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STAKES FOR FAIR GROUNDS List of Fixtures and Dates of Running for Coming Meeting. One S25,000 and Tavo ,000 Added Features Among liie Fine Array of Stellar Attractions. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 14. Joseph McLennan of the Business Mens Racing Association announced today the dates on Avhich the Aaricus stakes of the Fair Grounds meeting will be decided. The list is headed by the New Orleans Handicap, having an added A-alue of 5,000. The complete list of stake offerings for the eleventh annual meeting, conditions and amounts added to each, follows: NEW YEARS HANDICAP. ?."!.000 APDEI. To he rim Thursday. January 3. A handicap for three-year-olds :niil over. Subscription of 0 each to accompany the nomination; starters to pay S2." additional to tlie Aviiiner. Avitli $.".001 added, of which ,003 to second. ?3C0 to third and "0 to fourth. Entries close Thursday, Dee. LCt Christmas day. AVcights, Monday. Dec. 131. at S a. in. AVinners of a race other thnii claiming after the announcement of Aveghts. .! pounds extra. Starters must he named through the entry lox the day preceding the race at the regular time of closing of entries, hut only those which pay the scalo will he liabl? for starting fee. Distance, one mile and n sixteenth. rONTClIAUTRAIN HANDICAP. ,000 ADDED. To be run on Saturday. January 3. A handicap for three-year-olds and over. l!y subscription of eaeli to the winner, with ,000 added, of Avhieh S40O to second. 00 to third and S100 to fourth. Dairies close Saturday. December 27. Weights Thursday. January 3, at 5 p. in. Distance, three-quarters of a mile. A. P.. BADE MEMORIAL HANDICAP. ,000 ADDED. To be run on Saturday. January 31. A handicap for three-year-olds and over. Ky subscription of 0 each to the winner, with ,000 added, of which S400 to second, 00 to third and S100 to fourth. B.itrios close Saturday. January 3. "Weights Thursday, January S, at p. m. Distance, one mile. 1JEX HANDICAP. ,000 ADDED. To be run Saturday, January 17. A handicap for three-year-olds. l!y subscription of 0 each to the winner, with S2.030 i.dded, of which 00 to second. 00 to third and 00 to fourth. Entries close Saturday. January 10. Weights Thursday, January 13, at 0 p. in. Distance, three-quarters of a mile. MOM US HANDICAP. ,000 ADDED. To be run Saturday. January 21. A handicap for three-year-olds and over. I!y subscript ion of 0 eacli to the Avinner. with S2.000 added, of which I S tOO to second, 00 to third and 00 to fourth, j Entries close Saturday. January 3T. Weights;, Thursday, January 22, at 3 p. m. Distance, one i mile and a sixteenth. COMCS HANDICAP, ,000 ADDED To be run Saturday. January 31. A handicap for three-year-olds and over. l!y siibscrintion of 0 each to the winner. Avith S2 000 added, of which 00! to steond. 00 to third and 00 to fourth.- Da-tries closs on Saturday, January 24. Weights Thursday. Janu-sry 29. at 5 p. m. Distance, three-quarters of a mile. NEW ORLEANS HANDICAP. .1.000 ADDED. -To be run Saturday. February : a handicap for three-y ;ar-olds and over. Entrance S2.. to accompany the nomination. ?100 additional each to start. The association to add .1.000. I of Avliieh ,000 to second, ,000 to third and j ,000 to fourth. Entries close Thursday. I January 3.1. 3!2.". Weights. p. in.. Saturday.! January 31. AVinners of S1.000 after the publi-l cation of weights to carry 3 pounds extra. Starters must bo named through the entry box! the day preceding the race at the regular time of the closing of the entries, but only those which pass the scales will be liable for Continued on eighth page. STAKES FOR FAIR GROUNDS Continued from first page. the starting fee. Distance, one mile and one sixteenth. ST. VALEXTLVE HANDICAP, ,000 ADDED To be run Saturday, February 14; a handicap for three-year-olds. By subscription of S10 each to the winner, with S2.000 added, of which 00 to second, 00 to third and 00 to fourth. Entries close Saturday, February 7. AVeights," Thursday, February 12 at 5 p." m. Distance! one. mile. ESPLANADE CLAIMING STAKES, ,000 ADDED. To be run Saturday, February 21; stake for four-year-olds and over. By subscription of 0 each to the winner, with ,000 added, of , which 00 to second, 00 to third and 00 to fourth. Claiming price, 0,000. if for less, two pounds allowed for each ,000 to ,000, .. then three pounds for each S1.000 to ,000 Non-winners of ,000 in 192425 rllowcd three pounds. Entries close Saturday, Fcbruarv 7, starters to be named through the entry bos with claiming price at the usual closings for entries the day before the day. Distance, one mile and a half. MARDI GRAS HANDICAP, ,0C0 ADDED. To be rim Tuesday, February 24. A handicap for three-year-olds and over. By subscription of 0 each to accompany the nomination. Starters to pay 5 additional to the winner, with ,00, added, of which ,C0O to second, to third and 50 to fourth. Entries close Saturday. February 11. Weights Saturday, February 21, at 3 p. m. Winners of a race other than "claimng after the publication of weights, 3 pounds extra. Starters must be named through the entry box the day preceding the race at the regular time of closing of entries, but only those which pass the scaIes will be liable for starting fee. Distance, one mile and three-sixteenths.