untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-19


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jthiiw rn?i n Gars Weeklv |JjnMU|L I MJpjjJpjalJpjjmf CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: Sold AU Newsstands— 85 and "SPECIALS" HAVRE— FLORIDA, "WHITE. RED. WHITE and under NO censideration fail to GET DOWK 0WH PIT DO YOU WANT TO WIN - »* — **.* 00 "TODAY" IT WON A 825 flat play on BOTH and 81 "SPE- v„. . . . _ CIALS" TODAY should NET YOU 00. Yesterday s adv. .,„, 03 Special given free to an DeW 8nbs"e" These two SPECIALS " come from s,me source was: that gave recently the foUowing WINNEliS:" FLYING DF.VTT . RC 0 XirtS HUMBOLDT 2- WON *£n£J *£L* T. FOREIGNER ....- WON gratian .60- won DERONDA 0- WON EVELYN - WON REMEMBER • W. T. WIZARD.... - WON; r7 li £ ar s w WeeklY Gave j E. BELL 2- WON , And many other LONG-PRICED WINNERS too Harfnfli Honrli/*nti IVinnA. NUMEROUS t- mention ALL THESE BIG- ndllUlU 1131101030 lYinil6r """» PRICED WINNERS our ARMY of JACK FIELD r foUowers CLEANED UP. "ARE YOU ONE OF CI IFvTT" CT/MVir. EM?" IF NOT. you have yourself to BLAME. T l-.Il i 1 O 1 UINjEL, because if you follow JACK FIELD" every day K-v— .*. ■ ». you are bound to be "BIG WINNER." Vl Q | f| 4PO AA/bTi1VT YOU CAN "CLEAN UP" TODAY *D 1 %/• 1 Va*«Bsssi YY Ul 1 on BOTH and "SPECIALS." so RUSH to your newsdealer and pet "JACK FIELDS" and And this is what the CHIEF said in last weeka "Specials" and make a 5 "flat play" on BOTH issue: of these and REMARKS: Theyll have to GO SOME t« »" WIN 00 "TODAY" hIrfordi TSowMT t0,the post in S We also advise you to make a "PARLAY" on Ef rS EVENT L Vn. "nt *Sf n™ BOTH of these two Specials TODAY, as this should drop, he 11 paS tothe FRNTana sTaI pay youi THERE. The FITTEST TRICK at the trick irr 30-1 "PARLAY" TODAY and ■ ara not cockeyed e ther- RUSH to your newsdealer before he SELLS OUT Romemeer, GARS WEEKLY is BIGGER and and Bet JCAK FIELD S BOTH and "SPE- BETTER than ever; 12 PAGES of SOLID wm IN. CIALS." FORMATION. NOTICE— JACK FIELD sold everywhere : also r-w-y s~± ajssa, - m w MAILED TO YOU PLAIN. SEALED ENVELOPE," I £ 1 I 1 A V 5 weekly for BOTH "Specials." A V-J-/X"Y X FIELD PUB. CO. . 39 W. Adams St. Chicago Ms. PO A * IF ~=— _= Occasional Free JSR$ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ youVneweler ST* "* "°W " "* Jtf © PREDETERMINED n J r -i turf profits ~ var s Uaily •B The MIKACLK SsT : l In nationally «» only 50 cents, and you will get this OCCASIONAL knoun as "easy for player — hard for FREE on sheet. la er." Has stood he ACID TEST for ** __ a* many years. He could not spend many y» . TMr _. .. _ . _,___ " . thousand* of dollars per annum adxer- THE GUARANTEE SYSTFM •» WWJ-IIIMH I Lt OIOI Ql¥l tisinr water as rouKh syru| — and con- ♦• M tlnue in business, sold on installment I A hsMeDtltsC, cons.-rvat ivi- System, based on payments paid from your profits. Abso- ** F rm Method and pereetitae. l|:ls shown •» lutely FREE. 100 paKe racing manual. ■imazinjr results for four v past .*•"•• vears Writ« » rue •» review, sworn test.monala. etc. Invest! | for our data M Sate today and make vour Bookie obey v Publi, •Rr.MJ.nj Manager ♦, THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM /f* mm»£gr£2L.n*. JKL M,aiH""t"- kai.timokk.Sd, w$ $ $ t i t $ $ $ $ $ «m3 ; — SEVEN WINNERS — four seconds and three thirds out of last 14 BaaaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBaaaBBSEBBSBBBSBBBanBBBi on our BEST BETS. 50 PEK CZHT WINNERS r W V w% *... Pay r rom Your Profits w»*».o i think of i4 aJ1 u costs ■• f . — DALLY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS_81 The Master Key System of playing the races MAILED DIRECT. 86.00 FOR 6 DAYS will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER charge unless it shows an average profit of 411 Batlimore Bldg. Chicago m .it least 0 a day on the scale of play. .. " Ljt particulars mail this ad. with your name I ""■"■"■■■■■■■■■■13 und address to J. K. WILLIS, _- 225 Thirtieth St.. Miami Beach, Fla. / • ■• r aa •• a* — ! iQiihcrnho for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041901/drf1924041901_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041901_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800