untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-06-17


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HARVEY AMES 1 EARLE BUILDING BROADWAY AT 2D STREET NEW YORK CITY YESTERDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" War Mask, 5-2, Won WAR MASK was the only horse advised yesterday and had not : won a race since Laurel, last fall, although he started three times at ■ 1 Belmont and three times at Pimlico. Mr. Ames closed contracts for several "Harvey Transactions" starting this week, arrangements for " which were concluded on Sunday. Subscription, 00, for each "Harvey Transaction." WARNING! Through the courtesy of other newspapers this office was informed of a man styling himself as "Harvey Ames," 430 Vine Street, ; Cincinnati, O., issuing a sheet supposedly "Harvey Transactions." Mr. Ames wants it distinctly understood that he is in no way connected with the above or any one else in this line of business. The general public is warned once more, in its own interest, not to fall prey to » these impostors. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 " Lucky " Johnny Lyons AMERICAS PREMIER TURF WIZARD « Columbus Circle, Room 217 -:- -:- New York City Only one horse advised on any day I have information to release. Everything was set for Mondays horse which was: WHITE STAR 4.50- WON I And, again, all my followers won handsomely. Saturday —CRAYON 5.90- WON | Friday — Nothing released. Thursday — T. S. JORDAN. 7.60- WON Wednesday— BLOWING BUBBLES 8.30- WON Tuesday — Nothing released. , Monday —BALLOT BRUSH $ 9.70- WON Five straight winners which show a net profit of over ,600 on a 0 straight bet. Again let me state that everything is set for Tuesdays horse. Another sensation promised for today. No time to lose. Get in line with ma and WIN. TERMS — 0, in advance, for TODAYS HOE.SE. Wire money order right NOW. Or, if in town, call personally. FRED DAVIS THE TURF WONDER , 4 Court Square, Suite 9 Brooklyn, N. Y. TERMS: 0.00 for one weeks service, consists of one horse a day. Yesterdays One Horse: Miss Meise 3.40-.30- 2nd And once again the grabbers took their j usual knockout when this horse came romping home In front, and as you all know that I It takes little Fred Davis to make you a • WINNER. Do business with one who knows and it will prove to you that all investments are safe investments that I advise. I am known wherever racing exists and with my j reputation and following I can let you in on l winning information; in other words, horses i that are on edge and ready to earn brackets when I release the final O. K. to my clients. I am associated with those that are in the "know" and if you are a winner or a loser | you simply cannot afford to miss a single day following my bona fide information. The ! day you miss is the day you lose, as naturally you will hear or see in my ad another win-! ner. Saturdays One Horse: i Actuary 4.60- Won Friday: Battlefield 9.20- Won1 Thursday: T.S. Jordan.... 7.60- Won Wednesday: Mcintosh 7.60- Won Tuesday: I Flower Shop . . .2.70- Won Monday: Ballot Brush .....70- Won . Give my information a weeks trial and be convinced that you are getting 00 informa- ! tion for less than a day. If you were to pay 00 a day, you couldnt get any better than I give my clients for ten dollars a week. I advise you to wire your subscription with I your correct name and address to avoid ■ delay and that you should be able to appre- ! ciate the full value of bona fide information. I If winners are what you wont, get the old reliable STANDARD. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct, S copies for .00. Todays Cede Special: June-Plum-58-11-65-59. STANDARD TURF GUIDE I 403, 22 W. Quiacy St Chicago, Til. DISTINCTIVE SERVICE KENTUCKY TURF BUREAU 1360 BROADWAY NEW T0RK CITT 0 FOR SIX WIRES OR FOR ONE DAT ! A 5 straight play to date has won over I ,000.00 at Latonia. Yesterdays Latonia Wire: j Miss Meise . ..30- 2nd LAST WEEK, BIX DAYS, SIX WINNERS [ Saturdays Latonia Wire: I Actuary ..4.60- Won Fridays Latonia Wire: I Brt TomVw .90- Won Thursdays Latonia Wire: I T. S. Jordan. .7.60- Won Wednesdays Latonia Wire: I Mcintosh 7.60- Won Tuesdays Latonia Wire: | Flower Shop. .2.70- Won Mondays Latonia Wire: The Runt $ 7.60- Won Another sensational event at Latonia to- day at a Dig price. G-ET IT. WEEK BEFORE LAST, 5 DAYS 5 | WINNERS J Telegraph 0 for six days service. Be 1 sure to include your street address. City | clients, call at office, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. j BOBBY ALLEN Only One Horse Daily .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays .00 Occasional: HEYENTE AGENT $. .40- WON Yesterdays Star Money Horse: PHIDIAS W.70-13 WON Saturdays Star Money Horse: BETELGUESK .60- WON Some of My Long Shot Winners: POLLY LEIGHTON 8. 40- WON WRANGLEK 0.70- WON StTNNY DDCROW 129.50-52 WON CHARLES J. CRAIGMILE 1.60- WON LLEWELLYN 6.90- WON .00 OCCASIONAL GOES AT KENTUCKY TODAY This one should pay at least 8 to 1 and win in a canter. TERMS: .00— 0.00 pays for one week. SERVICE SIX RACING DAYS STAR MONEY HORSE TODAY Comes from the same source as Wrangler, 0.70-, won. If you can stand prosperity, then get todays money horse. TEEMS: — WIRE OR CALL. BOBBY at.t.ttw 23 Duane St., Room 606 New York City Our weekly Parlay Page is worth while. Buy copy from your dealer or send for 4 weeks. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. I Subscribe for Daily Racing Form 1 : ■ " THE METROPOLITAN NEWS CO. OF CHICAGO Western agents for the following turf publications: The Bugle, Albert Mackley, Eastern Handicapper and Other Leading Turf Publications All subscriptions and Chicago sales will be handled from this office. These publications will be sold at Chicago leading newsstands and our office every day. Watch our ads in this paper for further particulars. We have subscription agents in all leading cities in the West. THE METROPOLITAN NEWS CO. Suite 706 Putnam Bldg. 10 NORTH CLARK STREET Chicago Players, Visit Our Office Today » ! Gars Weekly 35 Cents at All Newsstands NEW ISSUE FOR SALE NOW TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA — Maine-Ivory-Rose-Brown. DORVAL — Virginia- Ocean -House- Duck. And by all means, be sure and GET THE LATONIA FREE CODE. Some Pippin. Boys. Remember, BOTH FREE CODES WON Saturday. Get the NEW ISSUE and look it op. Last Weeks Long Shot: Crayon, 5.90-, Won And the Chief told yon STRONG. Week Bef ores Long Shot: King s Ransom, 4.20-, Won Yos, sir, the Chief is delivering- the goods in a big blaze of glory every week. Want to get the money? Then string along with GARS. TODAY Special Long Shot starts today at Latonia. Should pay 15 to 1. As he has not shown a single thing in public, you simply couldnt guess him, and all you have to do u to get the new issue today and look it up on page 5 of the new book. Ask your newsdealer for Gars Weekly, only 35 cents. Yesterdays Grand Special: Phidias, .70-, Won ANOTHER "GRAND SPECIAL" TODAY Yes, sir, the one we call attention ts on page 7 of the weekly. It is plainly marked "One Best" on sheet. Rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for GARS DAILY 60 cents, for sale at all newsstands. DEROIT: For sale at Triangle Newsstand, Gris-wold and Lafayette. Family Theater Newsstand, Cadillac Square. CHICAGO: For sale at all newsstands, Loop and Elevated. I 10-1 WEDNESDAY AT AQUEDUCT I have a horse that seems a sure 10-1 winner. Horse and jockey now on file with this paper. To prove I send the same horse to all will state that horses name contains letters IC E. My last wire was AVISACK, 7-1, won. Terms: Winnings of 0. Wire name and street address by Western Union. E. E. BAKER, Jamaica, N. Y. BOBS MARY 2.90- WON was yesterdays long shot. Remember, we only give 2 a day. More good ones coming. WINNERS are what count; not big ads. Get todays 50o daily at all newsstands, 50c. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111. $ 1 O O X PER WEEK NET PROFIT easily made with small capital by operating the STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily — every play TO WIN ONLY — on the nose! Small payment down — balance from winnings. Write: STAR SYSTEM 32 Union Square, Room 602 NEW YORK CITY CHAS. ROBINSON 1547 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY FRIENDS Your patience will finally be rewarded. TODAY IS THE BIG DAY Everything is ready. Go the limit. Wire my share tomorrow. Telephones: Chickering 5160. Lackawanna 2682. P. S. Be Prepared for big money-making proposition at Dorval on Saturday, Getaway day. i ; 3 Order Your Form Book Now. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. I Sporting Leader 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS ADV. FREE CODE: Beau of the West, .85-, Won And we BEGGED you in yesterdays ADV. to get this one. HURRAH!! A "Clean Sweep" ON AL GERNS SPECIALS ADV 0 SPECIAL WAS Phidias, .70-, Won OTHER AND ONLY TWO SPECIALS Craigthorne, .85-, Won Revenue Agent, .40-, Won We sure are CLEANING DP every day. CLEANING UP JBIG is the word. Today— Free ! ANOTHER Al Gerns 0 Special Here is YOUR CHANCE AGAIN. I tell yon I got this one for the LIMIT. Rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for Al Gerns Specials .00 daily at newsstands. And you will get this 0 SPECIAL FREE on sheet. LOOK! 0 SPECIAL and SPECIAL will be mailed to yon TWO WEEKS for Rush your subscription RIGHT AWAY to AL GERN. care SPORTING LEADER 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. DETROIT FOR SALE: Triangle Newsstand, Griswold and Lafayette. Family Theater Newsstand. Cadillac Square. CHICAGOANS for sale at leading newsstands. Cleveland. O. — Schroeder, 212 F. Supreior. Omaha, Neb. — Meyer Coren. 1411 Farnam St. St. Louis — Laser, 711 Market St. ; Foster, 410 Wash. ington Street. Col. Tom Slocum This is my third advertisement to appear since beginning at Churchill Downs and I still retain a large number of my original subscribers since appearance of my first advertisement. My years on Hentucky track entitle me to profit at this age. Why not do business with a real horseman ? You must be henest and send me winning of play until better acquainted. Nothinr in advance. I wire you oaly one horse a day. Some days none. Between 9 and 10 i. m, after scratches are posted in secretarys office. You get your money back on winners. Send me the oppositions money, net yours. Costs you les3 under my terms than money in advance. Thick it over. P. S. — Wish to thak my new people for their prompt remittances. No mail. Wire me Latonia track, Covington, Ky. Al McGee Wishes to announce to all of his old followers that he has returned to Kentucky and will open headquarters for a summer campaign in New York in a few days. Yesterdays One Horse: White Star 4.50- Won I have been personally at the Kentucky tracks making arrangements and now believe I have one of tho best connections in the country. ■■■■■■■■■sWBBMBPsWs™ POSTPONED rather than accept an unwarranted price on a horse that had not won a race in two years. Next Special Wednesday Wire name at once. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924061701/drf1924061701_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924061701_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800