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Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances PerformancesPosition Position in ORDER OF FINISH Wl WlS S Race and WEIGHT CARRIED CARRIEDM M Lengths Be If finish shows horse won wonc c re l hind Win third and fourth horses are i 0 H S ning Horse I u ° g If second first third an g 5 3 g t g Q o u JF 5 horses are shown K S Z o ° 3 iE 5 js K SKM If third first second and fourthJg 55 S ° I Sgll 5 2 g oS horses are shown ja S c g 5s a in S 35 CgK Q If unplaced first second and third X H Q H U D S J U S S 42 i HU w horses are shown Jaa29435FG 34112gd 215 4113 4 2 P4 124 ZufeltF7 Allw 88 Moretto 113Tweedy H6NavyCross 7 7NOTE NOTE Speed ratings not given at tracks of less than one mile