Whos Who At The Kentucky Derby, Daily Racing Form, 1933-05-06


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| WHOS WHO AT THE ! | KENTUCKY DERBY i With the horses ready for tomorrows fifty-ninth Kentucky Derby, present or on the way to see the race at one mile and one- : quarter of Americas greatest event, are statesmen, sportsmen, leaders in industry and finance, stage and screen stars and I notables from many other fields. j From Washington Postmaster-General : James A. Farley, who will present the Amer- ican turf gold trophy to the owner of the j winning three-year-old, and a large party are j en route. Lieut.-Gov. A. B. Chandler of Kentucky and Mrs. Chandler, Allie W. Young and Mrs. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Conner will be hosts to the distinguished party of nationally prominent Democrats. Guests will include Senator Floyd Byrd, Virginia; Forbes T. Morgan, New York seand-retary of the national finance committee; Frank Walker, Montana, treasurer of the national committee; Barnard Baruch, New York; Robert Gore, New York, governor-elect of Porto Rcio; Stillman Evans, Texas, assistant postmaster-general; Representative! John McDuffy, Alabama; Robert Jackson, I Boston; Representative Samuel Rayburn, Texas; R. W. Morrison, Texas; Col. Arthur Brian, Washington; Ben Johnson, Kentucky, and chairman of the State Highway Commission; State Auditor J. D. Talbott and Mrs. Talbott; Col. Joe Hatfield, New York; Miss H. Gense and Mrs. Cecil Bayless of Louisville, and Sheridan Talbott, consul to Prague ; and brother of State Auditor Talbott. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was listed as a I guest of Mrs. Hugh C. Wallace, wife of the I j former ambassador to France. They are I arriving Saturday morning with Ben S. Minor. Harry Woodring, assistant secretary of war, also is expected among the many capital visitors. Governor Henry F. Horner, Illinois, will head the notables from that state. Mrs. Julius Walsh of New York will have as her guests Mrs. Charles J. Correll, wife of "Andy" of the famous "Amos and Andy" radio team; also John Charles Thomas, operatic star and Mrs. Thomas. Utilities leaders invited by T. B. Wilson, president of the Louisville Gas and Electric Company, include A. W. Robertson, chairman of the board of Westinghouse Electric company; W. R. Phillips, head of the Philadelphia company; I. Lamont Hughes president of the Carnegie Steel company, and Frank A. Merrick, president of the Westinghouse Company. Among private coaches for which space has been set aside are those of Joseph E. Widener of Philadelphia; Mrs. I. D. Sloane, New York; Jerome Louchheim, Philadelphia; Mrs. Payne Whitney, New York; Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, New York; F. Eugene Henry, Boston; L. F. Rains. Pittsburgh; Alex A. Hagner, Washington, W. J. McCormack, New York, and others. H. L. Peebles, West Virginia capitalist, will have more than a score in his Derby party arriving tomorrow from Charleston. Others here or coming include Thomas J. Pendergast, Kansas City political leader and turf patron; Patrick A. Nash, Chicago, Democratic chairman of Cook county and owner of Shandon Farm, and his brother, Richard J. Nash; George Burke, president of the Standard Oil company and an ardent racing devotee; J. K. Hughes, Texas oil operator: A. A. Firestone, Akron tire manufacturer; John F. Curry, Tammany leader of New York; Ralph Hitz, directing head of a string of hotels; E. H. Stuart, Milwaukee; Herbert M. Woolf, Kansas City; Brinkley Snowden, Memphis; T. W. Tutwiier, Birmingham; Jack Russell, Cincinnati; Stuyvesant Peabody, Chicago; J. P. Schank, Jr., Chicago, and C. R. King, Chicago.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933050601/drf1933050601_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1933050601_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800