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j TUESDAYS TIJUANA CHART The following chart* were received too late for publication In yesterdays paper: "TQOQQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 MUes. March 11. 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. Purse 00. 3-year- * Ji**JCj olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: secend, 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStU and •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners E-iuiv. Cids Strt 7H33I »HRKKZK wb 10 113 7 5 5 4 1J 1 1» F J Baker Mrs I H Abbott 170-100 78283 3 PLOW STEEL wb 108 2 S 5"* 6 2» 2i 2| C Corbett W Walker BH-HI 78351 -SWKKT AMD LOW w 4 107 3 6 :, *■ :ii i» B 3, J Johnson ui ui Stable 51-100 78283KfLI. MlMJN ws S 106 6 1 2» 1* 41 4, 4f G Elba K Harnett lW-100 BjMWAR WINNER w 7 10S 4 I 1» .» 5» 5» il W Molters W C Weant BO-HI TSStO*PHTRB IIK.V wsb 4 108 3 4 V 8 8 8 9 O Abel Nanoolas Eros 390-109 78351;I.D BRTAM w T 106 5 3 |4 5 5 61 7» O lark Neal Hroa 1740-100 78280*KKEKZUNAS w 3 99 1 7 8 71 T 7J 8 M Frev San Mateo Stable 1460-100 Time. 25. 49. l:14,i. 1:41%. 1:47%. Track fast. mutuels paid Breeze. .40 straight. .40 place, 60 show; Plow Steel, .60 place, $.7.00 show; Sweet and Low. .20 show. Equivalent booking .mMs breeze. 170 to 10O straight. 120 to 100 place, 80 to 100 Miow; Plow SteeL 380 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Sweet and Low. 110 to 100 show. Winner-B. g. by ballot Elise II., by Prince Koyal trained by J. D. Heard; bred by Mr. T. L. Carpenter. Went to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and Mow. Won easily; second and third driving. HKEEZE was ?aved for the tirt half then raced into the lead after leaving the sisslulis .ind. keeping it. easily drew away in the tinal sev.niy yards. PLOW STEEL ran a g.iod and game race. SWLET AM LOW. after forcing the pice, made a irame anish. KILL BOOS tired. WAIt Wl.NNKU showed some early speed. PETEK PIEItSON was atwajn far back and ran a bad race. Scratched IBBH Lawrence Manning, 113; 78t9»OenatCr Donlan. 113; 78180 Lady Leonid. Ill; 78347Mint Julep. 106: 78350 Mizanna. !r ; 7S3.7-". Koislerer, 108; 7S355 Flame. 108; 78329 Yermak, 113. Overweights Sweet and Low, 1 pound; Krekzunas. 2. 78QQQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 MUe and 70 Yards. March 10. 1923— 1 42%— 6—118. Purse 00. • OOi-FiJ 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 60; third. 0. Inder Horses AWtPPSt h* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bant*. Odds Strt 78327Ji:iLLY WATTS wb r, ill 6 8 8« S« 8« Hj 1» G Ellis B ■ Watson 360-100 77950Jl"NK FLY w7 105 5 9 9 9 9 7|2»J Wood B F Hrown 1 40-100 78363CHIVA wsb 4 109 4 4 BJ 3» 31 3, 3» J Orrity Mis C ■ Irwin 760-100 78143 NKBRASKA LADwsb ff 107 8 5 6i 6* 6 5| 4J M 1-Yey .1 F Durke., and Son BH-HI 78327 HTANPOH w •; 114 9 7 7 7i 71 6 5, H S Jones Vernon Stable 1670-10 78327 CRUBBBB w 5 WT 7 I 4* 5« 2» 2» 6 L Creery M Synfy 60-100 78327 -DOLPH wb 7 106 3 I 5 4» 4| 81 7» ■ Fator J yuirk -«0-100 783583IAN HOGAN wsb 4 94 2 2 in 1 | 1 41 S» K Hgland A Baronl 610 100 78282 T1KEH wit I 105 I 3 V 21 6* 9 3 O lark Ne.,1 Hroo 74-J 100 Time. 24%, 48, 1:13%. 1:40%, 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid Hilly Watts. .20 straight, .00 place. .80 show, June Fly, .60 place, .40 show; Chiva. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds- Billy Watts. 360 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show-June Fly, 2XO to 100 place. iTJO to 100 show; Chiva. 210 to lot show. Winner -Br. g, by Trap Bock La Becolte, by Meddler trained by E. E. Watson; bred by Mr. K. D. Alexander. Went to post at 4 45. At post 1 minute. Start god and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BIIJ..Y WAITS was outrun to the far turn from where he moved up fast .n the outside and. although coming wide, raced into the lead to win going away. JINK FLY. after bein a distant follower, closed an immense gap into a fast goini; second. CHIVA was a forward contender throughout and made a game finish. NEUKASKA LAD showed .mproved f. rm. CBUSBBN tired badly. DOLPH was hen d in next to the rail through the final eighth! DAN HOCAN quit after setting the pace to the last turn. Overweight-, Hyanpom, 4 pounds; Dolph. 3. ,-Q IfTtfl NINTH BA.CE4 1-2 Furlongs. March 23, 1924— 53%— 2— 119. Purse 00. 3-year-4 0"IVV olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 20; third, £60. Index Horses AWtllSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiiv. Odds Strt 78358 ntANB 3. wb 1 112 2 1 1 1 1 lb J Wood J Humbrecht HH 100 78363FAHEK « 1 108 3 4 31 2* Lf 2J W M:Kht H M HnllnaatCsT 680-101 7SSSS*CKDRH: nllU I I 2* Zl V V F J Baker H D Cea 240-100 I 78301 il.AMSTKDT ws I 101 9 5 »»* 5* P j M Frey C Sawv.r 970-P» TSSSOASK JESSIE Villi j 7 7h H 7i 5" L treery G F Hum 820 1 H 78323 BABS lllTH w it 4 104 I 3 4* 4 41 6» W Molters C H .lames M |«| 78001 1 IV M AltlTII R w 4 14 10 S i1 5 51 71 O flark W C W-ant HO-H8 78301* HELEN i OuK ws:: J 7 19 10 10 8 Sl J Uerrity P. Irwin BO-HI 77419 BXBCTRA wj :*a 4 9 6» 9| 3i 3» K Hgland lirown Shasta Farm Stable" t 78330 FINIS GI4 B*SUa ws J IH 8 8 9l S1 10 10 G Abel Mr C I Cripp. n 56W-100 tMutuel field. Time. 23%. 47%, 54%. Track fast. mutuels paid Frank S., field. 7. 20 straight. .00 place. BkOt show; Faber. .10 place, $| 0 show; Cedrie. .60 show. i;.|iiiv:il. nt naklag sOOl Frank S. field. 700 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place 00 to 100 raker, 170 to lOO place, HO to MB show; t.-dri.-. 80 to 100 how. Winner br. g. by Solomon Aunt Elsie, by B nuie Joe trained by R. Groves; bred by Mr. F. Steinhart . Went to r ost at 5 09. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FKA.NK S. was away fast and. em-r-tically ridden at the end, wtthsteal the clo.-ing ru h of FAItKIl Ik* aif.-r was .lose up throughout and. with stronger riding, might have won. CBDKJO showed ranek speed and was easily third best. l.AMSTCDT made U[ ground in a fast uui»h as did ASK JESS IK. S.iai.iie.l TBBirlnikW Ella. 95: 7srt76 Little I ss. 103; 67S02 Alajah, 10»J. Overweights Helen look. 2 iwjunds. Finis Ulorioaus, 0.