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WORLD HEROS CONFIDENCE Loses Captain Lindbergh Job as Mutuel Clerk But Saves Him for International Fame I COLLINSVILLE 111 May 30 Cipt j Charles A Lindberghs supreme confidence I to do things and the prospect of missing opportunity to become a perfectly good world herosuch as he now is was a probable near j fact had Shaun Gilmartin in charge of the I Fairmount Jockey Clubs certificate depart I ment given ear to Slims request for work at the opening of the Fairmount Park race I meeting last fall fallLindbergh Lindbergh then in the air mail service had during the summer at the Fairmount Park fair performed astounding flying stunts for the edification of the crowds in attendance at the fair He attracted unusual attention to himself and also made a number of friends friendsIt It suggested itself to one of these friends that with a little assistance Slim might secure a lucerative position in the mutuel department during the fall race meeting Accordingly Captain Lindbergh was given a note to Gilmartin The latter looked the now famous eagle over when he presented himself and asked What can you do doI I can do anything any other man can do was Lindberghs confident rejoinder in mat ¬ ter of fact manner mannerYou You know too much to be employed as a mutuel department clerk said Gilmartin and Lindbergh failed to get a job that possi ¬ bly would have prevented his wonderous epochmaking flight to Paris culminating in his becoming a world wonder and a hero heroGilmartin Gilmartin commenting on the incident this morning said I did not believe Lindbergh when he emphatically made the assertion that he could do anything any man could do I believe him now without reservation I am also glad that I turned him down for a job Just think had he become a mutuel clerk and missed his chance at the Paris flight what a colossal tragedy that would have been