untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-29


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"THE M.VN VVTIO CAN MAKE YOt WIpH SOLD ALL NZWSSTAKDS— "SPECIAL" IT AGAIN WE SCLEANED UPS Yesterday i "STABLE TIP- 8pecial 1$ AGAIN And a-gaan JACK FIELDS army of followers beat the "ENEMY" handbooks, as JACK FIELD advised to "PLUNGE, WIN ONLY," on this one. ■»" Are You Convinced Now That bt JACK HELD "Can Make Yon Win" ? WHY LOSE YOTTR MONEY when yon can WIN following JACK FIELD "EVERY DAY." Remember. JACK FIELD is ALWAYS AT THE TRACK getting "INFO from OWNERS. TRAINERS. JOCKEYS. ETC. Yon see. JACK FIELD owned and trained horses himself for IS years. Now he is giving his KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME to his followers. WONLY "ONE HORSE" A DAY Remember. YOTJ csandnot BEAT 7 races a day, but YOTJ can BEAT "ONE RACE" A DAY. S-f TODAY 0 FOR BET This is our big "Adv." SPECIAL TODAY. ONLY COSTS YOTJ — WORTH 00 Rush to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELDS 1 SPECIAL, or send us for one week and we will mail it to you. LOUISVILLE readers go to Eiler A- Goodmans, 227 S. 4th and get JACK FIELD copy. LEXINGTON, Ky. — Rensteins, Main and Lime. ST. LOUIS, Mo.— 711 Market St.; 410 Washington Ave. OMAHA, Neb— Meyers stand, 14th and Farnam. ALSO ALL OTHER CITIES— SOLD EVERY DAY FIELD PUB. CO. 39 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6333 CONFIDENCE ! GREATNESS! RESPONSIBILITY ! SERVICE ! ! are judged by works performed. This is why "Schuyler Investments" have maintained an unchallenged leadership. PAYING INVESTMENTS have brought the "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" the patronage and endorsement of discriminating turf followers throughout the country. A "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" With Outstanding Advantages TAKES PLACE TODAY-Tuesday TERMS: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE HERES CONVINCING EVIDENCE of the supremacy that the time-tested "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" enjoy and below is their proved record of safety. THE ONLY EIGHT "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" released since April 1st are as follows: Saturday, April 26: Rock Bottom ..0.50- WON Saturday, April 19: FreezySneezy....20- WON Monday, April 14: | A. J. BUJA .30- WON Saturday, April 12: Listen Dearie. .0.1 0- WON Thursday, April 3: iWARNING ....3.10- WON Tuesday, April 8: Hidden Jewel . .3.30- WON Thursday, April 3: Moon Magic . . .8.30- WON One losing horse, which was subjected tc the non-controllable occurrence— interference — finishing second. The "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "STERLING" ON SILVER the stamp of distinction IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS OIK MCAT SIO ONK HOUSE SPECIAL GOBS WEDNESDAY Yi*KlcrdajK 0 One Horse Special was : LEONARD G. ■ 2.50- WON NOTHING SKXT OI T TODAY. Our f lO Special* coiimImI of one home only. All onr Special* filed In i advance with KacinK Form. WE DO NOT HAVE THKSf EVERY DAY. BIT WAIT FOR RIGHT SPOTS. Of oar la*t five Special*, THREE WON. A flat play on lime Special* ■»■ WON *»■ TOMORROWS WEDNESDAY 0 ONE HORSE SPECIAL ha* been quietly prepared and *houlil win at a bier price. An we *pecial-|Sr In Ionic *hot* we eannot araaranlee a winner every lime, but to fully protect our client* If tomorrow* * I » Special doc* NOT WIN at N to 1 or better, WE WII.I. SEND OI It NEXT TWO flO ONE HORSE SPECIALS ABSOLUTELY FREE No matter what price yon pay you cannot eqnal onr information. We are horaciuen and know every angle of the same. Wire f to at once by Western laion no Iontal here. S. 0. SERVICE - Jamaica, N. Y. HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET ! NEW YORK, N. Y. Yesterdays " Harvey Transaction" WON Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" started at Lexington, but owing to previous agreement the name of horse is withheld. After the second race was official this office was notified over the long distance that another "Harvey Transaction" would start TODAY. Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription and possible return of same, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. The fact that a 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" advised, after deduction of losses and cost of the information, shows a profit of approximately | ,2QO The mishap which caused the "Harvey Transaction" of last Saturday to lose is regrettable, but the amount lost is only temporary. Ample justification of the value of the information given said day is we understand a matter of very few days. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Gars Weekly Kentucky 35 Cents at All Newsstands f ■ 1 £ m new issue for sale now * urr bureau Suite 212, No. 1350 Broadway, New York City A TTFtfTTdtf f DISTINCTIVE KENTUCKY INFORMATION J"X M. A JLil ¥ ± JL J1 V • 0 Pays for One Winner 0 Pays for Six Winners I have been scouring EARI,Y and LATE Announcement Extraordinary torn* to get you a free code like Wednesday at Havre de Grace Dandybrush, 7.70-, Won ™i£fiandS3XandX?5l r- ALL CLIENTS who wire 0 which I gave you a few days ago, and believe f0r sjx winners me, sir, if this one today doesnt step to the Yesterdays Kentucky Horse: front paying better than 0.00 in the mutuels Ballot BlUSh . . . 2.9Q- WON I will be greatly mistaken. Saturdays Kentucky Horse: HERE IT IS- Kitty Troxell ....90- WON INFORMATION AT KENTUCKY ONLY LEXINGTON LONG SHOT CODE: We specialize with the Kentucky racing Vermont-Grass-Sea-Pink season after season. Our best advertisement is our army of satisfied followers that do And whatever you do, DONT FAIL to get business with us season after season, the NEW ISSUE and look up this trick. gfT SUCCESSFUL HAVRE FREE CODE: Subcribe to the Kentucky Turf Bureaus Michigan-Rain-Water-Red daily wire service. Get the winners. Comes to me RED HOT, so let s go. TODAYS KENTUCKY HORSE __— .-. _ _ comes so highly recommended that we advise ■ f "% _ ■ % k A Lr a plunge play again today. Yes, and the I J m J J"L. M price will • to your liking. Remember, you must get a winner for your money, as a loser is not counted against your subscription. /fkfl fy • | impn Occasional rKhfc JSTJKiS!i*m"mm**r ON GARS DAILY " Here is a bird that I am MOST CONFI- If 1L |V|/ | A | I V DENT will win in a common gallop. J/Jj If A V VXmiV A J. Is SARAT0GA new york Everything Ready *™»* _ So for this OCCASIONAL rush right _ 1 must ask ,„,-,. all my friends to be patient until • now and ask your newsdealer for Thursday, when the big proposition intended r* adq n aii v % /~% | -/J | J r. II j I for Monday will be released. Wire name if not 50 Cents at All Newsstands already a subscriber. Mailed, 2 weeks, . Remit to GAR PUB. CO. 438 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. JBt 149391493914939 1493914939 $ JBi LOU.SV.LLE-FOR SALE: ££* PREDETERMINED g? Eiler and. Goodman 227 4th St. M TIIRF PROFITS «» LEXINGTON— FOR SALE: *♦ ■ The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally * known »« "asy for player hard for . Re,nstem - ai-;„ Ma,n and -»h ■ Lme im« «♦« StS •*, ** — Uy*r." Has Mood the ACID TEST for .«• I m «• many years. We ronld not spend many «» ~ thousands of dollars per annum adter- aBBammmmmmaaammmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmamammammmmmamm* •» tising water as eouch syrup — and eon- «* Pav Prnm Your Profits 1 •» Unue ,n bu,lDM- S0*1 •■ installment * *y rrul11 ■ «-*«* * rJllM* payments paid from your profits. Abso- • THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM cf playing • lately FREE. lOO pace racing manual. «*. tho races will ba mailed you for one weeks • review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invesli- trUl. Ko charge unless it shows an average as B*1* today and make your Bookie obey. «• profit of at least 0 a day on the scale Public Relations Manager «jo of play. For particulars mail this ad., with mm 8. E. AKTlllR your name and address to /rSft Bex 40 JL f. Ton sen. MJ. J9L _ J. K. WILLIS |L?JF C%* 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla, «Bt t 1493914939 % % % $ $ $ t aaV

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042901/drf1924042901_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924042901_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800