untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-11


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| I | ED BRADLEY 1819 BROADWAY, GOTHAM BANK BLDG. HEW YORK CITY AGAIN YESTERDAYS HORSE Chilhowee, .20-, Won Itifflit here let me state that 4hl» same horse will win the Herb-. Sly reeord to date: 20 WINNERS. 4 SECONDS in last 27 Days. LAST TIESIJAY.S IIOItSK Rapid Day, 1.80-, Won Absolutely only one hor*e a day. 00 flat bet almost 2,000 WINNER My next hone goes MOMMY and will pay lO to 1 ; another Kapld Day ENOUGH SAID My Fee: 7» dally in advance. ii propositions. %ire sobserlptlons by AVestern I iiion or Postal money order. C[he BUGLE „ t«nir vtvv n II 111 THEMA!N WHO CAN MAK1: YOl WlfT] JkJ EVERY DAY %.-i Afl li ! S0LD 0N ALL NEWSSTANDS— * I ■ ■■ ll ahd *3 -SPECIAL" W FEATURING PITx EVERY DAY g WAS I RIGHT? V507 AJi° I TOLD YOU I HAD A "SPECIAL" fj / FREE " special GLIDE .30- Won This W" our "°P«ninff BiS Special" Spo- Fridays CLEAN SWEEP: cial. And Jack Field said "Plunge the limit, win Flying Fur 1.90— Won ! only, on Glide as I know this is in today." Captain Costigan $ 5.20- Won | "PARI AY" Al Qfl WfiN rAKLAY ALMJ WUN Gray Gables $ 3.90- Won __ ... . , . — I And Jack Field advised a parlay yesterday on both These were positively only horses given in the — - _ _ _ , ■ *5 and "Special," to plunge, win only, and Bugle Friday. Be a winner. Become a Bugle — , „ once again Jack Field s big ■ army - of loyal followers follower, now. cleaned up more easy monoy yestarday, « as they 1 DAlYS do day after day, week after week. Bs»~Y0U CANNOT BEAT SEVEN RACES A DAY— f — * J Bs»~BTJT TOTJ CAN BEAT "ONE RACE A DAY— J B ■■■■ % J% # BsfJACK FIELD "ONLY" GIVES ONE A DAY— " " 1 Bs»T-ALSO A "BIG" "SPECIAL" DAILY. IDIT OaaaOW 1 T If y0n know tho real "value" of this "info" yo« u l«# 1 Ij IH I I ft I would be willins to Pax 5C0 a day- IIVLL JlLl/i/lL pf-Monday You Can Win 00 is the FITTEST TRICK at Churchill Downs. The l am °fferin* *«ce to win I y« »«*« * 00 COMMISSIONS are PLANTED in large chunks Monday by h"in« *** ""* P1»y, on both JACK from coast to coast. He will win in a canter. FIELDS and fl Specials, and also parlay them Dont miss this fast trick. both, win only, as this will easily pay FOR SALE TODAY SUNDAY FOR MONDAY Only 50 cents. Go right now to your dealer and M" 0 FOR "PAPLAY" get the Bugle. 3W LOUISVILLE PLAYERS, ATTENTION! AkVSaLtJriS Dont go to the track without thi Bugle. For sale in your city at EILER ft GOODMAN, 227 Notice — Jack Field sold today. Sunday, for Hon-Fourth Ave. Also at all laading newsdealers. day. on all Newsstands, or mailed to you 5 week ly for both specials. W* DETROIT PLAYERS, ATTENTION ! FIELD p™ co 39 w Adams st CHICAG0 ILL .. LOUISVTLLE READERS NOTICE— Go to EILER ft „-r. „„nr sale t i at *v the _____ _ THE BTJGLE for only in your city _ BAGLEY NEWSSTAND, corner WOODWARD and GOODliAN S STORE, 227 S. 4th St., and Get Jack MONROE STB., in front of tho BAGLEY MONO- Fields "Specials." MENT. CLEVELAND. FOR SALE AT: O. C. SCHROEDER, 212 EAST SUPERIOR AYE. f 4ft V| T mm CINCINNATI, FOR SALE AT fl _ O _• Wf £. _k £%. I J»" I T RAY PIERCE, COH. FIFTH and VINE STS. VjClJL d f f CdVl f ST. LOTJI8. FOR SALE AT: J WM. LASER - 711 MARKET ST. 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS DAYTON, FOR SALE AT: M. ETJPHRAT, 129 SOUTH JEFFERSON ST Ml? U7 ICCI TC CAD C A I C alAIU Or send for two weeks to ilLIf IjjUt rUli jALti PIUlV Bugle Publishing Co. "»"? -_•■— Suite 1711 Great Northern Bldg. fimlico— FioRiuABox-uorKMAx. Chicago III And take it from me, when they get " " I through running this baby will he RIGHT IS THE BUGLE FOR SALE WHEREVER DAILY | T11K VAN j KNOW So.MKTHINU. Rush RACING FORM IS FOR SALE. I right now to your newsdealer and ask for the RW ISSUK; will be for sale in New j York, and Ualtiniore about noon. a- ii i | LAST WKEIS LONG SHOTS: THE ADMIRAL SYSTEM pp Minister inj Won THE EMPLOYED MANS SHEET-ANCHOR »■ 1*114* UllsisOlVl • • • IV 1 II VII won" yo°9!oo Major Chilton . 9.20- 3rd On a 0 straight flat bet in 192$ Would have paid over 100-1 to win. Plays its selections on th» ncse. Uses no j jj rs INFO * * progression. Not necessary to obtain odds on results race by race. An absolutely new and original method of arrangement and selec- bwp . _ I A. m.-* M ■ ■ mm. Not the old stuff passed over and re- M M I 1 L f A NEW IDEA LOUISVILLE Wonderful results in the past on small »s Ut MVlsVavai t. A?siu. A I. i-i»i.a WMMM capiUl. No loop-holes: no decisions to inaku : between two or mors horses; no chance for __ r, .ttc- t-i»tt w t --*■ .. t i .»_• t S "* J 01t ,I,,S l» mistaken selections. Every system horse is S**, ,?/L ! -°U Tvknow BRAR « Al I » today. nder NO CONSHV a positive factor ! efore race time every day. Th3 finest and safest system ever devised j ERATION whatever fail to get this one. Ask by human ingenuity. Reasonable first pay- your newsdealer for LIARS DAILY, iO cents mict and balance from prafits. For full de- at all newsstands. tails and tabulated actual past results, ad- dross I.OriSYILI.K FOR SAI.F.: THi: ADMIRAL COMPANY Kiler and OooUman, US Fourth Street. 306 STEWART BUILDING BALTIMORE. MD. , _.. , — v -— — LOUISVILLE RACES $ PREDETERMINED* jj GOLs Ji Js oGHREINER • TURF *r I PRfiFITQ IVviriliJ m ; America s premier clocker | Thirty years experience as trainer-clocker. layer." Has Mood the ACID TEST for .** *15 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. tn many years. We rould not spend many «- — . u • - — -. - — . yo°T w»»«Pt«»n. Don t fi.lt. send your thousand, of dollar, per annum adxer- ush "• . m» 7°" 9* «««k cond.tions and no tising water as rough syru,— and con- «• »ddrf" rora f scratched horses, but tit horses. My many chent. ** _. tlnue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profit.. Abso- ** TwTa 7 mare,loul ;u"ess at Kentucky tracks a *P«ciah.t of the I win v lutely FREE. lOO page racing manual. * game i one or two horses da.ly at 11 o clock. Telegrapk «» review, .worn test.monaU. etc Investi __ gate today and make your Bookie ob«y. «• ;era"a« or remlt *f eiPre» "Jja in letter. •% """••« Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. Public Rrlntlons Manager «r J* S. E. AKTIll R j-, TYLER HOTEL. LOTJISYILLE, KY. /OTJI Box 10 at 1. To»son. Md. /V _ *£?* i4a ntUiutt ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM L . ~T ] -, .. ,_. . ■ r. I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. SUDSCribe TOr Daily Racing Form 441 Plymouth court Chicago, ill.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051101/drf1924051101_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051101_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800