Beulah Park Summary, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-15


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Beulah Park Summary Friday May 14 1943 1943UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH TRACK SLOW SLOWFIRST FIRST RACE 34 MILE 3 and 4yearolds Maidens Claiming Chambray 111 Knisley 520 300 220 Madam X Ill Robertson 340 260 260Watch Watch Hill 116 Barber 300 300Time Time 115 Off at 238 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Mowlces Lad Princess Dot Jack Stutz Nettie Bold Jacks Lady LadySECOND SECOND RACE 34 MILE 3 and 4yearolds Maidens Claiming Mintack 116 Barber 900 540 220 220Max Max Grecnock 116 Dobson 380 220 220Lady Lady Be Kcene 103 McCen 220 220Time Time 115 Off at 306J Eastern Standard Time Also ran Bolhard Playdale Jr Princess Rug Star Raider RaiderDaily Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 2880 2880THIRD THIRD RACE 34 MILE MILE4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Bachelor I Go 112 Dobson 1120 520 460 Queen Islam 109 Knisley 1480 660 660Dcncb Dcncb 107 Gonzalez 880 880Time Time 114 Off at 333 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Vote Boy Tweedledum Masked Plane Seaway Wellesley Rosevo Chuckler ChucklerFOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Anna Covell 115 Robson 1500 540 240 Spectator 117 Bletzacker 380 320 320Golden Golden Rapier 112 Dobson 240 240Time Time 113 Off at 400 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Fast Work Ghost Hunt Socratic SocraticFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 116 MILES MILES4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Blue Orchid 113 Chinn 640 420 440 UlticviHe 110 Knisley 1020 540 540Song Song Master 115 Pantone 620 620Time Time 148 Off at 424J Eastern Standd Time Also ran Mad Count War Joe Big Bluff Love Quest SIXTH RACE 34 MILE MILE4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Bamboo Broom 110 McCn 700 360 260 Irish Abbie 113 Chinn 500 280 280Sis Sis Wagner 105 Wood 400 400Time Time 113 Off at 450J Eastern Standard Time Also ran Grandiose Gentle Savage Distract CountyClcrk Emancipator EmancipatorFor For late summaries see tomorrows issue

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Local Identifier: drf1943051501_27_4
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