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Nine Fleet Juveniles Meet in Joliet Peter Pan Roseben at Belmont Today Slide Rule Named For Both Stakes StakesWith With Regards and Doublrab Face MarKell in Sprint Bankrupt in Route Event EventELMONT ELMONT L I N Y May 28 Belmont Parks semifinal Saturday program is headlined by renewals of two of its pre ¬ tentious roster of 19 stakes annuals the 7500 Peter Pan for threeyearolds at a mile and a furlong and the Roseben a spin of six furlongs down the Widener chute for threeyearolds and upward that is enriched with 5000 by the Westchester Racing Association AssociationEach Each is under handicap conditions and contains prospects of an entertaining con ¬ test In the Peter Pan W E Boeings classy Slide Rule escapes the ominous shadow of Count Fleet and will be the pub ¬ lic reference despite top weight of 120 pounds if he accepts This however is a question that rather confuses forecasts of the threeyearold stake for Snarks hard ¬ hitting son also is named for the Roseben in which he carries less weight but en counters more formidable opposition oppositionThe The others of the field in the Peter Pan are about alike in handicapper Campbells estimation and are Slide Rules running mate Twoses Townsend B Martins Bank ¬ rupt Greentrees Famous Victory W L Branns Vincentive Foxcatchers Super mont King Ranchs Eye for Eye Boone Halls Princequillo and Glen Riddles Strategic The weights on this group range from 114 apiece on Bankrupt and Famous Victory to 100 on Strategic It is clear they represent an aggregate of fairly even mod ¬ erate quality qualityName Name Horses in Roseben RosebenThere There are more name horses in the Roseben less valuable of the two half hol ¬ iday stakes The field of 10 filed with the racing secretary for this sprint begins with the 1942 champion of the division Doubl ¬ rab and the good stakes winner With Re ¬ gards under 124 pounds each In addition there are Calumets MarKell who recently and rather astonishingly enhanced her re ¬ pute at the direct expense of no less a mare than is Vagrancy Also the erstwhile Belmont Futurity winner Some Chance and those familiar speedsters Mettlesome Salto Omission Wait a Bit and Doublrabs stablemate Kingfisher KingfisherThe The Peter Pan would net its winner a Continued on Page Two Renew Two Stakes At Belmont Today TodayPeter Peter Pan and Roseben Will Bring Out Classy Fields of Route and Sprint Racers RacersContinued Continued from Page One Onetidy tidy 7125 were all the nine named to face starter Cassidy for the fourth edition of this monument to the James R Keene champion Under the same circumstances which of course is impossible in view of Slide Rules entry in both stakes the Rose ¬ ben would have a net worth of 5325 to the victor The Roseben by the way presents an academic angle of some interest in the at ¬ tempt of Some Chance to become the first twotime winner of this stake he having captured the lions share of the purse last spring springProbably Probably Doublrab and Kingfisher will be the public preferences in tote specula ¬ tion about the Roseben while Slide Rule appears assured the same distinction in the Peter Pan if trainer Cecil Wilhelm elects to start him for that engagement engagementThe The brace of Saturday stakes are sur ¬ rounded by a thoroughly high grade pro ¬ gram of the usual half dozen other offer ¬ ings Five of the races are at distances of a mile or beyond Actually only one of these the mile and a half of the Captain Hook Handicap which has 3500 added and is to be offered as the nightcap will be started before the stands standsShut Shut Out Market Wise Work Out OutThe The weekend presentation appears somehow anticlimactic by contrast tb Mon ¬ days Memorial Day bill for war relief with its renewal of the famed 30000 Suburban Handicap HandicapSeveral Several of the Suburban probables were in the limelight this morning That val ¬ uable new recruit to American racing Wil ¬ liam Helis acquired Attention at auction for a flattering 55000 Such other aspir ¬ ants as Greentrees Shut Out and Louis Tufanos Market Wise put in final distance trials in anticipation of the holiday stake stakeWorking Working on Belmonts main track the 1942 champion moneywinner moved along lackadaisically a mile and a quarter in 28 41 54 108 122 135 148 201 and 214 It was not a very impressive move from a time standpoint but should prove useful usefulMarket Market Wise was breezed a mile and a furlong at Jamaica in 27 53 121 149 and 203