untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-30


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C TTlLiAN WHO AN MAKE Yt r" WINj Sold all Newsstands and "SPECIAL" "Mr. PLAYER Stop ! Look !! Listen !!! -W* YOU CAN WIN W 00 "TODAY" A-PABLAY- on BOTH and "SPECIAL" TODAY will make YOU WIN 00 "TODAY "as .this will be - W"30-1 "PARLAY" TODAY But remember, be STTRE YOU get "JACK FTELn" B £H » and II "SPECIAL" TODAY aTdAB-tA, Jxr J£?L B0TH- Th» llst "PARLAY" that JACK FIELD advised "WON" 0 to . which was SStT?? Thu U **co,,d "PARLAY" that "JACK llt.LD expects to win with "TODAY." DO YOU KNOW WHY "JACK FIELD" Can Make Yob a $ BIG WINNER $ ? Because JACK FIELD is ALWAYS at the track getting the "KEAL STUFF." Jack Field "Owned and Trained" Horses For 15 years. NOW he is givin* his KNOWLEDGE t™ gXme to •"" ARMY of followers. R,member MPIKrnn°FWEnnIS«GAME by "GASSING «; SL EM 0UT- Horses DONT BUN that way. YOU MUST GET THE "KEAL STUFF" if you want to BEAT this same and JACK FIELD always gives YOU the "BEAL STUFF." Notice-ACK FIELD sold everywhere- also fTanl 11 !££?** °r *5 We0kiy f°r B°TH FIELD PUB. CO. 39 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO, LLL. Kentucky Turf Bureau Suite 212, No. 1350 Broadway, New York City DISTINCTIVE KENTUCKY INFORMATICS 0 Pays for One Winner 0 Pays for Six Winners Announcement Extraordinary Wednesday at Havre de Grace OUR ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR SPECIAL 00 WILL BE WIRED GRATIS TO ALL CLIENTS who wire 0 for six winners Yesterdays Kentucky Horse: ROMP 3.80- WON Mondays Kentucky Horse. Ballot Brush.. -.2.90- WON Saturdays Kentucky Horse: Kitty Troxell ....90- WON INFORMATION AT KENTUCKY ONLY We specialize with the Kentucky racing season after season. Our best advertisement is our army of satisfied followers that do business with us season after season. BE SUCCESSFUL Suboribe to the Kentucky Turf Bureaus daily wire service. Get the winners. TODAYS KENTUCKY HORSE comes po highly recommended that we advise a plunge play again today. Yes, and the price will be to your liking. Remember, you must got a winner for ycur money, as a loser is not counted against your subscription. Wire 0 for six winners or 0 for todays horse a winner. Mexican Tea, 2.20-, Won was yesterdays ONE HOUSE DAILY 10 WINNERS OUT OF LAST 14 en this service, and remember, all it costs is .00 for 6 Days. Rush your subscription at once. 17 years doing: business under the same. This speaks for itself. Todays Code Special — APRIL— PLUM— SZ— 64— 01— 63 403, W. QUINCQ ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Schuyler Floyd Calvert Boildine. Broadway at 41st Street Bryant G333 New York City YESTERDAYS "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT POSTPONED Due to horse receiving a stone bruise while scalloping Tuesday morning _-.„,3hlJ ** oonvB ,|«»K evidence of how this office safesrnards the turf invest-™*„" of ST"t c,«-«»«a »nd their own. permitting same in only the choicest tk wlfn **"*. hoP«e sound in body and possessing; a heart of steel. »..«#....#« •TV*? ,,ve" entire financial reserves are pledged in each event to protect their investment afcalnst loss. »..««.?* prospective J/* mucti "»fthods pnrsued they constitute a bulwark which spell to subscribers SAFETY IN MAkiM, THEIR INVESTMENTS. ■ m±_ flFg_ gft ™ AND ■■■■ FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER IN-» it.s i JBU.MT" takes place In Another Sensational Event THURSDAY AT JAMAICA TERMS: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ADVANCE WHY THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" CLAIM THE POSITION OF LEADERSHIP— BECAUSE THE ONLY EIUUT "SCHUYLER U i VESTMENTS" released since April 1st ■ re- as follows: Saturday, April 26: ROCK BOTTOM 0.50- WON Saturday, April 15: FEEEZY SNEEZY $ 5.20-J2 WON Monday, April 14 t A. J. BUJA $ 6.30-*2 WON Saturday, April 12: LISTEN DEABIE 0.10- WON Thursday, April lO: WABNING 3.10- WON Tuesday, April 8: HIDDEN JEWEL 3.3042 WON Thursday, April 3: MOON MAGIC 8.30- WON One loslna; horse, which was subjected to the non-controllable occurrence inlrrfrrrorr nnishlnn; second. THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE "STERLING" ON SILVER i THE STAMF O* DISTINCTION. 1 HARVEY AMES] EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET; NEW YORK, N. Y. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY This office was informed late yesterday that a "Harvey Transac-action" starts today and good odds are assured. Subscription, 00, should be telegraphed early. Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" finished second. In spite of occasional setbacks a 50 investment on each "Harvey Transaction" from April 14th to April 29th, inclusive, shows a net profit of | ,800 | after deduction of losses and the cost of the information. This accounts for the popularity of "Harvey Transactions" and the reason so many confine their operations to them. This office recognizes no competition. It has imitators, but no competitors. Money, and plenty of it, is behind every "Harvey Transaction/* endeavoring to make same a success and have every protection possible against loss. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 ED BRADLEY lSlO BROADWAY. GOTHAM BANK BLDG. EW YORK CITY More followers every day. Still room for more; why not yon? Tuesdays Horse: N0RMANA 2.50- WON Slondays Horse: P0E $ 6.00- 2ND 17 winners in last 22 days. 00 flat bet almost 0,000 winner after deducting cost of information and losers. My record for the past four weeks speaks for itself. Right here I wish to make it clearly understood that this service is absolutely only ONE HORSE A DAY. My fee, 5 daily, in advance. Get busy; rush your order today. Wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. DICK GERTH se men use My Next Special £™c* twwp rmrir E«*ef* Will Go Friday, May 2 c.o.V [ *nE UKILEJ g PERMARCO, .90, second, was my last. Of/ bad. Kiued by a scant head. Boobs and Suckers Guess This one is my SUPER SPECIAL for Lexington. . -n,;-fc .. , Think ♦»,;. this - and j • « * oyer yon will follnr THE CTB.CTH ™ __„ WU1 be a cinch and odds should be rood. a, it leads to winneri and profits The" REGULAR TERMS- x*~~°- handicap ever published, which, when followed. results in winners. Ho progression or bnnk WU1 125.00 WIRED IN ADVANCE. *1T0 comparative figures of all contesting horses- also "classed" list of aged horses. " Must win or next Special free. ___ __ _ . BELLE MEADE PUBLISHING CO. Address Eoom 16, Bavaria Bldg., CINCINNATI 0 P °" B°X 73.» „t . Nashville, Tenn. The Thorobreds Home" KOMI* li:.8».$« WON VAn _._ m . - Was Yesterdays Long Shot 1111* HJ| /l 1 TWI117 ■ " ; . ,„ .. a? -*•» jiifc MclAK I Y This sure is handing you something for v ■■ AIAV Villll A .00 PES DAY Dont forget we absolutely give only TWO j SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK A DAY. If you want an honest deal, get the 0. K. SI— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 11 MAILED THE NIGHT BEFORE T __ . , , . „ »5.00 FOR 6 DAYS l must as* all my friends to be patient until Cincinnati Agent — Fountain Newsstand. Detroit Agent — Dunns News Co., Michigan * ■ Trtiirair when ,u i I •.• • the and Shelby. inursday, big proposition intended JlammorTBIdg. cSS ahCanddj * subscriber" jm$ 149391493914939 1493914939 MP PREDETERMINED kp Pay From Your Profits •. - TURF PROFITS , - J5TSR ™L™r% it» •♦ The MIRACLE SYSTEM U oatlonallr «• trial. No charge unless it shows an averan known as "tasy for player — hard far _ profit of at least 0 a day on the M scale layer." Has stood th« ACID TEST far .** | ot play. For particulars mail this ad., with 09 many years. could not spend many «» your a*m» and addrass to thousand* of dollars per annum adier- J. X. WILLIS •» tislng watrr as rough syrup— and can- «• 218 Thirtieth St. «*s"ii Beach. FU Unue in bu io s. Sold on installment „ ■"■■" ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■wBawnnnnnwananawanni payment* paid from your profits. Absa- ** v Intrly FREE. lOO page raring manual. «a •♦ review, sworn teotimonal*. rtc. Invrsti WOaKOTJTS AT LEXINGTON m gate today and make your Bookie obey. ♦» y — y r»»toot 2-year-olds doing S-g bet-Public Relations Manager w L*jt±Kl ter than :S6- *nd eld" on** miles in JSL VHlR MBBa ! « «•• BK,rt» 1013. aU ».,.-a»5l m B#X IU«4-» 4* K- * Ton,k0n. «. *««»• ,Und» jft V H**f tod*T- 36c; maUed 3 week* 11. Jtrawa kAB rTy help Dick »""»«" galore, a a a m a * aa **Br% sstf %%%%*% tJHr Sfr the" hor— *" flt- ■««■• track " officiais nobody v but Reporter caa got these works. » which coma from our chief docker. TBX TURF _ , ., , _ REPORTER. Originator and Oldest Publioatioa Subscribe for Daily M Racing Form itSSSTmmJSSZSS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924043001/drf1924043001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924043001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800