Modest A Disappointment: Lowers Colors to Leonard G. in Caroline Purse at Havre.; Wrangle Victorious in Rousing Finish--W. J. Salmons Trip Lightly Wins Like a Good One., Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-29


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MODEST A DISAPPOINTMENT _. • Lowers Colors to Leonard G. in Caroline Pnrse at Havre. i Wrangle Victorious in Rousing Finish — W. J. Salmons Trip Lightly Wins Like a Good One. i HAVRE DE GRACE. Md.. April 28— Leonard G. upset the calculations for Preakness eligibles in the Carolina Purse at Havre de i Grace this afternoon. The son of Sweep-High Flown took the lead at the rise of the webbing and made the pace for the entire mile and seventy yards, winning by a r.e ok j I from Modest, the favorite. Modest carried the silks of E. B. McLean. Sarko finished third ahead of Heir-at-Law and Dr. OMara. It was a real horse race, a difference of sixteen pounds between the weight of the first and second horses decided it. Modest carried 113. Regarded only as an outsider in Preakness expectations. Modest receded even farther in popular estimation by his defeat by Leonard G. Modest wore blinkers today j in addition to his equipment of bis other races, but that apparently did not affect him I adversely. While Leonard G. was showing the way for Sarko and, Modest was struggling for position an.und the first turn and suffered some interference. In the back-stretch he readily regained his lost ground and offset it by saving many lengths in a course next to the inside rail on the second turn. In the stretch he caught Leonard G., but could not get in front of him. I.ang, on the winner, put up an efficient finish. Clouds again made their appearance and rain seems to be in store for the track tonight. In a rousing finish Wrangle won the fifth by a neck. Jewell V. D. the favorite finished closest to Mrs. F. Farrars standard bearer. Flying Fur registered third. Wrangle lacked | early speed and Wallace allowed him to take his time for the first half mile. He shook up the Seth gelding going to the far turn. Coming around the outside, he closed courageously and wore down Jewell V. P., after she had disposed of Cloughjordan, the pace maker, at the head of the stretch. The winner was Wallaces second of the afternoon. R. T. Wilsons Brcomfield graduated from the maiden ranks when the three-year-old son of Olambala — Genesta, ridden by Jimmy Wallace, defeated a very cheap band in the mile and 70 yards affair staged as the days third race. A head back of the winner finished Belair Studs Sunshot with W. J. Salmons Hazy Dawn coupled in the betting with Broomtield third. Starter Milton sent the field of ten away from in front of the grandstand and Proom- Contiuued on sixteenth page. i MODEST A DISAPPOINTMENT Continued from fin.t page. field and Pikros went out to set the pace. . They raced like a team until half way down i the back stretch when Pikros chucked it up. . Sunshot, always third, then moved up but the son of Sunstar — Mitylene, although whipped throughout the long stretch run could no*, ■ catch Rroomfield. Hazy Pawn was kicked at the post by Rroomfield and she appeared sluggish during the early running of the race but turning for home she closed a gap and could have been closer to the leaders had Benny Marinelli chose to punish her. Walter J. Salmon sent Trip lightly a nice looking two-year-old to the post and took down the days opening dash of four and one half furlongs. K. R "Whitneys Barbara Frietehie was second with J. H. Sreves John P. Kleaver third. Mickey Scobie sent Barbara Frietehie away in front and took a length lead, but by the time the head of the stretch was reached Trip Lightly had cut the lead in half. In the run through the home stretch Trip Lightly easily assumed command and was under restraint at the end. Barbara Frietehie whipped John F. Kleaver by three lengths for second place. In the second, a dash of three-quarters the I.ongridges Stables Mary Rose defeated a field of fourteen platers in the excellent j time of 1:13. Mary Rose was ore of the choices despite the fact that it was her first start of the year. Burke got the four-year-old daughter of Luke McLuke— Tsarina away in front and she led from flag to finish to win by a length from the Free port Stables Poe with G. W. Campbells Arendal third. Night Raider took the lead in the sixth race and galloped in front through a mile and I | a quarter to win easily by four lengths. Lit- ■ tie Ammie came with a rush at the end and caught Rechabite. beating her a length for second money. Milner donned the silks of G. W. Campbell to ride the winner. :

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Local Identifier: drf1924042901_1_8
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