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SCHUYLER .FLOYD TT A TOA/PY A A/f FC BROADWAY AT STREET J. JgwL «swL» JgL JgL t .Lsf Mk. sswCi JawL. ewW T eJawL aLawBwi WT NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BBYAHT Mi 17 1 11 •U Tfc r Ck * C* a company"; CONT.NU- Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street OUS UNBLEMISHED RECORD— MFX7 VeT-PIT PTTY I 1 I THE LARGEST ORGANIZATION INJ1W V7H JV Vil OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD —————— 00.00 STARTS YOU ALL NIGHT RAINS were responsible for changed track conditions, causing the postponement of ON THE HIGH ROAD TO Saturdays "Harvey Transaction" at Louisville. The following telegram was received early Saturday FINANCIAL SUCCESS AND iwnrPFNnFNPF from Mr. Ames and was confirmed by additional explanation over the long distance yesterday afternoon: Men who seek to make From cu LOUISVILLE KY 830 AM MAY 11 money on limited capital ,_, . are not slow to take ad- Harvey Ames vantage of the Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St., New York City ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR Upon arrival from Chicago found conditions excellent and as represented conver- "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" sation over long distance with you this morning unsatisfactory was desirous you knowing „ . , . . . . reasons making postponement advisable if all remains favorable will start early next week * r r offered from day to day in .... . these columns. These in- senc ou nothing without code two other big matters in preparation u be ready to - talk - - mid-vestments . are protected, night promptly during my stay here rush. Harvey, well supervised and are prudently managed. The above is a verbatim copy of the message received at the New York office and explains itself. . . . . While this postponement means a heavy monetary loss, same is but a secondary consideration to this active demand for the office. "SCHUYLER INVEST- thefact thatherfin !t is tne alm to safeguard every "Harvey Transaction," whether the investment is limited to 00 formation furnished by investments or 0,000 investments, this office is beyond comparison. From information at hand, horse in question, which Mr. Ames is supervising during his stay at npi 1 Louisville, will start TUECE EAfTC IJ JCiiJL/-rV x 9 JYixV X X 3 UllA/Ll 1 XlvlU A 50 INVESTMENT ON EACH "HARVEY TRANSACTION" FROM APRIL 14TH, INCLUDING A complete money-earning state- THE LAST, :: :rr£i.t nose dive, 9-2, won Hidden Jewel *.*." *3.30- Won ON WEDNESDAY NOTHING HAS BEEN RELEASED SINCE, SHOWS A PROFIT OF OVER April mmmam-mmmmmmi—mmmmmmam Warning 3.10- Won Listen Dearie Pr.". l0.10- Won N2 | s# CJCJCJ A. J. Buja. . . / . $ 6.30- Won —mm—mmmmmammmmmmi April It: Freezy Sneezy . . .$ 5.20- Won after losses and cost of information have been deducted. The above record is due to careful manipula- Aprll 86: Rock Bottom . . . . 0.50- Won tion, furthered through the best channels possible and unlimited financial resources when the occasion Aprl1 6: demands. LOSING HORSE— which was subjected to the non-controllable occurrence— interference — finish- SUBSCRIPTION 00 must be telegraphed without delay to assure proper listing. Code will be ing second. sent by special delivery today Sunday or tomorrow, upon receipt of subscription. Early requests are eieht "SCHUYLER °fiL necessary, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. VESTMENTS" released during the month, with This office recognizes no competitors. There is a vast difference between promise and delivery, the averaging price of .... .49 to .00. which is the reason we have imitators, but no emulators. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 Qlim PilPITI ADITV mA be deserved ■""■"■ SHIELDS ««,,«„» IVll The "SCHUYLER IN- **0 WN TS™» ™ £!i ADRATI0N iJUUUl C 1/CCtl VESTMENTS" consist of II7* iL 1 L *500 Wtm mm Weeklr horse and Will I My Kentucky »** *"- D"1 *™«™* » *"• HP IPTl-V one only on I Yesterday. wire the day as advertised. f f ill UH* I/Vl Uj ANNIE JORDAN . ..60- WON — ■*» »» 17th Tki» ™°*» -" *» *« Never haS there been tWO 1« TO 1 OB BETTER °» account of scratches the odds were low on carefully fitt«d to whip Wise Counsellor, St. James, UnrMe nHuittAH imnn nr yesterdays horse. Remember I do not control Mad Play and other cracki. Should he 15 to 1 or nurses dUVIseu upon or •*■ • »cratches, but to show sportsman- I P« »» my ririn* too a chance to play the Ameri- filed With this publication ■T*SL «2 y£r the greatest of all. ** J*" ■§ "other sfceet free for Saturday, b-tter. I hay three other high daw Square Deal in one day. ■*• S» *» " mJ Inve,tBienU *"•* «• thU week * ~ i ir should any cc cddy __ THE GOLDEN JUBILEE UEnDI Fridays 0.03 Occasional: be 6 to 10 to 1. I am on the ground and know SATUBDAT, MAY 17, 1»24 FLYING FUR . . . . 1 .80- WON that every one of my Square Deal Investments is a mr w w j" .. -— ■ - - Wednesdays Big- Winner: a safe " one. Terms — winsiac * of a 0 straight play Are You Heading m. bi» su «wf»«T p«p»«« t» imiE mmi ■ ■» warkin* sesssatienally. Backed by a fre»P «f the Tuesdays Bis; Winner- . to be wired me after each horse wins. Send me in the Direction ? «*rte,t meB in ■* buwneM- Thl* ap™ wok Right mi.....,..„.v,.;wmmi w „ prnay tint M%tnma y0Br eomet mm I5FOBMATIOX IS LSQUESTIOKABLB KIRKIEVINGTON 8.80-12 WON and address. The Next "Schuyler Investment JSLandSSZ rrf2 rig Zkx»»Z IZ RICH TLM UJ ID*!" Proposition, DONT DELAY. ThU hors, should TLE VISITOR.. _ .__. ..00- WON IXJII WII VV ILlUO I IS laKes nace monday at rimiico wd _ tropical water w.3o.w w0N Sevf»«h Av«»e u«ui Lonis,i.iP, Ky. • TEEMS — ONE HUNDBED Dl_lwWT4„a DULL ABS Thursday s Bir Winner: — — — MARIONETTE 3.70-14939 WON Xft advance by Western Union or PostaL 0.00 flat play last week won . Terms: Care of Western Union or Postal. IS TO 1 MONDAY TrTT And that Is what the odds on my .00 track wire f*3.V W* FOlTa IOUf PlWTlte ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS jUDS0N SM|TH andJ%S%andASTUSSr n master ket stst?™ IN ADVANCE ,„,..„„,„ ■■■■« ■■ six racins; days. the races will be mailed you for one weeks LOIISVILLE, EEMltKT 0.00 OCCASIONAL GOES TODAY trial. No charje unless it shows an averase — — — NOTE All subscriptions must be on hand not And if you knew what I know, yea would make it profit of at least 0 a day on the scale tl,_ later than 10 oclock morning of the race and will your business to see me today. Occasional sold of play. For particulars mail this ad., with In© t* filed in order of receivin*. Wires seat out throng-h office only. Wire or call. Terms, 0; wire ! your same and address to SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" accordingly. I resarre the ri«kt to refund money money to W. V. My 00 private wire goes today 3. B. WTLLI8 w i i w i a- • r* "WW" »-v» ■»■ w aooount of oTer-subscription of territory. and will be given TREE to all weekly subscribers to W Thirtieth St. Miami Beach Fla are Ilk© my daily wire. Terms, 0 weekly, 6 racing days. •■wsjiBaBaaaaaaaaassa«aBaaa«sswsjBsssssaBwMSBWSssaiBssss "Sterling" on Silver— " george shields — . . THE stamp of distinction J Subscribe forJal[y_Racino Form » STm. m*SGB£ Cit ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM