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REGRENS BIG WINNER TUESDAY: Whisk Arrow, 1.80, Won THE GUIDE EXPERTS SPECIAL ALSO WON MONDAY: Hydromel, .40, Won Short in price, but a winner. Winners count, not also rans. What profit has a player, if he has a lonpshot and it fails to win. There is profit, however, in a horse that wins regardless of the price. The Class Handicap is the CLASS. No words of ours are needed to boost this handicap, the greatest invented since racing began. Its record since its inception bears this out. Monday, at Aurora, it picked three winners. What other handicapper picked three winners? Aurora tests out the selector. The .lass Handicap has stood the test and has picked two or more winners each day at Exposition Park. At Jamaica, it picked three winners. At Pimlico, two. At Churchill Downs, two. Get the habit of the smart players. Buy Daily Racing Guide and compare its selections, especially the results, with other handicappers. The Guide leads them all. Subscribe if you want the "Pink Sheet" regularly and early in the morning. Let Uncle Sam deliver it to your home. .50 per month, by first class mail Daily Racing Guide 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS HARVEY AMES, Inc. EARLE BUILDING, BROADWAY AT 5SND St, NEW YORK, N. Y. WON Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" and, of course, the only horse advised, won easily and paid splendid odds. Needless to say, it takes money and plenty of it to produce a record such as this office has maintained day after day, and YEAR AFTER YEAR. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TODAY Subscription, 00 in advance by telegraph or in person. Todays "Harvey Transaction" will be furnished by a source that has an enviable reputation for winners at long prices. The horse is ready for his best race and he has had a careful preparation. The conditions are also very favorable, and an easy victory at splendid odds is anticipated. Telephones: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593, 5749, 1434, 1435 TWO GRAND SPECIALS AT LOUISVILLE THURSDAY. KAY 12th. and SATURDAY. KAY 14th Stable is betting, and these horse* are ready to win. Direct Track Information I Ion-en that po for the money. Terms: Wire winning!* of ►traijrht bet after you collect. If you are reliable and prove to me so, we will continue to do btiMneKi,. Wire your correct name and address at once. CL0CKER A. HERMAN 926 EAST OAK ST. LOUISVILLE. KY. CL0CKER N. ROGERS TODAYS FREE CODES: PIKLICO— Tolede-Lead -Cement. CHURCHILL DOWMS— Italy -Cement -Sugar. BILLY KELLYS Code Book No. 296 KELLYS CODE FOR WEDNESDAY: AKRON— Fun -4-6-5-18-8 -23-14-22-17-23-4 AURORA— Ted -5-6-4 -14-19-6-23-23 LOUISVILLE— Joe-3-24-4-16-22-8-17-12-26-23 PIMLICO— Rey-1-8-18-13-12 -24 JAMAICA— Rey-6-25-3-4-18-8 A new book with new code published every Thursday. Price, one dollar. Sold by jour dealer or direct from WM. BURKE KELLY 81 EAST 3RD STREET CINCINNATI. frHIO HARLANDS FREE CODES: PIMLICO— Club-12 -4. CHURCHILL DOWNS— King -19-23. 1 ffffffffffffffi THE BELL AZURE WON, PAID .20 Choice Won, Paid .60 for the BULL followers yesterday. Bookmakers are getting leary of our dynamite. Some are refusing to take bets on BELL Specials. You have been reading our ads bow we haTe been winning for our followers. NOW! Bay the BELL today at your newsdealer, or send in your subscription to oar office and get into action winning with the BELL Specials. Only two Specials given daily. The BELL chief is at Churchill Downs race track, spending big money for information to give BELL followers. The chief phones our Chicago office at noon, each day, on this Last Minute Information. MONDAY THE CHIEF OBTAINED LONGCHAMPS $ 9.20, Won for BELL followers, and the BELL was the only one "in the know" on LONGCHAMPS. Last week the BELL obtained information on 12 horses and they all won, proving what real information can do. The following were the horses: All Callao $ 6.80, Won Murzim 4.40, Won Peter Fiz. $ 3.70, Won Royal Pennant. $ 4.80, Won Montferrat .2.50, Won Tattling $ 8.80, Won Lounger $ 5.00, Won Rose Eternal $ 6.70, Won Mark Master $ 5.80, Won Atrenne $ 8.20, Won Pandera $ 4.60, Won Sunny Hours. $ 3.80, Won How long are yon going to wait and read oar big ad as to bow BELL connections are putting winnera over every day. TODAY The chief will again prove what real information will do. His early word to this office is: "Tell all BELL followers to look for two real long shots today. Prices should be better than 5 TO 1 These two should not miss. Your newsdealer sells yon a sheet with entries and code number opposite each horse. You phone him at noon for your Specials. Newsdealers phone number appears on sheet yon buy. We went to all this expense to insure you of Last Minute Information for only daily. SAVE — BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Kail this coupon, with 0, to our office for 6 days service, including our Thursdays 00 Horsemans Special as advertised on the inside of this column last week. Save . Regular rate is 5. This offer today only. CHICAGOANS COKE UP TO OUR OFFICES TODAY 2 Telephone Specials Daily; Price . Sold at All Newsstands THE BELL RANG AGAIN THE BELL 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, SUITE 1102 CHICAGO, ILL. Phones: Randolph 4387 and 4388 u5l MM mm mm mm oSsfl uBs mm mm mm mm mm mm mm WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Two Daily Code Services The Turk World-Famous I. one; Shot Specialist nad Watson -Mock" Watson, well known and successful handicapper. The two are releasing two •pedals each, every day. FREE lo Weekly Racing Guide readers. The Turks Releases for Wednesday: CHURCHILL DO WES: Three - Judge - Lawn, lias a good chance. Watsons Releases for Wednesday: CHURCHILL DOWNS: One-Bit -Pad -Pad-Break. Should beat this* fold. FOR CODE. lltTY ISSUE OF MAY 7 Weekly Racing Guide Worlds Greatest Raring Weekly I So Cents at All Newsstands WEEEXT BOOK— 35 Cents, At All Newsstands. DAILY SPECIALS, :: 0CCASI0HAL8, TODAYS FREE CODE CHURCHILL — Dayton - Petard - Honor-Pinch-LeveL AGAIN WE WON! TESTERDATS ADV. SPECIAL Clover Club, .60, Won To a man, every one of us cleaned up. Did you get it? We told it to you STRONG ENOUGH. MONDAY S ADV. SPECIAL Soiree, .60, Won And we told you the LIMIT. Today Special — 3rd, Churchill Has shown SPEED TO BCKN, and is READY to TOW-ROPE this field. We cot this one EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG, so lets go. For this special, ask for the — Daily Master Clocker At All Newsstands.