Daily Racing Form Charts: Akron, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-27


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1 - t 0 1 0 1 I 1 C I 0 1 I I 1 - - 1 i 0i 0 " ci 0 a 1 n 1 I ; i. t - i0 if « 0 " ■ . ., d AKRON AKRON. OHIO. MONDAY:* APRIL 26. 1926. Northampton Park 3-4 Mile. Fifth day. Akron Racing Association. Spring meeting at 10 dus. Weather snowing. Presiding Steward. A. G. l eonard. Judges. S. S. Bender. E. C. Knebelkamp. 1*. C. Lalliger and II. J. Kohl. Matter, AY. Harris. Racing Secretary. E. C. Knebelkamp. . Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. in. W indicates whip. S spurs, I". blinkers. Fig- nres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. . — _ fk-t fkfZfi. FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value U1UDO to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0, Index Horses AWtlMSt ; 1. sir Fin ta ki-- Owners Equiv. Rook Strt , 00950 -SALLY JONES w 4 107 2 5 22 2a Is V- A Anrson S H Edwards 410 100 00946- ASSir.S wb 5 112 C 3 3l 3J 32 2J H Callahn Haughton and Moran 220-100 MB14**APRE8 MOI wb 3 98 5 2 P H 21! 3i O Mazouo K p McClain Jr 950-100 PMtt*MY LIDDY w 4 105 1 1 ftok ftnk 4n 4 I Smith AA M Cain 220-100 00975*.!ACOI,KA." ws 8 107 4 6 6i 61 P 5 G Mthews C A Larsons 1.170-100 00771 TOM MICKS w ft 112 9 7 7 7J 73 G1 G Morrow M Sanders 2820-100 00945 LLAK AIR w 3 108 8 8 41 4 5h 73 H Zander Atkins and Limlsav llftOO-100 00924 ■ K.VK A. WARMRw 10 102 7 4 9 8! 8a P| W Rauss-r Sheppant A: Solomon 17*0-100 j 00927*CHOW w S 109 10 9 10 10 10 9 C Kalif M J Daly 7680-100 I 00101 -ACOlCHLA 1 X. wn 10 112 3 10 8" 9" PM L Pngton M J Lacey 2540-100 Time. .25. :52. 1:1025. Track good. certificates earned Sally Jones. 0.20 straight, $.1.20 place, $.1.60 show; Cas.-ius. $:;.! place, .00 show; Apres Mat, .80 show. Equivalent looking— Sally Jones. 4K to 100 straight. MM to 100 plaee. ISO to 100 show; Cassius, 70 to KKI place, 100 to 100 show: Apres Moi. 140 to KM show. AYinner 4h. f, by St. Rock Belle of Ormonde, by Orsini trained by S. II. Edwards; bred bj Mr John E. Madden. AYent to post at 2:31. At post 10 minutes. Start good and slow. AYon easily: second and third driving. BALLY JONES passed AIRKS Moi after rounding the far turn and drew away into an easy lead in the stretch. CASSHS finishi-d resolutely and held second place safe. AIRKS MOI set a good pace, but tired badly near tic end. MY BIDDY, crowded back after the start, raced in close quarters on the inside and finished well. The others were alwajs outpaced. Scratched M 94t; I tali, 107; 00870 Without, 100; i101.1Cottager, 112: 00926 Winnie OWynn, 110; 0097.VSL Augustine, 107. Overweight -Black Air. 3 pounds. Til •■7 SECOND RACE: — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value UAvtl 4 to winner 00: second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlMSt , .. Str Kin Jacaey Owners Eq.nv. Book. Strt I 00924 THE LUSTER w C 107 5 5 P* J Jeffrie* Stewart 250-100 00795-JOS1K M. w 6 10. ;t 4 2J A Lrgrass B Johnson 5X0-100 00822 SyE Mc MASTKRSw ft 112 4 1 3 A Anrson Illinois Stable 1670 100 , 0I0!4*1HN OONAWAY w 4 107 1 2 4J AY R.iusser Mrs A T Cragin 310-100 j 00!;2i I •BETTY MAE if 6 IX 2 :: ft* G McGinis O Tugglo 320 100 00973 VENAL JOY w 9 1111 7 I 64 F Booker J Booker lOO-lOO 1 00924 MIAMI-TON LADY w 4 102 I 7 73 F Eprson A B Jessop 4810-100 00792,CltOW N DEBBY VIM t I 8 H Zander R J Moon- 6220-100 Time. :2bH. :51i. 1:11%. Track good. certificates earned The I Ister. MJ stniight. $; SO lilace, .60 show: Josio M . $.1.00 plaee. . Ml sh..w : Squire McMasters. 10 show. Equivalent looking The I Istcr. SH to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 30 to HM show; Joeie BL, 15© to 101 place. .10 to KKI show: Squire M Masters. 70 to KMI show. Winner B. g. by the Cunagh lsirose. b Isidor trained by J. Stewart: bred aj Mr. John Sanford. AYent to post at 3:08. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driv ng: second and third the same. Race run in bindin snow storm: impossible to distinguish colors. TIIK I I.STKR finished gamely. JOSIK M. was running fast at the end. SUIIRK McMASTKRS finished close up. Scratched 1111014 1 //oona. 110: 0r.l74 1th hard Murray, 104; 000.10 Ruupreserve, 107; 00712 Red 100 0101-1 Blue Bi— a, 112: oor.7:: Daain BaBe, MB. Overweighlv Tea l Joy. 2 j .. |M,utids. f~i Ofi THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purae 00. 3-year-old» and upward. Claiming. Net value VlVtiO to winner 00. second. 0: third, 0. j Index llorss AWtlTSt i, l. str Fin Jo. keys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt I 00974:i:LI/. BROWN w 4 106 5 1 li 1 J 1» 1*1 C Ralls Sunflower Stable- 360-1O0 00066 J. O. BICKBL w 4 Uq 1 2 Bj 2 2 2 H Clemts J K.crier 4ft©-IU 008773,.MOK ON SLTIIw ft 101 2 t 6 ftj ft" 3» O Mazoue B F McClain Jr 440-100 , OlOUKECKIx ER w I i"f ; | k 7a 6- 41 G Mtliows J A PaiaaW U,*-M»0 •0945 ACQUITTED w :. 10:: 6 4 51 4 3* 5- W R»IM .T Kulmer 1M0-M •0774«rnitOK wb 5 104 7 t 1= 3J 4» 61A Plgrass !• W C.etz 2610-100 «00951 »CHll,K w.«b C ION 8 7 4" « ■ * 7= 7 C Healv H K Urn Sfk Fm Sta 551-100 00646"TRAPKX.B w»b 3 1W 4 I 7*S 8 K C. McGlnla Y K Brown 240-0© Time. :25lj. :50V 1:11. Track rood. certificates earned Kliza Itmwn. M straight. BandSO place, 1926.sh.20 show; J. G. Rickel, 20 place. 20 slum ; Move On Seth. 21 chow. Equivalent l.ookiiig Kli/a ltrown. ;; ;ti t„ ion straight. 100 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; J. 0. Bukel. BBS to 100 place. 110 to MS show: Move On Seth. 00 to 100 show. Winner 11. f. by Short Crass— Vena Fair, by Fair Play trained by V. Beehtelheimer: bred l.v Mr. Jus. i h Matron. . Went to post at 3:35. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. KI.17.A KJIOWN set a cood pare throughout and won coins away. J. 0. RICKED raced for-*ardly through the entire race, but was lidden out to retain second place. MOVK ON SETH fin she il with a berated rush and was coins fast at the end. RECEIVER also finished well from a slow begin Biug. AOQCOTBD tired in the final drive. TRAPEZE becan sh,wlv and was never prominent. Overweights- J. O. Bi, kel. 1% BMBbSb; Receiver. 1 i... ; A quitted. 1%; Trapeze. 3. H1 HQ FOURTH HACE— 7-8 MileT Purse SSSS. S-? ear-old* and "upward. Churning. Net value to V J.ffJ€F winner 00: second. 1926.sh: third. 0. Index Horace AWtPP.St % i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Euuiv. Boa*. Str 010I7 SHINDY w 5 114 8 2 31 3 3| l»k H Clemts J J. Paul 410-100 00928, « KK TiiDDl.Rn w 6 107 6 1 |t| || ]i 21 w It ■■Mil Oklahoma Stable 90-100 00754 I.ITT1.K CI. AIR w 5 112 7 4 4» 4 4 B| AV Taylor K ■ Ropers 770-100 00878,HAKRY B. w 9 100 2 6 71 S f. 4s 1 Smith Four Oaks Sfk Fm Sta 780-100 «0K7« BATANA w 9 107 5 E €J 6A 6= BJ A Anrson J S Baldwin 2380-100 00978AlNT I.AlRA w I 100 1 3 2 I* 2J C- C Healy H K Brn Slk Fm Sta 2S40-100 00881 SMART HY w 9 10:: 4 7 E| 9*74 7" O Mazoue 15 F McClain 1600-100 00823 PADLOCK w 4 112 3 9 81 7» - SJ 8h R M.Dott I, Devinson. 3*0-100 00081 Col.. MtIIMOST w IS IK 9 8 9 9 9 9 A lrgrass B Johnson 2470-100 Time. :2S*b. :505. 1:18. 1:32. Track good. certificates earned Shindy. 0.20 straight. $::.S0 plan-. $.:.00 show: Wee Toddler, .00 place. .00 show: Kittle Clair. $."..40 show. Equivalent looking Shindy. 410 to 100 straight. 00 to 100 place. r.O to 100 show: Wee Toddler. 50 to 100 place. BS to KK show: l.itth Clair. 70 to 100 show. Winner--!!, c. by War Call— Mary Sullivan. b Patriot trained by J. K. Paul; bred bv Mss Elizabeth Daincerfield. Went to post at 4:0.1. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won drivinc: second and third the same. SHINDV moved up with a rush in the stretch and outgamed WEE TOODI.KR in the final drive. The laltcr showed the most s|Mcd from t In- start, but tired slightly near the-end. UTTUC C1.A1R was going will at the finish. HARKY I., raced in lose quarters next to the inner rail to the etr.t.h. th.n came on the outside and finished fast. AUNT I.AtRA tired bndlv in the final eichlh. Scratched HKI Quota . 101; 00795-Shamrock Flower. lit; 00074 Beg Pardon, 112: 0101." Bossom House. K7: 0101S Marie Maxim. KM".. Overweight Satana. I1-., pounds. 4ft I AAA IIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value V-i- VW to winner 60: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPISt 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00976.IC;KR w 8 llr. 14 li 2 2= 1= W Booker R C Parks 280-100 010|7-*JIHK w 4 113 :t 1 2 in 1 2- J Jeffries Q F Jenkins S80-100 010I7*1KHRAH W 5 108 7 7 3 J 3 3 1» HCallahn ■ Moran 410-100 00973 .DAI.1.Y w 7 11". I 3 f, 6 4- 4JO Bond J B Key 960-100 00825 Ill .K FOCRTYw S 110 6 4 6» 7 6- 5« F Kprson R Cooper 2S80-100 0087801.1 TOP w I 110 4 2 4nk *h 51 6* I Smith W M Cain 850-100 00977*PRTO M ORO w 5 115 2 I 7 5 7 7 H Clemts A K Gaal 220-100 Time. :24«5. :49«5. lM%, IdttH. Track good. cerlifi.ates earned Jigger. .o straight. .80 place. $:: 40 show; Jibe. .00 place, .40 show: F.hmli. .«:::. H show. lC |uiv:ileni looking Jigger. 280 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Jibe, 300 to 100 place. 220 to 100 show: Fehraii. HO to 100 show. Winner — B. g. b.v The Curragh --Trance, by Ktn Brwft trained bv J. R. Booker; bred by Mr. John Sanfordt. Went to post at 4:."..-.. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. J1G4SU ■UpffJCd through next t; the inner rail on the first turn and. saving ground where pes- 1,1. . outgamed .HUE in the I ina I drive. The latter raced into the lead, but was on the outside of the winner throuch the last half and cave way in the last stride. FEHRAII saved cround on the first turn and held the others safe throughout. KAI.I.Y finished gamely. OLD TOF was eased up in the stretch. IOKTO M OHO was forced extremely wide on the first turn and was eased up when beaten. S. rat. bed 0OC,22»Silk Sox. 110: 00!7S: Donna Santa, US; 00413 ;eo. Dever, 110. Overweight-- l-ally. r. paaaie; Porto de Ore, 5. £-i fl±~t SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. CUmiing7 NetTalne to win-VlvOl ner O0: s-econd. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlTSt ,, ... i4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Book. Strt 00881 "SKA OOUKT «ll 99 2 7 41 ?.i 1 V 1» D Smith Four Oaks Stk Fm Sta 250-100 01018*HP O. T NRTHw 8 105 7 6 6 6i 73 3 2 A M thews J A Parsons 6.0 100 0097«*ARTICI.i; -. wb 7 103 9 2 B 4 2i 2i ?.- Q Mctlinis S Szekeres 660-100 OI020«ll UITV wii I ■ 6 3 21 2 41 61 4 J Jeffries O F Jenkins 190-101 00951 I,A KRo-S w 10 108 10 10 10 8* d» 4H 5 K Pnglon JWPinkham 2740 100 00948 HICK JONES w 5 102 4 9 7» 5 V 7« 61 F Kprson J Barry 310-100 00928*I-ICTH.K ws7 102l 1 311 7ISJ 8 7» W Rausser M J Daly 3010-100 00079 MADAM VIANIK w I 105 I 5 1h P. 2 f.-k 8h H C.li.k B Cuicardo 2010-100 00073* SO IKT w 0 107 5 1 8MO 10 91 9 H CaHahn V C.argiullo 33«O-iO0 00974 DR. lllFP wn 4 111 I S 9= 9 »?10 10 Q Bond A J Allen Jr 1290 -100 Time. :26i. :525. 1:18J5. 1:47. Track good. certificates earmd Sea Court. .00 straight. .40 place, .80 show; narp of the North. .20 place, .20 show: Article X . J-YOO show. Equivalent 1mm, king S a hiiii. 2."mI to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Harp of the North, lit to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Article X.. 150 to Kxt show. Winner R. g. by Sea King l.ady Hillinuton. by Carry Herrmann trained by S. F. Varian: bred by Mr. Ceorge 1. Widcnorl. Went t.. iM.vt at 5:0.".. At iio-t 4 minutes. Start cood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SKA OOOKT t M k the had and drew away while rounding the far turn anil held the ra.-e safe to the end. HASP OK T1IK NORTH ehM*i a gap while rounding the stretch turn and outfinished AKIKl.K X. The latter 111. . v. -d up int.. s ■. ond p!a«-c after going the first half, but tired in the final drive. PlRlTY dropped ba k while rounding the far turn, but came again in the last sixteenth 1 A KIIOSS threatened on the stret.h turn, but tired. Scratched •tS*Hla*Mataa, 101: 00tf73 Search Light III.. 99: 01020 Pete Fov, 99; 00051 My Ijd Sic. KM: 00925 Miss Km. 102. Overweights Harp if the North. 3 pour.d*: La Kross. 4: Fictile, SK; Soviet, 5: Br. Huff. 4. fk-i fiftP SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Prse $«Mr3yeiir-olds ajid upward. Claiming*. VlvU Not value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Hors s AWtlTSt , M % Str Fin Jo. keys owners Equiv. Book. Strt | 00978*CI.oKI. CARR w H 104 1 1 1 3 2- 2- V J Jeffries Q F Jenkins 380-100 i j 0930i*MAK;T CA1 Twi: :: 102 f. 6 6 ■ ". ?.- !! IV Kausser A B Jessop 3 10-100 ! NM*OU BBOADWATw 4 112 2 I V V 1 l" . :;« o McOhlia 11 C Rumage 400-looj 0H20iWISK OUT XV 6 113 4 4 51 41 41 4- 4"H Clhk R Cui«ardo 9.0-100 1 DI017 ITN MAKJB8 ws 4 109 5 5 4 f.l »* 5- 51 C ll.aly H ■ Pi n Sfk Fm Sta lf.10 KKi ■ j I OI018*JIMSO. Vittl :; " "1 :". :"• 6 6 D Smith II Cooper 220-lOdi Time. :25. :515. 1:16. 1:44. 1:48. Track good. certificates earmd « olom I tan. $:• M straight. .00 place, .40 show; Margaret Cant 00] place. 20 Shaw; OM I.ioa.lwa.v. . in show Equivalent h.K.kiiig Colonel Carr. SM to 1 N straight. KM to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Margaret j ! Caut. Tm to 100 place, 10 t.. Mt aWa : Old Broadway. :a to KHi show. Winner 15. g. by Colonel Veiinie Kthel tan. I.j Ranno.khuin itraiu l by Q. F. Jenkins bred bv llr K. Yarwig. Went to | ..st at 5 "4. At iKist 1 minute. Start g.KMl and slow. Won driving: second and third Iht -am.. OI.ONKI. CAI.K moved up with a ruh alter rounding the last turn and passed OLD BltOADWAY midway of the stretch, but was Mai his heal at the end. MARCARET GAUT moved! i up witli a rush next to the inner rail on the tuni for home and was rapidly wearing the winner down. : til. I K.ROADWAY raced into a long early lead, but tired badly in the last eighth. WISE OUT ran an j easy ra.-e. The others were en ed up "1 the stretch when well beaten. Sera t. Led 0I01K Komping I .ml. 104. Overweight -Wise liny. 5 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926042701/drf1926042701_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1926042701_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800