untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-16


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Monthly Racing Form FOR MARCH Containing Full and Complete Index of All Races Run in 1923 NOW ON SALE BI$ 149391493914939 S $ $ $ JjJL TONY BEAU . 40- WON igr PREDETERMINED Q? wood "•S.tMi won ** TURF PROFITS ** How are these Tvo fcr lUil We abw.lutelr •♦ The MIRACLE SISTKM Is nationally 4» g" ,;,iv a Day JJ "" ,M.1"" I1 ■■" " r" TLSJZmSSSnA lor * "»J7 j-;-- -«?•- FOR SIX BAYS: _ . M.oo sally at ah newaatanda, .»K. Wak- tr. man ear . „ We could ■! not spend j many «, „,. „ " •,-"1"!! , , . , . , i ? „. , * •*! 1 •*««. W. do 2 g "J tl,ou»«ndh of dollars per annum adver- •» ""t *" t,"s-" " "" " ""* ,1"ZI" ":":-" t.s.ng water as rough svrup— and eon- «« Vt tiitur in butiness. void on installment NSfZTFJKi pavments paid from your profits. Vbso- B F 1i j fll F Ki sH» if j Ifsf TTiiJ IMtllJl I "i */j 1 u t I FKtt. lOOpage racing manual, v Bkl lllfjlf H sLw/ A. m if iRlkllll ■ ■ trj test imonal". et KA|MlBAIAlLyKB4lyJ saK[B,"»,al»fl«» »»--suaisl»-iSssWBsnBlBl»«MBsis«l -- gate today and make your Bookie obc. ** «" CHICAGO. ILL. Public Relations Manager V BALTIMQREJLDG. 5L Box M it. FKT«"lsoRn. Md. JfL OLD FAITHFUL . . ..fjUMl WON I Q, |f f Hj an" a third were last Saturdays StmTi jlwli °° XX SPECIALS «««♦ « » t t , » t *~ * »»» » 3- » I S i 5 4kV Dont miss next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. I GET NEW BOOK OPT TODAY FOR LIVE ONES ~ ~ "~ ~ ~— ~ "" ~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ "" I at all leading tracks. ______ _ ___ ____. _ _ j, - Mi.,,, 3andc at al! New-stands. Mailed direct. 3 copies. . THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM! ™52PSL 403, 22 West ftuincy Street Chicago. 111. A STRAIGHT FLAT BET ONLY Won ,288.00 * w ■*-*— — *4_ *■-• J -—--—»■ -—-•-**- ■»- | A -D.-ELL-KNOWN PROFESSIONAL MAN. HAV-on a 0 straight flat tet from spring. 1922. at ING MADE A HIGH-CLASS CONNECTION, IN-M.ryland. Kentucky. New York. Tijuana and New VITES THREE PARTIES TO JOIN IN THE BENE-Orleans. A new and original method of arrange- _._- iXrand AND EXPFNSF LXfiNhE 01 OF «?AMV SAME. unxr NONE uttt BUT lient and selection. Not an index system. Easily played in books without obtaining odds or results RELIABLE MEN WILL BE CONSIDERED. V. 0. race by race. Averages from two to three plays BOX 508, CINCINNATI, OHIO. daily. Small capital required. The finest system ever devised for the employed man. For full particulars address: ——— —— ~ "~ ™ ~ —_ ———————————————————— THE ADMIRAL COMPANY SPORTING LEADER £06 Stewart Building Baltimore. Maryland 25 Cents at all Newsstands. Todays Free Code — _________________________________ Havre — Day ton -Human -Lament -Hasty -Pinch. Pay From Your Profits VOLUME II. OF The Master Key System of playing the races m ■ n,,!.- ■:«-—. ««_ mil will be mailed you far on. week s trial No AlHIUdl KdClflQ I 0111 TOT 193 charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. MOW ON CAI F lor particulars mail this ad. with your name lV ▼▼ V, rl iJ/Li£i ~£t7U*mm7Sand9m+. Fia. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO __vSMH_v_sa_v_v_v_v_BW_v_v_v_v_v___v_v_v _H_v_a . 441 PLYMOUTH COURT a CHICAGO, ILL. HARVEY AMES EAELE BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" Sweepstakes, 3.10-, Won Aliove Ik the result of yesterday** •Harvey Trnnsaction." and needlen* to Kay the only horse adsiiied. Attention Ik drawn to the faet that the a hove home in i»revioaK start finished tenth. The reason this service excels Is because oar connections aim to know •"•which day is the day." WESSLE B., .30, WON. Was Mondays "Harvey Transaction." and the only horse advised. Several "Harvey Transactions** now In preparation simply awaitini; favorable starting conditions. The new connections which joined ns should demonstrate their north doring the entire Havre tie Grace meetiiijc. Subscription. *1 »0 for each Harvey Transaction. Most lie telescraphed early to avoid over subscription, as only in this manner are we assured of good price*. This office recognizes no competition, as Imitators are not competitors. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591—2592—2593—5749 0BIGIKAX FRANK WILSON ilnCh nEID 27 WEST FAYETTE ST. BITTLEMOSEE BLDO. BALTIMORE. MD. Sold all ewsstaids, #•". and *1 **S| ecials** I5.00 DAILY— .«0 WEEKLY Ss*- AGAIN WE $ WON AGAIN! WON AGAIN! .,*_ mmA„ m WINFREY °°°80- °N AGAIN$ BILL DILL ¥f IPirnCI . . | U.OU Won »¥UII Day after day JACK FIELDS army of fellowera are CLEANING UP." YOU KNOW you cannot My Bowie record: BEAT THIS GAME trying to "GUESS or DOPE* them 0nt T°U mUSt Ket the r6al stuff— that s wl,T ft UMMMCDC 4 TUIIDPi. 4 I rkCCD 9 WINNERS; 1 THIRD; 1 LOSER JACK FIELD puta em over day alter day, • BE- j CAUSE" he always is at the TBACK. Positively only one horse daily. La»t week 5 STRAIGHT DAYS A WINNER. The Peruvian J70.00-J2 Won Humboldt 2- WON gTuSf Biff Bai9 0.60- WON m«« won liw Bang [ [ [ [ 25 won Anne .30- WON Wtre S*me °f G00D PRICED" winners given last TidiniTS £6 3C- Won |weepstakes :::::::»6:3o. won -% DARK H0RSE„ T0DAY Donaghee . . . Won W 1 0-1 Or "BETTER" Trip I ne Fnrpicrnpr Lost LU! 1 Thi» " tie P"co Jack field expects this t* roreiglier pay today. This is our *5 "SPECIAL today and _..._ considerad a "CIirCH" by the STABLE todav. ■ ■»■■■■■ ■ BIG OPENING SPECIAL TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE TnnAY IUUAT b M QPPPIAI bftUAL " Another "HOT" one they claim is "IN today. Specially prepared for this race, and the spot ■ !• *• ,?™ you get "BOTH" f5 and Jil "SPE-waited for. If you need money you wont be CIALS today and Rrby »** I 0U WILL UP$ Western Union or Postal Telegraph. BaKimor. clients call at .ffica. H«ir*. 10:30 ___ °*J™E* "WLNITERS " TODAY to 1. You aU know my wonderful record of win- ??. *?i *Td •▼eTwkere. Can also be ners. so subscribe and stop losing and get in touch f111-!! TSiirFraVe* envelope. J»15 weekly for ROTH "SPECIALS . with my many clients who an- reaping a golden harvest. Wilson information speaks for itself. FIELD PUB. CO. BEWARE OF IMITATORS. Get the GENUINE. Room 32, 39 W. Adama St. Chicago LU. Ell RRAHIFV HORSEMANS WINNING DlXnVLul u COMBINATION Gotham Bank Iiuilding 1M9 liroadwav BJ • f% _ n,~an oarrier Co. Still room for more clients 000 Weekly. UM Dai|y WHY NUI TUU HI Nassau Street RWTOIICIfl Tuenday eleventh day: Wood Lady .40- WON1 City clicnts calL Entrancc R— - Monday tenth day: Listen Dearie. . ..50- WON DADDITD BARRIER CO. nn nilT PUT rtiir-n OVER 00 Flat Bet yESTERDAY ■ ii-tawav Bpeem] Almost ,000 WinnerSWEEPSTAKES 310Won T M»ndav T?:irri r . put over: AFTKR DF.lHtriNt; COST OK INFOK- i LISTEN ic-TC-M nrADir DEARIE. .50- tc co *-, iai Won matiob and louu Todays horse should pay 15 to 1 , ulL?T*Tteg °1 ,u, vr „. ,.:. . . . *T , LISTEN DEARIE. 0.10- Won Eight winners in last 12 days . , * Friday M Dull hi o. put over: My fee, 5 daily in advance rupee .30- won Vx.iil delay l»y wirinir ntaciMlM by Thiird-iv 1 nursaay r.irriir uarrnr Co o. put uu on ,v. r- r Weston Inion or lostal Telesrapli money "*» SUPERBUM 5.10- Won Tuesday Bufricf Co. put OTCr: IF YOU ARE LOSER HIDDEN JEWEL 3.50 Won TRY Horseman made special trip from Mary- -__ f— — A land race track to see us ubotJt tcdavs .00 90 Advance TUP riRriF Havre de Gracfl "P"1"1 " u»TOOu to _ *r_ 1 HLi VIAV/LlL p«res amount of money wanted to cover our • i.d, C. 0. D. Leather B J i-verything O. K., clients. ITS THE STUFF A„ yon ,,a,e o do js rrn,it fl,r todays "Ask Any User . .. . _ ,. • , -I"111 Havre de Grace Specal. The reward of merit is success, therefore THE CIRCLE WHY NOT SEE FOR YOURSELF? I Telegraph a telegraphic money order W«ut- THE CIRCLE complete with list of "Classified ern Union or lostal. City clients call. BsV Horses." Room „ 50- rr.„ HELLE MEADE FUR. CO. trance, P. 0. Box 731 Nashville, Tenn. The ihorobred s Home- 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily WANTED 00 Per Week To hear by telephone or telegraph from reliable j ..,,_ „...,.... party willing to make investment for information ■ r * rituril coming- from reliable source. Expect to win witk easily made with small capital by operating the one Thursday. April 17, at long odds. Full advice | STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily — can be secured on agreement to remit winnings of every play is TO WIH ONLY — on the nose! Small 0 investment on each. L. FORSEILLE. 51 St. payment down — balance from winnings. Write: Leger Apt., Cincinnati, Ohio. Telephone Woodburn STAR SYSTEM IMS. 3a Union Square, Room MS NEW YORK CITY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041601/drf1924041601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800