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South Covington, Ky., Feb. 22, 1927. tv VlJbiJB*! Tne rrty T sold "Carpenter** to brought €JfS BJ5t t- vWB The DO s at t,le track had not seen him ■Zj4and£!Q*jfL2iEnk fvQa.V/BwL. since last trt-iber and the condition of his ■ ..wV J iTv-,syvy " ~R le*?s caused a mild sensation. They are /ySSsSi** "pX almost as clean as the day he was foaled, ffjntg% Sf ffl W/flW%W% right foreleg. He is as limber as a year- WAw •TH£*f ||l|#P* 1ms and trots free and sound. 1™£?£!~7ZZ, ifuyVT." Tht !r f tores sold four bottles of .jt makes horses sound— a -no bia bills— no lost time. , „ -,.,.. ..t. r .i Easily applied; money back if it fails. Ends spavin, Save-The-Horse within an hour after the thoropia. curb. spUnt. sprained tendon, kg or foot* horse arrived on the track. 3S4»S»3 ar ggg — in. „Ti.i- , Save-The-Horse surely does the work SS££nSh9SSftand1i B"*--"*""1*— when properly applied and with a Iitti. . TROY CHEMICAL CO. common sense. •w- ~~ i*lPi».Mp». Blnghawton, H. V. Yours trulv. il d£rfct. if. CHEAPf;ST. hslv. hor~. „o,t ltKd guytt M . ST1 K E, **,***,*»*k»l"*»k»BO»BlBOBOBlol log East -J2nd St.