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GAILX" RACIISTO FORM I | CHARTS, j BOWIE Copyright. 1924. by Daily Racing Farm Publishing Company. BOWIE. MD.. TUESDAY. APHIL 15. 1924 Prince Ceorge Park 1 Mile. Eleventh and last day. iMrtfetra Maryland Agricultural anil Fair Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Sovunls. J. It. Campbell, ISaker Waters and I*. J. Miles Judges, J.iseph A. Murphy. Josepn Mt -L-nnan. Otmtft T. Miller and J. H. Anderson. Starters, William Snyder and William Haniilloi. E icing Seeretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, 11 blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, tiack record, age of horse and ■eight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. 7ftQ7fi FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— 47*-,— 2— 109. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. f OO I O Claiming. Net value to winner 00: seoo-nd. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt , £ st Sir Kin Jo keys Owners E.iuiv. Odds Strt 78308 HU WINFREY w 115 7 4 Fl P l1 D Stirling C. C Winfrey M M 78262 IFOYLH w 109 4 3 Ik H 2» L Iang Mrs J P Mayberry 95-100 783083*PAiLMEE BELLE w 106 2 1 6| 6« 3* J Dawson ■ F Whitney ISM Ml YBM3*ROIXBK w 112 5 6 51 5»k 4k J McTagt J J Tahcy 20MM 78176 LENA WOOD w 107 8 1 2l 2* 6» F Nevada Stock Farm Stb 6160-100 tMMMB EN CONDOM wn 102 6 5 4* 41 S» W Milner D D Douglas MM-MI ;Xi«2rHKR[ w 102 3 7 7l 7s 7* J Ix-yiand K K Bryson 5740-100 78285 EFFORT wb 107 1 8 S 8 8 B Mrinelli W J Salmon 1035-100 Time. 24. 49. Track fast. mutuels paid— Rill Winfrey. straight. .00 place. .70 show; Foyle, .50 place. .40 show; 1innai henee Relle, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds- Hill Winfrey. 240 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show: Foyle, Hj to 100 place. 20 to 100 shew: Peimachenee Helle. CO to 100 show. Winner cii. g. by Uncle — Moulin Ilouge, by llimyar trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. William It Miller. Went to post at 2:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HILL WINKREY. showing decided improvement over his last nice, moved up rapidly on the outside and passed FOYLE in the final eighth to win going away. FOYI.K showed the most speed and »CC4 LENA WOOD into defeat, but tired when challenged. PARMAI HENEE HELLK. shuffled hack at the start, closed a gap with a rush when clear. KOI.LEH ran fairly well. LENA WOOD ran a good quarter and saved ground when entering the stretch. EFFOKT was pinched off shortly after the start. TQQTQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 21. 1923—1:07—2—109. Prospect Purse. Purse « OO 4 7 ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt i % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78226 :i FoIN w 115 4 3 l1 1* 1* 1* F Iee Nevada Stock Farm Stb 45-10 78309 MI H ADO W U5 8 4 3k 4s 31 !« H Wakoff E Gummell MM-MI 78195 LEONARD C. w 110 3 5 5-* 5i 4k 3 A Abel J Arthur MM Ml 78309 LADY CIIOOO w 106 7 7 6 31 51 41 W Milner A Bold MM-MI 74406 BLACK ART w 105 6 1 2« 2 21 51 B Mrinelli T Clyde 1605-100 78207 DON .HAN w 110 2 8 8 7 6» 6* ■ Atkson J W Kearns 4I40 100 756101RKKDOMS CALL wb 110 12 41 6* 7- 7k J Chimera Mrs O C Hall 2320-100 75775 ELBSETH wb 103 5 6 7 8 8 8 D Mergier J E Griffith 950 100 Time. 24. 481-.. 1:01*4, 107S. Track fast. mutuels paid— Co Foin, .90 straight, .30 place, 30 show; Much Ado, 4.00 place, .50 show: 1 4-011.1 rd • . 10 show. Equivalent booking odds— ;« Foin. 45 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Much Ado, GOO to 100 place. 275 to 100 show; ]..-. imrd 41. . 55 to 100 show. Wiuner- H. c, by Atheling 11. — Thrifty, by Ogdeu trained by P. M. Burch; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Went to post at 3:01. At pest 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CO FOIN quickly raced into an easy lead and was under restraint at the finish. MlCH ADO ran I good net and saved ground on all the turns, but was tiring at the finish. LEONARD G. finished resolutely from a slow beginning. LADY CHOO0 raced on the outside all the way aud tired in the tinal eighth. BLACK ART raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and fell back. Scratched 770V Tropi. al Water. 113; 7S309 Play On. 10S. 76Q6A THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. ltlT— !;»% I lit Purse ,200. 3-year-4 Oi3and" olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt || || % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Fquiv. Odds Strt 78241SW KKPSTAKKS w 4 103 1 3 k 1 1J Is W Marner Mrs A E Alexandra 555-100 7BM4SEA BAND w I 112 7 1 11 2l 21 2» D Stirling Mrs ■ Trueman 490-100 78287 • WARNING wb 3 92 3 4 3 4 P| Fft Ii I-anK D ■« Ri-hardson 740-100 ".83IO-m"CAD w 4 109 2 S 6l 61 61 4k J Dawson J F BwdM 410-100 78288 ADMIRER wb 4 106 9 10 9« 71 5« 5« F Lee C A Covin MM-MI 78312 CORAL RKEF w 4 110 5 5 P| 5"* 7« 61 ■ Atkson .1 W K-ares 1:50-100 78332* •TIDINC.S wis I 100 4 6 4 3 31 7* G Bond K P Summerfield 7:5-1 X 73288 SEA MONARCH WB Ml 8 8 10 10 8» 8k W Milner Mrs T J Donahue HM-M 78288 IACQUE8 wb 6 112 6 7 7k 9« 9| 9* J Wallace W ■ Murray 1125 100 78288 EXCI SK ME w i 115 10 9 81 Sk 10 M D Mergier B F Carman 1085-100 Time. 24, 48. I:tt%, 1:20V Track fast. mutuels paid xSweepstakes, 3.10 straight, .70 place, .00 show; Sea Sand. .70 place, .00 show; Warning. 20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Sweepstakes. 555 to 100 straight. 285 to 100 place, ISO to 100 show; Sea Sand. IMJ to 100 place. 100 to 100 how; Warning. 110 to 100 show. Winner H. g, by Sweep Gold Ten, by Goldcrcst .trained by A. E. Alexandra; bred by Mr. A. L. Astei. Went to post at 3:41. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SWEEPSTAKES fallowed SEA SAND closely to the stretch turn and. racing into the lead, held it easily. SKA SAND showed the most early speed, but could not withstand the rush of the winner. WARNING raced forwardly and gamely all the way. HI ADO closed a big gap from ■ slow beginning and tinished fast. ADMIRER BlM made up much giound. TIDINGS rau a good half aud tired. Scratched 7siS7-Pot Sport. 101: 7S2S7 Chief Klyiui. 97. fiGI FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— 1:45 S— 4— 107. Purse ,200. 4 OOO JL 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % * % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 9SM7*W I LADY w 104 1 1 1» Ill* ll 1* F Lee Nevada Stock Farm Stb 17a 100 YBSIt*°AGVATlNG PAPA w 106 6 5 3 21 14 F P W Milner J McMillen 140-100 78267 SKTHS FLOWER w 106 3 2 45 3 3l 4" 2* .1 Wallace J P Polk 6»-l0 78314FKOSTY BOY wb 104 2 4 5* 5» 4» 3k 4" D Mergier 1 Pet-rson 0,5;0-100 78229 RAMA *M III 6 6 5 5" B Mrinelli F B Capra LT S5-100 78309 PEGGY O. wb 94 5 :! 2» 4 ; • 6 6 1. l.ang J H Buscher 1400 100 Time. 24V 51. 1:16, 1:43, 1:49. Track fast. mutuels paid Wood Lidy. .40 straight. .50 pLce, .10 show; Aggravating Papa, . GO place, 211 show. Seths Flower. 40 show. Equivalent booking odds -Wood I«idy. 170 to 100 straight. 25 to 100 plaee, 5 to 100 show; Aggravating Papa, : 0 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; S-ths Fl iwer. L0 to DM sh. w. W.imer H. f, by Houcywood — Lady Trinity, by Star shoot trained by P. M. Hurch; bred by Nevada Stock Kami 1 W.-nt t.» post at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Zama. Won driving: second and teird the same. WOOD LADY set a g-Kd pace all the way. stood a hard drive gamely, and out finished A S49 RAV ATOM PAPA. The latter moved up while r.uitiding the far turn and. coming fist through the stretch, was w -aring the winner down. SETHS lLOWKR raced prominently all the way. PECi.Y . ran out on the far turn. ZAMA reared up in the air as the barrier was released and was as good as left. f-TQQQO FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— 1:45 i— 4— 107. Bennings Purse. 4 OtZ 0 Purse ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50: third, 25; fourth, 0. Index Horse* AWtPISt || -i % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78534 TONY BEAT w J lot 5 i !» ! F 2s l»k A Abel J Arthur MMM WW TOP SERGEANT wb 6 lot 2 3 1» ll Q U 2» H W.ikoff J F Richardson 1Sand-M4 7831 1 SHAMROCK w t 102 4 2 41 4« 3« 3« 3« W M:ln»r T W nBri-n 495-100 SRtM EDWARD GRAY wb 4 106 6 6 Bk 5* 5,s 41 ♦ .1 Wallace N Los air. Mi 100 7H33 4 LLKWBLLTN wn 5 104 14 6 3k 4 f " 5-« D Merglcr S N Holman 2615 100 71642 1 ADLA wb 99 3 1 3l 6 6 6 6 W Il.irvey Mrs B ■ Chauman 8595-100 Time. 24S. 50*i. 115S- 142S. 1 47. Track fast. mutuels paid Tony Beau. 40 straight, .40 place. .30 show; Top Sergeant, .60 place, M sIwa ; Shamrock, .5*1 show. Equivalent looking «dds I..ny Heau. 320 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Top S -rgc. ml. M M liW place, 25 to 100 show; Shamrock. 25 to 100 IsssW. MiWMC «b. g. by Tony Honcro Glcuwaltz, by Guarantee trained by J. Arthur; bred by Mr. R. L. Franklin 1. Went to post at 4:48. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. TON V BEAD :ac,d 111 closest pursuit of FOP SERGEANT f n m soon after the start and Ml gimel liiti :n I losey contested finish. The latter showetl the most early sp 1 and. setting a good pace, saved ground on all I lie turns and enly succumbed riuht a: U.e en. I. SHAMROCK was a forward contender all the way and had no mishaps. EBWARB BRAT liegan slowly aad ran a good race. LLEWELLYN had no mishaps. PADI A wis cased up after going tie eighths. syQQOO SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915— 1 48 — 4—116. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds 4 Oi3andif and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index AWtPPSt If " % Str Kin Jock.ys Owners E.|ii v. Odds StCt 78369 »• NORMAL V M 6 4 5i H Fl -4 1« J Dawson J ¥ Richardson 4:5 100 78268 GLELPH m -MS 5 5 4 I!" 5- F F| B Mrin-lli Triple Springs T**k Stb MI-MI SSSSTBIFF BANG wu 7 111 3 1 Fl F Iil1 F « Lol.son W Livingston .",40 In. 78337 illY WrrCHRT wu 1 1U8 2 3 6k 5l 7 I 1 I W Milner L I M.tij-r 201.101 78312 *KREEZT BN*ET W 1 Ml 17 7 7 41 5« 5» L Ling J Arthur Xt-IM 7H310 THE PERCVIAN «r 5 108 4 2 F * 31 6 6* ■ AtksMi .1 W Kmshm !7M-MI •BSIIDOUGHNUT wb 5 102 7 6 3 4" 6k 7 7 W Marti-r Mrs A B UM-1M Time. 25. 50. 116 s, 1 42v. 1 50»5. Track fast. mutuels paid Normal, 0.50 straight. . so place, .20 allow. Guclph, .U0 place. 70 show-Biff Hang. H HI show. Liuual.-nt l . king Normal. 125 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place, M to l k sho.v, ;uelph. 115 to 100 place, ■ to KMI show. RifT Hang. 70 10 100 s| ,c.v Winner B. g. by Plaudit — The Nurse, hy Yankee trained by J. K. Richardson ; bred by Mr. John i: M 1 Idem. Wint to post at I 20. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same NORMAL slowly improved his |M sition. saved ground when entering the stretch, and out gamed 1,1 KI.Ill in the linal drive. The latter moved up after founding the far linn where he met »harp lntcrfercn«-e, came to the outside and tinished fast, but Lrvd after getting to the leader BUY I!AN«, raced TI1K PERCVIAN into defeat and tired. IIPPITi Wilt HET showed some improvement. THE PERCVIAN |Uit after leading to the last turn. Scratched 78370 Soviet. 105. 7884 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Not. 27. 1917— 1:56— 3— S4. Pursa ,200. 4-year-4 JandOct olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquir. Odds Strt 783I3-«NTC,HT RAIDR wn 5 100 3 5 H, Hnk 4* M1*|I Iiig t; W Campbell 75-100 7829 13 •BOWSPRIT wb 4 104 1 1 F 1* 1* 1» 2* D M-rgler J M.Millen 430 1 Of 782*8 TROMA w 6 105 2 2 3i 4« 3* 3« 3» J Wallace J M.Keever UM -100 78337 THORNHEDGE wb I Mi 4 3 4k 51 6» 5l 4k t; Corey R A I »igh 1615 100 78291 •TnoDI.KS wb5 95 9 7 l1 F 2i 4! 5|W Harvey Mrs H K Dubner .7625 100 78228 WID»V BEDTE w 10 107 7 9 9 Si 7 «* 6» F Lee Mrs K Tru-man 2950-100 .8313 ST. GERMAIN wb 7 105 6 8 71 7J 5k 71 7l A AM F Holman 655-100 78268 H.!i: MAY" w 4 97 5 6 84 9 9 Sl 8« J Dawson 0 W Plunk.-tt MMf-MI 78313 ItEKAB we. 5 107 S i1 8» S 9 Q Bond M Crant BM-MI Time. 24. 51S. 1:17%, l:45*s. 1:59. Track fast. mutuels naid Night Raider. .50 straight. .50 place, .60 show; Bowsprit. .10 place. .10 show; Tr.mi.i. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Night Riider. 75 to 100 straight. 25 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Bowsprit, 55 to 100 plsce, 5.5 to UK show: Trom.-i, 170 to 100 show. Winner h. g, hy Whisk Br, 0111 II— Ely by Night II.. by Teter Pan trained by G. W. Campbell; bred hy Mr. Harry Payne Whitney I . Went to post at 5:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. NIGHT RAIDER gained steadily while racing on the outside and. racing into the lead ill MM last eighth, was going away at the end. BOWSPRIT 1 ic.-d into a good had on the but tired in the stretch drive. TROMA rac«d well throiighou t and finished gamely. THOKNHEDGK showed some improvement. TOPPLES quit badly in the tinal quarter. Scratched-7.8314 Mystic, 100; 78367 Mountain Rose II., 115; 7S369 Alt mey Muir, 104; 7S313 Owas.o, 110; 7SDir The CIo. kmonder, 112. •Overweight— Olive May. 2 pounds. — — : 1