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Post Position and Workout Index Washington Park Below will be found the index to the pre ¬ vious workouts of the horses entered in the various races at AVushington Park together with their post positions for Wednesday FIRST RACE 34 Mile MilePP PP Ind Horse PP Ind Hors 1 168 The Hangman 10 Lieutenant Beth 2 140 Step In 11 142 Foxy Jule 3 132 Peter L 12 Jodick 4 157 Frank Andrews 13 134 Rionda 5 47 Onup 14 14G 77 Fifteen Sixty G 142 Forehead 15 36 Hawk Song 7 141 Annie Coughlin 16 Sphere 8 146 Maschera 17 125 Tobie 9 154 Mayor OKeefe SECOND RACE 58 Mile 1 123 Pandect 10 122 Rocker 2 157 Cross Play 11 Pug 3 154 Rumpelstiltakin 12 158 Vowed Veng 4 156 Eighteen Sixty 13 157 Mintwiki 5 142 Divct 14 157 Joe Adams 6 116 Fair Lark 15 145 Texas 7 Finnisterre 16 158 Madam Emeli 8 154 Kischef Macher 17 True Gal 9 126 Billy McCarney McCarneyTHIRD THIRD RACE 78 Mile out of chute 1 132 Boom 3 145 Dixie Smith 2 157 Hec 4 146 Ball Gee Rocky Lane 11 149 Ptni Roma 6 134 Swoop 12 148 Coucr de Lion 7 156 Teton 13 126 Chnk 8 157 Kyrock 14 90 Rsd Harvey 9 145 Spasdometer 15 King Tut 10 141 Mike McLuke McLukeFOURTH FOURTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute 1 1S2 Cogwheel 4 152 Token 2 153 Cartoon 5 146 George De Mar 3 147 Hopeless 6 143 Golden Mac MacFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles 1 147 Magic Wand 5 157 Arabian 2 116 Devon 6 132 Flajship 3 146 Smiling Gus 7 155 Iron Mask H 4 Bantoa BantoaSIXTH SIXTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute 1 63 Highland Chief 6 153 Olympic 2 156 Huey 7 146 My Destiny 3 154 Foretold 8 154 Myrtle Belle i 84 Foroland 9 158 Riot 5 136 Tippenir 10 128 Joe Junior JuniorSEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute 1 91 Leisch 7 132 Be Yourself 2 132 Applecross 8 158 Treasurer 3 86 Snow Man 9 1 Dolly Eay 4 137 The Roll Call 10 146 Scampaway 5 116 Adventuress 11 136 Whats tho Tima 6 158 Golden Sight