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MORRIS .00 SPECIAL schuyler floyd ._.,., ,™,™„,„, . -r™.„ Calvert Baildlne, Broadway at 41«t Street Bryant 6333 New York City SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Look at the Cleanup M™™ft Investments That Sparkle! ft t9 w Ilillll/ l/ill • • yLiLmOJm If OH SAFETY IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. And bere In whit we said on onr sheet: The MeGravey connections are send- Idk It In on thin fellow today. He Is all net for the heat raee that he has rAWCCMITIWC CIIA/ CCCCC ADC ACCIIDCT4 of oar last week UUlMotUU I I Vt oUULtOOtb AKt AooUKtU. Hhonn In many a month. Get down to win only. Some more winner*: High Water . .$ 8.20- WON Little Jimmy. .3.80- WON _.. . THE 0NE UMIinB_n hundred dollar AD -schuyler „C„U11V1 CD investments IK1UPQTMFNT;, Minus $ 6.10- WON Muskeg 2.10- WON Elizabeth K.. .$ 5.10- WON Mexican Tea. .2.20- WON arranged for pimlico, Jamaica and Lexington the remainder of f"frrist ]VIisS lTv TodftVS LOin£f Shot the week- These investments have been made secure with great care A rain comes to me from the name connection* that isave Rapid Day yesterday, grjjj eXDense and 1 expect a bljc price. t.o to my asenln at once and a*k for r MORRIS .00 SPECIAL some of my leadikg agents: THE INVESTOR AND BELIEVER SUCCEEDS WHILE THE Detroit Itacley Newsstand, Cor. Woodward and Monroe Ave*., In front of the Baeley Monument. DOUBTER FAILS Cleveland O. C. Sehroeder. 212 E. Superior Ave. Louisville Eller and Goodman, and all newsstands. Cincinnati Ray Pierce, corner Fifth and Vine Sts. _. .._ , , , . ■ • ■ • ■ St. Louis Wan. Laser, 711 Market St., and all over, where the Racing; ■ orm IMPORTANT: The Schuyler Investments include One hOTSO Is sold. B only and on days as advertised. Never have there been two horses A his; fr.OO.OO Special will he wired Thursday to all those who subscribe ... ,., , . , , . for one week. Price $ lO.OO. Send money to my Chicago office manager. advised Upon Or filed With thlS publication in any One day. •mm ■ * y A " Ik 1 R. J Z __, The "Schuyler Investments" are like "sterling" on silver — „ J ° Great Northern Building, Chicago, 111. the stamp of distinction. jjjj 7jp~ =j crh« BUGLE Gars Daily ifl2iryl2UlQ uClVlCC| the best that is oISugle P1 " °ents a-Newsstands Suite 208, 145 W. 41st St. New York City 1/TIVT,T,I TIW ntlnkl EVERV OAX "?S7-E TUESDAYS BIG SPECIAL: NOT AN EVERY DAY SERVICE P featuring Vicaffe, 0.90-, Woil yt jRF RITRFAU *" °~ *"— *"" " WESTERN INVASION ™2 W7Sl£* It hi a pleasure for up to advise winners. J MEW YORK CITY %J J TatTB *T It is also a pleasure to know that our many / FREE 1 C M II /"% Y cnstitueits follow our instructions to the *10 PATS FOR 0 E WINNER iter, thereby reaping the full benefit of our | blfBOlAlj QT -KT"TAT - *30 1 AS I OR SIX wiNNFRS DINNERS FVIMrTAKT releases. This has been proved to us by the LKXIINCl 1 JIN very liberal price or odds received by all con-I mnst P---*-l WA*;nn M* PlOMrf — ed »" WOUCe, JUT. XXNjtW lOpCCKU I YESTERDAYS PIMLICO ONE HORSE: f L CL ft ff OUR LAST RELEASE ... We are out to ret 500 mora subscribers the UCldWdy LOIaX jDOl Monday FaSP FaCfi -... SI 1 - l.vrV ,w* 30-S2 -.,* WOn I¥VH start of the Churchill Downs meeting, which starts | • w TdiaC tdUC.ipi vpt ■--«-■ gaturday May 10th 0ur bookl wiu cl0,eJ nere is one that should be a LONG SHOT M/nrthmnrO Qfl-0 Won CONVINCE YOURSELF Friday « «"• Only 600 subscriptions will be taken and let me tell you. you can just VfUl IIIIIIUIC ... .iBITh/W v«- wwwiij ,0 gea in your iUD»cription early. rrn w T» next release Thursday, may 8 Another One Goes Today " *0TE TH,S SPECIAI OFFER „ow,h,h f ? Hce niivmvi wiiv wivv/o ewaj GOES TO THOSE THAT SUBSCRIBE *"»■ ! and sa-n ,n Wlth the bunch today. Here is m It has been our policy not to publish in our All clients that wire subscription early ■■ | your chance. . . .v. l.,ii0 today will set th© O. K. on our next ad- Our daily 60c sheet for two weeks — REGULAR _ _• the details » et „„,»p, cetera r.n con-| advertisements f ll Tncssctioi, wbicb com,. fr.m price ?6.00-and our I For Mle at a» newsstands. 50 cents, nerted with any of our releases. We luc the tamo £Wlrce as our ,ast two fiM tmixitf SPFPIAT -—Mailed 2 weeks J5. Remit to used the most convincing argument we know. TRANSACTIONS at PIUXICO, which were: w atm-mm mmmvwm ctiv.a w let REGTTLAR price .00 for one day or 0.00 for j QAR PUB. CO. The second one was one week. 438 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IIL OUR RESULTS SPEAK FOR A ■•* WE wn* GIVE T0U "*■ louisville— for sale: ChaCOlfit S11.70-S2 WOn daily sheet for two weeks and Last Minute Special Eiler and Goodman 227 4th St. TUPMQPI X/FN * 7 V, for one week DETROIT— FOR SALE: I nC.tVIOC.l_V CO and - the - first - FREE Transaction to all eli- . FQR THE SM v, j PRICE OF 5 fa. Triangle Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. eBts ** *ired •" f» " winner* WU Fami|y " *■ Thursdav, May Rk, we will release our wire money rieht away. This offer roe. only J,""*™ [■ ■_ J*?— next plav. This horse has been especially1 ... , A _ __ A_ ... until Friday night. Wire money U BUGLE PUB. i" „„" 7o Won GAT N0KTHEBN BLDG. O. Sehroeder . 212 East Super.or Ave. cruhtioned for Thursdays race and all the VlCe-Chm"n 6.00- gjBEFJ!U ■tea s point to another winner. Again we ask, CHICAGO. ILL. DAYIOIN, o. hUKiALt our new clients t adnen strictly to the in-I This horse today WILL BE WIRED gsy DONT MISS TODAYS 00.00 E- P Vr V OUIS-FOR SALE structions advised with each release. GRATIS TO ALL CLIENTS THAT WIRE ! Laser.! Fill SPECIAL AT PIMLICO "*■ Wm. 711 Market St. OUR RECENT EXCLUSIVE RELEASES: _ ___ 0|v ........r-np Rush to your newsdealer now and ask him for Foster Book Store 410 Washington .UU rUn OlA WIIMIMtnO the Burle, price 50c. And wherever DAILY RACING FORM is sold Worthmore . . . .$]4.90- Won Boys this i8 cne that we know „ ■% ■, a-. _ • ===__— , Le Vignemale . .5.40- Won »boUt and tod.y n »• day; so do not mis. ;g ueiruiierb, /iuennon ig ct yfl T TPFTV Mary Dear . . . .$ 8.80- Won HZ l iSi You can now buy the Buel3 in your city on 70Ur OliYirLilVl 1 I and this b°"9 WILL BE WIRED Y0IT ,J homo at 6 for the next _, a-h AA#4 ■■# way p. m. every night days rtf NOel 4.40-$ WOn TODAY. *30. » pays for SIX WINNERS. races at the 2_ Dvnf. 10-Sk? Wnn including todays ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BAGLEY NEWSSTAND f? A Py"" To"crt»0 TRANSACTION. CORNER WOODWARD AND MONROE AVES. TUC PIDP1 V M Pa»"es 111 Advance Normana 2.50- Won m front of the bagley monument or Int L1KLLL father Sweepstakes ...3.10- Won.v =J c™I££l]° - ° c fcto— ■■■ He*m I J Bound Old Faithful ...$ 9.50- Won j L0U,s.IILFw0/le,.tt3res 227 Fonrtb i NOTHING FANTASTIC. NO BUNK. NO TIPS NiClht Shade . . .0.40- WOP •■■■■•■•■* CINCINNATI— For sale at Eay Pierces, cornor Ths jrreatcst and most successful handicap ever offered th3 public is why the wise men are buyine D ■ m ft en d»0 ttl I Fiftn and Vine 8ts- DUCadO $ 9.0U- WOn " """ ST. LOUIS-For sale at Wm. Lasers, 711 Market "fill.** classed"" hoVscs0"" 0rma • 6.10- WOn llVyi«* l%lvT ANOTHER «1- OR CITIES WHEREVER THE RACING UK1.1.E MEADE PI lUlSHINC CO. I %/ I 4fB ■■ 1 PI I mT ?°and* W SOLD P. 0. Box 731 Nashville. Tenn. *im 1100 rnp FOR PArw EACH rfi RELEASE pa p I W ■_# ■ ■ B ■ II f The Thorobrcd s Home sm W sss» s»w _ «• V sa SPECIAL OFFER: ssW OX NEXT BBUsUUsss, :00 in advance, LOUISVILLE RACES sasxfaBjBjjBjm«M«M«MtsssssslssssssssBsssslBsssssssBBsaB»Bi srS™rr Form col.j.j.sghreiner f*£ JL S. HI AMERICAS PKEH1EH CLOCKEE STRAIfi HTS. A 1S. l K H U« Maryland service Ts,s."ssr«r» srsr, "!A»T" " Suite 208, 145 West 41st St., New York City . 115 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. WAKE UP. You are retting over CH1* H Rush your subrcription. Don t fail to send your J 1 ff rf — - mi mw H address. From mo you get track conditions and no W ■ ww«U# __ - . _ mm L. ItbV I 5 scratched horses but fit horse?. Mv many clients worth of information for the small sum of #_%____ -«-__« _- « ____. iTjrVUllXl I TYFf «T 17 1 Tll71l ■■HssV WM B MM B HlV will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky *1 daily at all nr-wsstands. »» Mailed the I HrmlKl !W» LLA1M J_# VJ V/ MV rv, ,«cr-£.,t sgriv .¥usri.J5 """"•■ »»" """" c4merica!iiTSpOrnTa/JCr remittances or remit by express order in letter ilfljfSnTlVB F iSllTTiniHIlllJll »/ if Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. Bi fillllllfil ■ mWW I k Vif Mill Ifalsll 13 H 25CDfT5* FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS r A • 1 Po:-, tyler hotel iou::v:iif kv lflJiyiJ or /pru iacmg — — Batimore Bld9 Ipsri Today.s rrc, Codes: TTTTs - |411 Ch,ca9° t t : tja « *S5 NOW *T- SfBoBP JlyFromYourProfits " * aandAFS PIMLICO lUIVr I tVUrilj THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing vTyBry ** Tl, M,RArl-E SYSTEM lit nullonallv V tho races will bo mailed you for one weeks K3C IHLII rTtrrh i1 *°° ° " .ssav av s» * A W sFW an »o"n a* ;is for player — hard for trial. No charge unless it shows an av.rage r *|fS3fc Mount Human. d* |V I tZ i 1 ■ **"" ,la i S,°°«J ,h* ACID TEST for ** profit of at least 0 a day on the scale 2ft£r Automatic Chances: ■ ■ ltvl ss # H vsj ao many ycsr». We roulU not spend many «« . of play. For particulars mail this ad., with tSmiffJ m 1 I | . | s* I ■ tlioiisnnil* of dollar* per annum adxer- your name and address to U KENTUCKY H 9S A M ls/ A, II 41 • tislng wafer ss rough syrup— and con- «» I J K. WILLIS I _ * "" _ Extra Good. •» tlnue In ksjsasMSjs. Sold on installment „ ; 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. | payments paid from your profits. Abso- ■■■sssssBmsssssssmsmsssssssssssssssssssssssssssissssBSsssssssBsssssi I «♦ lately FREE. lOO page racing manual, .a* — — — — — — — DA,LY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO • rev«e»T. sworn teatimonale. etc. Investl /Mllin/MIII I Oni-AlBl xPrlslAl ** " " l"c RrVZ" Millar ** NOTICE I Ml PLY-OnTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL * _ ,IV. %#■ IWI1WI ■■sssiBsa ws ■■•■* ■■■ | 157.159 EAST 32ni ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. S Box 10 j:. 1 . Ton son, Md. Jjv next week- Jerms: WinninKs of a J10 Expecting something extra good next Saturday. | L ft if Catk straight play, lltliablo people wire name and Barrmr acodents. this horse should win at a good SO RICHMOND STREET, EAST, TORONTO. ONT WJQsV $ 111J M t » t t t JW address to * price. Costs notbinc in advance. Just remit win- i **and■ lain i laaao nines of flO after horse wins. Write quick for this --■ — ■ ■» J. L». WILLIAIVIo ** EXTRA SPECIAL and other goad ones to follow AllVFRTKF IN RAPING PflRM SUPERIOR SERVICE, Box 133, I ayton, Oh.o. , BHIsssssssssssHbssHbssssssssssssssssssssssssssbsssssbbbbbsH HUVLnilOL 111 ItHOIIlU rUniYI Care Western Union East St. Louis, III.