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JAMAICA Copyright, 1924, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. Copyright. 1924. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. NEW YORK, N. Y.. TUESDAY. MAY 6, 1984. Jamaica One Mile. Seventh day. Metropolitan Jockey Club. S;iring Meeting of 20 days. Weather clear. Stewards. J. E. Cowdin, W. O. Street and W. S. Vosburgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehbsen. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. W. C. Edwards. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight cairied. Indicates apprentice allowance. rrOQ-i "g FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 6. 1922— 1:11%— 2— 117. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and /Ooll upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 78715 EXALTED RULR w 3 98 10 8 ? 1» 1 11 R Pierce S Pettit 8-5 11-58-5 4-5 2-5 78715 BABY LANE w 3 101$ 7 1 1» 2 1 21 2» C Ralls H I Bowns 10 15 15 6 3 70fton ST MARTINS wb 3 96 1 S 7" 71 31 31 W HarveyO D Widener 20 30 20 8 4 7644I*IKTER PIPER wb 10 109 5 5 4* 3» 4* 4 B BrningMrs A Swenke 15 15 15 S 3 7R746 BKMUOSS wb :i 101 4 4 101 111 5* 5" J Mooney T C Sawyer 10 10 6 21 6-5 78568,S1MP1.HITY W i 107 2 3 6" 6« 61 6« L Saucier T E Crist 39 30 30 10 6 7570" LAOOON w 3 96 12 10 91 5 8» 71 J CaUahnH A Creevy 10 20 20 8 4 778463*DAYDl"E wb 8 112 13 7 S» 41 7» 8» J Shanks J L Holland 8 10 10 4 2 78055* PARVENC wb :: 99 9 9 11 12l 91 9* C Cooper E Arlington 20 20 20 8 4 74246TKANlS w I 112 8 13 14 14 13 101 S Lowe A J Bedell 60 60 60 20 10 786S5 PERHAPS wb fi 117 14 11 8» 9» ll3 11» O WiamaJ G McDonald 15 20 12 5 21 70939 I.KCI.AIK wb •: 114 11 12 12» 10i 12J B* T Burns A J Contento 60 60 60 20 10 78540 BRKJHT L1CHTS w S 114 I 2 fi1! SJ 10J ljl C Fields J J McCauley 33 30 20 8 4 78227 1ELICITOCS w« 4 112 3 14 13 13 14 14 L Fator G C Winfrey 6 8 8 3 8-5 Time. 24. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner Ch. f. by Superman-— Croix Rouge, by Sir Wilfred trained by M. Hirsch; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnardl. Went to post at 2:31. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won diiving; second and third th-; same. KXA1.TEI* RCLF.R. away well, followed BABY BANE cloely to the last turn, then moved up with a rush M the outside into the lead and won drawing clear. BABY I.ANW showed high speed in setting :i fi-t e:irly pare and m:-d - a game finish. ST. MARTINS, away slowly, worked his way up on the iiiMde and wns running fastest f nil at the end. PKTKR PIIER ran a good race. RELCEOSS ran well. FEI.lCITOtS was pinched off at the start and had scant chance. Sc-ratclnd 78744* Protocol. 107: 753MO Briggs Buchanan. 101; 77«01 Orcus, 114; ISM Lucky Strike, 96: ITlllTjrJ— !■. 114; 7S7443Warreiit. n. 101; 76.3-6 Roman Oirl. 96; 7K715 Ege, 107; 75122 Carmen 107. 775s l lassie Ieight n. 102; 753663Spontaneous, U6; 78UC3 Hands Lp, 101; 78744 Grenade. 101, K97» Jauuebar. 111. Overweights Exalted Ruler. 2 pounds: Baby Iane, 2%; Iranus. 3. » proo-d Ch SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. May 23, 1922— 1:05— 6— 12a Purse ,000. 3-year-duOlM olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlISt Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P I 78662PRIME MINISTER w 1 1"7 7 5 2» 2» 2J 1» H ThurberR L Cerry 8 10 7 M J-5 7K7I7 iII.NN LAO wb U 115 5 4 1» 1* lb 2* ■ San.le Ham-ocas Stable 1-3 7-201-3 out — 714«7 « KIINANCE wb I 110 2 8 5* 5» 54 31 A McLlmA Belmont 10 12 13 3 1 7R591 riiKIOiKKT wb::110 4 2 44 3i 3 4» L McAtee H P Whitney 3 6 6 6-5 1-3 7*716 PI.tilCM BUT w 3 1101 3 1 3 V 4» 5 O Turner Oak Ridge Stb 20 30 30 7 3 7K717S1EVSCN wb 3 110 6 6 6« 6« 6 6» C Ralls O Choos 20 30 30 7 3 78716 GOV. SMITH w 3 1 5J 1 7 7 7 7 7 G Fields T Monahan 100 100 100 40 20 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:05 Equals tra k record. Track fast. Winner R.c, by Celt Piiinula II.. hy St. Bvnis traired by O. M. O.lom ; bred by Belair Stud. Went to po-t at 2 59 At |.o~t 2 minutes. Start good :i nl slow. Won driving; sc.-ond and third the same PB1MK for. cd a fat ppec f n m the start, raced on the outside of FINN LAC, and oiittiniMhed him in the final drive. FINN" LAC set a great price and only succioiil«-d in the last stride. OKIMNANCi: gain.-.l steadily :in.l ran a good race. PICKPOCKET saved gn und on the turns and finished gainelv. PLOUGH BOY showed early speed. Scratched .7S71iil B.ntau.I. 115; MSB Iri. emaker. 110; 7S743 Tlie World. 115; 7S7101Noon Fire, 110; 751S2 Bonaparte. 1115 75S.10 Maie. 110; 7S715 Ege, 104; 7SK11 Exalted Ruler. 105. Overw.ighis Plough Boy. 3 pounds; Gov. Smith. 2%. — BfQQ-| o THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 3, 1922— 1:41%— 5— 120. Purse ,000. 3-4 50lu year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 03. Index Horses AWtlISt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owuers O il C P S tS74«»BABLKYCORN ws 111 4 1 1« 1* ll U ll B BrningO Denny 2 11-59-3 3-5 out i 78746 DANDYBRlSH wb 110 1 2 3l 3» 2« 21 2» J II BurkcJ Magnus 8-5 2 9-5 3-5 nul 786»2lAIltl.l«:HT wb 117 3 1 ! 2 » 3| 3 J Ressner W V Casey 6 7 7 2 out 78744LOBD BACON w 111 244 4 4 4 4 A AcardyP Nagel 2 31 16 51 out . Time. 24. 49. 1:14%, 1:41. 1:45. Track fast. Winner B. g, by Light Brigade — Five Ace*, by Disguise trained by A. L. Denny; bred hy Mr. J. C. Milan. I. Went to post at 3:21. At po«t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third I driving. BARLEYCORN to k t lie lead at once and. setting a fairly good pare all the way. outtiuisiied | DA NO V Bill Ml. BANDYBRISII moved up steadily on the outside and closed up gamely when int. ring the stretch, but tired right at the en.l FA1RLIGIIT was in eloae quarters on the first turn and wns ; forced back, but finished gamely LORD BACON was badly outpaced. Scratched— 78679 Byron. 100, rfQQI A FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oot. 6, 1982— 1:11%— 2— 117. Lanrelton Handicap. ,200 4 OOIt: Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,040; second, 00; third, 00. ■ ■ , Index Horses AWtlISt A % % Str Fin "Jockeys Owners O H C P S 73672 MAI MATTER w» 8" 126 I 6 4* 8* 2H1« T, San.le Kancocas Stable 8 12 10 4 2 75312 MISS STAR w 4 114 6 1 ll 1» ll 2« C Turner Riviera Stable 3 4 16-56-5 3-5 73070 SALACIA wb 3 101 7 4 2 2 3» 3* L McAtee C, D Widener 31 4 1S-57-5 7-10 7863 7 LITTLE CELT w 4 120 8 5 6* 6J 5«k 4" C Ralls S McNaughton 8 12 12 5 21 78637DUNLIN w 4 120 9 7 51 6 6» 5» C KummrJ S Cos.lcn 5 5 41 S-5 t-5 78474 KNOBBIE WB 6 110 5 2 3» 4» 41 6« J CallahnMrs J A Coburn 20 30 30 10 I 787 18 BRAINSTORM wb 5 108 4 3 7* 7» 7 7« N BrningH Waters.. n 21 8J 8J 6-5 3-5 78718 HKPHAI8T08 w 5 103 1 9 9 8« 8s 81 M Fator F E Brown 20 50 60 20 S 78604 ED LOWE wb 3 S9J 3 8 8 9 9 9 J Mooney Quincy Stable 100 10001000400 200 Time. 23%. 46%. 1:11%. Track fast. Winner— B. h. by Fair Play- Madcap, by Rock Sand trained by S. C. Hildreth; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 3:52. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MAD HA1TER was away slrwly. but gradually improved his position and. coming fast through the stretch under a skillful ride, won in the last stride. MISS STAR showed a high flight of speed in setting a great pace, but was tiring in the final strides. SALACIA raced to the leaders with a rush from a slow beginning and tired in the final drive. LITTIJ? CELT ran a good race. DUNLIN finished fast. BRAINSTORM was forced to be taken up shortly after the start and was not persevered with. KNOBBIE tired after running a good half mile, but was worked out for a mile. Scratched— 7S718Bracadale, 114; 7SW14Tester. 10 : 74278,Comic Song, 97; 73632 Lanius, 116. Overweights — Salacia, 2 pounds; Ed Ix we, 4Vj: Hephaist.s, 3. r7QQ-t ET FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 3. 1922— 1:41 %- -5— 120. Purse ,000. 4- | OOAO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: secend. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C 1 S 78746 LILY M. wb 4 100 3 3 11 in 11 l1 D H RiehdsJ Mafrnus 4 5 4i x-5 ::-. 78449 FIFTY-FIFTY wb 5 110 6 5 31 2» 2J 2» 2»* J Ciordno.1 J Hertz 4 41 Hi 0-5 1-2 7 7540*OLYNTHUS WB 5 105 4 4 2l 3» 3s 3 3» L Simon W Daniel 7-517-108-5 3-5 1-4 78788 ALADDIN w 4 105 1 2 6 61 5* 5« 4» G ThomnW A Rosen 2 21 2 4-5 1-3 •CLYBRIDGE w 5 100 5 6 5l 41 4* 4» 5» L SchfferO D Widener 15 30 30 8 4 78719*CORK ELM wi 4 105 2 1 4* 6 6 6 6 R Povisil F Williams 30 33 30 8 4 Time, 24%, 48%. 1:13%, 1:40%, 1:44%. Track fast. Winner— B. t, by Short Grass — Roecwtod, by Magneto trained by T. H. Wilson; bred by Mr. J. H. Parrish. Went to post at 4:19. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LILY M. took the lead soon after the start and. racing FIFTY FIFTY into defeat, drew away in the final eighth. FHrTY-FIFTY raced in closest pursuit of the winner, but was on tka outside all the way and tired badly near the end. OLYNTHUS was outrun early, but moved up rapidly I n the stretch turn, but tired near the finish. ALADDIN was bumped on the first turn and knocked back to last place, bat finished last under a poor ride, CLYBRIDGE and CORK ELM had no mishaps. Scratched— 78635 Honor Man, 110. BfQQ-i r» SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May IS, 1923— 58%— 2— 111. Purso 000. 2 -year-olds! / QOlD Maidens. Special Weights. Mot value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % 8 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 1 S STIMULUS W 115 7 3 ll 1H1 11 H ThurberM Field 3 6 4 7-5 1-2 78747 GAD w 112 1 1 S» 3» 8* 2» C Turner Oak Ritlpe Stb 10 15 15 5 2 7 8666 IMAGINATION VI 111 t 1 21 21! 2* 3* J H P.urkcJ S Cos.len 12 15 15 6 2 786662NEDANA w 112 8 I 41 41 51 4* M Fator Rancocas Stableft I 4 6-5 2-5 78747»ELF TVB 112 5 9 l t 41 5* L McAtee H P Whitney 1-2 7-103-5 1-4 out 78639 CANT SAT NO WB 115 8 I 9 8» 6l 6» T Burns A J Contento 50 50 50 20 8 78666 LYREA WB 115 • f 6* 5» 7» 7» T McTagtO D Widener 30 30 30 10 5 KIRKFIELD wllB9t «»Ti8*8«S Bullman R T Wilson 15 60 60 20 8 LORD DARNLEY vlli i i 71 9 9 9 L Fator Rancocas Stable|4 5 4 6-5 2 5 tCoupled as Rancocas Stable entry. Time, 24, 47%, J:0O%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c, by TJltimtw — Hurakan, by Uncle itrained by O. M. Odom; bre.l by Mr. W. B. Miller. Went to post at 4:49. At post 2 minutes. Start J*air and Blow. W n driving; second and third the same. STIMULUS, a good looker, began slowly, but displayed high speed and. racing into the lead quick, shook off 1MACINATION and outfinished GAD in the final drive. The latter, away well, raced on the inside nearly throughout, but was taken to the outside af the eighth p. st and was wearing the winner down in the final drive. IMAGINATION began well and ran a good race, but tired badly in the final eighth. NEDANA was running fast at the end. ELF began in a tangle and closed a big gap. Sera tched— 78720 Seaman, 115; 78639 Slice, 115; Bus Fuz, 115. Overweight — Lyrea, 3 rounds. »