untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-03


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T. STEVENS 35 South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, ill. TERMS— 0.00 WEEKLY— TWO HORSE PARLAY DAILY WE RELEASE STRICTLY TWO HOUSES EACH HAY NEVER MOKE THE SAME TWO HORSES RELEASES TO ALL CLIENTS— "0 EXCEPTIONS We advise all clients to play both horses in a WIN PARLAY ONLY. Out of town and city clients receive the same prompt and courteous service. We show no partiality. aW* TO 1 WIN PARLAY TODAY AT BOWIE""""! Todays limit parlay will win easily. Subscribe immediately for these two legitimate information horses. No guesswork. Do not wait for results. Subscribe today. Two winners. Limit odds. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: CLIFF 3.80, Won JACQUES $ 9.10, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: CARE FRKE f 7.80, Won NOAH 0.90, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: SISTER JOSELI.A *2 1.00, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: TURNER $ 7.70, AVon . YOORFLOR 6.60, Won , MONDAY S PARLAY: DR. CARDFNAS .S0, Won FAMINE $ 7.00, Won THE HORSES APPEARING ABOVE ARE HONEST. LEGITIMATE WINNERS Do not wait for results. Subscribe to a legitimate turf information bureau. No disputes; no dissatisfaction, HORSES SENT UPON RECEIPT OF 0 NO WAITING LIST— NO DELAY— NO EXCUSES If in city, call in person from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. If out of town, wire, by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, stating- correct name and address to avoid delay. Address all communications to T. STEVENS. 35 SOUTH DEARBORN, ROOM 7 fe. CHICAGO, ILL. New York Office: 206 Fulton Street J. M. Walker TERMS— 0 ONE WEEKS SERVICE— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY. NEVER MORE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS SERVICE— HONEST, LEGITIMATE ADVERTISING YESTERDAY S PARLAY: CLIFF 8.80, Won TELFRIDE $ 9.10, Won As stated in yesterdays advertisement, A LIMIT WIN PARLAY. Above are the results, just as I Lad predicted. Clients to this service receive the best information obtainable. I spare no expense or time to give my clients what they pay for— LONG SHOT WINNERS. THURSDAYS PARLAY: REFARATION 0.71, Won NOAH 0.90, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: SISTER JOSELLA 1.00, Won WAR IDOL 4.00, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: YOORFLOR «.«0, Won LARDI 1.40, Won TODAY— SATCRDAY— -l WIN PARLAY TODAY Nothing further need be said in regard to the outcome of todays parlay. The people behind this information consider todays results as a foregone conclusion. All subscribers are advised through the medium of this advertisement: PLAY TODAYS PARLAY TO THE EXTREME LUtTT TO WIN. Out of town clients, wire subscription, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address all communications to J. M. WALKER IS Park Row, Room 422 NEW YORK CITY Office Open 9 a. m. to 4 p. ir. MARYLAND RACES D. C. NEWS SERVICE VERMONT BLDG. SUITE 1003 WASHINGTON, D. C. Let us advise you through Maryland meetings. No mystery horses or similar nonsense. The right horse the right day. 5.00 WEEKLY ONE OR TWO HORSES DAILY SUBSCRIBE NOW. TELEGRAPH OR MONEY ORDER ALL WIRES PREPAID WEEKLY. 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS DAILY SPECIALS. OCCASiONALS. A WINNER New Weekly Out And once again get ready for another 00 FREE CODE Bo w 10 — Albany - Fancy - Petard - Hasty - Toil And right here let me tell you that this bird is primed and all set for a winning race. TODAYS Occasional comes from the came source that gave us Thursdays Occasional Noah, 0.90, Won Yec. sir, take this for granted. ITS THE REAL STUFF. Ask your newsdealer for the Master dockers Occasional TODAYS SPECIAL 3rd Race — Bowie We have the O. K. and everything is ready. Jtuk.i right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Daily Master Clocker SI AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Bargain Offer— Both S2 Occasional and SI Sheet sent one week. 0. 440 B. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. GARS WEEKLY TODAYS 0 FREE CODE: *«»-e — Georgia. - Box -flaow- Ocean kin / ~T-r raJ n r v:v/vL,ivJi n TURF WEEKLY lj H I Sold at All Newsstands — 35 Cents Xa£| **™ 1 NEW ISSUE OUT ANOTHER WINNING , 000 FREE CODE GOES TODAY: BOWIE— Italy. Rice -Lead. This hcrse is placed in a spot made to order. All matters connected have been specially taken care of to protect the price. Connections expect this horse to pay -1 or better. "Chief Clocker N. Rogers Bis Special Bowie Edition. Get the new issue. No. 109. "The Countrys Foremcst Turf Weekly." This is a real treat. Go to your r.ewsdealer and get this "wonder bcok weekly" and join the $ winning ranks t. All for the small sum of 35 cents. SOKE OF LAST WEEKS 14997$ WINNERS 14997$: FEHRAH 0.30, Won PARNELL 5.80, Won I HISS LANE 0.00. Won 1EXAS RANGER 3.40. Won SHASTA ROCK 1.60. Won QUERULOUS 1-40, Won OIL LADY 100, Won AND MANY OTHER 14997 WINNERS 14997 NOTICE— PARLAY FREE" — NOTICE SPECIAL EXTRA OPPORTUNITY TODAY BIG 0-1 WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY Big Bowie Harvest Special goes today. The Big Chief Clocker. N. Rogers, has personally handled this proposition. This horse is just as fit as hands can make, and is just ready to win and pay plenty. This horse has been kept in hiding lor the lo lgest time and connections are ready to shoot today. BIG TAMPA SPECIAL TODAY Evorything is prepared for this horse that goes today. The price expected is a hat full. Wire 0 immediately and receive one of the safest parlays that this office has over handled, or call in person and get this special extraordinary parlay. So send all remittances via telegraph. City clients, please call. ROGERS PUBLISHING CO 1672 Broadway, New York City. AUK WMMM .40, Won MINIATOR 50 TIMMARA .30 I were our winners Thursday. One Best. Next Best and a Parlay tv you by overnight mail. for 6 days. TURF EXPERT, Temple Court Bldg.. Chicago, 111. | I Advertise in Daily Racing Form] Parlay Joe "The Shrewdest Turf Mainpulator — Amongst Turfmen for the Past Twenty Years" TERMS— 5.00 Daily— Two Horses Daily— 25.00 Weekly NOTICE — All clients who were on my books last week, must remit the balance of my terms, at per agreement on phone or wire, or your service will be discontinued and renewal of subscription refused. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: Cliff, 3.80, Won NightShade, 0.20, Won "STOP LOSING YOUR GOOD MONEY!" LET ME MAKE YOU A "BIG WINNER"! No doubt you have subscribed to other such, and if you didnt receive a fair and square deal, here is your opportunity. Here is your chance to get even with your bookmaker and win yourself a bankroll. Opportunity knocks once. Grasp it. So rush to Western Union and wire your subscription and you will receive your information a two-horse win parlay by phone or wire, all messages prepaid. I dont have to wait for racing publications or inferior scratch sheets to coma out in order for me to wire my client! their daily two -horse win parlay. Thats the reason I am known on the turf as PARLAY JOE I receive information days in advance of races, and real information. Now, MR. PLAYER, for this week only, I am giving a special feature: BIG SPECIAL FEATURE THIS WEEK ONLY— APRIL 2-9 0.00 FOR TEN DAYS SERVICE— 0.00 TWO HORSES DAILY, and during my special feature week YOU MUST WIN ,000. In other words you must win an average of 00.00 daily for ten days, playing 0.00 daily parlay. After I have shown you a net profit of ix3i,oooa PLAYING 0.00 DAILY FOR TEN DAYS, then I will cxpact you to remit 15.00 One hundred and fifteen dollars, the balance of my weekly terms, or I will positively refuse renewal of subscriptions from those who fail to live up to their obligations. Again I ask you. MR. RACING PUBLIC, to SUBSCRIBE— SUBSCRIBE— SUBSCRIBE, for your subscription must be in my office Saturday. April 3, at 11:30 a. m. in order for me to give you immediate service for Saturdays races. For the benefit of new subscribers, I give below my record for the past seven days: THURSDAY S PARLAY: HOT PEPPER 5.20, Won CARE FREE $ 7.80, Won WEDNESDAYS PARI. AY: NORTHRN STAR, 1.20, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: LITTLE TOKALON. 6.60, Won LARDI 1.40, Won MONDAY S PARLAY: DR. CARDENAS. . .1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won Nothing Released Sunday — Nothing Released Saturday FRIDAY S PARLAY: BROWN TROUT ..6.50, Won FIRE UNDER 1.80, Won If you are interested, rush your subscription of 0.00 for ten days service, by Western Union ot Postal Telegraph, with correct name and address, and promise to fulfill contract. I am in no way connected with any other connection in my line, so dont class me with the others. I have no waiting list. I give you immediate service. Address me: "PARLAY JOE" 151 West Forty-Second Street. Suite 1218. New York, N. Y. Do not be misled by impostors. All city clients, call from 9 a. m. to 3 p. at. YOU ARE INVITED to be among those present when a real treat is served at BOWIE, THURSDAY, APRIL 8 On this day the best thing of the Bowie meeting will be nneovered and should reward the knowing ones by romping home an easy winner at good odds. The horse, which is in the hands of one of the cleverest men on the tnrf, Is ready for the race of his life. He has worked faster in private than anything at the Bowie track this spring, and conld not be asked to meet the best. The Held, which he will be in with, will fnrnish just enongh opposition to make this horse a price but, when it comes to the running, nothing eligible to get In with him, can make him straighten out. The horse has had the most careful and painstaking preparation possible to give a good horse" and the outcome of the race | is as certain as can possibly be predicted. HONEST MEN ONLY are invited to get In on this. Excuse makers, and men whose word Is not as good as their bond, need not apply. This advertisement is intended solely for those who can be implicitly relied npon to keep their word and who wish to do as they are done by. To such men this is the opportunity of a lifetime. If yon will wager ten dollars 0.00 for me, and remit the same to me by telegraph after our horse has won Thursday, you will put yourself in a position to learn just how good Information can be when It comes from the right sources. I expect to have several more during the Bowie meeting like Thursday, and I want to get lu touch with men who will appreciate real turf information and whom I can rely upon to carry out their part of a bargain. If you are one of those kind of men, write or telegraph me at once. Kemember the day, THLKSDAY, APKIL 8, at BOWIE. FRANK F. FOSTER 420 BOND BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. WM. LYONS ROOM 602, FIDELITY BUILDING, 429 6th AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY A DAY ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY ONLY THE OLD TIME SOUTHERNER CLEANED UP AGAIN YESTERDAYS HORSE: CLIFF 3.80, Won THURSDAY S ONE HORSE: NOAH 0.90, Won TODAY TODAY TODAY IS THE DAY WE LOOK FOR A LONG SHOT THAT SHOULD PAY THE LIMIT DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. SEND MONEY W. U. OR POSTAL OR CALL AT NEW YORK OFFICE. You Can Beat the Races Write TODAY for a copy of "How to Pick the Horse That Carries the Cash." It tells you all ahout the game and explains the New Superior Method of Handicapping-, a thirty-two page book, which will show you how to pick winners with surprising regularity. Write for it today. SUPERIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY Munsey Building Washington, D. C. Turf Light Free Code Go to your nearest newsdealer and get a oopy of TURF LIGHT now on sale and decipher the following code. Follow our PICTURE TIPS, ALSO OUR TOP LINE HORSES. Code: Bowie — Honesty Thrse-Four Fifteen -Two ALL STANDS, 15 CENTS, ALL CIXIEa

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040301/drf1926040301_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1926040301_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800