Daily Racing Form Charts: Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-29

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QAIL RACING FORM 1 LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. KT.. MONDAY. APRIL 28. 1924. — One Mile. Second day. Kentucky Association. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather clear. Steward. C. W Hay. Placing Judges, w. H. Shelley. N. II. McClelland and J. S. Wallace. Starter. William Snyder. Racing Secretary. W. II. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 3:15 p. m. W indicates whp. S spurs. II blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance cf each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight c:nned. Indicates apprentice allowance. rftftAQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 8. 1917— 1:11%— 6— 115. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and 6 OUUu upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner £650; second, 39; third, 6. Index Itorsei AWtPISt |f % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 714fi2 BALLOT BRUSH w 3 104 3 4 4* 4» D] 1 II Gray R C Frakes 105-100 7553 I "GLYN liM t ] U H -i 2h D Jones Oallaher Bros 75-100 "8581 BULLET PROOF wn 7 112 6 6 6 54 4l 3« I, McDott C B Shafer 270-100 77538 l,KXCHANflE w 3 111 4 3 3] 3» ft* 4* D Mergler C E Lenahan 1193-100 77452 JOHN HOSHOR w C 113 5 5 6* 6 6 CJ E Pool TV Mountjoy 2270-1OO 75247 ALLIE OCHS w 4 HI 1 2 2J 2» ft | 6 R Yolton S Singer 4340-100 Time, 23%, 49%. 1:17. Track heavy. mntuels paid— Rallrt Rrush, 2.90 straight, .30 place. .90 show; Glyn, .70 place. .10 show: Pullet Proof. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Ballot Brush. 1045 to 100 straight. 163 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Glyn. 35 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Bullet Pro. f. LO to 100 slow. Winner ■ B. c. by Ballot — Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush trained by R. 0. Frakes; bred by Mr. J. I., Carries. . Went t- post at 2:15. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RAIJ.OT RRUSH. helped hy the going, saved much ground on the stretch turn and, racing into the lead, won going away after a mild drive. GLYN began fast and showed fine speed, but began tiring in the stretch and just lasted to hold second place. BlLLET PROOF was away slowly and far back for a half mile, then came fast near the end. EXCHANGE began tiring in the last eighth. ALLIK OCHS ran a good half and quit 1 adly. Scratched 73728 Bust Flower. 112; 71033-Polynesia, 99; 75535 Diadem, 99. Overweight — Exchange, 2 pounds. "7Cit2ACi SECOND RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 25. 1921— 47%— 2— 114:-. Purse 00. 2-year-old*. 6 O0"«jr Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; seoond, 25; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt KITTY PAT w 112 9 4 |*| 1* ll I. McDof: J N Camden t25:.-100 RURAL ROUTE! w 112 8 3 ft* 11 2* W W Tor It P Headley 775-100 78585 ItiKKI PRINCESS w 112 I 7 V i- 3s ■ Pool M Lowenstein 1C25-100 RUTHWUfJBL wn 112 1 1 31?. 3* 45 W Kelsay J N Camden I LITTLE VISITOR w 112 ■ 6 4J 5« 5« N Barrett J L Knight 105-100 MOON GLEAM w HI 4 5 r.h 61 61 W Pool O L Steele 4425-100 77910 S1.IPAWAY W 112 7 2 7 7l 7= H Kaiser McCowan and Taylor 113.10-100 77120 BIT o" HONEY w 112 3 9 9 8l 8* B Kenndy Audley Farm Stable 2070-100 PEPPERETTE w 112 6 8 8 9 9 J Howard R L Sullivan 9365-100 tCoupled as J. N. Camden entry. Time, 25. 50%. Track heavy. mntuels paid — J. N. Camden entry. .10 straight. .80 place. . SO show; Rural Route, .10 place. .00 how: Rockland Princess. .50 show. K.rnvalent booking odds — J. N. "nmden entry. 255 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Rural Route. 205 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Rockland Friric. ss. 125 to 100 show. Winner Br. f. by Light Brigade — Ecatarina, by Commando trained by D. E. Stewart; bred by Mr. Johns. n N". Camden. Went to post at 2:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. KITTY PAT. under a good ride, was rushed into the lead at once and was headed in the stretch, but came again in the last sixteenth and won going away. RURAL ROlTE. under hard riding. also ran a go d race, but tired near the end. ROCKLAND PRINCESS closed a big gap and finished gamely ROTHERMEL tired in the last eighth. LITTLE VISITOR wUl piobably do much better, but bwerved repeatedly in the stretch and tired. Scratched--Spider. 112: Midnight Rose. 112: Rose Thorn. 112; Miss Jennie, 112; Fasnet, 112; Lass © Mine. 112: Wine Jug. 112; IBM MM, 112; 77SG7 Quell. 112. Overweight — Rural Route, 1 pound. ryQ/-g fK THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Y *rds. Sent. 23. 1911— 1:42%— 3— 98. Purse 00. 3- OUl" year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner C0; seoond, 39; third, 6.. Index Horses AWtPPSt % %■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 70921 »FIRE BOY ws 106 I 5 4 4l 3 I1 V D Mergler W Perkins 60-100 777 10 1 BUSH BUCK w 102 1 I 2 lh 1» ft* 22 I Parke .1 McPherson 765-100 779 12 AMITY CLAIM w 99 4 2 l1 2 5 21 31 3J F Th.lvko Greentree Stable 545-100 77609 NORSELVND »■ HI M 31 5! 42 41 4» B Kenndy E Cebrian 1665-100 78583 SNOW MAIDEN wn ftft 6 6 6 3" 5* ft»* §*» L Montry 1Wieland 1373-100 75412,yULNLNE w 9.V f, 4 5s 6 6 6 6 I Jones Williams Bros 2093-100 Time. 24. 48«,. 1:16%, 1:45%. 1:49%. Track heavy. mu fuel*, paid— Fire Boy. .20 straight, .70 place, .30 show; Biish Buck. .10 place, .90 show: Amity Claim. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds— Fire Roy. 60 to 100 straight. 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Bush Ruck. 105 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Amity Claim, 35 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Under Fire— Jessie C, by Peep oBay trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. T. Dunne I . Went to no =t at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FIRE P.OY was all over the track early and interfered with, but saved ground on the stretch turn and 1 uttinished the others. BISH BUCK, under good riding, raced into the lead on the baek-stret.li :md tired, but outstayed AMITY CLAIM. The latter et the early pace and would have done Niter with a good ride. NORSELAND was going well at the end. SNOW MAIDEN had scant chance With a poor ride. Scratched 77716 Telescope. 108: 77259 Fausto. 101. Overweights— Rush Ruck. 2 pounds; Norseland. 4: Quinine. 1%. fQf*-* "g FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 8, 1917— 1:11%— 6— 115. Substitute for original race 4 OUl -L declared cff. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5650; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77914 PAUL MICOU w I 115 9 7 4l 3* 1 1* I Parke M F Shapoff 230-100 78587M.OUANNA w I 103 4 2 31 4» 3 21 D Mergler C B Shafer 1580-100 73944 .NAPOO wb 6 110 14 1» ll 21 31 D Jones Williams Bros 380-100 70818 1 DAY OF PEACE wu 7 115 2 1 5« 5* 4l 4» L Mt-Dott H Oot-» 180-100 75301 BliOK N BLOSM wb 4 110 8 8 8l 81 6* 51 W Fronk J Spencer 2495-100 78583 CARNARVON w 7 113 5 3 6" 71 5» 6" W W Tor T F Devereaux 2400-100 7530»*!MSTY MARY WB 3 94 7 5 2 21 7* 7* E OBrien J H Downing r.045-100 7845.VCHT.HS HENRY w 6 110 I 6 71 61 8» 8« T Rarker W Carrigan 33.-100 69823 J SWEEP BLOSM W39969 9999F Th.lyke M Shields 11015-100 Time. 23%. 49%, 1:18%. Track heavy. mntuels paid— Paul Miccu. .60 straight, .30 place, .90 show; Louanna. . SO place, . SO show: Napoo, S3. 60 show. Equivalent l-.j-.king odds — Paul Miccu. 230 to 100 straight, 115 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Louanna, 390 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Natioo. SO to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Theo. Ccok — Miss Micou, by Aureus trained by A. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. J. S. Stark. Went to po*t at 3:49. At post 1 minute. Start bad and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PAUL MB ill was away poorly and had to race around others, but came fast in the Mretch and won eased up. IjOIANNA ran a good race and finished fast. NAPOO began fast and showed the most -|»e,|. but tired in the la«t eighth. BAY OF PEACE ran fairly well. BROKEN BLOSSOM came fa-t at the end. CHARLES HENRY was always far back after making a i oor beginning. fQ/J-g T FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. May 11, 1911— 1:37%— 5— 108. 09 Added. 4-year-olda and luOl upward. Claiming-. Net value to wiener 50; second, 39; third. 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockey* Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77849 1XWRPOLETTE w 7 97 2 2 6 S 3" 2l V F Thdyke T F Dvereaux 7l5-100 78123"IT.A.ET wb 6 106 6 3 4* 5» 2* ft* 2» D Jones C B Shafer ftftft-ftM 78584*1.1. EWELI.YN wb 5 110 1 5 5* 4» i» .• • 3» d Mergler I N Hull— ftftMM 74815RIB CRASS w 5 95 3 1 2i 11 4» 4» 4» L Pichon Mrs R McGurvey 1575-100 75517»WHO KNWS ME ws 4 100 S 6 1« 2 5» 5 5* T Barker M C Moore 3260-100 77748 GKGE KLFFN w 3 111 4 4 3« 3» 6 6 6 A Pickens E L Fitzgerald LS3-100 Time, 26. 49%. 1:17%. 1:45%. Track heavy. mntuels paid — Escarpolette, 6.50 straight, .10 place. .10 slow; Planet. .00 place, .60 ■bow; Llewellyn. 10 show. Equivalc nt iHjokmg cl.N FScarpoletle. 725 to 100 straight. 205 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Planet. 100 to lex place, 30 to 100 -how; Llewellyn. 20 to 100 show Winner R. m. by Fitz Herbert — Balancoire, by Meddler trained by T. F. Devereaux; bred in France by Mr. C. H. Ma.kay. Went to post at 4:19. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen driving: second and third the tame. ESCARPOIJCTTE bc-gaai slowly, but moved up fast after c. vering a half mile and. tliouli coming wide, wore PLANET l..«ti and pa.-scd him in the last seventy yards. PLANET raced forwarder most of the way anil finishe-d well after holding the lead briefly. LLEWELLYN suffe-red from iuterf.r. n.e and tired after taking the lead. RIB GRASS tired. WHO KNOWS ME quit. GEORGE Kl FFAN was done afte-r going a half mile. Sc-iatched -e, 75536 Prcri. us I.ula. 110; I 777 vB Sympathy. 110. rrQ£±-i O SIXTH RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 25. 1921— 47%— 2— 114%. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 4 ODlO Claiming. Net value to winner 50; seoond, 00; third, 0. Index II.. cs AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 77971 LITTLE JIMMY w 111 10 4 1" U ll E Martin E W Newman r.90-100 77971 SAM MENCEL w 115 3 ft 41 ft* fj L Lyke J T Looney TT-i-lOc 77867M.1TTLK CIPSY w 112 U 5 ftj 2* P W W Tor S A Cowan 800-100 77910,.MABY DEAR w 110 4 S 21 3 41 L McDott E C Walker K.-lOO •BAD LICK w 102 5 t 71 6l 5» D Jones C H Knebelkamp t--oeJ-100 778451BLAK DINAH w 106 8 7 7 | A Pickens Tobacco Stable 3415-100 77043 ll o w 110 7 10 10l 8« 7* H Stntt* Audley Farm Stable H90-100 BE.ri.NE w 110 12 9 8» 9» 81 W Kelsay J N Camden 870-100 7858CGLORY w 100 6 I 5» 5» 9» K OBrien M J Farria Jr t •WISE BILL w 101 2 It 12 11» 10* F Thdyke B A Neal PfcCADMBM w 110 1 t • 91 10* 11» M Garner J C Milam « 2731-100 l.lMHKIt JACK w 1091 9 12 11 12 12 J Howard R L Sullivan M50-100 fMuluel field. ;.s.-nt out in entries as McG.idden. Time, 25%, 51%. Track heavy. mutuels paid IJttle Jimmy. 3.80 straight, 30 place, .20 show; Sam Menge-1, .90 place. .50 »how; I-lttle Giptcy. 60 show. Equiralent Ixxiking odds Utile Jimmy. 590 to 100 stiaiglit. ftfl to 100 place. BiO to 100 show; Sum Meogel. ftM lo 100 place. 175 to 10O shuw; Ijitle- Gipsy. 220 to UN show. Winner — Ch. e, by Friazle Ionia, by Martinet trained by J. lowenstein ; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. L Went to pott at 4.52. At vtmt 2 minatat. btjit good and aluw. Wuu tuuidjOj •; uecoud and third .,s-«e * .*+- »f lrj?„r IITTTJi! JTMMY. under a good ride, tcok the lead soon after the atart and outstayed 8A1C MENl.hl, in tlie final drive. SAM MENGKL was forred back early and closed a gap Into a fast gotn« uill . K ;n SY nued forwardly from the start. MARY DKAR tired badly In the last eighth. i5Al» 1 M ,-nir 1 K ran well. There was much interference in the race. ... S; r,l,, Ju ,~ 77971 =Rrown Trout, 107; 77977 Irish Lace, 107; 77758 Help, 108; Timely Thoughts, 108| Hoy Lilhe. 105; Wuhu, 109. Overweights- Little Jimmy. 1 pound; Sam Mengel. 3; Lumber Jack. 1%. 7SfS"l 4- S7ENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 11. 19ia-l:42%— 3— 10ft. Substibrt. • *-*,-ca-Bt for original race declared off. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StrH -I!i-0IeltJ,:rKVrTOX w«112 1 2 21 V V l" t* J rVvte O R Alle 1005-100 •V-Z, lit?,?,* INKZ wn 4 102 6 6 6 6 t»j 2 21 D Jones CB Shafer " 375-100 "o-e ,I H wb 7 112 4 3 4»k 41 2 3« 3« W W Tor 9 Swain 125-100 -.-■■I SJJESSF* WB 6 107 5 ■ •* 2 3h 4* 4* D Mergler Four Oaks Stock F"m Stb 1!5-100 -««, ,0.T,SS W6 107 3 1 1» 31 4» 5 1 5» W Fronk W I Bruce 6S0-10O 804j JACK I-ROST wb 4 107 2 4 5» 5« 6 6 6 E OBrien C E and J Hamilton 5830-100 , Time. 24%. 49%, 1:17, 1:45%, 1:50%. Track heavy. *■ of2 .55?S "ni1 Kirklevington. 2.10 straight, 0.10 place, .80 show; Lady Inez, .00 place, .00 sl:ow; Repeater, .10 show. Eciuivalent booking odds Kiiklevingtrn. 1005 to 100 straight. 405 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Lady Inez. 130 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Ke-peater, 20 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Olambala— Kerr, by Uncommon trained by G. R. Allen; bred by Mr. Richard T. A il.-on. . w,nt f" Prf,f " "IS At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KIRKLEVINGTON. favered by -the rough g ing and showing the most speed, raced into the ead in the first half mile and easily held sway to the end. LADY INKZ began slowly and was far back for the first half, but closed an immense gap onlv to tire near the end REPEATER tired and came again in the stretch. SEA COURT ran well. COINTBSS set the early pace and quit badly

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042901/drf1924042901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1924042901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800