Q | 74C11 Akron 61 f 1 :09Vast 25 114 2l W Smith 9 Virge Spring Vale ssUmpti..n 74305 Akron 61 f 1 :?V»st 2€-5 111 4»J W Smith 7 Full oFiin. Wee Todd cr Bfkaan 74227 Alwon H f I.ll faat 24-5 108 li W mith 6 Oiltaus Gul, Currcin Shifty I OLD BLBE. b. r. 4 m By Blues— Silver Sbip. by His Lordship. Trainer. J. A. Hall. Owner. J. A. Hall. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 78318 Hunfton 51 f 1 08 fast 33 106 4«J A Rodgz S Charlie Summv. Lubeck. Hughie 78293 Hunfton 51 f 1:08 fast 53 108 641 A Rodgez 7 The! Ister. Ceo Starr. Ch.Henry 78269 Hunfton 61 f 1:08 fast 69 111 4« A RodrizlO Royaline, CharlieSmy. Mnlciber 78232 Hunton 6 1 2 f 1 :09Vast 41 110 8 A Rodgez 9 D d CuiRe.Kcnsw.C. of t.Seaall 78202 Hunfton 3-4 1:14Vast 43-10f 109 9»i A Rotlriz 12 Theo. OltlSinner. P.arl.raPalmer 76229 Jefferson 51 f l:12Vivy 100 109 5 10 10 » 9" A Rotlgezll Anticipate. Dentaria. Flibtybet 76131 Jefferson 1 1 16 l:53Vlvy 20 98 6 4 4» 4" A Rodgez 8 Cash. Bowsprt. Al Stebler 7j994 Jefferson 3-4 117 slow 40 103 9 8 1 9" A Rotlgezll Antonia, PoorSport. Permareo 75902 Jefferson 3-4 120%hvy 25 103 3 3 3l 4" A Rodgez 8 Antonia. Piedmt. DicksDauter BLUE DALE. ch. g, 4 H6 Bv Ormesdale— Blue Racer, by Blues. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner. Padgett ft Dougherty. Breeder. E. P. 0 Meara. 78232 Hunton 6 1 2 f 1 :09Vast 10 115 6- W Smith 9 I d. Guise. KenVw.G. of t.Seaall 75266 Hunfgton 5 f 1 :08Vast 23-10 103 6*1 H Glick 8 Vulcanite. British Isles. OldRose 75239 Hunfgton 51 f 110%hvy 14-5 103 7*1 H Glick 12 SwettCookie. II. Moments Smite 74570 Akron 5 8 1:03 fast 16-5 111 7« W Smith 8 Sky Man. Jack Pot. Bridgette 74334 Akron 51 f 1:10 Vast 7-5 112 1* W Smith 12 Rambler. Poland. • Black Ruler 74021 X.Kton Ab 3 4 1:20 slow 3-2 108 li W Smith 6 Chilhowee. Businsslike, Despard ARTHUR MIDDLETON. ch. g, 11 116 By Disguise— Lardella, by J.*chf«r4. Trainer. C. Davis. Owner, H. Davis. Breeder. J. C. Rodgers. 78317 Hunfton i| t 1 OSVast 7| 112 6*1 W Punsn 9 Ballynew. Whiprwill. Ev Stories 78232 Hunton a 1-2 f 1 :09Vast 15 115 9» W Hunk n 9 Dd. Guise. KenVw.G. of t Seas 1 1 74528 Akron 5-8 1:02 Vaat 16 111 7" G Wliams 8 Jloom. Miss Holland, Jota 74083 Ystovvn A b 5-8 1:00 Vast 3 109 h* C I Gilder, Bab. Milda 73794 Ygsf wn Ab 5-8 59 fast 41 112 6s! T Wayt S AuntDetla. Lit. Pointer. Rosiell. 72329 Map.Hts 5 f 1 07 fast 13 113 4 4 5i 7IU A Frieshonll Zorro. Tom Norris. Refrain 71464 Clksbg Ab 6 8 l:01?sslov 21 113 43J A Frieshon 0 Get Em. Flip, Ruth Wehle GLORY OF THE SEAS II., b. f. 4 111 By Argosy— Kitty Muldoon. by Hans Vanderbum Trainer. J. Hope. Owner. A. C. Henderson. Breeder. 0. Patterson. "S269 Hunfton 61 f 1 :08 fist 35 111 9° R HolvvaylO Royaline. CharlieSmy. Mulciber 78232 Hunton 5 1-2 f l:9%fast 4 107 3l R Holway Due deGuise. Kennexiw. Newpt 78027 Havana 51fl:11%mud 10 102 2 2 51 8" J Majesticll Cwootlltoy. SimeeiiHor PeterJ. 77854 Havana i f l:07Vast 6 99 4 3 31 6*J J Dawson 12 Sim knBoy, Lustre. Some Pks 77656 Havana 3-4 1:15 good 7 93 6 1 1» 41 J Dawson 10 Miriam Cooper. |og, Sportiboy 77546 Havana 3-4 1 :16slow 10 98 7 4 6j 6-3 J Dawson 12 Ikase. Mess Kit. Sandy H. 77373 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 6 98 6 4 4" 61 J Dawson 12 Awning, Ikase. Fictile BUB. b. g. 3 M 100 By Vandergrift— Meadrose, bv Meadowthorpe. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. S. Holton. 78315 Hunfton 61 f 1:08 fast 18 Ml 7° J Eaton 10 BigSapp. BkKuier. MissAmerica 78249 Hunfton 51 f 1 :09Vast Si 100 7«3 J Eaton 9 Miss Ktta. T.lTnsn. W.Cracr 76391 Havana 51fl:07%fast 5 104 2 5 6» 6»1 J Eaton 8 MissM gar.t. Suzuki. Mmaduke 76351 Havana 51 f 1 :08 fast 4 99 1 1 1* 3i .1 Eaton •.Pawnbroker. Col.lI.eaf. Tw.Bell 76291 Havana 51 f 1 :08 fast 6 107 2 1 1« 2»k J Katon 7 Rov. Jueen. M.irmaduke. T.Bell 76137 Havana 51 f 1 :C6Vast 20 109 5 7 61 7» J Eaton T SmiMai.len. Red Mill 76066 Havana || f 106Vast 15 107 6 3 3« 3« J Eaton 10 I.ula. M.Margaret. Mrs Gardner 75867 Havana 5-8 1:01 fast 15 100 3 6 7» 6«3 J Eaton 9 Bed Mill. Kufiya, Clinging Vine KELNETH. ch. g. 4 M 116 By Pataud— B-First, by Cunard. Trainer. F. Dew. Owner. E. 0. Logan. Breeder. F. J. Kelley. 78293 Hunfton l f 1:08 fast 65 111 7»1 T Bonham 7 The! Isler. Ceo.Starr. Ch.nenry 78234 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1 :09Vast 41 115 9«1 T Bonham 9 Bristow. Atlventuie. C. Summy 71347 litonia lmTOy 1:46 mud 78 101 7 7 6» 5»° D Jones ■ N.Secun.lus. Wav-amo. Nuyaka .9693 Ixgton 3-4 1:14Vast 36f 91 8 11 11* 11 = D Jones IS Lieut. Colonel. Grayson. Monsoon 68367 Jefferson 3-4 1:14Vast 30 11110 11 11* 11" F Smith 12 Hilliiouse, Full o Fun. Radiant 67814 FGrnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 60 115 12 11 11* 11* G l!reungl2 Fernando*. Sultan. Bonfire 66750 DadePrk 6Jfl:10Vnud 62 105 5 6 61 6!1 J Chlmers 9 Gold. Billows. RalMaiil. GlFtrd VOLTAGE, ch. g, 7 M 116 By Martimas— Volita. by Voter. Trainer. A. Ferguson. Owner, A. Ferguson. Breeder, J. S Hendrie. 78316 Hunt ton 6 f 1 :0SVast 6 lot 9" L Farfton 9 Wise t nicker, Kennesaw. Bob 78249 Hunfton 51 f 1 :09Vast 42 111 9° E T Moore 9 Miss Etta, T.Plnsn. W.Cracr 78200 Hunfton 3-4 1 :16Vast 3-5f 115 11" W Pmrosel2 Melbourne. Miss Ktta. Mr Beck "1885 FortErie 3-4 1:15Vast 64 98 7 8 7» 71 C Kgsland 8 Beljoy. War Tank. I loralia 71802 FortErie lm70y 1 .47 Vast 66 87 4 S S SIT C Kgslant! 8 Klias .. Ilickorv. Bonfire 71650 Devshire 3-4 1:16 slow 33 97 97 C Kingsl.l 9 Fatli.Damien. Scraps. Rusticator 71543. Devshire 3 4 1:14Vast 63 111 »* II Zander 11 G. Average. W. Deuce. I, LirerpI 70712 Dfferin Ab 5-S l:05slop 18 117 S" J Maiben 7 McCobuin. L.Patricia. TsyDance PROPAGANDA, ch. g, 8 116 By Sundridge— Gelinotte. by Galllnnle. _ Trainer. E. Ltrtz. Owner. E. luts. Bred in England by Sir M. Sykes. 78372 Seo todays chart. 782* .» Hunfton 51 f 1:08 f**t 69 116 10" O Atwell 10 Royaline. ClmrlicSmr. Mulciber 78234 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1 :09Vast 64 114 ?J G Yeargin 9 Bristow. Adv. inure. C. Summy 77576 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14%good 30 107 12 13 D* tt** N Garrett 14 R.Robin. Omnipotent. Anticipate 77234 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 30 110 1 11 11 12" J Heupel 13 S.Frdman. Col. Winn. T. Official EDITH K., b. m, 7 HI By Ormondale— Mamie Worth, by St. Georj*. Trainer. S. Burnside. Owner. S. Burnside. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78270 Hunfton 51 f 1 :09Vast 6.1 106 10" J Eaton II Mr. Bet k. Lubeck. Macliinv. Hi 77348 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:50 good 60 101 11 13 13 VS-- W Milner 13 Juno, Sword. Mormon Kid. 1 77105 F.Grnds 11-10 1:49 fast 60 106 12 12 12 12" J Chalmersl2 Tom Cassidv. Pete For. Yorick 74818 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 171 108 2 12 12 12" F Wdsf ckl2 R Rools. K.t.f thcHr. M.Maxim 73825 H.deGce 11-16 1:51 fast lOf 107 9 11 10 11" J Kessner 14 King John. Lit. Amniie. Tingling 73428 Timonm 3-4 1:21 hvy 7 120 I*] R Curran 6 StarCourt, JepliinrC. Primitive 73362 Timonm 3-4 1:17 fast 14-5 108 6" T Bonham I Explosive. Alf V.zina. Litholiek 72879 Columbs ll:46%good 16-5 107 4J W Smith 10 Q.of tlieSp.i. S.Sliack. Tex Chief 12824 Columbs 2-4 l:lS«sslow 19-5 107 2 W Smith 8 Amanda. Red. Mary G. MOLLIE BARNES, ch. m. 6 HI By Trojan— Suivez-Moi, by Seahorse H. Trainer, G. R. Allen. Owner. Mrs. F. 0. George. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 78373 See todays chart. 76814 F.Grnds 1 1 S 1 :59mud 8 106 8 9 9 9" L McD ott 9 Bolster. Bastille. Hickory 76507 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:51 Vnud 12 107 1 4 6" 6" J Corcoran 7 Smart Gur. Trooper. Kttiibe 72870 Kenilw h lm70y 1 :43Vast 16 111 1 6 6 6" E Taplin 0 Gazinta, Iligli Gear Sportsman "2404 HawtkM 1 1-16 132%hvy 7 101 1 1 1* 1» L McDott 7 Trooper. Yorick. Bill Head 72353 Hwthne lm70y l:50Vimud 4 100 7 5 6* 4«1 W Fronk 8 Belgian Queen, PeaeePal. Diana WELGA, br. m. 11 106 Fv Kinr James— Wealth, by Rainbow. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78270 Hunfton 5J f l:09Vast 17-6f 111 H" C Gross 11 Mr.Be.k. Lubeck. Mat -hiavelli 76672 Cul.City 3-4 1:1.1 good — 110 6" C Grwood 5 Zing. Merrv Iiss, Paula 76586 Cul.City 5-8 1:02%good — 109 5*1 L Creery S Three X.. SilkSox. D. U Mills 16545 CulverC. I l:42%good — 107 7" C Grwood 7 Orleans Ptri, Tnitt, Coniehon 76246 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 hvy 34f 107 V C Gnwoodll San Htdron. Icon. Hassan Dan 76122 Phoenix 41 f 54 fast 6 110 6«J II Rettig 11 Annabelle, Old Red. The Vamp QrH RAPP ■ 1-2 Furlonira. .".-year-olds and upward. lalmiiig. April 01 u nauc: a«, twmM — i:o.-» 4-5 — 5 — ioo. GREAT LADY. ch. f. 4 107 By Ultimus— Mollie Kearney, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. F. Johnson. 78271 Hunfton 84 1:14 Vast 4-5 113 l-.i C Gross 8 GavBovIL. LittleK.I VirginiaB 78204 Hunfton 1 1:41 Vast 7 114 37 C Gross M Widgeon. Fre.l Kinuev Tingling 77587 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1 *8%fcvy 6 102 6 C 41 6 V Lang 10 Normal. Repeat, r s.are Crow 77457 11-16 1:51 hvy 41 103 2 1 Ill I Parke ■ Mom. Majority CM. Whallen 76701 FGrnds 84 l:15Vivy 6 98 10 8 3 t-1 F Leo 11 Carnarvon. FarEast. Danl.olling 76525 3-4 1:14Hslow 10 105 7 8 10« 10T J Corcoran 12 Kings, lere, p Sport RvlCharlie 7418. Omaha 3-4 1:16 mud 3-2 112 5 3 Ill5 E PeUoldt • Lit.Floree. M. Winks Faith Girl 741j7 Omaha 3-4 l:15%mud 3-2 107 2 1 1» 1» ■ Ietzoldt S Billvlj!iie. l.ina.I.ine l.oLBaker 73963 Omaha o-8-l:03 slow 7-5 107 1 3 2l 2" ■ Petzaidt: 7 PluoneWard. Dalton CapilCity 72508 Aurora Ab 5-S 58Vast 6-5 103 2 2 2« 2 W Bogski 6 Tlieseug. Take All. Sau Stefano SAM REH. b. g. 8 99 By Peep o Day— Coy Maid, by Kingston. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner, J. B. McGinn. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 78294 Hunfton 51 f 1 :08 fast | no u SJ jiav 7 Col. Pat. Hena Kittle Ed 78250 Hunfton 51 f 1 :07 Vast 16 9.1 3*1 II Hay 8 Theo. P. T. B.nnin. /.,„ ro 77846 Jefferson 84 1:14 Vast 30 115 2 9 10J 10"! G Walls 18 Avispa. Poor Sport Dav.lue 77606 84 l:1.14fchvy 30 111 9 10 10 10= H Hay 10 Little Alfred. Antieipaie Kttalie 77185 3-4 1:16 hvy 60 109 9 12 12 11" II Hay 12 Care Free. PlMi.ou Fiftv Fifty 76833 Cul.City 11:41 fast — HO 1" H Hay I Zing, Olds Eight Mania 76643 Cul.City 11:42 good — 109 2" H Hay J Arm van. Brazos. Carlos Enrique 76637 Cul City 3-4 1:14 good — 114 21 H Hay 0 Mouxie. Carlos Enrique Recruit 76548 Culvert. Ab 3-4 1:10 good — 105 l- H Hay 8 Serapis, CarUCtrioae, i:uigider FORTY TWO, b. c. 3 93 By Huen— Matterhorn. by Himvar. Trainer. E. Rice. Owner, E. Rice. Breeder. E. w! Ripy 75287 Whling Ab 88 1:03 hvy 10 105 lt F Horn 8 Sir Glen. Bonnie .lack Bellelsle .5197 Willing Abf. Sl:03 mud 9 109 I* W Smith ». Alllotft. Haiti lerl—ae t»n nl i .5136 Whling Ab-.S1:04 hvy 22.1 113 2 W Mn.krs tl Sleigh PelN. Baaaie laeft Climb ,4988 Huntington 5 8 1:01 fast 61 99 V J Eaton 5 Uuail. Uaaaa BearKia May 74830 Hunt on S| f CSfast 10 109 6"! T Wayt 8 PearlBoots. Baa.Haaie tieorMar 73918 Ysiown Ai. .18 1:03 mud 21-10 113 3« T Wayt 7 Bon. Jack. Douti.Sl.ot North Star 73851 TC8tw« Ab 8-8 1 rUsflll ■ 21 112 21 T Wayt 7 NtlieniStai. Damage. D bit-Shot MERRY MARS. ch. c. 4 112 By Vulcain— Merry Saint, by St. Leonards. Trainer. R. Ferris. Owner. Hammat and Davis. Breeder. R. P. Smith Jr 75297 Hunfgton 84 1:1:1 fast I Ml lt W Martin I F. Canadian. M. H, ataa Knnmare 75146 Hunfgton 84 l:M%eUw 6i K7 lh W Martin M The lister. Pelion De 75051 Hungton 3 4 1:17 hvy Uf 103 :• J Eaton 11 Rapid Stii.V, /.orro Full •* Fun 74913 Hun ton 61 f 1 :0Sslovv 19 5 104 P W Martin I Bess U, Primus George Chons •4818 Huntington Mfl:07Vaat 16 105 si W Martin 11 Col. Pat. Ill sal . MiasBealab 74711 Hunt on 2 J 1 14 fast 14 107 j« T Wayt 11 Puuta Gorda, Froth. Hopeful THE ULSTER, b. g. 4 100 By The Curragb— Islrose. by Isidore. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner. A. S. Eastman. Breeder, j. baniord. 78293 Hunt ton 61 f 1 :08 fast 4 118 1" J Pevic 7 G.Starr. 1,.11,-nrr p T F.arnum 78251 Hunt ton 51 f 1:07 fast » 108 t* J Pevic 8 Colum.Tenn. Prt,.*.e.|s pearllCu 78015 Havana 3-4 l:12Vast 30 108 3 6 6 .1-1 F Kiniry 8 Perhaps. Mabel K Sun Brie 77812 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 15 107 4 10 10J 11" J Petreccall Ailsie Venior F.o.loi Rloalivet 77595 Havana 84 l:12Vast 10 108 7 6 5J 4* J letreeta 8 Sp.Vale. Misslilali Sq Wi-ins 77561 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 12 107 3 2 4 3«1 J Petrerca C M. Bt-ulali. Sq. Wiggins Areata 77507 Haraaa 84 l:M%aaai 6 104 4 6 61 5" O lernia « Jollv. t;ienlivet. Miss B.ulali 77415 Havana 3-4 1 :14Vast 15 HI 6 4 6» 5« O lernia S S. Adams, J.lndwd. M.K.ulali JOYCE HOFFMAN, ch. m, 5 103 By Princo Hermis— Mary Genevieve, by Dick Welles. Trainer. 0. Johnson. Owner. Missouri Stable. Breeder. G. L. Blackford 75207 Hsjntctca 84 1:M mud M 111 3 T Wayt I Zorr... Matin. . Idol t |, Sun u v 75112 Hantcton .r*fl:11 hvy 77-10 112 4° T Wayt 7 JoellaJ.. .1. Hickn an P.t.t rJoliii 34887 Iluntir.gtcn 1-4 1 :l.Vast 21 113 2" T Wayt 10 Froth, Full o Fun Uveatarcea 74752 Hunt on . | i i M%M*M 1-2 113 i" T Wayt 8 Ixmie Lm Raaie BtrieV Rovt 74424 The, iff. 3-4 1:15 fast 7-5 107 5 4 4 2"k L, Aron 14 Athanua, P.Ik. Bal.v 74260 II. lUTe 3 4 1:HVast 1110 112 4 1 1 2 L Aron 12 Flor.D.-.-n. 8stlan||n. HUNdalo KINSMAN, b. c. 4 112 Bv Prince Hermis— Little Jane, bv Canopus. Trainer. H. Herron. Owner, H. Herron. Breeder. G. L. Blatktord. 78250 Hunt ton 5 f 1 :07 Vast 25 11.: [»| T Bonham s Theo p T p.arniiii. Sim 75330 Hun t.n 3 4 1:14 fast 13-5 1M 1* G Walls 11 Lkv Pearl. Viil nite. II Mom. uH 75298 Hunt gton 3 4 1:14 fast 7 101 Sl W Mt-Kht 8 9. •* Fun. Dir.Byea Has Butte 75241 Hunfgton f-1 f 1 :0!e .livy 27-10 1H 4 W Irurisn S Ballvnew Di. km II Bess I S48IS Huntington l| f 1 :07Vast 4 111 4JW D*k*«aall Col. Pat, it ss!, , MissBeulall 74336 Akron 61 f 1 :C9Va"t 10 112 7-J W Dunson 9 Adventure*- o.. Me C Mo. re 74269 Akron i| f 1 :09U,fast 61 107 6: W Martin 8 Quanali, Ch.Wliitnev J Dundee 73976 N Kton Ab8-tl4S%key 21 111 1 W Hkson 6 Sht-Devil. lto»..., i "h BarUiell 73028 Columbs || f 1:09 fast 1-3 112 8*1 W Dunstm I Charlton, Merry Mars. Kge CACAMBO. ch. g. 8 112 By Free Lance— Bonnie Kate, by Loyalist. Trainer. R. J. Howell. Owner, R. J. Howell. Breeder. G. J Lon. 75208 Hunfgton 51 f 1 ■ *«imud 7 111 8* T Wayt I Joella J.. I.ii. k Pond kDeer 75053 Hun gton 61 f 1:11 hvy 4 112 4«i It McDott C ButkPond. JoellaJ Doi Kin km r 71270 Akron 6i f 1 :24 fast 13 107 6*4 -I St hi. ss r I Moore.* MaxGold 73975 N K ton Ah 3-4 1:28 hvy 1-5 112 3« W Uk son 3 Cat-amUi P.latk Deer 73975 X.Kton Ab 3-4 1:28 hvy 1 108 1* COMahy I Bla. k Deer, Kent L 73607 Ygst wn 3 4 1 17Vast 4 111 4 J J Kennedy 5 Kendall. Topango. Bright Trash 13394 Wheeling Abi-8 1 01 Blow 9-5 110 21 Q Kenndv 6 Zooua. Aunt IH-da Sister Susie 73097 Columbs 1 l:42Vast 10 113 7"! J McGugh 7 T Foreigner. Br Trash C Adams 73005 Columbs 3-4 l.Kllow 61 UI 2 W Dunson 5 Topanto, 8heDt-i;. Luclt Velo CORDON SHAW. ch. r. 4 112 By Atwell— Panella. by Peter Pan. Trainer. I. Acey. Owner, W. Perkins. Breeders K. k H. Oots. 78X97 Hunfton 3-4 l:13Hfast 13-5 108 2J R Harton 8 Old Sinner, Jolly, Matinee Idol 78237 Hunton IMf 1MWMI 11-6 10S l1 R Har tonl2 I.ittlcKlorencc. Kutnrette. S.Age 77577 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14*4good 16-6 111 5 4 64 7* K Pool 13 Doughnut, RoyalDick. JnJoseph 77SS6 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13Hfast 3 111 9 C 4k 4« R HartonU Carpenter, St. Maurice, Doughnut 77122 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 12 108 3 3 l» 5» R Har tonlO Kingsdere. Lily M.. Isosceles 78615 FGrnds S-4 1 :135ifaat 16 110 7 7 «J S» G Biuengl3 Tarnbon. Misslrtunc, Kiugsclere COL. PAT. ch. g. 4 99 By Pataud— Colle. by Karta Santa. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. E. P. OMoara. 78376 See todays chart 78294 Hunt ton 6 f 1 :08 fast 1S-5 110 24 J Eaton 7 Snm Rrh. llena. Little Ed 78251 Hunfton 64 t 1:07 fast 5 99 6» J Eaton I Coluin Tenn. Thcl lster. Proceeds 77029 Havana 54 f l:l!*4hvy 10 106 1 2 3* 4*1 W McCabe S r.ol. Chance. BenBolt. EycBright . 76975 Havana 64 f l:ll*ihvy 8 104 1 1 1 14 J Eaton 8 111kBaby. Jacobean, MkGarncr 76845 Havana 64 f 1:13 hvy 10 103 2 3 3* 3« J Eaton 7 G t Em. I.en I.olt. The lister 76755 Havana 5J f l:09 £slow 7-5 100 lit* 1»* J Eaton 7 Haran, MarieAugusta. JustinrE. JOLLY, br. g. 4 108 By Transvaal— Tickle, by FiligTane. Trainer. W. B. Padgett. Owner. Padgett and Daugherty. Breeder. Morris and Wslden. 78297 Hun*, ton Hl:0%fail B Ml 3J N Burger ■ OldSinr. GdonShaw. Mat Idol 78237 Hunton S 1-2 f l3W%taat 9-.". H9 7« N Burger 12 G. Shaw. U Florence. Futurett- 77682 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast I 107 6 4 3J 6i F Wnodk S Keodor. SpringValo. StaeyAdams 77638 Havana H f 1 :0S** hvy 6 104 2 3 41 6J F Wood k 7 Kncnnto. T. American. Perhaps 77565 Havana 54 f l:07U,good 10 104 4 7 5J 4: F Woodkll C Encanto, KndMan. Stacy Adam« 77667 Havana 3-4 1 lti,mud 1 106 2 1 1« I* I Brothers li Clcnlivct. MissBeulah. Sanaa* 77434 Havana 51 f 24 97 7 S 5h 8*4 J Dawson 11 Pclion, Einday, Blanche Mac PEARL BOOTS, ch. f. 3 103 By Boots and Saddle— Pearl G.. by Handsel. Trainer. B. Creech. Owner, B. Creech. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 78251 Hunt ton ,r.4 f 1 07 fast 9i B8 47 H Padcn 8 Polum Tcnn. Thellstcr. Proceeds 75295 lluntgton 5 8 lOlfast 4 113 t0 W Mart.n 1*3 Auntie Miliin. Zanzibar. Quail 75242 Hunfgton 51 f 1 :0S hvy 5 IK 9 = W Martin 111 Attilia. Auntie Miliin. Ralcfull 74915 Hunton 64 f 1 :08slow 2 ]"!i 3* R McDott 7 Zero. Ijigoon. Auntie Miliin 74830 Hunt" on 7 4 f 1 :08Vsfast 1 109 lJ V Martin « Saucy Susie, Georgia May. Zero 7478! Hunt on 54 f 1 Tfast 41 M 1" W Martin 11 Quail, Lagoon, Georgia May BIG SAPP, ch. c, 4 112 By Boots and Saddle — Bright Stone, by Deutsch- land. Trainer. J. Randolph. Owner. 3. Randolph. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 78376 BM todays chait. MIS Hunfton 6i f 1 :0S fast in 112 1J O YcarginlO It. Ruler. MissAmeric.i. T.Plsmn 78237 llimloii i 1-3 f IBBataM 27 113 ST G Kennd12 ;. Shaw. U Florence. Entiiret tt Bill Chun hill 44 f 53good 16 107 6 6 6 §•• C Dishmot. • Sweetheart. Mis«orin:i. Banter 61830 Churchill 41 f oOmuU 13 Hi 3 1 8 8= E Pool S Blue Nose. Triumph. Rustem MILTON M.. br. g. 3 105 By Towton Tield— Olive McGee. by McGee. Trainer. C. Houbre. Owner, F. P. Letellier. Breeders. Honer and Cros». 78372 See todas chart. 78271 Hunfton 2-4 1 Mfcfaat 10 108 51 R Costello 9 GrcatLndy. GayBoyll.. I.ittleEd 78235 Hunfton 3-4 1 . 19 108 "1 R Costello 7 Ilreamer. N. McKay. Pr. Mally 7692Z F.Grnds 2-4 1:15 siow 30 10S I 4 7 10" J Kederis 12 Peggy O.. Vultilla. Belle K. 76702 F.Crnds 3-4 1:15hvy 12 112 10 11 11 11" J Kederis 11 Bjron, Norseland. Telescope 70559 F.Grnds 51 f 1 :0GVast 30 106 b 10 10 10" J Kederis 10 I. Plights, B.OBoy. K.ONeillll. STONE AGE. b. g, 4 103 By Granite— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Baumgartner. Breeder. J. K. louchheim. 78297 Hunfton 3-4 l:137Jfast 24 5 10:; 74i L Montry 8 lid Sinner. JordonShaw, Jolly 78237 Hun ton 5 1-2 f 1 :08«*fa*t lOf 100 4» L MonByl- O. Shaw. I . Fbirence. Future! t 77576 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14Hgood 10 108 9 9 9* 67 J Ked.iis it K.Kobin. linni|H.teiit. Anticipate 76943 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 good 1- HI 9 10 91 7« L McD »UU Avispa. Tempting. Stamp 74770 litonia lm70y 1 :44Hfast 18 104 9 7 61 6»4 D Jones li Intried. HktNM Mary. Hoy 74597 Latonia J-4 1:13 fast 49 10 6 4 34 1»» E Harvey 12 LordAllen, Redwood, JreenGold iiL DA PC 3— * Mlh 3-jear-oldn and upward. Claiming-. April 21, 1 ! -•"• «»in nftut — isis «-• — s — io4. ANTICIPATE, b. h, 7 112 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. Trainer, E. C. Lucas. Owner, E. Marmouget. Breeders. Morris A Alexander. 78372 Seo todays chart. 77889 Jefferson 2-4 1 :16-mud 7 120 5 5 6* 6* W Lilley 10 Piedmont. Poor Sport, Simplicity , 77840 Jeff.rscn 6 f 1 :08good 6 120 7 6 7l 6* L, McDottl.". SisterJosella. Slamp. DanBolling 77606 F.Crnds 3 4 PlJhvy 6 112 3 2 2* 24 J Heupel 10 Li! Alfred. Etlahe. Fifty -Fifty 77576 F.Grnds 3 4 1 14%good 12 110 4 3 31 3*4 J Heupel 14 R. Robin. Omnipotent, Sagamore 77364 FGrnds 3-4 1 :13=sfast 20 110 9 10 10 1011 J Heupel 10 Arrowhead. PIMicou, P. Boiling GEORGE STARR, br. g. 9 115 By Jack Atkin— Africa, by Savile. Trainer. A. Teargin. Owner. G. R. Allen. Breeder. 0. H. Chenaullt. 78339 Hunt ten 64 f 1 :07rhifast 7-5 11". 21 G Vearin 12 M dellvev. G withim. B.Blkwl 78293 Hunfton 54 f 1 :08 fast 20 IB 2" G Yeaigin 7 Thellsler. Ch.Hry. B.T.Bnum 78250 Hunt ton 51 f 1 :07Vast 14 9*» 6* A ■ Theo. I. T. Barnuni. Sam Reh 77972 Jefferson 3-4 l:17*imud 15 120 3 1 1» 1 F Sharpe 18 Mt.lh ast. llandyhrMi. Hysteria 77759 Jefferson 3 4 1:14%fast 40 11114 14 14 13" A Vilmorolt Pr. Joe. Good Time. Haidee 77627 F Grnds 3-4 1 :14Vtgood 20 107 9 9 11 11,: J Corcoranll 1oor Sport. Rapid Day. Stamp 76964 FGrnds 3-4 1 :16 imud 20 96 13 11 10«10::A VilmorcES FiHy-Fifty. Sea-Wolf. T.Peruv n j 76770 FGrnds 3-4 1:15good 30 97 9 6 71 6i A Vilmore l.i llajdiic. libva. Weslwood 7C607 F.Grnds 3-4 1.13*4fast 24 98 4 6 61 6" F 12 Good Time, Hystens, Rliinegold RHINEGOLD. br. g. 4 115 By Ro;.k View— Rhine Maiden, by Watercress. Trainer. D. McDonald. Owner. S. C. Denham. Breeder. E. F. Whitney. 78344 Hunfton 11:4. fa.-t 8 IOC 21 J Pevic t GajBoyll.. Flaxy.Mae. Blackllle 78320 Hunt ten 3-4 lllt fast 39-H 107 22 C: Gross 7 Barbamlr. An hie.Vr. I.yRun i 78202 Hunfton 3-4 1 :14Sr.fa t 1J IB 41 G Dyson IS The*, HdSmner. BarbraPahner I 77627 FGrnds 3-4 lMr.good 15 109 8 6 64 6" A Accardll loor Sport. Rapid Day. Stamp 77517 FGrnds 3-4 1 Hfast 8 106 6 5 7* 6»1 A Actaulyl.t B kcrl.r n. Sis Josella. ralmilto 77321 FCr nds 3-4 l:144tslow 12 113 1 7 11 10* J Wallace 11 Venizelos. Sagamore. Hysteria I 76734 F.Grnds 3-4 l:l.Vdow 8 108 10 2 6" 97 J Wallace 11 Bamra. Anlonia. Itivnor 76607 F.Gr nds 3-4 l:13*ifast 6 116 3 2 3s 34 B M rineliill! tiood Time. Hysteria, Drummom: EYE BRIGHT, ch. g. 5 117 By General Roberta— Eye Full, by Harriran. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner. A S. Eastman. Breeder. G. M Van Gordon. 78273 Hunfton 1 l:40%andMt 12 1»" *l J Pevic S Widgeon. Flaxy Mae. Silenrp 78238 Hunfton 1 1-M 1 jl fast 7 IB 6T J Petreccall F. KtaMjr, Widgeon. Secretary 78203 Hunt ton 2 4 l:14%t*M 20 11." CJ .1 Petrecca 7 Lar.Bareclte, Cahutia. Topango 78059 Havana 8-4 1.144good 10 107 12 10 7» 7" W Ucllow 13 Sun Brae. Auntie Slillin. Scissor 78044 Havan.i lm70y l:494slow 34 110 4 1 l1 2 T Thrailkl 7 S.| .Wiggin*. Zapato*. Riverandide 78028 Havana lm70.vl.61 mud 4 110 7 9 10* 7" J Callahan IS llalu. Scissor-. Finday 77825 Havana 3-4 l:12Vifast 6 116 5 4 2* 21 J Callahan li Riverside. SpgVale. MissLiberty 77767 Havana 11-16 1:47 fa»t 1 113 1 1 Ill] J Callahan 10 Superior. Halu. Bounce 77463 Havana 1 1-16 lTSjfast 2 104 4 3 34 3 J Eaton 0 fautious. jreen Briar, Debadou CHILE, b. g. 4 115 Bv D:ck Finnell— Stail*nd. by Star Shoot. Trainer. W. E. Suggs. Owner, S. Jauregne. Breeders. Murnhy A Shropshire. 7"24." Havana 2-4 l:ls*hw 12 111 2 4 61 7,c II Click b BenBolt. lx iigGrcen. For. Queen 77110 Havana 3-4 1:2lhvy 4 104 5 6 6l 65 H Glick 7 B.Dudley. RapldStride, Colossus 76950 ll;iv:in;i 3-4 1:1 hvv 2 112 2 4 34 2" F Woo.:iklL lln- lister. Vulcanite. Armistice! 76565 Havana M f 1 07 fast 1 112 1 6 4» 4s J Calh.han 8 It Bolt. P.T Barnnm. F.Weather 76490 Haana 61 f 1 :07fast 8-5 111 3 1 l1 li J Callahan I Finality. Hullo. Furiough 76329 Havana 111 IITtf— I 2 107 1 2 21 451 J Williams 0 Vulcanite. Bounce. Title 68767 Havana 1 t:4J9%fM 6 96 4 8 7* 2» C Frost ■ Mary Reigcl. Hullo. Hazel W. 68707 Havan.i 1 1 :4J fast 1 HO 6 3 21 1« W Taylor • Eastern Star. F.Girl. Theflster «8477 Havana 3-4 1:12 fast 4 107 2 6 7 7"J T Burns 7 MlssM:.zie. lto kabye. Winnipeg t«162 UlTMH 1 l:41ifast 2 108 3 3 3i 3l II Click 7 Winnipeg, Wild fat, Rockabye CAMOUFLAGE II.. b g. 7 110 By Cartoon— Miss Madge, by Oit Wed*. .Trainer. C. Emmert. Owner. Frczen North Stable. Breeder. J. A. Drake. 78340 Hunt tori :;-4 1 14 fa»t 24 112 4*1 H Hay 8 Mat.ldd. Flor. lleen. Hysteria 78271 Hunttin 8-4 l:14%fsat 43 115 9" J Conway • tlreall.ady. GayBoyH.. I.itthEd 782X7 H«JBt«M 5 1 I t 1 Mttfrut lOf loy 12» C Gross 12 G. Shaw. I.. Florence. Futuret t? 77145 Cul City : S 1 :Kfast — 104 6*1 C Corbett •■ Carlos Knrii]iie. Kr.ililv. Zainer 76834 IulCity 5-8 1:01 fast — Ho l1 C Gnw.xn: 7 He Land. fhinaJane. MissMaben 7 Hi 7 II CulCity 51 f 1:08 got d — 104 6 "L Creery 7 C. Enrique. I/kyllays, Ix rdAllen 7G637 CaLCHjT 2-4 1:14 good — IB 1*1 L Creery 6 Mouxie. SamReh. f arlosKuriijue ; | .6554 Culity t-S 1 :01S.good — 10s 4* L CM ry 8 Eth Brown. Brazos. I.uckyllays i 76056 rii.inx H f 1 o-.Slast 37-10 111 . 44 G Sutton 7 Mouxie. Zainer. EinmaWilliams 75950 Ill... i ::x 3-4 111 sood 13-5 107 4° J Mcllride 7 Mynardl... 0 Bnri.|ue. Rleader ! I FOSTER EMBRY. ch. g. 8 112 By Stalwart— Margaret Hastings, by Hastings. Trainer. W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. Breeder. C. Nuckols. Jr. 78238 11—1*1 ■■ 1 1-1il 1 fast 17 107 10" J Eaton 11 F. Kinney. Widgei.n. Secretary 78202 Hunfton 3 4 l:14fast 8 117 10»J J Petroccal- Tin o. M.isinner. r.arl.raluluur 77721 FGrnds 1 1-16 l:4SVifast 10 100 2 2 31 6: E Blind 12 Rupee. Bendita. ln-ul.te 77499 l.Gi nds 1 1-1C 1 49 good 7 110 6 3 3» 3 E Blind 9 F Kiny. Wi.l.eon. ieii.f adorn.i 77412 F.Gr nils 11-16 1:49 fast 20 991 6 2 li -i E Blind 13 fash. Waywassanio. F.owsprit 75511 CknrckiU 1 I I TULliB 7 107 9 7 8» 71 E Blind 1.". Ben Valet, ■pat*, I baric* Henry 75476 CkMCkUl 1 1-16 l:47Hfast 7 106 7 3 3» 4r E I.lin.l 12 Rand. I. 1 he Leopard. Halu 75001 Lat4Mla 1 1-16 147*sfa9t 4 104 9 1 lfiD Jonea 11 l teFoy. CapKo.k. Ix rd Wrack I 1 APRIL, b. f, 3 96 By Horron — Palermo, by Garry Herrmann. I Trainer. R. Stralendorff. Owner, R. Straler.dorff I . Breeder. J. B. Gorbam. I 78374 "Sc- toilav s chart. 78295 Hunt t.-n 5 8 1:01?sfast 42 100 4*1 J Cowan 10 AtieMillin. Bigwig. EuniceBley I 1 78011 H.iv.m.i 51 f 1:08 fast 10 100 6 3 3 2« W MCabflJ Auntie Miliin. Castilla. Ilopott.-; 77922 Havana 51 f l:0Sslop 20 102 11 10 9 10" W McCab.ll 1 1— Bill. CeorguiMj. BlucMs 77694 Haana* 3 4 l:13Hfast 20 107 8 6 74 7,; W Fronk 11 Nimro.1. Tilades. Babbling 77617 Haana tlfpllmud 16 103 I 7 Sl 9«W Fronk !l Asa Jewell. IMaid. Babbling 77428 llaana 3-4 1 Hrifast 34 93 4 1 1» 1* J Dawson 7 Ring Rose. Loscorron. Yakima WHIPPOORWILL. ch. g. 9 112 By Oiambala— Nightfall, by Voter. Trainer. W. Higginbotham. Owner, C. F. Solomon. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 7837:: Sm tndajra chart. 78317 Hunt t..n tj t I .B*Afal 15 112 2 J Domick ■ Ballynew. Fv ngStories. Dewitt 78274 Hunfton 3-4 1 :15fast 35 112 C* J Grunsen J Dr. Joe. Ma—tin. Ringleader 77:.".2 Havana l| f 1 BUfaafl 4 113 4 6 6» 510 J Callahan li Gloom, Forewarn. Foul Weather 77299 Havana 54 f 1 OSgood 12 112 U 6 64 C J Connors 11 S. Susie. M.Beulah. J lnderwo«Hl | 77174 Havana 3 4 1:19 hvy 10 115 1 3 5J i Wliams H BenBolt. S.| Wiggins. Vulcanite 77090 Havana 64 f 1:15 hvy 3 112 1 1 1" 1" J Connois 6 lhelan. t I. -mTbeisi n. Wui tlldt | , LITTLE TLORENCE. ch. m. 5 107 By General Roberts— Lori Nita. by Reformation. j Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owaer. J. B. McGinn. Breeder. G M. Van Gorden. 78271 Hunfton I I lll%laat 1- 114 S10 H Hay !l Cr. . CayBijlI.. UttleBi 78237 Hun ton 1 1-S f lBBBnat 1 9.". 21 H Hay 12 GoidonShaw. luturetti-. St Age , 77911 InttCfSM 51 f l.lOHhvy 30 100 6 5 41 14 H Hay 1.. I.n-ut .Fairell. Stamp. tlliiSimier 77321 ll.rruls 3-4 l:14slow 15 102 4 6 61 6"1 H Hay 11 Vimzc:,,s. laiaa—f. Hysteria I 7700.". 2-4 1 13 hy 30 97 7 6 b» [111 Hay BiffBang. lit linonl. Exchange I j 7C645 CulCilv 6-8 1 : "2HBood — 111 "~i H Hay 5 Zainer. Angela. Firo 76554 CaLClty 6-8 1 OlSgood — 104 6s H Hay SKlli lr..»n. Bia/o~. I.u. k Havs i 76146 Tljnaaa 6-8 1.00fasl 91 106 7"1 II Hay 8 Bl B; gg.ige. Tubby A., Trit FUTUBETTE. b. f. 4 105 By Ormondale— Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner. M. Bruce;. Bieeder. Montlort Jones. 78375 S ■ today s chart 78340 Hantten 3-4 1 II fast 20 110 t* T Cam nn S Mat. Idol. Flor. Deen. Hysteria 78237 Hun ton 6 1-2 f 1 :0SSfa-«t 36 104 3: O Atwe.i 12 OJav, Little Horen.e, S.Age 75558 Cnarcnlll 11-16 147 fast 74 Bi 7 8 8* 8:3 B Marti* !• KUai ».. Halu. Randel 75533 I liir.liill ll:39Va8t 67 107 6 10 9* 9°W Pan •• t It IfgMary Mis.XIny. I.G Broun 75476 Iliunhill 1 1-1« l:47*tfast 36S 102 1 9 « 6 G W CralllS BatnM. Tka Leopard, llalu PAWNBROKER, ch. c, 3 99 By Uncle — Sweet Day. by Peep oDay. Trainer. J. Hizer. Owner. Calvert L Major. Bre-rier. H. P. Headley. 78295 Hunt ton 5 8 1 12 108 7=J X RurgT 10 A tic.Millin. Bigwig. KunleeB ley 77617 HTTt-H 61fl:UHmud 1-6 116 I 6 6» 6*4 J Callahan !l A-ii Jih.II. Ilaid. Babbling 77547 Havana 54 f l:10Hsl»w 3 112 6 1 1 ||G W lia-nsllt li •. Ilaid. Asa Jewtll 77288 Havana 64 f 1 10%.BOod 3 101 4 1 J" li T Bl oth. is ■ liongGreen. A.ou.hlall. Gloom 76972 Havana ij f 1 ITHnll 6 116 6 4 3»» 4 4 F Wood k I! Mis- Margar-t. Moorfi.l.l. Teas. 70S51 Havana 61 f 1 08 fa t 15 110 6 3 3 IJ F Wood ck li Gold Ij-af. Bub. Twinkle Bell 76273 Havana H f 1 07%fast 5 10" 4 1 1« 24 F Wnatdi 7 hufija fhemiaene. Ancestress 76215 6» f 1 .07 VaJ»t 4 109 7 3 3i 3i F WoodcklO Lula, Moorfield, Gold Leaf Cfh RAPP 1-16 llli««. Ironton lurso. :i- v ear-old* and npnnrd. 4 lalnt- JUI nHl»L idk. tot-t. i:t, iuz:i — 1:4« :hB5 — 5107. TINGLING, ch. g. 6 118 By Dalhousie— Tinker, by Handspring. Trainer. J. J. Russell. Owner, J. J. Russell. Breeder. T. Clyde. 78375 Seo todays chart. 78321 Hunfton 1 l:41~fast 3-2 115 1J W Dunsn 7 FredKiny. C.ratian, Morm Elr 78252 Hunfton 11 I 1 56 fast IS-.". 117 3i W Dansaa. li Jon Jou, Halu. Kirklevington 78204 Hunfton 1 l:4P5fast 14 119 4:i W DunsonlO Widgeon. FredKinney. Grtl.idy 77893 Jefferson 1 1-16 liMmud 8 113 9 8 8 8" H Stutls 10 Normal, Permarco Snuiity 77521 F.Grnds 1181:51%fast 10 113 7 3 64 P* L Morrid 12 S.oflleasure. GoodNiglit, Ruik»r FRED KINNEY, br. g. 6 113 By Towton Field— Mand McKee. by Luke Ward. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A Baumgartner. Breeders. Cross A Haner. 78321 Hunfton 1 l:41%fast 7-5 110 2» L Montry 7 Tingling. Gratian, MormnFlder 78238 Hunfton 11-16 1:51 fast 41 111 1» L Monty 11 Widgeon. Secretary. Yori.k 78204 Hunt ton 1 l:41Vsfast 12 111 z* E MonfrylO Widgeon. Great I.ady. Tingling 77844 Jefferson 11-16 1:50 good 20 107 9 9 71 571 1 Monerjl2 KcntL., St.Donard. Royal Puck 77499 FC.rnds I 1-M 1:41 good 25 106 6 7 41 1" J Kederis 9 Widgeon. F.Embry.. Gen I adorna 77348 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:5"J good 20 106 13 10 7 61 G Fields 13 Juno. Sword. Mormon Ban 77280 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:02*5fast 25 108 5 9 71 7«i J Wallace 9 Xanthos. At.BojlI. S ourgeman 77239 F.Grnds 1 1-4 L:09ifa..n 40 104 8 9 9- 6* J Wallace 11 Hickory. Duslproof, Attorney BLACK HACKLE, blk. g, 7 114 By Star Shoot— Shelby Belle, by Knight Errant. Trainer. C. Knight. Owner. D. Garrity. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78344 Hunfton 1 1:42 fast 7 114 4i T Wavt S GayBoyll.. Rlrinegold. FlaxyMne 78298 Hunt ton 1 1-16 23-10 111 l1 T Wayt 7 FlaxyMae. Fay« lie. M kOrange 78238 Hunfton 1116 1:51 fast tij IB 7» T Wayt 11 F. Kinney. Widgeon. Secretary 78204 Hunt ton ll:41Hfast 9 117 914 T Wavt 111 Widgeon. lredKinney . Grtl.ady 7 7806 Jefferson 1 1-lti 1 :49*ifast 41 110 11 11 B* tt" 0 Corev 15 Attorney, Troom-r. Rep 77648 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 25 115 9 9 8- 7» G Corey 13 Patrician. Haidee. Mcintosh SWAY. b. g, 8 114 By Vulcain— Buby Right, by Star Bnby. Trainer. W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. Bieeder. J. H. Woodford. 7S344 Hunt toil 1 1:42 31 108 P| J Eaton S GayBoyll.. Rliinegold. FlaxyMae 78204 Hunfton 1 l:415fast 1 114 T" J PetreccalO Widgeon. FrcdKinney. GrtUidy 77743 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:55 fast 11-5 108 4 1 2» B. E Plind li Sandsofllre. Repeater. We-t«d 77«52 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :4Sfai.t 16-5 108 9 4 11 V E Plind 9 Irishliit. Diinibfounder. Wesiwd 773815 FCr nils 3-4 l:B%faat L5 108 12 11 « 7Ti E Blind 14 Carpenter. St Mauri. e. Daaanaat 7S4St CnaicnOl 1 1:B fast 13 112 4 8 6 V J McCoy 11 Bob. Shea. Westwd. Simpleton 75162 I.atonia 13-16 1:59 fast 41 112 7 7 9= 98 J McCoy li Oo La La. Golden Billcws,#P aaani THE CHAMBERLAIN, rh. g. 5 105 By Ballot— Mrs. Sewall. by Masetto. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner. J. B. McGinn. Breeder. W. W. Earden. 7P-275 Hunfton 1 1-S l:S7%faat 14-5 110 2" H Hay »» Mo.kOrge, Plantdc. lawaanal 78238 Hunfton 1 1 Iti 1 :51 fast 17 107 Sl H Hay 11 F. Kinney. WMg :. Secretary 77915 Jefferson 1 1-16 I MTinTT B 105 4 2 2* 21 H Hay 11 El Jesniar. Troopi r. Bowsprit 77806 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49*sfast 20 110 7 9 61 5"i H Ilav IS Attorney. Trooper. Rep 77714 F.Crnds I 1-8 1 :.V fast 20 95 3 2 3» 31 H Hay 10 Yorick. fol.Whallen. Sam Frank 77631 I 1 IHIUfflll 40 100 5 7 6 6"H Hay 8 Eddie Jr., St. Michael. WaterGirl 76808 Cul. City 1 1:42 fast — 113 3:1 H Hay 6 Ringleader. Madrono, Conichon VEHEMENT, ch. g. 3 U 97 By Zeus— Hopscotch, by Flint Rock. Trainer. A. M. Hieatzman. Owner. A. S. Rottman. Breeders. Madden and Giles. 78342 Hunfton 1 1-8 1 ::.49sfast 14 108 45 J Pevic S Norah. Dunoon. Dreamer 78316 Hunfton 64 f 1 :08Vjfast «1 10«t 4* O Atwell !» Wise Cracker, kenncsaw. Bob 78248 Hunfton 51 f 1 :«95fast 10 95 4". A Vilmore Sllardman. Eunice Bailey, Bob 78200 Hunfton I -4 1 3-5f B 5* A Vilmorel2 Melbourne. Miss Ftla. Mr. Beck 77494 F.Grnds 2-4 l:l.".sgood 50 106 11 11 IT 11» .1 CorcoranU Sea Wolf, B. Mack, Beth Steel 77056 F.Grnds 3 4 1:13 fast 30 108 1 11 11 10* J CorcoranU Exchange. Billy Klair. M Intosli 76948 F.Gr rids lm70y 1 :46,good 30 97 10 7 S=10,4D Mergl. rll FrostvBor. Xanthos. ..Norlbern "6776 F.Grnds 2-4 1 :15Vfcmud 20 116 6 8 7J 73 E Roehm 9 W.theWiz d. FircBoy. Ex liange 76679 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :15mud 8 110 7 7 7» 7" E Boehm 11 B. Manager. Antiquity. Bugler 76613 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13«ifast 30 116 11 9 •»* 9 ° E Roohm U Uproar, Fausto, Quivero , ; i | ! I I 1 I I I 1 | | , j , I I j i fith RAPF *!-4 M,,e* . 4-y«»«"-«I«l» a*»«l upward. Claiming;. April Sa, 1J»2S EVENING STORIES, b. m, 5 100 By Helmet— Bedtime Stories, by Marta Santa. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner. J. B. McGinn. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 78317 Hunfton 51 f 1 OSsfast 12 101 24 H Hay 9 Ballynew. Whippnni will. Dewitt BBi Hunfton 51 f 1 M fas: 27f 1 6 7: H Hay 10 Royaline. f harlieSmy. Miil«il er 78233 Hunton 5 1-2 f IB fast 21 100 31 H Hay 9 Attoo. Ardito. Hello Iardner 76800 Cul City 1 1 :41fast — 112 4« H Hay 6 Ringleader, I.eenra. k. Madrono 76724 Cul. City 5 8 1 nf-sgood — 115 S"4 E Petznt.U S Zainer. Maude IlaiM-y. Honnra 76095 Jefferson 2-4 1 l..5fast 30 102 10 8 8 8* E Blind 12 Avispa. Flor. Keen. K. liability 73476 listings 61 f 1 :23*,fast 16 106 3» G Broadft C Priv.Ieat. Fea.eFlag. Grayson 73171 Brighse 3-4 PllHgood 30 107 35 P Hum 8 B. Monkey. lriv.Peat. Donatello BALLYNEW, ch. g, 6 115 By Tho Manager— Ballymena , by Adam. Trainer. J. M. Hizar. Owner, E. E. Major. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78317 Hunfton 51 f 1 : «Vi fast 9-10 111 P* X Burger ■ Whiporwill. Eve Stories, p. witt 78274 Hunfton 3-4 13-5 116 43 M Burger 9 Dr. Joe, Manokin 77670 Havana 2-4 1 :l:;*sfast 1 108 1 4 J 1" J Callahan 9 Glabella. -Mallow-mot. Kxe. ution 77613 Havana 5* f 1 :10mud 3 110 2 3 2 2s G Wliams S Glenn. Foxtail. Solomons Kilts 75788 Havana 64 f l:12%hvy 1 109 4 2 2»* 4* T Brothers li TomNorris. L.KjeslI.. MIIMarfc 75241 Hunfgton 61 f 1 :09-v,hvy 14-5 105 I* X Burger S Dicknell. Bess I,.. Kinsman 75206 Hunt glon 3 4 l:lSmud 11 106 2" X Burger 7 The Girl Palladium, Win Oldt 74990 Huntington 54 f 1:08 fast i.".-10 108 4 i N Burgei g Firstlullet. Hopeful, EdCarrison HUGHIE. b. g. 4 115 B/ Vandergrift— Caller Ou. by Oddfellow. Trainer. D. Lounsberry. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 78318 Hunt ton 51 f 1 :0s fast 6 111 ::-J W Smith S fharlieSummy. Lube.k. Oldl.lue 78274 Hunfton 3-4 IdBAfant 22 107 5r J Eaton 9 Dr. Joe. Manokin. Ringleader 77955 Havana 3-4 l:15«fcmud 10 106 6 4 6* 4 1W Dellow 10 Mess Kit. Jack lot. Ilienol 77352 Havana 51 f 1 :0S/5good 6 105 2 3 4» 4IU J Eaton li Gloom. Forewarn. Foul Weather 77288 Havana 54 f 1 :l»-f,g«.od 6 104 1 2 6* 8" J Eaton 8 EGreen, Acorn hlal I.. Inbroker 77111 Havana 5-.S 1 OT.hvv 2 104 4 4 31 3*1 J Dawson 5 The lister. Kendall. Mad Nell 77052 Havana 3-4 1 Jlshvy 21 106 7 1 1 1»» J J Daw n 9 Q.Mazonia, K.farpenter. falifa 77014 Havana 61 f 1:13 hvy 4 100 I 1 1"" 1] J Eaton 10 MadNell. J.Frost. G.of tSeaalf. RAPID STRIDE, ch. g. 7 115 By Rapid Water— Lady Omama, by Ornament. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner. A. S. Eastman. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 78297 Hunfton 3-4 l:B%fnat 6 IM fi J Pevic H lid Sinner. CordonShuw. Jolly 78272 Hunfton 3-4 1 :14+sfast 29-10 115 M J levic i CharlesHry. ltobltaker. Gratian 78059 Havana 3-4 1 :144good 8 108 2 12 91 9-F Kinirv 13 Sun Brae. Auntie Miliin. Scissor* 77900 Havana 51 f l:07Vast 7 107 4 4 34 1" AV Fronk 12 tiKclly. Fly. Boat. I/iugh.KyesII. 77857 Havana 3-4 11.%fast 7 108 2 2 61 8rl F Woodk « I-eona Dare. Asa Jewell. Iiodor 77810 Havana 3-4 1 :12%fast 6 105 2 2 21 34 J Petrecca 9 Glenn, OKclly. Ann lia S. 77746 Havana 51 f 1 :07 fast 15 106 8 6 6» 4"t J Petrecca 12 Sis. Susie. SpringVale. Fly. Boat 77693 Havana 1-4 1 KiVast 8 110 2 2 3* 3; J Petrecca ■ Riverside. M.Kit. I-uigli.KyeslI. 77549 Havana 51 f 1 iBttataV 10 109 1 4 41 2-1 J Petrecca 8 Lilac Time. Ben Bolt. Feodor ARCHIE ALEXANDER, ch. g. 8 110 By Harrigan— Anytime, by Yanaea. Trainer. H. Randolph. Owner. J. Randolph. Breeder. B. A. Jonea. 78320 Hunfton 8-4 fllifast ;.;, ]o7 3* I, Montry ~ BarbTr. Rliinegold. I.kjRun 78296 Hunfton 3 4 1:15 fast 21 1 5 2* J Eaton II Dancer. Hysteria. Florcncelleen 78247 Hunfton 3-4 1:1". fast 11 1«S 21 J Eaton 9 OldSin r, Bobl.aker. Mallowmot 78201 Hunfton 3-4 1:16 fast 8 114 8"J G Kenndy 9 Lt. Perkins, fer.Point. Mallinot 77648 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fav 15 104 6 6 7l 6J E Blind II Patrician, Haidee. Mcintosh 77321 F.Grnds 3-4 lHslow 15 103 9 8 7 7 " ■ Preningll Venizelos. Sagamore. Hysteria 77148 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :14-sfast 12 10618 9 7» i;; I. McD ottl2 R. Bottom. Oaf ostigan. Stamp 76858 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%faat 6 lu 9 8 6" 6*1 F Th dykeH Poppye. Arrowhead. Venizelos 76733 F.Grnds 3 4 1 14?andslow 10 102 1 8 V- S8 F Thdyke 9 Kingsclere. fare Free. Atiilia 76614 F.Grnds 2-4 l:14fast 12 107 1 6 10 V B Harvey 13 B. Pardon, Dr.Joe. TheFranciscan BRISTOW, br. g. 6 115 By King James— Arlette, by Robert le Diable. Trainer. C. C. Wedderstrand. Owner. C. C. Wedderstrand. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78274 Hunfton 3-4 l:15,fast 81 11", fc» W Dunson 9 Pr. Joe. Manokin. Ringleader 78234 Hun ton 5 1 -2 f 1 :09%fast 7 113 1" G Kenndy 9 Adventure. C.Siimmy. Maehvilli 755I1 Churchill 7-K 1 :2C%fast 7f 115 13 12 12- 11,T J D Mneyl.". Ben V.ilet. Spats. Charles Henry 75247 I.atonia larttj I B nlJ 90 112 8 10 10 1»:« D Conn llylO foldltoy, Feiguson. KlowerShop 75143 Hunt gton 51 f l:llslow 4f 112 IV W Duns nl2 Star Time, Ed Garrison. Smite 75111 Hunfgton 54 f l:ll«5hvy 12-5 M7 43 W Ilogski I Machiavelli. .Iota, fatana 74916 Hun ton 3-4 1:16 slow hB5 10S 2: T Moore • Char.Siimiiiy. Blazonry. Arapahoe 74990 Huntington U f 141 fast H 99 7*4 J Eaton t Firstlullet. Hopeful, Ediiarnsou HARAN, b. g, 7 110 By Horron— Cyrene. by The Scribe. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. MockJ. Brecdera. Talbot Bros. 78373 Sec todays chart. 78296 Hunt ton 2 4 1:1". fast 72 110 Il W Taylor 9 Dancer, ArchieAlexder, Hteria 77874 Havana 51 f 107ifast 12 111 5 7 6* 5;4 p Or a an 12 Kanaaa, Whispering, t how i how 7767K Havana lm..Oy 1:4". fast 5 110 4 6 9 9,T A Pickens 9 Fannie Nail. Alluring. Blk. Baby 77659 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 6 113 8 3 61 3*4 A Pickens 12 Llxmiine. Ja.kloi. B. at- hi 1. BRIARCLIFF, ch. g, 5 105 By Frizzle— Briardale. by Ormondale. Trainer. E. Lut:. Owner. E. Lilts. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 78340 Hunfton 2-1 1:14 fast 40 117 8" G Yeargin I Mai. Idol. Flor. p.en. Ipsteria 73029 Columbs 51 f 1 :0SS;fast B 1"8 7» S Banks 10 Fox Glove, Scuny. Smart Guy 72975 Columbs 3 4 1:15 fast 16 10S If » Banks T Car .Moore. RayAtkin. M Hollins 72908 Columbs 3-4 CE-fast 18 117 7"! S Banks 9 Neg. has. A. B.wne. Balaaaa 72721 Columb s l| t l:16lihvy 14 111 6"* I Hanks I Bcrrctta. Alligarwn. 1iiinilive 71550 Clksbc 3-4 l:22rtmud 51 112 41 J Domink I Cleopra Boy. Safraiior. Adelante OLD POP. ch. g. 11 110 By Martimas — Cannie Maid, by Cannie Boy. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner. Sadget and Dougherty. Breeder. C. A. Craw 75329 Hun ton .1 f IB fast i M4 B H Glick 1- Lifliun lull. KdCrison. Neenah 74T17 Akron 11 B 1:49 fast 26-". Bl 6-J W Smith S Bill Block. I.a Kfaaa, t hand, lier 74483 Akron 61 f 1 :23 fast 21 107 1iW Smith • Puzzle. Haniii. Currency 74387 Akron t.i f 1 :.•:: 24 117 34 W Smith 7 Assumption. Puzzle. LaeSfM 74302 Akron 51 f 1 48%taat 17-B 11:: 61! W Smith e Thetlian.b-rla in. Humpy Mrlda 73799 Y ant am 1 1-16 l:55.,fast 43 10 111 1*| W Smith 7 Melancholia. Edna D., Puzzle CERTAIN POINT, b. g. 11 105 By Abe Frank— Sainvoke, by Sain. Trainer. C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. Breeder. J. F. Newman. 78294 Hunfton 51 f 1:08 fast 19 .". IB 5-l J Cowan 7 Sam Reh. Cat. Pat. Ilcna 78201 Hunfton 8-4 1:16 fast 3o 111 B S Cowan 9 Lt. Perkins. M:illmot. Kuklton 176832 Culity 3-4 1:14 fast — IB 44 C Gnwood 9 I/kjrBagn, Mr. Krut.r. Three X. "6799 Cul. City 2 4 l:B%faal — 113 V% C Grwood 9 Iloringa, Patfart.r. Ilackamore 176725 Cul. City 3 4 1:15 good — 110 9° .1 Cownn 11 Blklat. T han.blain. ThreeX. 76675 ul City 2-4 1:16 good — 112 TfC Grwood S Twelvel.clU. Starlike. Threi X. 7i636 Cul City i| f HtHfaai — llo 4-1 L Creery I KWilliain-, T.Brisa, l.uckjliiigli 76556 Cul City 3-4 l:14VKOud — 112 lJ L Cr.-cry 7 Blk. Pat. Twv. Bells. K Williams ILENA. b. f. 4 105 By Sain— Hcrmoso. by Alvescot. Trainer. W. Lotke. Owner, C. Jones. Breeder. G. J. Long. 78343 Hunt ton 1 1 :42*sfast B 1"7 6* I Grun sen !• Bob Baker, Pantzic. Manok 11 178294 Hunt ton l| f 1:08 fast 15 In.", 3J J Grun m n 7 Ram Ban, CaL Pat. Little Kd 78234 Hun ton 5 1-2 f 1 Mttfaat 13 IB 5- J Greis-n ! Bristi.w, Ailvenlure. C. Summy 77806 Jefferson 1 1-B l:B%fat 15 ll«6 5 6 7 7 3 A". Attorney. Trooper. Rep 77049 FGrnds 1 1 .s 1 ...V-fast 30 108 3 7 8 l*» ■ Martin 11 Royal Puck, Bat , lie. Ashland |7i8«S FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :49-:,fast 4 106 1 3 21 2 I. M D ott 7 Alurd. Superlativ.t. Haidee 76530 f Cr nds 1 1-16 1 :49«islow 30 98 9 9 8 S1 D M-rglei 11 tirassTree. lfjltrown. Warldol 70131 Jefferson 1 1 10 1 5;-..hvy 12 97 7 7 7» l"V Milner 8 Cash, Bowsprit, Al Stebler 71L DA PC 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. C laimiiiK. Oot. i:., lie:;: /in nAUt isy » — 4 — 10::. KIRKLEVINGTON. b. g. 6 109 By Olambali— Kerr, by Uncommon. Trainer. A. Yeargin. Owner, G. R. Allen. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78343 Hunfton 1 l:4B%fnt 4 1 J 7 A Vilmore ii ]...! Baker DaatSte, Man.kin 78252 Hunt ton 11 s 1 .56 fast 6j 11 J 434G Y.-argiu •. Jo:i Jou. llalu. Tingling 78201 Hunfton MRU 6 122 41 G Yeargin I I.t. Perkins. Vr Point. Malluiot 77652 F Cr nds 1 1 ltil:4Sfast 8 110 5 6 61 CJU J Corcoran 9 Sway. Irish Pat. Huiiibfoiind.-r 77522 1Crnds 1116 1:49 fast 8 10519 3 3 3J J Con oral. 12 Humboldt. Water Girl, I.ierre 77325 FGrnds lm70y 1 49.slow 34 112 3 6 41 3° J Wallace 7 High Gear. Yorick. Magician 77239 FGinds 1 1 4 . 09ifas.t 3 103 5 6 6 8* I Parke 11 Hi.kory. Duslproof. Attorney 77197 FGrnds; 1 1 16 1 :4;-goo.l 20 111 1 4 3J 3« L McDott I Gem. Normal. Royal CkntrMa 7li3«8 Jeffers m 3 4 1.15 good 100 102 9 9 7* 7» A Vilmore 9 Admirer. JohnJoscph. Carefree 74203 I-aton.a lm70y 1 44fast 27 123 9 8 6* 671 Q Y.argin 9 Kgl harming, lay lorllay . lsii 74lll» Eexgton 1 1-16 lf.iTmud 31 -5 115 16 4 6*4 Q Yeargin "» Evcrywonun. Boy. Crown. K.Kne 7 3772 Eci.utoa 2-4 1 15 g.od 8 115 6 6 4* 3J1 G Yeargin b Napoo, Fincastle, Monaoou DEWITT ch. r. 7 109 By Everett— Kiss Panmure, by Fanraurs. Trainer. W R. Padgett. Owner, Padgett ft Dougherty. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 78373 Bee todays chart. 78317 Hnntion 51 f 1 :0S%fast M 111 4J W Smith ft Rallynew, Whiprwill. Ev. Stories Mf3 Huntton 61 f 1:08 fiat 43 U6 S* W Smith 10 Roy a line. CharlieSmy, Mulciber 7697:! Havana 51 f l:12%hvy 3 111 4 5 6« 5T| W Smith ■ St. Just Knth Welile, Suzuki 76008 Havana j| f 1 08 fast 1* 117 3 3 31 3* W Smith 8 l.augh.ByesI I . Feodor. WinorQt 73392 Wheeling 1 1:19 hvy 3 108 4* F Horn 6 Dalrose. Wireless. Sea Mime BLAZONRY, br. g. 9 109 By Whisk Broom II.— Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. A. K. Miller. Owner. A. K. MiUert. Breeder. H. P. Whitnev. 78298 Huntton 11 16 1:49%fast 27 119 74J W Smith 7 Blackllackle, Flax.vMae, Fayelle 78061 Havana 1 1-2 2:36 good 12 108 4 7 8»M0" W Kmiry 12 FlyingPrince. HillmanC. Huen 77982 Havana lm70y 147%slov 10 108 9 8 61 1"* K Kiniry ft Approval. Felix M, Tamper 77958 Havana 1 1-4 2:H%mud 12 107 4 6« 6" W Kronk 7 Halu. Conundrum. Huen 77767 Havana 11-16 1:17 fast 10 108 7 8 9» 9* J IZaton 10 Kye Bright. Superior, Halu 77593 Havana 1 1 16 1 13 106 6 5 6 Pi A Yerrat 0 J .Morrill. "ap.Adams, HillmanC. BOB BAKES, cb. g. 8 109 By McGee — Grace Commoner, by The Commoner. Trainer. J. B. McGinn. Owner. J. B. McGinn. Breeders, J. D Carr and Bro. 78343 Hunfton 1 1 :42%fa«t 2110 102 l1 H Hay ft Dantzic. Manokin. Ieenrark 78272 Hunfton I I 1 ll%ftM* 8 107 31 H Hay • RnpidSCe, CliarlesIIry. Gratian 78217 Hunfton 2-4 1:1.1 fast 27 108 3i H Hay 9 OldSinr. A.Alexder. Mallowmot 77081 1 I 16 1.17%fast 60 112 2 4 7 7:l H Hay 7 SixPence. KoyaUrown, Piedmont 76990 F.C.rnda 1 1-16 1 :32%hvy 100 107 7 7 V 7" H Hay 9 Honoliiltoy. L. Wrack. SttimpJr. 76823 Cul City 1 1:41 faat — MS 5« C inwood 0 Sam Kill. Zin;, Olds Eight 76677 Cul City 1 1:43 good — 107 5* C Grwood C Olds Eight. Brazos, Orleans Girl HASP OF THE NORTH, b. g. 6 109 By Baid of Hope— Mamie K.. by Peep 0 Day. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner, Frozen North Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78317 Hunfton 51 f 1 :0S%fast 11 111 7SJC Gross ft Rallynew. Wliiprwill. F.v. Stories 78250 Hunfton 51 f l:07%fast 33 99 l"| J Cowan X Then. I*. T. Barnum. Sam Kelt 77114 «"ul ity It f 54%fast — 108 SJ C. Corhctt ft OoAdmit. QuincyWard, Rubivari 76728 »ul "ity 5-8 101%good — 109 4 K Hgl and 7 Miss Maben. Felicitnr. Pok.Janc 76675 Cul City 2-4 1:16 good — 110 In C C.rwoodl2 Silk Sox, York lassie, Diana 76581 Cul City 0-8 1:02 good — 110 5» I., Crecry 6 Zainer. Mdellarvey, Lkyllugh 76550 culverC. it l:01%good — 110 3-J C Grwood 7 Beland, Zainer, Uoringa ARDITO. ch. g. 7 109 By His Majesty— Earty Rose, by Star Shoot. Trainer. E. C. Lucas. Owner. E. C. Lucas. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 78311 Hunfton ll:41%fast 10 112 84 J Gninsn 8 Silence. Secretary. She Devil 78233 Hun ton 5 1-2 f 1 :09 fast 28 115 I* J Grcisen ft At too, Kve. Stories. H. Pardncr 78202 Hunfton 3-4 1:14%fast 19 122 12* T Parr tool- Theo, OldSinner. RarbraPalmcr 77972 Jcff.-rson 3-4 1:17%mud 1? 120 12 11 11« U-1 W Lilley 13 O. Starr. Mt.Pleast. Dandybrnsh. 75317 Wh ling Ab 3-4 1:23 hvy 4 109 Pulled up. G Wliams.O Primitive, Assumpn, Yallabilel 74870 Akron 1 1-4 2:12%fast I 113 6*1 ¥ Lux 10 Lahross. MyLoraine. B.Stuirt 74788 Akron 1 1 16 l:49%fast 12 104 2= V Lux S Montillo, Advance. Little Ed NEENAH. ch. m. 7 109 By Meelick— March Past, by Exile. Trainer, J. Hope. Owner, R. 3. McDonald. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 78061 Havana 1 1-1 2:36 good 8 101 8 5 7» »• J Majestic 12 FlyingPrince, HillmanC. Huen 77998 Havana 1 1-S 1 8 101 7 7 71 3« J Majesticl2 Flying Prince. Huen, Grandson 77898 Havana 1 1 -16 1 :47%fa.«t 5 106 9 4 21 1* J Majestic 11 Drapery. Jacobean. J. OConnell 77790 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47%f ast a 108 1 and 4« 6% J Connors 9 Sportiboy. Drapery. Sandy H. 77726 Havana lm70y 1 :44%f ast 31 108 5 4 41 **l O Pernia 9 Tamper. Sportiboy. I51k. Watchll. NEWPORT, b. f. 4 103 By Ballot— HiU Top. by Clifford. Trainer. J. E. Lewis. Owner, J. E. Lewis. Breeder. S. K. Nichnl*. 78311 Hunfton ll:41%fast 36 94 6% L Monfry 8 Silence. Secretary. She DeTil 78294 Huntton 51 f 1 :0S fast 50 inn f I. Parf ton 7 Sam Itch. Col. Pat. Ilena 78232 Hunton 0 1 I f 1 : 9%fast 3S 105 4:1 L Parton ft D.d Guise. Kcnsw.G. of t.SeasII 77972 Jefferson 3-4 l:17%mud :;0 113 11 12 12 12** G Dyson 13 G. Stair, Mt 1*1— *t. Dandy brush. 77738 Jefferson 5 -S 1 :00 fast 100 115 « C 8 «-- W Crump I Moonraker. Tuscola. Lieut. Farrl 73513 Wheeling Ab 11:47 good 28 93 "1 I, Parfton 7 Texas Chief. May Girl, La K toss LIEUTENANT PERKINS, br. g. 7 114 By Ben Trovato — Chablis. by Artillery. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. G. W. Fritz. Breeder. 0. H. Chenanlt. 78330 Hunfton 5J f 1 OTHfast 6 111 7«1 XV Martin 12 Mdell vey. Geo.Starr, Gwithiss 78272 Hunfton 1-4 1 :H«tfast S 115 ai XV Smith 0 KapidSe, fharlesIPy, Itobltaker 78201 Huntton :;-» 1:16 fast 9 116 1 W Smith 9 CerfnPoint. Mallmot. KirUftoc 71267 Hunfgtnn t| f 1 OSVsfast 51 104 V XV Martin 8 Goldl.ank. Ielion, Josephine C 75143 Hunfgtnn 51 f l:ll%slow 21 109 8J W Martin 12 P.ristow. StarTimo, Kd Garrison 7504! Hungton 3-4 1:20 hvy 4 1C9 ?«J W Martin 12 St. Just, Geo.t hoos. Machiarelli 7195" Hiint:n-.;t n l| f 1:08 fast 1 108 31 T Bonham 8 KondHope, Verde. Neenah 73750 Vgaf wn lmTOy 1 :48 ifast 3 2 111 2 1 0 Willi ms S Miss Orb. handelier, La Kross MORMON ELDER, blk. g. 8 104 By Ogden— Kate D . by Cesarion. Trainer. A. J. Plack. Owner, H. B. Holmes. Breeder. J. E. Madges. 78321 Hunfton 1 l:tt%CMt 11 109 4« G Dyson 7 Tingling, Fred Kinney. Grntian 78201 Hunfton 1 Lllifast 61 111 5* G Dyson 10 Widgeon. IredKinncy. Grtliidy 77937 J -ff. rso.i 1 1-16 1 Ol-Jivy 20 111 9 1 71 10- . I Wallace 13 Al Stcbler. B Jesniar. Smart y 77763 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:02%fast 20 109 1 7 6* 61 G Hyson U ltudrlieKean. Ilowsprit, Attorney 77632 Fi;rmls 1 1 16 1 :lS%Kood 7 107 8 7 7» 7" J Corcoran 8 TheFrciscan, Yorick, C.ladysV. 77457 1116 1:51 hvy 31 102 8 8 7« 7* J Wallace S Gieat Iidy. Mom. Majority 77348 ii;rnds 11-16 1:50 good 15 100 7 5 4 3 J Wallace IS Juno. Sword, Feigned Zeal PLANTAREDE. b. g. 8 109 By Go -to -Bed or Gorgorita— La Palona, by Vinicius. Trainer. B. E. Durfy. Owner, Mrs. R. Plant. Bred in France by J. Jariel. 78275 Hunfton 1 1 -S 1 :57sfast 22 110 34 L Parfton • MockOre. T.Chambn, Tawatha 78238 Hunfton 1116 1:51 fast 63f 107 9*1. Partonll V. Kinney. Widgeon. Secretary 78204 Hunfton 1 kllVsfast 9 117 10« L Parf ton 1" Widge .n. Ire-IKinney, Irtl.ady 76153 J ff.rscm I IS IJMWM 1". 109 9 9 85 V- A AccardylO Kep. Repeater. Jake Derger 76030 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :505igood 25 106 6 d 7" F Lee 10 Dbfounder. "Events. Y.Adam 75903 J.ffeison 1 1 S 2:04*shvy 10 114 8 8 8 8-* T Wayt K Suimt. lioyal Crown. Amaxe 74223 Omaha 1 1-4 2:11 mud 17 112 4 4 4 3T N J lines 7 Mar Ware. Croupier, Olds Eight LITTLE ED. lr. r. 8 114 By Norford— Purse Rose, by Orsiol. Trainer, TJ. S. Wishard. Owner, V. S. Wishard. Breeder. A. Neal. 78375 Seo today"s chart. 78294 Hunfton 51 f 1 08 fast 51 115 41 A Roach 7 Sam Reh. Col. Pat, Ilena 78271 Huntton 3-4 l:14fa:.t 66 116 Il A Roach 9 C.reatl.y. t;ayKoyIL, VirginiaB. 77243 Havana 3 4 1:20 hvy 15 1C9 7 t $•» •! T Thrailkl 7 C.Encanto. Forewarn. Primitive 77171 Havana 1 1-S 2:03|ihvy 7 107 I i 4« 4» T Thraint 1 6 MissLiberty. Hercules. Montillo LEENRACK. b. h. 7 109 By Wrack— Aloes B.. by TransvaaL Trainer. E. H. Short. Owner. E. H. Short. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78343 Hunfton 1 1 :42fast IS .1 112 4*1 C Gross ft Hob Baker. Dantzic. Manokin 78298 Hunfton 1 1 16 1 :«9*fast 11-5 lu» I*|G Gross 7 BlackHaekle, FlaxyMae. Fayelle 78238 Hunfton 1 1 16 1:51 fast 63f 107 5 J Fredickll F. Kinney, Widgeon. Secr.l.iry 78201 Hunt ton 3 4 1:16 fast 22 117 «-. J Kre.1 ick ft Lt Perkins, Cer Point. Mallmot 76800 Cul City I 1.41*ifast — MS 2" J I redeks 6 Ringleader, Madrono, Ev. Stories 76678 Cul City 1 l:43~good — 11, |"| J Fredcks 7 Itingleader. Conichon. Au Revoir 76643 Cul City 11:42 good — 105 5S1 J Fredcks 7 Arravan, Sam Reh. Brazos DISSOLUTE, ch. g. 5 M 109 By Theo. Cook— Marian Gay. by Celt. Trainer. E. Rice. Owner, E.Rice. Breeder, E. F. Simrai. 7837 1 H«a todays Chart. 78316 Hunt l.. n 51 f 1 08fcfast 46 116 V T Bonham 9 Wise Cracker. Kennesaw. Boh 78200 Hunfton 3 4 IdHfM 17 120 6 T F.onham12 Melbourne. Miss Ktta. Mr. Beck 75111 Whe, lmg 61 f 1 30 hvy 16 110 Left at post. W Mndersld Biirgoyne. Advance. Fictile 71»87 Huntington 3 11:ll*;fast 23f 112 *■ T BonhamlO l.uckj Pearl. Akerknker. Neenah 71»55 Huntington 51 f 1 08 fast 21 112 5* T Wayt I Fondilope. Verde. Lieut. Perkins 74790 llunf.,n MldHM 12 111 ?i T Wayt UKaro. Primus. P.ijoa STRAIGHT SHOT. b. m. I 99 By Wrack— Single Shot, by Star Shoot. Trainer. M. A. Nash. Owner. M. A. Nash. Breeder. A. B Hancock. 78313 Hunfton 22 9.1 8*1 L Parfton 9 Bob Baker. Dantzic. Manokin 78233 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 15 105 51 O Atwell ft Attoo. Ardito, Evening Stories 78201 Huntton 3-4 1:16 fast 41 111 7j O Atwell ft F.t Perkins. Cer Point. Mallmot 77632 K.Grnd* 1 1 16 1 lS~good :» 100 J t S 8"L Lang 8 TheFrciscan. Yorick. GladysV 77150 KC.rnds 1 1-16 1 :50Smud 25 99 8 8 8 8» L I-ang ft FgnedZl, EddieJr., OurB thday 77218 lGrnds 1 116 119 andf ast 20 102 S 11 10* 10" G M.«nganl2 B. fr.lloine. Seerefv. JakeBerger J6927 lGrnds 1 1 S 1 ::6slow 20 101 9 9 8» S« L I-ang 10 Hickory. Soviet. Little Ammie ST. PAUL. br. g. 7 109 By Plaudmore— Panthea, by Baszetlaw. Trainer. C. Knight. Owner, M. McFayden. Breeder. H. Giddmgs. 77763 Jefferson 1 3 16 2 02Hfast 10 109 5 3 71 ll» G Corev 12 BuddieKean. Bowsprit. Attorney 77449 K Gr n Is 1 1-16 1 M mud 3 106 4 5 S» 2» J Wallace ft Permarco. Yorick. Tex 77347 hMrnda 1 1-16 1 19 4BOod 20 100 1 7 7l 4« J Wallace 11 Normal. Majority. Royal Charlie 75905 Jefferson 1 1 I 2:02*ihvy 4 110 5 5 61 5" J Grunsen S Grass Tree. Tan Son. Rrtt 75865 J -ffVison 1 I 16 1 :55*ihvy 11-5 110 7 2 11 3» J Grunsen S Torsida. YgAdam. OlllePalmer 75787 Jefferson 1 IS 2:01 hvy 6 112 4 4 4 471 J Grnei3enl0 SmartGuy. ScareCiow. Repeater

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