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| UNITED HUNTS NEs3nH* J" SAT?rR.I AT- APRIL *• 1W4 Kolmont Park. Fimt day. United Hunts Racing Association. Spring Meeting of 2 days. Weather dear. . *2*f-M* representing Hunts Cemmittee and the Jockey Clnb, Henry W. Bull. II S. Page and Secretary. Kl Buck" Cornellscn. c- J- K** t ™l l »"d W. L. Powers. Starter. Wars Oassidy. — I****** ***** J •"• Chicago time. I 30 p m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-X*ft weight carried. Alu" n. •Indicates Hf0"?w,n : apprentice- ,l" distance allowance. of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and 78602 t-jvrvrsl n2R!LHE~i"2,MUe- ,?tnii*ht Course. May 14. l»10_465i-8-». Purse 00, c Z-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; seoond, 00; third. 0. Index ]|„rges AWtlPSt % % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners / H 0 P S £fa?» * 115 6 2 •* U lh F hTotlBBOB T Wilson +3 4 31 fi-5 1-3 v ii-v-,. ,-tw WTJTL... WB U5 10 lh 3 2* R BuIlmanR T Wilson +;! 4 3 6-5 1-2 r.,,vx™«ST.J * 115 9 7 6 4J 3 H ThurberJ E Madden feVi 8-511-101-2 1-5* ...,„J KN,IM.EST.0 WB115 3 * 21 2i 4» T Burns A J Contento 10 15 ■ 6 3 r?Z»TCt. WH9! 6 5* s Towe D n DoaHa. 24 4 4 7-5 3-5 i JtVt I .V°N wU8*2 * 6* 6* C KummerJ E Madden Jt.-i S-511-101-J 1-5 kVr; -f8 » M » ■ 7» V 7 E Lepere II A Creevy 13 15 15 6 3 ct?7tJIWRE r, ■ 115 7 * » 8* D Conn llyLilane Stable 12 15 15 6 3 »ra££ »w w 112 1 9 91 94 9. j Duffy j E Madden J6.5 8_iil-101-2 1.5 ROSKBBRRT w 112 4 10 10 10 10 F Doyle G D Widener 6 8 5 8-5 4-5 Houpled as R. 1. Wilson entry; J. R. Madden entry. „.. No time taken. Track fast. Richarir"rr WttMl Spanibh PrillCe 11~ Mexola. *T Olambala trained by T. J. Healoy; bred by Mr. - W J*-to P*** at 2:38- At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driring: second and third the ™ •,,;,"• awaJ- ™ b Joined steadily after the first furlong and. assuming command in the final furlong, held ot gamely at the end. OJUI VIKW showed geenl early speed and hung on with detennina-, V Je f,nj dnVC 10UN; MARTIN broke from the outside, finished with a rush, and was wearing I,.;;" d,owu, ,n tne »•»•■ » furlong. CONTKKTMKNT went well all the war. ATHKIilNK slowly. ROSEBEBRY and aURB had no chance with the break and were as good as left «,nii rat.Che, 1,~W,hit WiD,rS U2: rf""kpt ManKP- "•: B,n Rid»r- «»J Al Tvt. US; fioUirking. 112; Ur.1LU,»n; Wracklane, V,-: 11a: ?nrock- arner, ,"-• 115. Glpn ***s 11-; I" the Bag, 110; Cant Say No, 110; Kiiktield, 115; Overweights— tutberine Doi-glas, lj pounds; Charlie Anderson. 3. -__ 1 7SfiO!l COND RACE-l MUe. Sept. 3. 1923-1:35-3-113. Purse 00. 2-year-olds and 0 JW«J upward. Claiming. Net valus to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % X % Str Fin Joekeys Owners O II C V S 1253, :?R.MAIj WB « 11S 6 6 54 3i » f* 1 W HarveyO F Riehar.Ison 7-104-5 7-101-3 out ~.,ti .Jr . wb 7 112 8 1 lh |l 11 2» 2 It Carter H S Brown ,2J 5 4J 8-5 4-5 .4103 SIMEON w 3 109 9 4 2"k 2 2| 3 3« Q Mein W ODonnell 15 20 20 7 I ,*.„« MONT MAJELL.A wn C 104 1 7 C3 61 6* 6 4« A Hunt E R Bradley 10 15 7 21 C-5 7; 120 TRITE wb P 117 4 2 4J 4» 4J 4 5JI Cordon V L Moore 6 6 6 2 1 ***?; £°y EIM wb 4 109 2 I S 8« 8« ~ 61. J D MnevK Williams 15 20 20 7 3 -l, 11 T J CENIVC.AST W 6 109 5 5 V 5 1 5« 5« 7 T tlHar.vP S P Bandph t3fl 30 30 10 5 7SSU WAR VICTOR w 8 109 3 8 7 7«k 7 8i 8= J Callah n« Brooke III 15 20 20 7 3 .ao60 ROUNDSMAN « I 109 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 R RichsnP S P Randph t30 30 30 10 5 tCo-ipled as P. S. P. Randolph entrr. Time, -.24 . :49, l:14!i. l:39«i. Track fast. Winner-B. g. by riaudit-Tuc Nurse, by Yankee trained by J. F. Richardson; bred by Mr. J H. Madden. Went to post at 3:03. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilr: second and third driving. KOBMAI* rated along kcfetod the early p.iee. move-d up to BAIeOO roiiii.lin- !!..• turn :,n I. a-* uming the lead when r. adv. drew away wiUi ease at the end. RABCO showeel g,K el wb v-p,. d, liut weakened badly when challenged in the final furlong. SIMEON showed good sin-ed all "the wit and had no excuses. MONT MAJELLA closed with a belated rush from a slow beginning TRITB lau U eren race. CORK ELM closed seme ground oa the inside. T. J. PKXDUGA8T had no excuses Serat.-1-.ed— 7r.370Sister Sue. 9K; 7S240 M-.rni. 100: 7.53C8 Sir Galahad II., 112; 78030 Ashburton! lOt; tlybridpe. 100; Ianthiss. 109; 744M White Rock, 114. 78lf»n_t THIED HACE— About 2 Miles. Purse ,030. International Subscription Steeplechase. • ~yMF 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second 00 third, 00. Index Horses A WtPP St 4 8 12 13 Wt Jockeys Owners O Tl C V S SHAWN A GL.NA w C 145 4 I 2 1 » 1" pi l» j Pierce Middle M k Fm 2» 2J 2» 1 1-2 WOODUCT H. iv 5 115 7 6 10 5» 4» 2» I»S Veitch W J Salmon 4" 6 6* 2 1 BEAU BRUME III w 5 145 3 4 7* 6J 7» 4:» 3J E Wolke Somerset Stable+6 6 6 2 1 SHINC, BACHOR w fi 148 10 5 ij 3« 31 3« 4"B NewtonMr Major |6 6 C - 1 78425 CORFIE w I 148 C 7 9« 9 9 5 5 W Iral W R Coe - i 9 11-51-5 2-5 TRAY N TRISGH W 6 153 1 1 4 2 21 Fell. F Esp,s J MeE Bown 2 11-51-5 2-5 T I! 1 V w 7 150 S 8 6J 7» 6» Fell. W HowrdMrs R T Bak-r 5 7 7 2 6-5 BOOTH TOY w 1. 145 2 2 3» 43 Fell. W MsterstJreentree Stable 10 15 15 5" £1 ALCYONE w 7 148 5 10 Si 81" FelL R Bush F S Clark 5 6 6 2 1 KKRRY HLlR w 7 140 9 9 1 Fell. W CollinsSomerset Stablet6 6 6 2 1 fCcuplcd as Mr. Major and Somerset Stable entry. JCoupled as W. R. Coe and J. McK. Bowman entry. Time. 4:01. Track fast. Winner-B. g, by Cipango— Iady Wise, by Love Wisely trained by W. OConnor; bred by Mr J. Dwyer. Went to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won eased rap: seoond and third driving. SHAWN A CI4ANNA, displaying a high order cf speed, jumped in a confident u.iv and. after drawing away into a lm:g le-ael. was taken under ste:tit restraint through the final quarter -mile. W ml-LKV II. wtus outrun in the first part, tut gained stiadily and finished strongly. BKAC I.KIMMKh 111. showed a flash of speed and outgamed SHININc; BAl HEIOR at the end. The latter tired badly and was kept under pressure throughout. CORF1K was always outrun. I4MTFFI fell at the- thirteenth lenee and 1RAYEKN TRISOIHH fell over him. SOI TH TIPP fell at the twelfth fence ALCYONB fell at the eleventh, and KKRRY BLIK fell at the se-vonth. Scratched— Isi;. 143; Cerise. 14S; Ie Yignemalc, 132; Colibri. 14.".; Britannic. 153. "~ I 7fiAn FOITRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 4. 1923—1:10—4—122. Purse 00. 3-voar-olda 4 0%MJ*3 and upward. Allowances. Net valua to w-.nner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horse-s AWtPISt i - Str Kin Je.rkeys Owners o H C I S 70778 LANICS w 9 113 4 3 2J 2J 2» 1 E I.egr re G D Widener 21 2. 2 4-5 2-5 7»103ORMESVALE w I 99 7 4 ll li l1 2 F HstingsR T Wilson 15 20 -0 7 3 7: 1 1 1! -CHERRY PIE w 1 121 3 1 41 3»k 3« 3« F CollettiGreentree Stable 1 2 2 7-101-3 75424 JINK GRASS w I 123 5 6 BU 6« 4 4 P Hun C H Shilling 5 6 5 -5 "-5 753C6 MIYISY KING w I 102 15 64 5» 63 53 H TI-.urbir.T ■ Madden 8 10 10 4 1 SAINT ILLIERS w 4 113 6 2 3= 4J 51 63 J PlefCfl Middle Nk Fm 10 10 4 8-5 7-10 75775 SLEDGE w 3 SI 2 7 7777J CallabnW* B Coe 20 20 20 7 3 Time. :23. :46, 1:115. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Lhmgibby— Southern Belle, by AyrsMre trained by A. J. Joyner; Ircd in Ireland by Mr. I. I. Maher. Went to iKi-t at 4:01. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LAXHS was out n 11 in the e.irly r.icing. but saved ground rounding tlie far turn and, comii.g 10 the outside of the- leader in ll:e Ktrcteh run. was up in the final stride-s. OR.Ii:s Al.K "as ruslicj into tle le-ael :;nd. dis-rl eying high sjH-ed througliout. hung cin with good courage in the final drive. C11KKRY PIK e his e.pitostio:!. but was quickly outrun. He came with a rush throi.-h the final liriorg. .HNi: ;K.SS broke slowly. He was rushed to the leaders, but tired under the weight [GITS! KINCi ran an even race-. SAINT H.LIKRS showeel a flash of speed. Scratched 75M2"King AltKrt. IIS; 7.5..03 Home trett h. 123; 7-574.". High Prince. 113- 7.5.13.". Price-I maker. 113; 74137 Bethany. 103; 7499J Ne-grina. « 4: tC393 KagnmnfflB, 110; JOBS KI.i»!i R,H-k. 94; 7S211 San I :mas, !«".; 74!«»4 Moon Bream, J; 73012 Wild Aster, J 4; IXdomite, btt ; The X.utuer 94» M.-elitator. M; Seniende-r. 10.S. _ 1 TfifiAti FIFTH RACE— About 2 Miles. Purse 00. Cotton Exchange Steepler-has... 4-vear-olds 4 OUVU and upward. Allowances. Net valu6 to winner, 50; second, 00: third, 0. Inelei Horses. AWtlPSt i «4 •"•« Sir K.n J... keys Ovvncrs O II C 1 S 73712 FANE LADY w 8 139 8 4 5» P 3=« 1-J l»| ■ Wolke Somerset Stablp+2 3 11-54-5 1-3 73327 CONX1RBKRT w and 139 4 7 3:J 2« 2 2-2" I: H:iynes ;reentr.-e Stableffl I 4 S-5 J-5 74137-l:l".HANY w 4 130 3 3 1» l1 1" 3-« :;« W Cc.llin.--F S Yon Sta.let-j ] H-,4-5 1-3 70734-LOCHIEL II. w 7 142 5 5 6= £= u-» 5" 4* W Me NairE E Marshall 4 6 6 2 4-5 CARAB1NIER wr 5 139 7 8 4» 4J 4 4J 5» J Pierce Middle Nk Fm :«. 21 2 4-5 1-3 «;9930lS«iN-t -UNC w 4 138 1 2 21 6* 61 6:" ti* W HowrdGreentree Stable|2J 4 4 C-5 3-5 I41M«DI8T*NT SHORE w 12 144 2 6 7» 7 7 7 7 C Brown t; BrooKe III 5 10 10 4 2 73327 l-e R.;i: AHEAD w 5 136 6 1 8 L. ri.ler. S Veitch W J Salmon 10 12 12 6 2 ttVupled as Somerset Stable and F. S. Von Stade entry. JCoupled as G re-en tre-e Stable entry. Time. 3:59%. Track fast. Winner-B. m, by St. Brendan Fane, by lU yal Minister trained by J. Hastings; bred in England by Mr. .1. Daly. Went to post at 4:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FANE LADY, rr.ted along under restraint during the early running, took her fences in goc-d fashion and assumed command after leaving the eleventh fence, but bubbled badly at tiie f na| fence and outgamc-d CONN1KBKRT in the final drive. The latter showed a good effort throughout anel finished resolutely. UfBAHI showed good early speed, but faltered in the closing drive from early efforts. IXHI1IKL II. was outiun all the way and was not persevered with. CAMABINIKB could not improve his position when called uiion. SON-O UNO showed a good effort. FORCE AHEAD stumbled at the fifth fence : n 1 unseated his rider. Scratched "jiJblBen Tasker, 13h; 55229?E;mer Johnson, 141; 703t;i UouhU-t 139- Panthias 139* Brother Bill. 141. Overweights. Forge Ahead. 1 pound. - - ■ | 7fiAft7 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile Main Course. Sept. 4. 1923— 1 : M%— 4—122. Purse 00. 4 0%97 4 3-year-okU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt i s », Str Fin Jew-keys Owners O H t: f s 75254FORST FLWER w 3 109 8 3 Bl H 1« 1» F HstingsH T Wilson 7-lr7-03-5 1-4 out 74."»04,ClK-RACK w 3 106 7 6 31 2 2| 2 H ThurberR L Gerry f5 8 8 I 7-5 78241 VKNCS w I 103J 5 7 4»» 4» 4» 5« F CatroneJ R Thornby 15 20 15 6 24 751781. ADY ARGOS wn 3 104i 6 4 1" 31 31 4JG Mem C W Landers 4 6 5 7-5 1-2 75808 DOLLY CAKF.NET W I 105; 4 11 6 6 71 51 T Finn M Field 45 8 8 3 7-5 73.514-ANTICIPATION w 3 111 2 10 9 9» 81 6» T Dovle O D Wielerer 21 I 5 8-5 3-5 75120 ANTBRIOR wn 5 110 9 2 81 81 9 7 R M thews Y J Contento fj 30 30 fc 4 75BI2 OALXJBON w 3 114110 6 2J 61 5 HJ Bruiiner Onee-k Stable 20 B 30 8 4 74464 WIIITK ROCK wb 4 121 1 1 71 7 61 9 B WVI.orW C Ingley 50 50 50 20 8 74994 MOON DREAM w 3 105 2 8 10 103 Be1 10« J D MneyF Williams 20 30 30 8 4 73818 ST. ANTHONY w ?. 106*11 t 11 11 11 H I Gordon M Saidel 60 50 50 20 I tCoupie-d as R. Ij. Cerry and M. Field entry. Time, :23*5. :47 /5, 1:12«J. Track fast. Winne-r B. f. by Cam;.fire Montroea, by Pluudit trained by T. J. nealev b-rd by Mr ... R T W.Noni. Went to post at I l»7. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ea-sily; second and Mai elriving. rOBBST FliiWKU. ra!«l al.rg under re-t ra i.t. went U the leaders when ealleel u|«.n lend was gong cl.-ar at the end. CI E -RACK, well up from Uie start, showed a gooel effort throughout. KNIS e!..v.d a big gap. LADY ARGOS showed a flash of early speed. ANTERIOR closed a ma ground. A NTH 1RATION was sJiuffl-d back right after the start and was f..r.ed to take up Scratched -7 jfel2-King Albert. 132; 75«J2»:CoIaudo, US; 752KJ The Grecian, IIS 75! 07 Th« Poet. 11.3. Overweights Cue -Rack, 1 pound; Dolly Gaffney, 3 1-2; Lady Argos, 2 12; Yeniw, 1 12- GaUeon-112; St. Aiiu.pi- , 2 12, AiiUcinaUon, J.