untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-19


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A WINNING COMBINATION Barrier Co. 0.00 Weekly; .00 Daily 1 114 Nassau Street "EW YORK CITY Barrier Co. Put Over Yesterday: GUELPH .20- WON Thursday 00.00 Certified FREE money : horse, Wilbur C. Whitehead, S5.50-J2 WON. PAST 11 RACING DAYS 9 WINNING DATS FOB BAERIER CO. CLIENTS Barrier Announcing Another 00 CERTIFIED MONEY HORSE TODAY— FREE— FREE TO .«0 WEEKLY CLIENTS Operate on Barriers Money Horse Today. j Mile and a Quarter race. Telegraph a telegraphic money order Western Union Telegraph. Use Postal if you wish. 0.00 Weekly— .00 Daily City clients call entrance Room 502. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. ITS HERE ! ! Details concerning a discovery that will open the eyes of system playeri will be sent without charge er obligation. Those interested in systems will find it to their advantage to address L K. MARTIN 52 EAST 34TH STREET HEW YORK CITY The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating Proof that tbe right kind of Information on certain horae» in certain race* enable* you to boat a Riven race Ik in the fact that brain*, reinforced by money, aliuokt invariably «ets the deatred rr.sults. On Wednesday the 23rd a* clever a demonstration of brain* ver*u* matter as was ever shown on a ra«-o track will be Riven at Havre de Grace. The play which will serve as the medium illu*trat ins i"i* combination of shrewd brains, coupled with a horse in Wltit-h confidence can be relied when confidence 1m required, takes place at Bavre de BMsM Wednesday, rain or shine. This horse ha* given us ample evidence that he will OT be found wanting when the crucial trst comes. Furthermore, I am certain the horse will not be a hot favorite, having •hovvn nothing recently to the public that will cause him to be heavily played In this particular race, which I feel AI1SOI.1 TI.I.V SI HK he will win. Knowing What in going to take place Wednesday I am seeking all possible means to get this information Into every mans hands that may be of possible benefit to me. Which will natarally he of benefit to yon, because yon must win before I do. If you are willing to bet Sio.uo for me with the u ntlerst a ndlng that this horse will not be a hot favorite, telegraph me immediately. Dont write a* your letter ■lay arrive too late. If ou want this winner a* well as others which 1 will have at this meeting and at Iimlico, telegraph at once, giving your street address. C W. Hinkle J100M 509, PENFTTJ.T BLDG. PHILADELPHIA, PA. THEPORTINGIEADER crt* BUGLE *. 253X15-FTgSALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WTSfUGtE JjJ|£|L f££S5"l __ They scratched my BL || rVEltf W1 "v+ji lflr«Hy z " "" L«H l today, savs CFATITOINP +*~ MlAlUKIlNU /f¥s3LT AL UKRN, so here lB . MmXmf she and, broth- sPTW :Za goes, FVFRY HAY LVLKI U A I gSrnCgL er. ITS a "PIIIIN ;• I M ISl rMCkfi worked like chain I ■L/V] A 00 flkf lightning and all that. VU/ 1UU __Sff ? Oct your SPORTING T S FREE flfg/ L E A D ■ R. NEW — anrrr i a i VST EDITION for sale SPECIAL — _ _ now. and look up this "nt,: YESTERDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: _ CODE: RESULT NOT KNOWN HaVre-DUn¥nt;ntaSCUiaf0n"HUm;,n" THURSDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: and keep on rejoicing, thats all. fl 1« 1 d»00 flA d*»"l III uiiddaui Uligula, |ZZ.oO- Won M lvJlvlVl J[ WEDNESDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: YESTERDAYS BIG SPECIAL: FLINT STONE .9.40- WON Here is MY RECORD on the 00 FREE W| w TVXrXV IPII warn I A 1J I * SPECIAL last ten days: LjLnil 1 *-*v*I CALIGULA 2.80- WON d»1 1 *J dJO 1/|1VT FLINT STONE. 9. 40- WON «P1 1 • / W-tJ *4i, W yji 1 Hidden Jewel. .3. 30- WON ingliader!" What * Said h The Sp°rt" A- J- BUJA .30- WON "Down at Benning thev think a lot of this OLD FAITHFUL . . 50- WON SE5?5 SS-W-Tik %Jr£u* Golden Billows.. . .30- WON doesnt satisfy you let me ;idd that WASH- HUMBOLDT . ..2.00- WON jySP*1 is loaded to rUf OTARDS and the ApvivinAT t1 «9 OTOT. f «H . . . . UAli lO.oU-ipZ ZnU GANG expect nothing less than 0.00 in *»*■ f SS ,m"tuf*,s- and lney mean business FIRST t t rtitiirrnp *A 7ft *r» 1170117 WOW »MITXMI CRACK OUT. This — Sallv. is the BEST h 4./U- THING of the week, so LETS GET BUSY." WARNLNG .40- 2ND Can you beat this for 25 cents? These ar ? poPitively onU. HrNnRKI, lM I Ru.«=h right now and get the NEW EDI- LAH SPECIALS SENT OUT THE LAST TION, which is for sal* new. TEX HAYS. How can vou beat this KIND OP INFORMATION? ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! todays "iou know we have changed the name of . thp MASTER CLOCKBR to "AL GERN8 V 1 A A ■-. I7M. m CM/vm»1 «■ ■ SPECIALS." whirl, an for sab- at all news «b 1 UU T TCC OPeCial stands; only ; and believe me T * ,S A MUD LARK Al Gerns Sneriak i fu I fecials Th.s fellow just L0VES THE Are a Howling Success mud and was pbepped eSpe- rw T|j«t- cially for this race. Here is the fy W H R £ BEST THLNG OF THE YEAR. kS™?!.-6 TCK and MT*. Player, dont miss our A Winner Everv Dav sheet today Rush t0 our agents NnthTnL T ™, ? and the buy Busle only 50 cents» . ■ , Nothing else i satisfies f him and he only * ■ * ■ gives -two horses a day." or send .00 to the Again We Won!! Bugle Publishing Co. Yesterdays Al Gerns 0 Special: ■ •. ■ » -ar -r »j» « « rt x n. _ _ _ Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. Guelph, .20-, Won Chic° IU Given free with ji speciai.. and we will mail you, overnight, Thursdays ai Gerns special: in a plain sealed envelope the Dandybnish . 7.70-, Won BUGLE for TW0 WEEKS Wednesdays Al Gerns Special: 1" ■ ■ m . Edisto $ 3.30-, Won De S* g! SpJla , f°r Sale at thlS Stand onIy , Tu«.days Al *W. Tony Beau. . $ 8.40-, Won Bagley Newsstand And so on; EVERY DAY A BIG WINNER. Cor- Woodward * Monroe Aves. TAn IV 1 lIATIirn lOUAY ANOlHtK in front of Al Gems 0 Special Bagley Monument ________ r.wrJtm . CLEVELAND— For Sale at: CjIV.I1.1N FREE ! ! O. C. Scnroeder 212 East Superior Ave. with his SPECIAL. I tell vou its the ST LOUIS— For Sale at: REST THING that 1 hav. seen in manv a Wm- Laser 711 Market Street day. and DO I KNOW HES FIT? Well, CINCINNATI-For Sale at: °iiv%m Rav Pierce Corner Fifth and Vine Streets Rings Around the Moon louisville— For sale at: and a few somersaults is what he ran do in Trian9le News 9 South Fifth Street the WEE HOUKfl of the MORNING. Re- KANSAS CITY— For Sale at: member, this 0 SPECIAL is FREE All Rickseckers Cigar Store. 9th and Walnut Sts. you need to do is to ASK your newsdealer for «Av-r/-.«j DAYTON — For sale at: _ Euphrafs 129 South Jefferson Street p WTrmr* / | t VijtjjVVll Be Sure t0 Go to These Dealers Only SPECIALS, only , mailed 1 week, . ! ?= sSio.iSS"™1 The San Francisco Turf Reporter 442 SANS0ME ST. SAS FRANCISCO CAL. AL GERN. 7S0 CTH AVE., NEW YORK. Maryland Trarks Kriitucky Trark* ===== : ani ali of the EASTERN THACKS will be rovered . . l y an able staff associated with TURx REPOHTEH. a. n ni m *% ■ aaii ■ ilLJ DllVv1 ill/ I Th0 columns c! TURF REPORTER from ».*■« to in till I I3IIIK wcck ulU bo Just covered with high-class turf in- Ulll " UU I Vl " LaUUIX I formation for Mister Turf Follower. THE FREE CODE HORCE will be inserted as This system is still picking the long shots. Here usual, are a few: Hartelle, 6.20-; Norah. 9.60-52:; THE FAMCUS "T, R." LETTERS will also be Yalta, 7.00-; Auntie Em. 4 00-; Diamond sent. In fact, with the BIG RACING SEASON Dick. 6.80-S2: Speedball. 3.80-: Preservator. that is ahead of us. the TURF REPORTER lol-2.60-; Sangrado, 3 60-: Charlie Summy, lowers should not MISS ONE SINGLE ISSUE, be-3.40-; Mr. Bock. 2.80-, Bristow. 5.80-. cause if they do they will find that they w:ll miss Bramton, 0.60-, and a largo number of others, a great many GOOD THINGS that the TURF REPORTER service is so well noted for. cvoTra* ».i C5IC51LM INo. 2. 0UF MottO "Make Every Week This wonderful system only had 5 loser, in the last meetings at Bowie and Havre de Grace com- A "Winnincr flno" bined. Best bet only had 2 losers in 21 days. m m Alllllllg Ulie Send for a SAMPLE AT ONCE. Begin the Last meetings at Jamaica. Aqueduct and Louis- EASTERN RACING SEASON RIGHT. Follow the villo combined only had 6 losers. Best bet only "HORSES Tj WATCH" column from the begin-had 3 losers in 36 days. ning and keep in mind the "HALF DOZENS" that appear on all tracks. In one week at the different tracks same system ! nTEF REp0RTER IS SOLD FO FIFTEEN only had 11 loser, out of 86 bets Best bet only CENTS EVERYWHERE. BEGIN TODAY AND had 1 loser. Get these and systems pick your own HAKE THAT TURF INVESTMENT x-jsi. PAY « winners. Can be played at or away from the track. Price in full for both systems only 0.00. Then. a» after yon get them and if they have not done just as I adverts. I wUl gladly return your money. SljbSClibe fOf Daily Rating FOmi box 26J* " CRCr*AL*rRA, IND. DAILY RACING F0RM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-150 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. T. AUVtn I lob IN nAUInlb rUnM 50 Richmond street, east, Toronto, ont.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041901/drf1924041901_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041901_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800