untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-17


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 52D STREET. NEW YORK, X. T. Yesterdays " Harvey Transaction" FUNT STONE, 9.40-, WON "FLINT STOXK" nas tlie only hone advised yesterday and followed Tuesday** "Harvey Transaction* Sweepstakes . . . 3. 10-$ 2 Won and Mondays "Harvey Transaction" Wessie B $ 8.30- Won Three horses advised in three days, with the results all winners, demonstrating the value of additional new connections who have instructions to produce winners regardless of expense. Several "Harvey Transactions are now in preparation, simply awaiting: favorable starting: conditions. Subscription, iflOO, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription and possible return of same as all subscriptions are limited to territory. Only in this manner are we assured of good prices. Results alone count, therefore nothing; further need be added. This office recognises no competition; imitators are not competitors. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 LOFTY EMINENCE Exclusive Information for Dependable People That Can Really Afford to Speculate. BIG HORSE GOES SATURDAY TERMS WINXINGS, 5. WIRE XAME AT OXCE. First Horse at Bowie: Other Big: Horses in Maryland: GOLDEN BILLOWS.... .80- Won CAPTAIN C0STIGAN. .2.80- Won First Horse at Havre de Grace: EDIST0 .30- Won OLD FAITHFUL .50- Won Have had eig~ht horses since Bowie opened; six winning:, one ran second, and one left standing; at the post. All filed with Racing: Form. PROVING the best is none too g;ood for the best and the best always make good their obligation. G. ANDERSON No callers. lrtO WENT 02nd STREET NEW YORK, X. Y. JJt $ 149391493914939 1493914939 $ jm VNfUr MM n PREDETERMINED jg ™EMAN WHO.i MAKtYOl M2J •» TURF PPftFTTQ MMnAvnfV ■ AMIUhP ** Th« MIRACLE SYSTEM nationally V known bk " a y for player — hard for hsyrr." Has stood the ACID TEST for.** ;mri nw att NFWSSTANDS AND S5 SPECIALS.. thousand* of dollars per annum ader- ... __, _ ..... /srs,, ** ,isine water as coukIi «,yrup — and con- «» :3B?* TOLD YOU SO •* tinu- in «"•*•■*»■ * » on installment " "■-" ** payments paid from your profits. Abso- And Again We $ Cleaned Up $ £ T» TXHtTTrT KS " Yesterdays Advertised SPECIAL": gate today and make your Bookie ob«y. w T. Foreigner . . . ..00- Won _ *uW%.lr:aX?»M tr And JACK FIELD advised PLUNGE WIN ONLY. SfSk Box 10 H. F. Ton son. Md. JSL This was our "Special." |1 Special was tli f Jjj scratched yesterday. _ MT % % J % $ HUM t 4 Tuesdays "Special" j ~ OPPORTUNITY , Last Week 5 "Straight Days" "aaas* hle fr P I /- nn n A Mrs fc or reuable parties to share information from one iJ We sP Uieanea UP $ of the best sources in Kentucky. Will identify Now are YOU convinced that JACK FIELD "CAN myself fully and satisfactorily. References given MAKE YOU WIN? and required. Thousands of JACK FIELD followers are getting □ C DflV Oflft •RICHER AND RICHER" day after day. r- «■ °«A *-UOO — "™" ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? IF NOT. you stUl have time to he a JACK FIELD ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a* "RIG WINNER " by following EVERY DAY both _ _, —_T __ __ *6 and Specials of JACK FIELD— GET ME? Pay fr TOIll iOUr PrOfltS Today Another $ Clean Up r $ Th° Master ,*iey SyVem of play,;n* the, r»«s ■ W1n be mailed you for one weeks trial. No Boys. IF YOU let TODAYS both and charge unless it shows an average profit of ••Specials" get away from YOU then YOU may as at least 0 a day on the scale of play, well -OUIT PLAYING EM. because IF YOU For particulars mail this ad. with your name dont APPRECIATE such "INFO as JACK FIELD and address to J. K. WILLIS, rives YOU then STOP PLAYING EM. RUSH to 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach. Fla. your newsdealer and got JACK FIELD both and SI SPECIALS TODAY and YOU will "CLEAN ■■— _____ ■■■■■— "■■■■— » rp." You Can Win 00 "Today" MnilfLlir F».»« a« a Hat play en BOTH lb and Specials today. IVlOllllli V R OJTII1 JACK FIELD sold everywhere. Also CAN BE J MAILED TO YOU "PLAIN SEALED ENVELOPE." w W x"v C* 1 m mm, ,„ jo™ SK,.c Book Is On Sale *w*» ~w -»» B*«*.m w Xoom 32, 3» W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO, ILX. STAKT WITH ME TODAY AND JOIN THE WINNING CK0WD by subscribing to the VINCENT SERVICE. Wednesday all my .subscribers received: Fannie Bean .70 Won Fonrteen winners, fonr second.*, one third, and only three losers ont of m total of l£ t ranaact Ions ilnrins; the entire Howie meeting has | roed to m skeptical racing iniblic the alne of the VICEM SKRVlfK. A *l«« straight play on each shows a net profit of !,005. Iiidicntions point to even letter results at the Ha* re de Jraee meeting. o better proof of the reliability of the ICFAT SKIIYHK can be presented than the wondcrfnl record above. All nay transactions are filed In advance with It.-ieiui; Form. Dont Miss My Havre de Grace Transactions Released Every Day Remember, no fiuessinjr. no lia ndica ppi nu and no system, lmt strictly bona tide direct information from tracks. My terms are 0.00 weekly, strictly In advance and no other proposition accepted. City subscribers call and see who yon are dealing with. Out-of-town, wire by Western I nion or Postal Telegraph. Positively no business by mail or checks. JAMES VINCENT SERVICE 220-224 V. 42nd Street, Suite lOl.S Candler Bnildlng ew York City en* BUGLElCHUYLER FLOYD Zjrr=:u.lSTEr* TO -iXafcLa i U CALVERT B1II.DING *XTh«BUGl-t jtfiL BROADWAY VT 41S1 STREET mM EVER T l _ NEW Y0RK CITY u BB TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6333 BL ."N. IMic to a slieht arridrnt to thr horse VYrdnes* a«r!rVc dajr morninf I VOO/ YESTERDAYS ~ "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" WAS WESTERX PLAYERS ATTENTION"! After a very successful career in the EAST POSTPONED vis-i we have opened an OPTICS IN CHICAK to serve the players in the WESTERN CITIES. THE BUGLE SERVES MORE PLAYERS Heres romlnrine etltleiwe of the tlme- than any other TURF DAILY in the country, tfsted "Schuyler Investments" and their Why? Because we have hetter MMM in ... .. .. record of safety. nmB 11 Kb DAIL.Y. i-,»n ~ * proven J givinj? winners than any other Here is our record for the past nine days: The following were the only "Sehujler ln-Testerdays Specials were: ! vetments" so far for the month of April: FLINT STONE . 9.40- WON n-n*v. APni •_ | EDISTO .30- WON MOON MAGIC . . 8.30- WON O.HENRY LOST _ Tnpslaj Apr„ Tuesday s Specials were. HIDDEN JEWEL JtWEL .*1 *10-0 3.30-52 WOM WON BILL WINFREY... .80- WON,M,UUtN TONY BEAU .40- WON "nrsdaj A,;r" ,0- „lnill m SEA SAND .70- 2ND WARNING 3.10- WON !THE SENSATIONAL FIYE ■CTHM Mondays Specials Were: ARENDAL .00- W0N| DOLLAR "schUYler uiuiiuf A. J. BUJA .30- WON Saturday, April 12- SMARTY .70- 2ND LISTEN DEARIE. 0.10- WON Saturdays Specials were: Monday, April H— LITTLE AMMIE. . .40- WONA. j. BUJA * .30- WON OLD FAITHFUL . ..50- WON 7? - w „ With one losing horse, which was subjected to the UrrtKIVlrXiM DPPPDMAM 3V/KM QrDATrUm I UntU non-controllable occurrence— interference— finishing Fridays Socials were: second. MARBLE S40.10-S2 WON Golden BillOWS . . . ..30- WON™0 nrXt "Se,,,,y," Investment" takes plae* NORMAL .40- WON Saturday at Havre de Grace Thursdays Specials were: TCDB/IO WARNING 3.10- WON ItHMb. BOWSPRIT i?oPJ 11? 0.40- SK 3RD 0NE HUNDRED DOLLARS JN ADvance Wednesdays Specials were: FOYLE .40- WON Tne "Schuvler Investments Investments" am are BUCADO .10- WON ...?"/? ,lke Ster,mg on Silver— ARENDAL 5.80- 2ND Tuesdavs Specials were: The Stamp of Distinction BOTHER .70- WON HIDDEN JEWEL WON .3.30- . u/imiiTTii/i TAMDIHT A TTAM ELJESMAR .30- WON A WINNING COMBINATION Mondays Specials were: BILL WINFREY . .30- WON T • 4 ANTIQUITY 2.90- WON KqVVIDI* I f WARNING .4C- 2ND MJ€XK I 1CI VU« We also feature a 00.00 FREE SFE- * nn — — -- nn »i ■ ■ cial, .very day. sKVEx winneks and 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily TWO SECONDS out of the LAST NINE 111 Nassau Street NEW YORK ITT BPBOALand Here they are: Loe- clicnts cal1 Kntian K"°" *•»-HIDDEN FLINT STONE . .9.40- WON JEWEL .3.30- WON 9 a ln to » p m A. J. BUJA .30- WON ■Old Faithful .50- WON Barrier o. Put Over Yesterday Golden Billows .30- WON opening hvyre he sbacs mf ial HUMBOLDT 2.00- WONJ !ARENDAL 5.8C- 2ND Up ForpianPr blotter jo- won ■ ne r oreigner WARNING .40- 2ND **7 f 0O T WE GIVE ONLY THREE HORSES DAILY tl I •UU"tbad W Oil on our sheet, inctodfag ■ 00.oo FRKE BpedaL How is ihis f r a record. fan _ _ _ . . you afford to piay boraea without listen- "ast 9 Racing ~" Days 7 Winning ING to the "BOGUS"? The price is small. wahin reach of aii. only m i cnts. Days for Barrier Co. Clients. TODAY! TODAY! BARRIER ANNOINt INL $.,00.00 A LONG SHOT 00.00 FREE SPECIAL LRU. When we say Ions shot we mi-an lonfj shot. FIED AIONKY HOUSE We know something h-rc. I advise jou not to miss it. Again 1 say. dont miss it. , —.«.— .». understand TODAY— FREE! FREE! Stop at your n- wsd aler and get THE ... _ ., __. BUGLE. Brerybody listen, the BUGLE .„ Io *,"° A cek,y li«,lts: Operate m Harriers tALLS YOI. If your newsdealer cannot Money Horse Today. landle THE BUGUS, send .00 riglit now to the T. h graph a telegraphic money offer, W-st. RKiLE PriH.ISHINt; ». ,rn Union. Use Postal il v,.u wish. Suite 1711 Bml Ntirthern Building t hieairo. III. 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily. and wo will mail you the BUGLB for TWO City Clients call. Entrance, Room : wi. WEEKS in a plain sealed envelope, ovt-r- A;ENTS ATTENTION! — -==—===============_==__mt Wire at once for the agency of THE buglb fur yolu city. QF INTEREST - A professional man of good standing, having mad* ff Qk !T 1 a" excaPtional connoction, invites three partiea to hBm X VV MandL YV CCli J0in in the exPens« and prospective profits of same. NET PROEIT I ° not aaswer ""less you axe reliable and can afford to tfko ch,nce- easily made with small capital by operating the a STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily— P. 0. BOX 308 CINCINNATI, OBIO every play is TO WIN ONLY — on the nose! Small payment down — balance from winnings. Write: 3. b.!.. s,„.„. gg to"te»ew tobk cut Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ADVERTISE II MCMG FORM ZgaXEZSr ."323 S.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041701/drf1924041701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800