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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTHORNCLIFFE THORNCLIFFE PARK TUESDAY MAY 31 WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST Racine starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight saving time 130 130Thorncliffe Thorncliffe Park 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 58 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Jopagan June 5 1920 10014 2 119 119Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind HorsePostPos Wt Roc AWtIIan 13603 Black FriarflWdb 110 102 11 730 13003s Inquisitor 2 Wdb 113 l02sy 112 72 13763 Reigh OlgallWdb 110 103 115 20 13869 OTurk 8 Jam 118 103 lir 7ir 13557 Civility 7 112 710 13766 Lady Septa 5 11270i 13227 Harry Krai 10 11700 13771 Fraulein 3 112G9r 13771 Albert Blanton 4 11 2 090 090Tronipelainc Tronipelainc 1 112 Sergeant Major C 108 Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordLast Last One June 5 1922 111 4 107 12462 Brotherhood 8Sar 110 l14s 5 113 730 13218 Dorchester M 4 Jam 110 l15s 3 103725 13293 Red Light M12 Lrl lir 115 3 101 720 12301 Majuba 7HdJ 110 113 4 109x715 12733 Poor Sport 13CI 109 113 7 111X710 12800 Hot Pepper lOMia 1091113 4 107X705 13653 Ropes End 15 Wdb 108 llCm 3 101 700 12907 First Mate 3HdC 11C 114 5 109K95 12714 Botch 11 Sem 113 112 4 112X 5 51S293 1S293 Olin K 17 Mia 110 113 3 IOC COO 13218 Michael B 18 Jam 120 114 4 107f0 13653 Venizelos 19Dor 110 114 S 111XC90 07541 Lady Essington 1 Thf 101 l17s 4 1091000 03321 Swept 2 HdG 111 115 4 109XCS5 12354 Paulotta 5 Wdb 115 115 3 99CS5 13553 KicksyWicksy C Wdb 117 l21m 9 102XC85 07488 Blue Inn M 9 BB 97 117 3 103 685 13701 Water Baby M M1C 1C HdG IOC llCm 3 97XC85 13188 Starray M 20 Bow IOC 115 3 10CC85 10CC85Little Little Fib 14 3 99 Third Race I Mile and 70 Tards TardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Foaled in inCanada Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordStar Star Jester June 3 1922 143 3 110 137725 Ifs and Ands S llaw 87148 4 IOC 730 13768 Doc Gaiety 7CP 1O5 147 7 110X725 13772 Atwood M 9 4 114 720 13C54 Sphericity 3 3 95X715 12997 Herctrix 4CP 91 145 4 102 710 13818 Royal Pearl 1 CP 100 145 5 109 705 13699 Southern Dawn DawnII II 2 3 103 700 81471 Greybourne 5 9 113 700 13699 Natures Darling DarlingM M C 8 91 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileInferno Inferno Handicap Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Foaled in inCanada Canada CanadaTrack Track record Fair Gain Srpt SI 1922 138 5 110 13819 Attack 4 Wdb 113 142 4 109X735 13819 Cloth Hall 3Wdb 107 142 5 104 730 13604 Gems to Let 2 5 13872 Tricky Take Off 1 FE 91142 5102X720 07586 Tliorndyke C C 103X715 13872 Innkeeper M 5 Wdb 105 l4Csy 3 06 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Mock Orange May 31 1922 145 5 97 ALLETACHE 3 Lrl 107 148 148Fire 4 114 735 Fire Rock 2 FG 105 149 4 116X725 Jeb 7 Lat 99 140 140King 4 112X720 King ONeill II 9 Lrl 112 146 146Solo 6 113X715 Solo 10 Mia 108 148 148Smacker 3 105X710 Smacker C JP 100 147 4 111X705 Graylings Lady 1 Jam 110 149 149North North Breeze 4 Tarn 109 146 146Wormwold 6 113695 Wormwold 5 Hav 104 147 4 117 690 Keydel 8 Mia 111 149 3 110 690 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Tards Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Star Jester June 3 1922 143 3 110 Palatine Lad 1C James Stuart M 14 3 98 725 Sea Lady 7 Dor 99 147 4 103X720 Boyal Flag 2FG 105 149 4 IOC 715 ChefdOeuvre 12 Jam 115 145 145Van Van Patrick 17 Aur 113 147 147Matilda 7 105X705 Matilda B 13 3 99 700 Jim my Brown 11 CP 104 145 145Oriental Oriental Hope 5 Haw 104 147 147Star 5 103 C90 Star Mirth CHdG 102 148 3 93 090 Harp of Prophecy 9 Thf 108 14C Hecate M 1 Wdb 102 149 149Little Little Nipper M 3 3 95G85 Quivero 4 CP 101 148 148Roman G 105 C85 Roman Sandal SandalM M 8 FG 110 152 152Berrilia 3 95 685 Berrilia 10 3 99C85 10402 Owasco 15Dev 105 l54sy 7 105XC85 105XC85Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Tards TardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Star Jester June 3 1922 143 3 110 13183 Clydella 14 5 106 730 13088 War Grail 4 Jam 108 147 3 93X725 13355 Caroline 11TJJ 102 l49s 4 103720 12249 Catesby 1 Hav 96 145 5 105X715 12026 Papoose 9 CI 94 l48s 4 100 710 13650 Play On 8 Jam 113 146 6 106X705 12510 Just 10 Ken 106 145 C 103X700 13650 Parmacheuee Belle 12 FG 102 148 5 106X695 13559 Candymaker 2Bow 105 146 5 100 CUO 13772 Jingle 5 Bow 101 l53h 5 I08XC90 13820 Fornovo C Pirn 108 146 9 105XC90 12734 Tahoma 3 Bow 100 148 3 DO 085 13772 Real Artist 7Hav 102 146 6 105 685 08782 Kings Ransom 13 Mia 106 142 6108685 13518 Grazer M 15Mia 105 147 3 98 085