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Thursdays Lgte DETROIT Charts ChartsFIFTH FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 A 1 1Winners Winners since March 1 2 Ibs extra for each race won at a claim May 2743 Det mg price over 1000 Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 850 second 175 third 100 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40590FIDDLERS BIT w 104 7 2 31 21 23 13 DrennanD Mrs E H Augustus 2540 254041089THE 41089THE GIGGLER will 61 12J I3 I1 2 RobcrtsH Mrs H P Bonncr 550 550410882BLACK 410882BLACK SKIMMER will 14 4 4 32 3G CaffarellaM J H Rouse 200 41088 AZIZI WB 109 25 2i 3i 4 4 BrcnnanJ R A Connell 560 56041088HONEST 41088HONEST PAL w 109 3 7 52 52 51 5 FlammC J C Ellis 4200 41093 LAZY TONGS WB 116 5 3 7 6 7 6h AdamsJ Mrs E H Beezley 230 230395282RONNETTE 395282RONNETTE wB109 46 6J 7 6 7 StrangeB H N Isenberg 640 640Time Time 24 48 114 Track slow 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1IJ IJ in FIDDLERS BIT 5280 1960 540 2540 880 170 170YiUtuei YiUtuei rnces THE GIGGLER 620 320 210 eo I eoI BLACK SKIMMER 240 20 20Winner Winner Ch f by Gallant Knight or Strolling Player Miss Hoptown by St Henry trained by H Trotsek bred by Mr J D Griffing Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 638J OFF AT 638 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same FIDDLERS BIT well placed and saving ground to the stretch came through on the inside for the drive and responding to good urging disposed of THE GIGGLER in the last sixteenth The latter went to the front at once set the pace iriider good handling to the last eighth and continued gamely butwas unable to withstand the winner BLACK SKIMMER never far back came determinedly when roused for the stretch run but could not get to the leaders AZIZI tired after racing fonvardly placed in the first half HONEST PAL was never dangerous LAZY TONGS knocked back after the start failed to recover RONNETTE was always far back backCorrected Corrected weight Lazy Tongs 116 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 Claiming 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price May 2743 Det 2600 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 150 to 2150 Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 3990PPATRIOT WB 4 114 1 1 I1 I2 I2 lai KeiperP Darby Dan Farm 200 38942 MISS DAUNT wu5107 65 53 53 4i 2 RobcrtsP Mrs H P Bonncr 600 600402452ABRUPT 402452ABRUPT ws4118 43 4 4 2h 3k CaffarellaM A Hirschberg 350 35038764JPETE 38764JPETE JR w5112 22 3 3 3 42 ClarkS C C Boshamer 1810 40315 COWLAN wu3105 34 21 2h 52 5h Lay ton H Grand Stable 880 880398482GRANO 398482GRANO SALTIS WB5108 56 6666 DrennanD K Marlcy 260 260Time Time 24 48 114 Track good goodr r 12 Mutuels Paid Odds to1 s si i t I n PATRIOt T 600 340 260 200 70 30 30YlUtUel YlUtUel rriCeS MISS DAUNT 5SO 400 190 100 100V V ABRUPT 280 40 40Winner Winner Ch c by Blenheim II Malvina B by Sir John Johnson trained by J Long bred by Mr R A Fairbairn Winner entered to be claimed for 2300 2300WENT WENT TO POST 707 OFF AT 707 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving PATRIOT went to the front at once established a clear lead before reaching the stretch and retained his advantage to the finish without need of urging MISS DAUNT never far back and saving ground to the final quarter came to the inside for the drive and closed resolutely under punishment ABRUPT on the outside throughout went wide entering the stretch and could not threaten the leaders when called upon PETE JR faltered after racing forwardly to the last eighth COWLAN forced the pace to the stretch and then gave way GRANO SALTIS began slowly and was outrun throughout throughoutOverweight Overweight Cowlan 2 pounds poundsClaimed Claimed Patriot by Mrs E H Beezley for 2300 SEVENTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 3 A 1 7 9 7 HI Antoine Purse Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 109 Ibs older 119 Ibs Nonwinners of a May 2743 Det race at a claiming price ovef 2600 since May 21 allowed 3 Ibs IbsClaiming Claiming price 3400 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 150 to 2650 Net valueto winner 1400 second 350 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt H0943BRIGHT ARC wo5112 41 H l 1 lnk PariseS T D Buhl 350 350W647 W647 ONE TIP wu5114 36 51 5 4h 2h MilliganP Miss J Eckman 800 800U094 U094 BRASS KING w3109 6 2 4241i3 133 KnottK Bomar Stable 770 40092 MAEJAMES WB 3106 13 2h 32 2 4h CalvertM J L Taussig 310 59951 VALDINA ETERNOwn 5 116 2 5 6 6 6 53 LasswellH J K Houssels 1920 56773 MYSTERY MARVELw 5 111 5 4 33 2 5ls 6 AdamsJ Mrs G C White 160 160Time Time 23 48 114 Track good S2 Mutuels Paid x Odds to 1 x 11 in BRIGHT ARC 900 460 340 350 130 70 Mutuel rncesj 90I ONETIP 5so aao 190 90 I BRASS KING 460 130 130Winner Winner B g by Happy Argo Bright Colors by Bright Knight trained by A G Wilson bred by Carv T Grayson estate Winner entered to be claimed for 31CO 31COWENT WENT TO POST 738j OFF AT 739 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BRIGHT ARC well ridden went to the front at once shook off the bids of MAEJAMES and MYSTERY MARVEL in the first half mile and then withstood ONE TIP The latter slow to begin and outrun to the stretch closed with a rush giving a sharp effort BRASS KING saved ground for threeeighths went to the inside for the drive and finished resolutely under punishment MAEJAMES a forward factor to the final eighth tired nearing the finish VALDINA ETERNO was never dangerous MYSTERY MARVEL on the outside and showing good speed to the final quarter tired badly during the stretch run runOverweight Overweight Brass King 3 pounds EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Myrtlewood Aug 22 1936 143 4 122 122A A o Q o Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 4 I 7 O 1943 il7 Ibs veight Claiming price 1250 1250May May 2743 Det Net vaue to wmner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 407052MAGNETISM wn6117 3 1 2i 2l 2J 21 1i SouthG E A Bischoff 200 40332 DETROIT BULL vn8117 5 4 1J 1i l 1J 23 EnsorL Bomar Stable 250 250411462AMBO 411462AMBO WB 5 112 22 42 44 33 3 3k K iperP J M Grieve 370 25456 TEDDER w 6 117 4 5 5s 56 4 4 4 AdamsJ Miss M Woolwine 350 38944 MAE H wu4112 136 6 6 52 56 Roberts Mrs H P Bonner 1880 41145 MASKED DUKE wu4117 6 6 32 32 55 6 6 StrangcB G W Morrison 35SO 35SOTime Time 25 50 116 142 149 Track good goodr r 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 1MAGNETISM MAGNETISM 600 340 240 200 70 20 DETROIT BULL 380 240 90 20 20AMBO AMBO 260 30 30Winner Winner Br g by Sunpatic Mint Craig by Mint Briar trained by C C Norman bred by Mrs J L Witz Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 812J OFF AT 812 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MAGNETISM in hand while fol ¬ lowing closest to DETROIT BULL to the stretch came gamely when roused during the drive and after dis ¬ posing of the latter drew clear in spite of bearing out DETROIT BULL went to the front early saved ground while making the pace to the final quarter but was hot good enough for the winner AMBO restrained to the stretch could not better her position when hard urged TEDDER did not menace and had no mishaps MAE H was never dangerous MASKED DUKE was done after half a mile Scratched 41092 Xenomay 112