Thursdays Tijuana Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-19

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THURSDAYS TIJUANA CHART The following charts were received too late for pulillcadon in yenterdays paper: fJQAA /i SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 2, 19*4—1:52—5 — 125. Purse 00. 4-year-/ O-it-X olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 20: second. ♦lM; th.rd. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys OlKU Equiv. Odds Strt 7f,:517-MARTM.V U. w 5 97 1 I 5 7 V 4» t] i Ellis San Di. go Stable 240-100 78355 ■VDI.ON KI, I, IT w 7 100 0 6 6" l" l1 1| 2« M Kr y Hollywood Stable 310 IM 783945*;REKN SPKi; w»b 4 102 S :. SJ 4? 4* :: .:» W Molters Kino and /.it;ler tl9*-l**0 78186»AC REVOIR w« 6 105 14 5 9 "• 2J 21 4 J .~mith ■ ■ Bin hanan 78351 C.I.AD NEWS w I 95 B 12 s Si sj p ..J i lark / I. Iaimquiat f 78279 BALUB CARTER w 7 10.1 5 14 14 14 1:1-104 I. Crecry ti Crffith 500 HM B1M»AI WIiK w 11 100 12 0 10- 61 61 6» 7i W M. Kht A M Cray 4480-100 78354,.1EWEI. CITY w J IM 6 10 11 j 1 1- 10 ll1 SI C Corbett Confar Bros 7f.394«MAI.7.AVKNA wa 5 91 I 13 IP 10» 9 ." :C K Hgl md J » Civns . t 77924 KVI.I. ACA1X wb S 107 :: 11 »" 12J12- 121 10l E Xeal Johnson and Spangle* 47940-100 78169«COI,l KI.CSH w S 100 7 4 7J 0 111 II- 11- B McHugh H Porter 1116- -100 78160 POMPADOUR w 4 103 10 I C 24 B si OH G AM Elander Itros 20160-1O- 7r-170*PIE WB 7 101 2 7 12J113K 14 14 B*| J Cormly OE Van Winklo t 78355 TWKI.VE DCIJ ws 3 105 11 8 41 01 5 i Jl 14 F J Baker B Barnes 2260-100 ■Mutuel held. Time. 25 4. 50. 115*5. 1:43. laWf4. Track fast. mutuels paid Martha I,.. . SO straight. . SO plac, .40 show; Colonel Lit. . place. .40 show; Creen Spring, field. .20 show. Equivalent ho king odds Martha L, 240 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Colonel Lit, 90 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Green Spring, field. 10 to 100 show. Winner It in. by Martinet- Respousful. by Meddler tiaiucd by W. T. Anderson; bred by Messrs. Williams Pros. Went to post at 4 13. At post 2 minutes. Start g.wxl and slow. Won driving, secand third the same. MAKTH.V I... fnm a fast lwginnir.g. was taken back while rounding 1 lie first tarn, then came fast through the final eighth and won drawing clear. COEONKE 1.IT took the lead when passing the half and showed the way to the last sixteenth where he .ommenced to tire, but after giving way to the winner, made a game finish. 6BBBB SPRING finished with a rush. AC REVOIR was prominent to the last eighth, where he tired. POMPADOUR showed brief early speed, then quit. TWELVE HF.M.S quit badly. Scratched 7S017 Dcminator. 100: 78136 Vie, 96: 7S340* Poor Puss. 91. Overweights Martha L... 1 pound, Green Spring, 2; Glad News, 4; Full Again. 4; Pie. 1; Twelve Hells. 2. PfQ/i A RT EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 22. 1984— l:ll»i— 4—128.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds 4 0~X-Hy and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. 0, third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ■» , Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78357*NAN McKl.NNEY wb 5 113 I 2 l« $» 1- Is P J Baker Q Dmmheller 1400 100 7«396«SAI.VO w S 110 1 3 2»* 21 21 21 M Frey Q W Atkinson BB 100 78*61 J« LITTLE HOPE w 1101 S 1 41 4» 41 3 C Abel Wllrllll Bros 200 100 78*2* GRAYSON w 9 115 8 7 71 71 51 41 L Creery H Cooper -!»lr "c» 78400 LAMSTEDT ws S 100 4 C t» 6» 61 5* JGerrity C Sawyer P»-Ki 78350-JOSNE NEWLL. w 3 102 2 4 31 3J 3* 6| W Molters Neal and Bartholmew : 160 100 78284* BRAZOS w 9 110 5 8 «5i 8=1 7 7» W McK"ht B H Hollenbeck 710-HX1 77736 GICSKPPE wb 4 115 9 9 9 9 9 8s E Neal W T AmWson Oft-Ml 78399 DAN BOGAJf W3B 4 113 7 6 5J 51 81 9 K Hgland A Baroni 1460-100 Time. 24, 47S. MM. Track fast. mutuels paid Nan McKinney, 0.00 straight, 0.00 place. .20 show; Salvo. 9 20 place. 0.S0 show; Little II. pe. $.1 SO show. Iiuivalent hoiking elds Nan McKinney. 1400 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 260 to 100 show; Salvo. S60 to 100 place. 440 to 100 sh«w: Iattle Hope, iH to MM show. Winner Ch. m, by Ieouid- Kate Dorman. by Modred trained by D. F. Cannon; bred by Mr. Charles R. Daniels. Went to post at 4:43. At post 1 minnte. Start good and slow for all but C.IISEPPE. Won easily, second and third driving. NAN M.K1NNKY showed I he most speed in paccmaking and easily wan ail the way. SALVO, after racing in closest but unavailing pursnit of the winner, made a gam.- finish to -if se.ond place. tfflll HOPE had no mishaps and finished well. GRAYSON" was going fast at the end. GCISSKPPK was as good as left. Scratched 7H396 Picnic. 110; 7S354- Pay Off, 113; 7S324 Fiesta. 113; 7S3525 Mannikin II., 113. Overweights Josephine Newell, 4 pounds. ffQA /i££ NINTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 10. 1923— 1:42H— 6— H8. Purse 00. 3-4 OrftrlO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second, 40; third, 0, Ind.x Horses AWtPPSt i _. :tl Str Fin Jo keys Owners F.quiv. Odds Strt 78337 fSPKKDDALL ws 4 106 5 5 3:1 ::; :V2 -1 1:1 Cr Abel Mrs 1 I Irippen 1K-1» 78358»SAN;RAD0 wb 5 106 1 1 1-J Is 1* l1 2**41 Ellis A Sansone BV-MI 78363J*EinST .-ALL wb 4 105 6 4 2J 2"! 2« P Sl M Frey rW Atkinson 1050-100 78399«BII.L WAITS wb .". 112 4 5 7 6J 6» B 4J O Clark B B Watson 250 100 7R3991»CHIYA ws 4 105 I 2 41 41 41 6l r,« I Cerrity Mrs C B Irwin l.lO-lX 783*8 TUBBtTUDCT wb 4 108 2 6 5 5i 51 41 64 B Fator W J Wolfa 2760 100 78399 1IYANPOM wSlll " " 7 7 7 HS Jones Vtrnon Stable 4;140-100 Time. 24. 48, 1:13V 1:3». 1:43%. Track fait. mutuels paid BjaaBMsB, .60 straight, .40 place. .80 show; Sangrado. 60 place, 20 show; First Call. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds— SpeerthaM. 130 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show: Sangrado. 130 to 100 pla.e. 100 to 100 show; First Call. 100 to 100 show. Winuer II. f. by Hesperus — Morthenia, by Mortlake trained by G. W. Crippen; bred by Mr. A. K. Macomber. Went to post nt 5:08. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily, second and third driving. SPEEDBAIJ, waited on the leaders until after .ntering the stretch, where he raced into the lead to wiu in a canter. SANGRADO s.-t n fast pace and showed much speed, but was no match for the winner when challenged. FIRST 4 ALL was a forward contender throughout and did his best. HIIJA WATTS was always outpaced. CHIVA and TURBULENT tired. Scratched 7S399 Tikeh, 108. Overweights— Hyanpom, 2 1 oun Is.

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Local Identifier: drf1924041901_10_1
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