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MEISSEN STAR IN PERU BOUGHTBYATJERGENS BOUGHTBYATJERGENSHollywood Hollywood Park Director High on Outlander Who Won Fifteen Engagements in South America AmericaINGLEWOOD INGLEWOOD Calif May 15 A T Jer gcns wealthy Long Beach oil man and a director in the Hollywood Turf Club has just returned from an air tour of South America and brought with him news that he acquired a horse the first thoroughbred he has ever owned which he believes will hold his own with the best handicap performers in the country The horse is Meissen a six yearold bred in Argentina who however did all of his racing in Peru PeruMeissen Meissen whose Peruvian record shows fif ¬ teen victories one of them a dead heat in nineteen starts is to be shipped from Callao aboard the steamship Vinland on Friday and is expected at San Diego about Jfifteen days later From San Diego the horse is to be transferred to Rancho San Luis Rey and after he loses his sea legs will be sent here to Hollywood and placed back in train ¬ ing ingMeissen Meissen a son of Adams Apple and Delftt and only a fiveyearold by South American standards compiled a most remarkable rec ¬ ord in Peru and it was only after consider ¬ able negotiation that Jergens was able to acquire the horse from Anibal Perez Velez breeder of the star starUpon Upon completion of the transaction con ¬ summated by cable only a few days ago Jergens nominated Meissen for the Holly wodo Gold Cup and said he also will make him eligible for other Hollywood features including the Sunset and American handi ¬ caps capsRACING RACING RECORD RECORDIn In his twoyearold season Meissen did not face the starter but a compilation of his record shows he accounted for six of seven engagements the following year and was third in the other start He won at distances from six and a half furlongs to a mile and seveneighths and shouldered weights from 114 to 128 pounds In his final race as a threeyearold Meissen won the Clasico Presidente at Lima a race in which he de ¬ feated older horses at a mile and seven fur ¬ longs longsAs As a fouryearold the Jergens acquisition literally ran himself out of competition for in two of his races only one horse opposed him and in another he had a walkover Dur ¬ ing this campaign he set two Lima records while winning nine of twelve races In cap ¬ turing the Presidente Handicap under 134 pounds he fixed a mark of 202 while in winning the Independencia under 136 pounds he set a record of 229 for a mile and a half In two other contests he was only narrowly beaten in track record time timeMeissens Meissens record shows he has never fin ¬ ished worse than third for besides winning fifteen of his nineteen races he was second twice and third on the other two occasions occasionsThat That Jergens was able to obtain the horse was more of a sporting gesture on the part of his former owner than a commercial transaction for Velez was persuaded that Meissen having conquered practically every top horse in the Peruvian Republic should be given further opportunity to prove his quality in this country countryMeissen Meissen will be accompanied to this coun ¬ try by Jesus Torres his groom and trainer who will look after the horses further prep ¬ aration at Hollywood Park