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Shut Out Tops Metropolitan LineUp Bradley Disposes of Hialeah Holdings Eastern Interests Buy All His Stock StockJos Jos P Kennedy Represents Group in Deal Kentuckian Reducing Racing Operations OperationsLEXINGTON LEXINGTON Ky May 14 In an un ¬ expected transaction consummated 10 days ago Col Edward R Bradley nationally known turfman and philanthropist dis ¬ posed of all of his extensive holdings in the Miami Jockey Club operators of the famous Hialeah Park race course near Miami Fla The stock amounting to 9613 shares of common and 200 shares of pre ¬ ferred was acquired by eastern interests represented by Joseph P Kennedy former United States ambassador to England Colo ¬ nel Bradley stated Kennedy is a resident of Boston Mass The amount of money involved in the deal was not disclosed disclosedIn In confirming a report of the sale which had been current in racing circles for sev ¬ eral days Colonel Bradley said My age and health will not permit me to continue some of the more active of my business interests and finding a buyer I decided to dispose of my holdings in Hialeah Park The popular octogenarian who will be 84 in December added that Since I have agreed to curtail my turf activities through the medium of the thoroughbred horse which I so deeply love it was not too dif ¬ ficult to give up the Hialeah stock stockBecame Became Interested in Track in 1929 1929In In the past few years Colonel Bradley has substantially reduced the size of his racing operations as an owner and a sim ¬ ilar reduction Has been carried out at his palatial Idle Hour Farm where he breeds and raises all of the horses he races Up untU two years ago Colonel Bradley main ¬ tained two large stables Since that time he has operated but one stable and that much smaller than the larger unit when his horses campaigned in two divisions divisionsWith With Joseph E Widener J H Carstairs Maj B H Warburton and several others Colonel Bradley became financially inter ¬ ested in the Florida racing property back in 1929 At that time according to Colonel Bradley he owned 40 per cent of the stock or just 10 per cent less than Widener The preferred stock involved in the transaction just closed is said to represent half the outstanding stock of that class classColonel Colonel Bradley Widener and their as ¬ sociates in the Miami Jockey Club elevated Hialeah Park racing to such a high level it compared with the finest to be found anywhere in the world The track is one of the show places of the country Hialeah Park was founded by Joseph M Smoot and andContinued Continued on Page Twenty Eight Bradley Sells AH of His Holdings in Hialeah Park ParkJoseph Joseph P Kennedy Represents Eastern Interests in Deal DealContinued Continued from Paae One Onethe the first racing was conducted there in 1925 After being acquired by Colonel Bradley Widener and the several minor stockholders connected with them the plant and grounds were extensively im ¬ proved and beautified beautifiedColonel Colonel Bradley whose decision to cur ¬ tail racing interests on the advice of his doctors will be deeply regretted by his le ¬ gion of friends throughout turfdom has been connected with the sport for 45 years His racing silks are famous the country over and have been carried to victory in practically every important stake He has won the Kentucky Derby four times an accomplishment to the credit of no other Individual His successful colorbearer in the noted Kentucky classic were Behave Your ¬ self 1921 Bubbling Over 1926 Burgoo King 1932 and Brokers Tip 1933 1933His His Idle Hour Farm near this city com ¬ prises almost 1300 acres and among the sires standing there are Blue Larkspur one of the greatest to carry his white and green colors Bimelech Balladier and Black Servant