1st Aqu, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-07

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X Good Mud Runner Fair Mud Runner 0 Superior Mud Runner Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position 58 MILE Kinff Cole June 21 1940 59Vr 2 117 Purse 1st Aqu 51500 2yearolds Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Winners of two races since April 7 3 Ibs extra two races since May 8 6 Ibs extra Nonwinners of two races allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 52500 52500Best Best time made at distance of race Chart Book Todays TodaysIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 414712 Docdonough Apr43 Jam I0l7s 116 111 414713 u S Saiutc M Apr43 Jam 103 116 111 417562 Tennessee Maid 108 41471 Got There Apr43 Jam 102 115 103 Chart Book Todays TodaysIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 41267 Blue Sash X103 412672 Dauntless GaiMApr43 Jam 102 115 108 40192 High North May43 Jam 102 103X108 Dordonouah CrumpUULUUMUUgil 111 Ch 9 2 by De Valera Day Nurse bx Ed Crump UULUUMUUgil Breederf c T chenery 1943 4120 1575 1575Owner Owner C T Chenery Trainer T M Waller S2500 S2500Maj31431Bel Maj31431Bel 58vc 59ft 2710 116 4 3 3 2 SchmidIA 3000 77 BrMrine lieUSSartelieGotTle 7 May 7431Jam 58 l01ft 6 116 3 2 21 2 2 SchmidlAS 2500 76 Sirlctto lOSMagicHeels 113Renravv 9 Apr3043iJam 58101ft 14 116 1 1 1 I2 SchmidlAi 1500 78 JackDove 116Dandy Jimll6Resale 7 Apc21431Jam 58 l01sy 32 115 5 7 9i3 7 GilbertJ 1750 63 RobcrtTlllChevalet lOSPlreHour 11 May 28 Bel 12 ft 53Vfch May 25 Bel 38 ft 41h May 19 Bel 58 sy l06h l06hII II U GrierU J JUIUie snliiff MV 11 1 ch c 2 by Hairan Griette by John P Grier VYl Breederf Threlkeld Jones 1943 3011 450 450Owner Owner Mrs K Mitfer Trainer K Miller S2500 S2500May3143iBcI May3143iBcI 58wc 59ft 8 116 6 6 53 34i WielderE1 3000 76 BrMrine 116Docdgh 116GotThre 7 7May27435Bcl May27435Bcl 58vc l01m 16 112 3 4 43i 37t WlderE3 Alhv 64 Lyonstn 116Shaokinll6IndnQust 5 5fPIaccd fPIaccd second through disqualification disqualificationApe Ape 8431Jam 58 l01 ft 53 116 10 11 11 10i DivitoN Mdn 69 Faiseur 116Surrogate 116QueHora 12 May 25 Bel 12 ft 49h May 21 Bel 12 si 507sh May 18 Bel 12 ft 50h 50hTpnnpccpp Tpnnpccpp lennessee Axensteinlennessee mam Mnirl 1 flft B 2f by Cohort Tulane Maid by Axenstein IUO Breeder Horace N Davis 1943 13 1 2 3 1275 1275Owner Owner Mrs H A Clark Trainer M Jolley S2500 S2500Jua Jua 4431Bel 58vc 100 ft 7 113 4 2 I2 2 BrooksS2 1500 75 WoodSpt 113RitaJanell3TnGaIlt 8 May26431Bel 58wc l01sy 42 H6 4 4 3 ° 45 PetcrsM8 1750 67 Zacama 114PderedMilkll2BigRid 10 Mayl Bel 58wc l00ft 9 113 4 2 2 ° k 3 RobtnA2 2500 74 Sirlette 113MoreWinelllGryVicty 6 Mayll431Bel 58wc 59ft 215 113 1 3 32 73 BrooksS8 1500 79 RitaJne 108ToolmtrlllWdSpirit 14 Mar26434FG 14 s 23sl 1310 fll6 1 1 31 BrooksS8 2500 OurAdve 116CapEdiell6VaIBrt 12 Mar2043FG 14 s 23 sy 215 115 2 2 31 BrooksS3 3000 Czech Lass 119 Chovasco 119SirLo 10 Mad8434FG 14 22ft 8J 117 6 5 823 BrooksS Allw FlygJulia U HalfSmaHinJoeyB 12 May 31 Bel 38 ft 39h May 23 Bel 58 si l04h May 8 Bel 58ft lK3h lK3hGnf Gnf vjui Hattervjui Thprp iiicic 1 07 B f 2 by Reaping Reward Madfinis by Mad Hatter vJ Breeder Browning Mrs Sackett 1943 5 1 0 1 1275 1275Owner Owner Hazel N Thorn Trainer 13 C Winfrey S2500 S2500May31431Bel May31431Bel 58wc 59ft 4 105 5 5 42i 4 GivensC3 2700 73 BrMrine 116Docdghll6USSaIte 7 7JIayl9434Bel JIayl9434Bel 58vc 59sy T2 113 3 4 47 4 GrohsO3 Allw 67 DosFst 1130r theDamlOSChicSy 5 5May May 5432Jam 58 102 ft 710 4111 1 1 I4 1 GivensC2 2000 75 Sunnyton H6ScySongll6RkMart 6 6Apt27433Jam Apt27433Jam 58 l00ft 5 115 3 4 44i 57 GilbertJ Mdn 78 Th oGldllSEvergtllODntlsGal 12 12Apc22435Jam Apc22435Jam 58 102 102sy sy 12 115 7 8 4G 34 GilbertJ1 Mdn 69 DareMe 115SantaStefana lOSVietta 8 8June June 5 Jam 38 ft 38b May 29 Jaml2 ft 49h May 25 Jam 12 ft 50b 50bBluP BluP uiuc Teddyuiuc Juan Sn h TOR Dk b f 2 by Granville Princess Alice by Teddy 1275Owner UO Breeder Mares Nest Stud 1943 3 1 1 0 1275 Owner Greentree Stable Trainer J M Gaver S2500 S2500May27WBc May27WBc 58wc 103 m 65 fl6 4 2 24 In GilbcrtJO 2500 64 DaunsGal 116RockMtll6BeBque 9 9Ma Ma 20431Bcl 58wc l00m 15 114 3 1 1 2 GiibertJ6 2500 73 Doggonell4DtlsGal 113LyJanice 6 6Mayl3431Bel4if Mayl3431Bel4if we 55 gd 18 116 14 10 11s II12 Gilbert J9 2500 67 PpyMissll6DtIessGal 116Dogbne 18 18June June 2 Bel 58 m l05h May 26 Bel 38 sy 37h May 24 Bel 58 ft l03h l03hDauntleSS Luuiiuc DauntleSS LuculliteLuuiiuc d Gal vaul VVi M 108 UO Ch f 2f by Amercan Flag Daunt by Lucullite Breeder W H Gallagher 1943 6 022 975 Owner 975Owner W H Gallagher Trainer W A Kelley S2500 S2500Maj27431Bel Maj27431Bel 58wc 103 m 165 116 1 1 1J 2 LgdenJS 2500 64 BlueSh lieRockMtlieBIeBasique 9 Maj20431Bcl 58wcl00m 75 113 1 5 2 34I LongdenJ2 2500 72 Doggne 114BlueSashll4fLyJanice 6 Ma 13431Bcl 4 f vc 55 gd It 116 5 1 l i 2 AtksonTi6 2500 79 PepyMiss 116Doggonell6LyJanice 18 May 4434Jam 58101 ft 6J 115 5 v3 37 4 AtkinsonT4 Mdn 71 DamkRose 115Flashll5DkMaiden 6 Apt27433Jam 5810075ft 51 115 5 5 57i 37 AtksonT Mdn 8 Thd oGldll5EvergtllOStaStefa 12 Apd9432Jam 58 102 gd 20 111 8 9 91 6 AtksonT9 2500 61 DonitasFirst 108Pidall4PIureHour 9 June 5 Jam 12 ft 51b 51bHiah Hiah Timeinyii i North uiiu X Tfift Br f 2 by Menow North Riding by High Time inyii WO Breederf Howe Stable 1943 2 1 0 1 1075 1075Owner Owner Howe Stable Trainer P M Burch S2500 May 5431Jam 58 l02ft 1 108 3 2 lh In AtkinnTS c500 72 Doggone 116GceTamml08LJanice 7 Apt20431Pim 4J f 58hy 95 113 3 2 31 32I WanderE1 2COO 68 Nibble 120 Fircsticky 117 Revive 8 June 5 Aqu 58 ft 105b June 3 Aqu 12 gd 49b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1943060701/drf1943060701_16_4
Local Identifier: drf1943060701_16_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800