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BULD:NG LINCOLN FIELDS Work on Grandstand, Stables and Track Progressing and Hearing Completion. LATOKIA. Ky.. June 26. Thoaau B. Young, track superintendent at Churchill Downs, and who has been busily eugSCed for some time in assisting Um COuMraCttOB and embellishment of the new I in coin Ficlds track near Chicago, arrived at I.atonia Sat urday morning fr.r a conference with Col. Matt J Winn, general manager of the new track, and will return to Chicago Sunday. Young declares that when fully completed that the plant will he one of the handsomest and most up to date race courses in all Ameri a Mr. Young gave some details concerning the curse. The track proper is a mile and a sixteenth and has two chutes, one at one mile and the other one mile and a half. The latter chute is at the head of the home Stretch, thus affording a straightaway of over a half mile to the finishing line. The track has been completed with the exception of the f» ncing and placing of the furlong posts. The grandstand will have a seating capacity of approximately ten thousand, is Mariag completion ai.d almost ready for the placing of seats. The clubhouse, according to Mr. Young. will li a model one and will combine grace, beauty and utility and no expense is being •spared in its construction. It is set off by a red tiled roof. The flooring will he of Spanish polished tiling. Twcnty-fjur modern barns, each with a capacity of forty-eight stalls, are due to be finished the early part of July. Horsemen who have seen the barns pronounce them to be the best they have ever seen. The ground upon which the plant is being constructed embraces 700 acres of rolling land and is bordered by groves of various kinds f trees. The scene afforded from the grandstand is most pleasing to the eye and the ahsence of factories and belching chimneys makes the place ideal for an afternoons outing.