J. E. Widener Stable: Seventy-Five Horses to Carry His Colors Here and Abroad., Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-19


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J. E. WIDENER STABLE I • Seventy-Five Horses to Carry His Colors Here and Abroad. ♦ Great Collection of Racers of all 1 Ages and of Choicest Blood Lines. » , XKW TORE. N". Y.. April ML— -Joseph K. Widener has sent his friends a list of the p horses that will earry his colors in the Inited I States and France during 1926. There are e seventy-five animals in all. of which a round dozen are steepleehasers. Only those familiar with Mr. WUcMr*! racing . activities have any idea of the extent of his operations on the turf, and that he has s such a large number of horses in training | will come as a surprise to the general public. The flat racers in charge of trainer Kecne. -. number :.T. of which eight are three-year-olds, and twenty-eight are two-year-olds. The five-year-old horse Altawood. heads the older r division. The three-year-olds are as follows: Soiialist. by Kwan-Sii Li Mnrsell.ose. Fair Wind, li.v Fair Pla.v ltlair.-cira. federal, lo Trap Bark Federal «;irl Haste, lo Maitit.-iiant Miss Mnlaprup Iaavn. I»j The Finn -llanutesg. Profiteer, liy Wraek Wingold. Mareoita. 1 Plialari-.- Marcarctlial. Kutheiiia. bf l/emlieru- PamarU 11. of the aboe Haste and Fair Wind will be p Mr. Wideners main reliances in the Kentucky - Derby and other spring features. Marg EM I I, and Buthenia are two of the handsomest A fillies in the country and are the quintessence e of Knglish breeding. Margosa. secured at the 0 1 1 niton sale is a singularly beautiful young „ tnare that was prevented from racing in this country through lack of acclimatization. The g public saw Buthenia highly tried and will II accept her as material for the Coaching Club 1, American daks and other races in which she t. is engaged. Idllt MI.IIFS BY MAN O W Alt. f the two-year-olds, thirteen are fillies, * and fifteen are colts. In the former division there are no fewer than four daughters of f Man » War. These are regarded as priceless . by Mr. Widener. who will turn them back Is his Klmendorf Stud, when their days of - racing are over. They are from Iasta. Yokohama. Meddlesome II. and Moneta by 1 Thrush. Santoi. Meddler and Spearmint respectively. Only one of the colts is by the e "wonder horse." and he is black, from Blue e Gram The list in full follows: Fillies. It.- lair, liy Fair Pla.v Itt-lvalc. i iwaatinK, lo Fair lla.v ros .wavs. Fairnes-. lo llimrless Fair lriseilla. la lhva. In Fair lla.v I. a Hwina. I overa. lo Sweeper U llvois. Maeliinc Baa. lo Man n War Mmieta. Mira. I..v Fair Pl.iv Malachite. I l"p, In Man .." War Meddlesome II. I.-rxn-a. liy liuiirli"»« Iteiiie des IViIh Practical, l.y Negnfol Dimwit— II Sale* ln.l- li.v Friar Itock Shop Cirl. War Path, li.v Man .. War Pasta VeMo. lo Man ■ War Yokohama. Colts. Are l.iaht. l .v Archaic -Felicity. P.roadsi.le. I.v Man War Itlue Craaa. Caroler. I.v Sweeper II Joyful. I lian.-e Shot, l.y Fair Pla.v Unelle i iinn.r larifier, liy Sweeper II. tlarabella. Conuond. l.y Negofo! Martha airman. Homage, l.y Negofol Maute Koche K:ev. liy Stefan the ireat Knma. 1-aiMie. liy Fair Play lading. Mafekine, liy Spion Kop ltoyal Pearl. Merry Hour, l.y ll.iiirle-vs Mad llantl Mid Hour, liy Honrless Mexola. Osmond, l.y |MfM II. Ormmi-ia Uuiltliler. l.y Fair Ilay Quelle est Ilell.v K.ival Play, liy Fair Play Koyal Tracing-.. » f the above Chance Shot is a brother to o chance Play, while I addic is a brother to o l.adkin. The late Major Belmont, who bred d both colts, regarded them very highly. They iy were purchased by Mr. Widener along with h the others from the I.elmont estate, following ,-- the death of the late chairman of The lc Jockey Club. The Widen.-r flat horses will be ridden by ,v Rati Sand.- and W. Harvey The jumpers in training in the hands of -,f .1. II. Lewis, and t . be ridden by 1 . Bycts .k an as follows : Saint Pan.-ras. liy Kahelais d.nf.-.-tion Kthcreal l.lue. l.y Wraek The Welkin Lizard, hy l-ir.l II l.i/.tie IX. I.arleyrorn. hy Light Brigade Five Aees. i .iinim.-i.y i.y su.-.p.-r ii laagee !•• hat Ma.i arthv More. i,. laaiala la ialoma Mi bar a. aj Mau. hi ii. Mai iila As-.-ti- bf irouip.- la Marl La BeMpnne. loon/.... bj Uataa* Law Hlak Pa inn .nut li.v Fair Play simflo .v.-r. Aehmet l.y Wraek Kalial. I igia iioti.. by Hanger Bart Laaaata. Those in training in France at Cbantilly v . u her.- Mi Widener has a line establishment l.-iown as Villa des Oh cities, with Jerry Welsh iri chain.- are as follows: Horsot Three Years Old and 0»er. M.iiit de t erK . hy i. ■-., Mae«lria. MXistapha. by Sardauapale |i.-!i vraie •-. Tournament hy .a-, traaaajrf R.-iie- des Pe. lies Troubadour III . by •» ru-a.l.T Haitians Ma* d.- France. I... S-tn- I.- s.., ,, Uelli.-re lliiptirat.-s. lo Sardauapal- l.iy-tt.- 1 Ceil Follel. l.y itallelai- llreplnv *.a|t. hy NiHihus — .allopinK .leiiny Kiag ltnee. l.y Teddy P.-rsi-leiil Mont .Filer.- i.v Ikard II. Mary .l-aii.-. ly .jie I.. Sardanipae |r«»«jMH»re. v . The fitst four are four-year-olds, and the others three. Two Years Old. Andorra, lo Uar.l II It.-arita. Areher. lo Sainourai Portic-ais.- Cisteriii-n. hy Niuil.ll t.-nored Farinetle. l.y l.a Farina Kent. liars de Falaise. hy Chateau l.afite « . ;i . ■■ ■ i r.l- Jrandee. hy .Mean l a ra oiif.-.-tioii Imp . -union-, bf San-- !.• Sou Nell «.-.yn liha iu.-. hj Cjrlsasl m N oie l.a.-t.-e. !,.• fi ataarr bj KUaaa* t w«fcw v.. to- Mile, de Kelle Isle, l.y N.llll.i:, Mile, de Kel. Haver Late, bf Mat ■aacac :et Da Qalekljr. Qanal, i.y Cylpad Qetea. Sum-, lo Verwood Su/.o- Senonta. hy lsar.l II. l.i*ette IX. /.i/.iiu l.y nonunion Zi/.auie II. Th.- .sell Known Ame.ican focfce l-rani; Keogh is the rater for the Prearh aatahliali- incut. Fred Heay, •ajhaJI well known la ti1. lnile i States has a eonfident ial poaitton with Mi iii nets Preneh stable.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041901/drf1926041901_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1926041901_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800