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oil DA PC 5-8 Mile. Light Brigade Parse. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Jane Oin iiAUt is 2:t sj -z as, — — — no. BATTLE FIELD, ch. c, 2 115 By Negofol — Denise Field, by Tredennis. Trainer, C. H. Shilling. Owner, G. A. Cochran. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 86118 Latonia 5-8 l:«Wfcfast 81 115 2 2 P P D Hum 11 Tilka, Pyroot. Brave Bob 79846 Latonia 5-S 59*fast 22 108 8 7 8 8 J D Hum 8 StepAlong, 0 Current, Hi. Water NOTENOUGH, br. c, 2 115 By Dick Finnell— Nantura, by St. Simonian II. Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, W. E. Applegate. Breeder. W. E. Walsh. 78586 Lexgton 1-3 50Vimud 13 114 4 1 21 21 W Lilley 10 StepAlong, CreamPuff, Foxmore 78151 Tijuana 1-2 49-hvy 2-5 113 5 2 2 P J Butwell I Nellie A., Ormesbrook. Kosman 78068 Tijuana 41 t 53Vkfast 9 118 2 5 4l 3« B Kenndy 9 Mast. Charlie. Socrates, BearShot 78031 Tijuana 1-2 49 hvy 7-10 115 8 6 5* 4»i B Kenndy S O. Current, Stampdale, M.Billy 77945 Tijuana 1-2 49!4slow 11 US 5 2 2*1 3l B KenndyLi Socrates. JohnT.D., MinstrelBoy 77834 Tijuana 1-2 47«ifast 5 US 6 6 4* 2» B Kenndyl5 P.ear Shot, John T. I., Seuuan 7 7551 Tijuana 31 f 42 rast 23-10 115 3 3 6* 65J A Collins 11 O. Current. DonEduardo. Kosman 77420 Tijuana 3 8 36!4fast 15 115 2 5* 5* D ConnllylO Parnell, DonEduardo, Bear Shot CINNAMON, ch. c, 2 115 By Light Brigade— Allspice, by The Scribe or Odd fellow. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner, J. N. Camden. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 80144 Latonia 5-8 1:00 fast 59 103 2 2 11 1 G Ellis I Riiralltte. EnRelatns, Superfk 80040 Latonia 5-8 l:03%hvy 13 107 5 4 55 5" W Fronk 0 Reputation, Saar, Annie Jordan PAS SEUL, ch. e, 2 DM By Light Brigade— Ono Step, by Oddfellow. Trainer, D. E. Stewart, Owner, J. N. Camden. Breeder, J. N. Camden. 79986 Latonia 5-8 1:02 mud 3-2 113 3 1 P P L McDott 7 Betelguese, Oc.Crrent. G DeMar 79066 Churchill 41 f 53 fast 27-10 118 3 2 2» 2* W Kelsay I KalseKace. RcdSeth, Maximaneh 78898 Churchill 41 f 55 mud 6 118 5 3 21 1* W Kelsay » Thundergod, Bankrupt. T.ingir.i 78771 Lexgton 41 f 53«4fast 6 114 5 6 41 7" W Kelsay 8 Reputation, Son ofTmp, Million BROWN SUGAR, br. c, 2 M 110 By Brown Prince II. — Sweet Alice, by Flying Dutch man. Trainer. H. J. Thompson. Owner. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, Idle Hour Stock Farm. S0036 Latonia 5-S 1:05 hvy 7-5 117 8 3 i- 31 L Lyke 8 KublaiKhau, Karachi. Gamester LITTLE GIPSY, ch. f, 2 107 By Trevisco— Mollie Elliott, by Voter. Trainer. T. F. Devereaux. Owner, S. Cowan. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 79940 I.atonU r -8 1:03 mud 14 1071 I 3 21 2« H Kaiser I Rotliiml. K.Victoria, Broomiola 79489 M.Hghts 41 f MUM 13-5 11£ 3 3 31 2* H Kaiser 7 HonestMose, Dul.yl.011, BellelL 79236 M.Hghts 1-2 47: bfast 2 112 4 3 2» l»o H Kaiser 9 May Baxter. Subtle, Kosman 79090 Churchill 41 f 53%fast 37f 119 S 9 7» 6» J Heupel 11 Kit. Pat, Lit. Visitor, CreamPuff 78613 Lexgton 1-2 51%hvy S 112 5 3 20 3 1 W W ToiT2 Lit Jimmy. S.Mengel. MaryDear 77867 J.fforson 1-2 48 4fast 12 119 6 2 21 2* W Lilley 14 BclleH., VV.iratah, Al.Woodliffe 77385 F.Urnda 31 f 42andfast H-5 115 4 11 1« W Lilley 13 Star Girl, Flavia. Rockomar CREAM PUFF, eh. f, 2 112 By Old Koenig— Alberta True, by Chuctananda. Trainer. S. J. Kelley. Owner, S. J. Kelley. Breeder. P. Laffoon. 80115 I.atonia 58 59fast 8 103 6 3 21 2» H Long 6 L, Visitor, Don. Santa, F Victoria 79891 Latonia 5-8 59%fast 28 116 1 3 3» 4«1 H Long 12 SwpPk, Lit. Visitor, DonnaSU 79385 Churchill 41 f SSfast 3 110 1 3 2* :!■» H Stutts 7 MissJennie. K.tletoursy. S.Girl 79090 Churchill 41 f 53fast 18 119 8 4 6l 3 H Stutts 11 Kitty Pat. Lit. Visitor. R. Route 78801 Lexgton 41 f 65 fast 4 108 2 2 11 It1 H Stutts 6 Foreign Relatns. Tangara, Romp 78774 Lexgton 41 f 54 fast 17-10 1M ! 3 2» U II Stutts 6 Rothermel. Elia.K., MissJennie 78645 Lexgton 1-2 48%good 41 111 3 2 2» 2* H Stutts 8 DressGoods, VainEllie, Tinamoa fDisqualified. HIGH WATER, b. g, t 115 By Rapid Water— Vanity Box. by Uncle. Trainer. W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headley. Breeder, W. B. Miller. 79986 Latonia 5-8 1:02 mud 9 113 7 5 6« 6" W W Tor 7 PasSeul. Betelguese. Oc.Current 79846 Lalonia 5-S 59%fast 28 1081 1 4 3» 3 E Martin 8 StepAlong, O. Current. Modesta 78722 Lexgton 41 f 56 good 31-10 114 6 2 21 ll W W Tor 8 Son of Trcmp, Elm, Ben Vrklia 78642 Lexgton 1-2 49 good 13 113 • 6 4l 1* W W Tor 9 Romp, Elm, Louis Rubeinsteia BETHB TREASURE, cb. g, S 115 By Seth — Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, W. £. Suggs. Owner, Mrs. G. W. Church. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79425 ChurchiU 4 f 54%mud 3 110 2 2 4* 4" E Martin i FalseFaee, OnCurt, Thdergod 79X61 Churchill 41 f 63%good 13 113 3 2 2 2s E Martin I Reputation. False Face, Karachi 79174 Churchill 4| f 65%slop 6 112 3 2 21 1» W Kelsay U StarGiil, Fr. Victoria, Sa-nMgcl 78908 Churchill 41 t 64%mud 24 114 5 5 32 3« II Lunsfd ■ DressUds, ElizhK., FornRelns 78408 Hunfton 1-2 48%fast 1-2 120 1 J Domick 7 HillySkidd. IloncstMosp. PdrJl 76700 F.Grnds 3-g 35%hvy 6 122 3 P B» W Lilley 11 Wlicaton, Step Along, Evelyn 76606 F.Grnds 3-8 36%fast 8-6 118 1 1 l1 W Lilley 11 Fno, S. of Tromp, Fearnaught 76460 F.Grnda 3-8 36 fast 7 118 6 lii 21 W Lilley 10 Step Along, Wlicaton, Mas. Billy ANNLHTLATOR, b. c, 2 Ml 110 By Dick Finnell— Alice Baird, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, F. Coyne. Owner, Anderson and Eendle. Breeder. E. H. Anderson. 80140 Latonia 6-8 1:00 fast 5 117 3 4 3J 3B M Garner 12 Betelgse, SonofTromp, Tangara 79893 Latonia 6-8 1:00 fast 81 100 8 7 7» 7»J G W Coll 8 UupRrer, Superfnk, MyDcstiny 79408 Churchill 41 f 65%hvy 33-10 118 3 3 3« 3*1 M Garner 7 IxmisRubenstn, Mr.Pepp. Shark 79299 Churchill 41 f 54%fast 6 118 2 6 7l 8" M Garner 8 CupBrcr. L.Rubstn. BolivarB4 ZITHER, b. g, 2 M 110 By High Time— Eosanne, by Pillo. Trainer, C. E. Patterson. Owner, P. T. Chinn. Breeder, Dr. M. E. Johnston. First start.